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20 Jan 21:35

Dog Commands

by Doug
20 Jan 20:43

WALL-E is Verging Into Documentary Territory


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Tagged: murica , wall.e , pixar , obesity
19 Jan 21:45

Newswire: Six seasons and a promo: Community announces return date

by Erik Adams

As was prophesied by The Cape Joke Heard ’Round The World, Community has reached the sixth-season mark, thanks to Yahoo. And now, thanks to the Television Critics Association winter press tour, we know when that sixth season will premiere: March 17, on the world’s few remaining screens that aren’t exclusively devoted to MeowMeowBeenz. Two episodes of the show will debut on Yahoo Screen that day, with one new episode per week rolling out on the Tuesdays that follow. “Maybe old-school is the best school,” showrunner Dan Harmon told the TV press, in reference to the season’s traditional scheduling. “It is for rap!”

Considering what little was known about the show’s sixth season heading into the TCAs, the panel provided a wealth of information in addition to the premiere date and Harmon’s hip-hop preferences: Further details emerged about characters played by Paget Brewster and Keith David ...

19 Jan 21:07

Scientific Sushi Art Is The Best Sushi Art

by Robbie Gonzalez

Scientific Sushi Art Is The Best Sushi Art

Japanese chef Takayo "Tama-cha" Kiyota uses carefully arranged food to create cross-sectional sushi-roll art. Her subjects include everything from popular iconography to Japanese demons, but I'm particularly impressed by the rolls with some scientific flair. This single roll depicts different stages of embryological development, depending on where it's cut.


19 Jan 21:07

‘Kim Jong-un: Friend or Foe’, North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un Reimagined as Pop Culture Heroes and Villains

by Justin Page


Kim Jong-un: Friend or Foe is an illustrated project by Brazilian artist Butcher Billy (previously) that reimagines North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un as various pop culture heroes and villians. More images from Billy’s art project are available to view on Tumblr and Behance.

Butcher Billy. Giving North Korean supreme leaders what they really want: a place in worldwide pop culture stardom.

Kim Jong-Un Friend Or Foe Project

Darth Vader

Captain America


Kim Jong-Un Friend Or Foe Project

Kim Jong-Un Friend Or Foe Project

images via Butcher Billy

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

19 Jan 21:07

3 Important Things To Remember About The Academy Awards

It’s kinda like Congress, so the following should come as no surprise.

A Los Angeles Times report from last June on diversity among Academy Awards voters found that the vast majority of the 6,000+ people who vote for Oscar nominations are white people.

A Los Angeles Times report from last June on diversity among Academy Awards voters found that the vast majority of the 6,000+ people who vote for Oscar nominations are white people.

Which explains how this happened.

Getty Images/iStockphoto feedough

Most of those people are guys.

Most of those people are guys.

Which explains how this happened

Getty Images/iStockphoto SergiyN

And they're all hella old.

And they're all hella old.

Which might explain how this happened.

Getty Images/iStockphoto g-stockstudio

View Entire List ›

19 Jan 21:04

Son, we don't play those games

19 Jan 20:55

At Least They're Honest

19 Jan 20:41

sleepiestprince: creampuffanatomy: And Starlord was born holy...



And Starlord was born

holy shit

19 Jan 20:39

cheeks-74: Inspiring!



19 Jan 20:36


19 Jan 20:36

deep-dark-fears: A fear submitted by liamkruger to deep dark...


A fear submitted by liamkruger to deep dark fears. Check out prints and stuff at the deep dark fears store.

19 Jan 19:46

New Foo Fighters Song Improvised Onstage

by Miss Cellania

(YouTube link)

The Foo Fighters played a concert in Chile on Thursday. The crowd was excited and wanted to sing. Dave Grohl went with it, and gave everyone in attendance a moment to remember. Contains NSFW language.

This was posted to reddit, where the comment pile-on was stopped in its tracks when 8v9 delivered the ultimate pun/burn:

19 Jan 14:35

The Pope weighs in on climate change by saying man “continuously slaps nature in the face”

by Lily Kuo
Crowds gather to see Pope Francis in Manila.

Wrapping up his visit to the Philippines this week, Pope Francis stirred up controversy by taking an unequivocal stance on climate change and calling on the international community to step up during United Nations climate talks in November.

“I don’t know if it is all (man’s fault) but the majority is, for the most part, it is man who continuously slaps nature in the face,” he told reporters. “We have in a sense taken over nature.” Scripted remarks that the Pope did not read out go on to say, “As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to make the earth a beautiful garden for the human family. When we destroy our forests, ravage our soil and pollute our seas, we betray that noble calling.”

The pope’s comments are particularly fitting in the Philippines, an island country that has been hard-hit by typhoons and other extreme weather, and is expected to be severely impacted by rising sea levels. Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 left over 7,000 people missing or dead. Things could get worse. US scientists  announced last week that 2014 was the hottest year on record, with temperatures about 0.68 Celsius or 1.24 Fahrenheit above average and unusually warm ocean surfaces that fuel storms.

Predictably, climate change deniers are denouncing the pope’s message. “The Vatican apparently now has been infiltrated by followers of a radical green movement,” read an editorial in Investors Business Daily. And conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh said, “The Vicar of Christ believes man is not part of nature?…My religious beliefs are one of many things that inform me that we couldn’t have any impact on the climate, the planet, the globe, creation, no matter what, no matter how much we wanted to. It’s beyond our reach.”

19 Jan 14:33

10 especies que parecen de ciencia ficción

by Santiago Campillo
10 especies que parecen de ciencia ficción

¿Cuales son las especies más extrañas con las que nos hemos topado? Este mundo es enorme para poder decirlo con toda seguridad. Lo que sí podemos afirmar es que las siguientes especies son asombrosas, extrañas y llamativas como pocas en el reino animal.

¿Cuales son las especies más extrañas de este planeta? Algunas de ellas parecen directamente sacadas de películas de ciencia ficción. Hoy os presentamos algunas que probablemente ni si quiera pensabas que pudieran existir.

Algunas parecen quimeras, es decir, mezclas fantásticas entre varios animales. Otras parecen imposibles. Las hay curiosas, llamativas, feas o complicadas. Pero desde luego, entre las especies más extrañas si algo abunda es el asombro que nos suelen provocar. Hoy os presentamos algunas de ellas, traídas de todo el mundo. Desde ciervos con colmillos a los cerdos de mar, que parecen sacados de Half-Life, estas diez especies podrían haber sido diseñadas para alguna película. Pero existen gracias a su especialización para sobrevivir en terrenos concretos. Estas especies demuestran que la evolución no siempre apuesta por las ventajas. A veces (o más bien siempre) disfruta con un poco de caos en su puesta en escena.

La tortuga sin caparazón

animales más extraños

Fuente: Discovery World

La tortuga de Cantor, o Pelochelys cantorii es probablemente una de las especies más extrañas de tortuga del mundo. Su apariencia, como imaginaréis, llama la atención en el momento en el que te das cuenta de que carece de caparazón. Su dorso, blando y aplanado, se forma debido a la unión de las costillas sobre las que se deposita la piel, dura y correosa. Para defenderse, Pelochelys cantorii se pasa casi todo el tiempo hundida en el fango. Se alimenta de moluscos varios que encuentra en el río y actualmente está catalogada como una especie amenazada.

El dragón azul

Glaucus atlanticus es una preciosa babosa marina. Parece mentira poder unir estas dos palabras, pero los nudibranquios se encuentran entre las especies más bonitas del mundo. Y no solo por Glaucus. Propio de aguas templadas y tropicales, el dragón azul no necesita esconderse para protegerse: es terriblemente tóxico. Para ello, consume medusas tales como Physalia phisalis, o carabela portuguesa, seleccionando los nematocistos y toxinas que porta para luego usarlos en su beneficio. El color azul parece avisar, precisamente, del peligro, además de darle a Glaucus una increíble elegancia.

El pez "corta bolas"

Fuente: Imgkid

Fuente: Imgkid

El Myleus pacu es un pez propio de las aguas dulces de Latinoamérica y ahora introducido en Papúa. Su característica más llamativa, sin duda, es la dentadura que tiene, algo que resulta insólito. Los peces desarrollan los dientes de una manera bastante distinta a cómo lo hacemos los mamíferos. Ni su finalidad ni su funcionamiento coinciden por lo que es bastante curioso ver como su mandíbula se parece extrañamente a la de los seres humanos. Además resulta bastante potente. Tanto que algunos pescadores llaman a este pez el "corta-bolas" debido a su supuesta manía de atacar directamente a la entrepierna.

El cerdo de Mar

animales más extraños

Fuente: Gallery Hip

No es un mamífero, ni tan si quiera un cordado. Las tres especies de Scotoplanes sp. pertenecen al mundo de las holoturias, los pepinos de mar. Pero se les parecen más bien poco. Estos equinodermos podrían estar sacados de un videojuego y nadie diría nada. Son los únicos pepinos de mar capaces de usar sus pequeños apéndices como si de patas se tratasen. De esta manera se mueven a lo largo y ancho del fondo profundo marino, pues para verlos hay que bajar unos 1.000 metros al lecho del mar.

 El saiga

animales más extraños

Fuente: WFN

Si mezclamos el rostro de un elefante con el de un antílope probablemente nos encontremos con un saiga. el Saiga tatarica me recuerda, no se por qué, a algunas películas de ciencia ficción donde los animales tienen ese aire alienígena pero familiar. Es propio de las estepas de asia y su esperanza de vida ronda entre los 6 y los 10 años. El valor de sus cuernos para la medicina china ha provocado que esta especie se encuentre en estos momentos en un estado de conservación crítico.

La rana púrpura

Propia del sur de la india, Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis es una de las especies más extrañas por su aspecto. Aunque la historia de su descubrimiento es curiosa, a nivel taxonómico, lo más llamativo de este animal es sin duda su apariencia. Es como si hubieran cogido un sapo enorme y lo hubieran sobrealimentado hasta que se pareciese a un pequeño cerdito. Esta rana se pasa casi todo el tiempo escondida, saliendo solo durante dos semanas seguidas para procrear y mientras tanto se alimentan bajo tierra principalmente de termitas. Se encuentra listada entre las especies amenazadas.

El unicornio de mar

animales más extraños

Fuente: Wikipedia

El narval, o Monodon monoceros, es uno de los grandes conocidos entre las especies más extrañas. No por nada su "cuerno" es fruto de muchísimas leyendas. Solo los machos disponen de dicho cuerno que es en realidad un colmillo que se proyecta fuera de la mandíbula y a través de la piel formando el cuerno retorcido. Por ello mismo todavía no queda clara su función, si es que la tiene, pero podría ser perfectamente un carácter sexual secundario, es decir, un reclamo de apareamiento, aunque se le atribuyen otras propiedades. Aunque ya conocemos a estos primos de las belugas todavía hay muchos misterios rodeando al unicornio de mar.

El demonio de la montaña

animales más extraños

Fuente: Wikipedia

El Moloch horridus es intimidante y curioso a la vez. Su aspecto puntiagudo y su naturaleza reptiliana hace que levante la expectación de muchos y el asco de otros. Sin embargo es fascinante. Las "espinas" de su piel, además de defensa sirven para acumular el agua, escasa en el desierto australiano, y dirigirla por capilaridad a su boca. Además presenta una "falsa cabeza" de la que puede desprenderse en caso del ataque de un depredador. El Moloch come hormigas y se suele enroscar a modo de defensa. Eso sí, a pesar del terrible nombre y su feo aspecto, el demonio de la montaña es completamente inofensivo.

Los ciervos con colmillos

animales más extraños

Fuente: Zoochat

Los mósquidos, o ciervos almizcleros, son una rara familia parientes de los ciervos comunes. Más pequeños que éstos, los caninos de los machos se proyectan hacia abajo como si colmillos se tratasen. Además poseen glándulas azmicleras, lo que les da el nombre a estas especies. El almizcle se ha usado siempre para obtener perfume, no solo procedente de los mósquidos sino también de otros animales. El género Moschus se encuentra al completo en peligro o en una situación vulnerable. Su costumbre solitaria y su interés por el almizcle o su piel han jugado una baza en su contra.

La hormiga panda

Fuente: Pybio

Fuente: Pybio

La hormiga de terciopelo, panda o mutílida no es en realidad una hormiga. De hecho es una avispa de la familia Mutillidae. Estas avispas son conocidas por la dolorosa picadura que presentan, aunque su característica probablemente más llamativa sea su color. En blanco y negro o rojo y oscuro, la hormiga panda parece un bizarro cruce entre un oso asiático y un insecto. Las hembras carecen de alas y, aunque emparentadas con las hormigas, son bastante diferentes en muchos sentidos. También se les conoce como asesinas de vacas, podéis imaginar por qué.

19 Jan 14:31

deep-dark-fears: An anonymous fear submitted to deep dark...

19 Jan 14:28

The Old Battery looking beautiful this morning here in St. John's, Newfoundland!

19 Jan 14:28

child-of-thecosmos: "Exploration is in our nature. We began as...


"Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars." - Carl Sagan

Wanderers is a vision of humanity’s expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Watch the breathtaking short film on Vimeo.

18 Jan 11:43


18 Jan 11:40

How secular family values stack up - LA Times

How secular family values stack up - LA Times:

inmi: Because in west Michigan - I often feel that my non religious family sticks out like a sore thumb, and have at times been judged for our lack of religion…I found this op-Ed to reflect what I already knew about my own little family: we’re still pretty darn okay people.

i’m part of that 11% from my generation that grew up in a secular household. my parents identify as agnostic, while i identify as atheist. unlike inmi's situation, it was relatively easy to be raised non-religious in southern california, which i can now appreciate.

really could pull-quote this whole article, but i’ll go with this one:

My own ongoing research among secular Americans … confirms that nonreligious family life is replete with its own sustaining moral values and enriching ethical precepts. Chief among those: rational problem solving, personal autonomy, independence of thought, avoidance of corporal punishment, a spirit of “questioning everything” and, far above all, empathy.

i was chiefly raised by my mom, whom i credit for instilling in me an undying curiosity as well as a strong sense of empathy. and i want to note, my mom encouraged me to go to churches and places of worship with my friends’ families. she left the question of religion and god up to me, without judgement. and that was probably the best gift she gave me.

18 Jan 11:39


18 Jan 11:38

Mirrored Tokyo

by Valentin

L’internaute japonais Darwinfish105 a réalisé une magnifique video dans laquelle il s’est amusé à dupliquer la ville de Tokyo grâce un effet miroir appliqué à des vues d’ensemble de milieux urbains. Un véritable dédoublement de personnalité urbain à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

Mirrored Tokyo_10 Mirrored Tokyo_9 Mirrored Tokyo_8 Mirrored Tokyo_7 Mirrored Tokyo_6 Mirrored Tokyo_5 Mirrored Tokyo_4 Mirrored Tokyo_3 Mirrored Tokyo_2 Mirrored Tokyo_1 Mirrored Tokyo_0
18 Jan 11:26

January 17, 2015

Realizing I hardly ever post anything in this blog. Probably nobody checks it much any more. Penguins penguins penguins penguins penguins.
18 Jan 11:21

A Rare Flipped Iceberg in Antarctica Photographed by Alex Cornell

by Christopher Jobson







While on an expedition to Antarctica last month, photographer Alex Cornell witnessed a massive iceberg flip, revealing a strangely translucent blue underside that’s completely free of snow and debris. According to Science World, almost 90% of any given iceberg is below the surface, making iceberg flips extremely rare. Much larger iceberg flips are even capable of causing tsunamis that can overtake nearby ships. You can see more photos from Cornells trip on his website. (via Colossal Submissions)

18 Jan 11:20


18 Jan 11:20

undergroundmonorail: cactiofficial: pyronoid-d: text-mode: Th...





The Morris worm or Internet worm of November 2, 1988 was one of the first computer worms distributed via the Internet. It was written by a student at Cornell University, Robert Tappan Morris, and launched on November 2, 1988 from MIT.

It’s trapped on a floppy tho this is some dark shit it has been denied its purpose forever bound to this obsolete storage

am i glad it’s in there and we’re out here

people reading fantasy novels ask “why did the ancient ones seal the evil away for ten thousand years instead of just killing it” but then we go ahead and do this shit

18 Jan 11:19

Enchanting European Landscapes Inspired by Brothers Grimm Folk Tales Photographed by Kilian Schönberger

by Christopher Jobson









Brothers Grimm’s Wanderings is the second in a series of European landscape photographs by Kilian Schönberger (previously) intended to reflect the feeling of Brothers Grimm folk tales. Schönberger travels to locations around central Europe and imagines what the real-life backdrop of stories like Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, or Snow White would look like. To see the first part of the series check out Brothers Grimm’s Homeland.

13 Jan 20:53

Google Throws Microsoft Under Bus, Then Won't Patch Android Flaw

by timothy
An anonymous reader writes Last month, Google took the bold steps to release the details of a security vulnerability ahead of Microsoft. Microsoft responded and said that there was a patch in works which was set to be released two days after Google went live with the details. Microsoft accuses Google for refusing to wait an extra 48 hours so that the patch would have been released along with the details of the exploit. Now, let's see what is happening on the Google side of software development. Recently, an exploit has been uncovered in the WebView component of Android 4.3 — estimated to cover roughly 60% of Android install base — and Google is saying that they will not patch the flaw. Google's only reasoning seems to be that they are not fixing vulnerabilities in 4.3 (introduced in June 2012) anymore, as they have moved focus to newer releases. It would appear that over 930 million Android phones in use are out of official Google security patch support.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

13 Jan 20:51

Affectionate Murals on the Streets of Italy by Millo

by Christopher Jobson









Italian artist Francesco Camillo Giorgino, known as Millo, paints large-scale murals that feature friendly inhabitants exploring their urban setting. He uses simple black and white lines with dashes of color when necessary, and often incorporates elements of architecture into his multi-story paintings. In 2014, Millo won the B.Art competition that gave him the opportinity to paint no less than 13 large murals in the city of Turin. You can see much more of his work on his website, and on Facebook. (via Doodlers Anonymous)

13 Jan 20:41

These are the top-25 photos from Flickr in 2014

by Bhautik Joshi

From the hundreds of millions of photos uploaded on Flick in 2014, these 25 bubbled to the top.

Though beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we’ve compiled this list based on a number of engagement and community factors. The photos were scored by looking at a combination of social and interactive elements, including how often the photo had been faved and viewed, among others.

There were several community members who appeared in the list several times; we picked their top-scoring image. We saw three of the Flickr 20under20 winners represented in the list. And it was perhaps little surprise the the European Space Agency’s Rosetta Philae photo made the cut. We also included four honorable mentions because we loved them so much.

Congratulations to these amazing photographers!


Uploaded on 1/10/2014 by aleshurik

Nightly shower 130812 F4332

Uploaded on 2/17/2014 by PeteHuu

p e r s i s t | lofoten, norway

Uploaded on 4/13/2014 by elmofoto

Wherever you lay your head

Uploaded on 2/26/2014 by rosiehardy


Uploaded on 4/24/2014 by LJ.


Uploaded on 8/12/2014 by Alexandr Tikki


Uploaded on 5/19/2014 by yard2380

Night Reading

Uploaded on 1/21/2014 by laurawilliams

"Besides my dad, she was the only one in my family who was like this..."

Uploaded on 3/11/2014 by humansofny

loopy sky

Uploaded on 5/1/2014 by SoulRiser

Bear Lake - Pentax 67 + Portra 400

Uploaded on 8/1/2014 by

NAVCAM top 10 at 10 km – 10

Uploaded on 11/11/2014 by europeanspaceagency

Oil Pastels

Uploaded on 3/11/2014 by WideEyedIlluminations

Here, once again

Uploaded on 1/1/2014 by Deltalex.


Uploaded on 3/22/2014 by Masa

Such is the price of leaving

Uploaded on 4/28/2014 by Whitney Justesen

I will learn to love the skies I'm under.

Uploaded on 6/4/2014 by David Uzochukwu

on the neighbour's grounds

Uploaded on 3/20/2014 by Rosie Anne

The Dreamy Coast

Uploaded on 1/7/2014 by Rob Macklin


Uploaded on 3/24/2014 by davideluciano

Little Sherlock

Uploaded on 1/19/2014 by Adrian Sommeling

Pyramid Barn

Uploaded on 1/14/2014 by stevoarnold

HIPA, a non-profit photography show for the east of England in 2015, we are currently trying to raise the profile of the event to attract sponsorship, so if you feel like visiting the site and 'liking' the page it would help hugely, many thanks

Uploaded on 4/24/2014 by rastaschas

Fim de tarde

Uploaded on 6/7/2014 by Johnson Barros


Uploaded on 8/8/2014 by alexcurrie

Red Anemone

Uploaded on 3/31/2014 by j man.

The Backyard Falcon

Uploaded on 1/14/2014 by Avanaut

"And when it all comes crashing down, who will you be?" - Miles Away

Uploaded on 6/14/2014 by The Change Is Me.


Uploaded on 2/27/2014 by oprisco