Shared posts

14 Jul 15:45

Guillermo del Toro: 'Pacific Rim 2' Starts Shooting This Fall

Giant monsters are ready for revenge against the giant robots. Pacific Rim 2 is locked and loaded, and director Guillermo del Toro tells Yahoo Movies that the sequel will start shooting in November.

After a few pushed release dates, the kaiju movie is currently set to come out Aug. 4, 2017.

Del Toro, who helmed the upcoming gothic horror film Crimson Peak, alsostarring Rim actor Charlie Hunnam, hasn’t revealed much about the sequel’s story. But he does tell us that he and his team are in the middle of designing the robots and the kaiju for Rim 2. “We have an epic battle at the end [that] we started designing a couple weeks ago,” he added.

14 Jul 15:30

ellyjstahl: Hacked printer error messages


Hacked printer error messages

14 Jul 14:00

maggiesox: anthfan: TOO SOON!! I AM A LEAF ON THE WIND.





13 Jul 21:40

Today, There Was a Rainbow Over Nintendo's Kyoto Headquarters

by Brian Ashcraft

The weather was partly cloudy today in Kyoto. But through the clouds, a rainbow was apparently spotted in the sky over Nintendo’s headquarters.


13 Jul 21:36

...tô tentando acompanhar o ritmo da vida.

13 Jul 21:35

Pluto's latest photo shows geologic features

by Mariella Moon
As the New Horizons probe gets closer to Pluto, the pictures its cameras capture also get clearer. Take for example the black-and-white image above: it's no longer just a blob or an extremely blurry circle. Sure, it's not as sharp as we'd all like it...
13 Jul 16:50

Clever cloaks: Unique metamaterials preserve phase while guiding surface waves around ultrasharp corners and bumps


a.k.a. Stealth Boy

(—Today's photonic and plasmonic devices – the latter based on surface plasmons (a coherent delocalized electron oscillations that exist at the interface between metal and dielectric) and combining the small size and manufacturability of electronics with the high speeds of optics – need the ability to guide surface electromagnetic waves around disorder, such as ultrasharp corners and bumps, without disturbing the wave amplitude or phase. That being said, achieving this preservation of phase and amplitude has been difficult due to the fact that light momentum must be conserved in a scattering event (that is, when electromagnetic radiation or particles are deflected or diffused by localized non-uniformities in the medium through which that radiation is passing). However, scientists at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology created (so-called invisibility) cloaks based on specifically-designed nonmagnetic anisotropic, or directionally dependent, metamaterials that achieve nearly ideal transmission efficiency over a broadband frequency range. The researchers state that results the viability of applying transformation optics – which applies metamaterials to produce spatial variations, derived from coordinate transformations, which can direct chosen bandwidths of electromagnetic radiation – to plasmonic circuits, and in so doing could lead to high-performance, large-scale integrated photonic circuits.
13 Jul 13:18

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Village and the Tower

13 Jul 13:18

Frozach Submitted

13 Jul 13:14

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Village and the Tower


Hovertext: This comic is an allegory for, of course, the 1896 presidential elections.

New comic!
Today's News:
10 Jul 21:44

Microsoft aprasenta na Comic-Con exclusiva trilha sonora em vinil de Battletoads


A Microsoft irá comemorar a história da desenvolvedora Rare com o lançamento do Rare Replay ainda este ano, uma coleção de 30 jogos produzidos pela empresa nas últimas décadas. Entre eles Banjo-Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, Conker e Battletoads. Mas a Microsoft está fazendo ainda mais para comemorar .

A empresa mostrou dois novos itens para Comic-Con em San Diego: uma trilha sonora de Battletoads em vinil, ilustrado com uma exclusiva (e belíssima) artwork; e um cartaz comemorativo do 30º aniversário da Rare.




A trila de Battletoads em vinil estará disponível ao público em breve. A edição traz a trilha sonora de David Wise , e a arte fica a cargo de Nick Gazin. 300 exemplares estarão disponível no show por US$ 25 cada.

Medindo 18 x 24 polegadas, a impressão do cartaz será toda feita a mão, num total de 400 exemplares para a Comic-Con. Cada um vai custar $50. A iam8bit anunciou que uma edição em material impresso será produzida para a venda ao público.

Será que isso são pistas para a concretização do remake de Battletoads na GamesCom, em agosto?

The post Microsoft aprasenta na Comic-Con exclusiva trilha sonora em vinil de Battletoads appeared first on PXB.

10 Jul 21:34

One-Minute Time Machine

by Brad

In this cleverly crafted sci-fi comedy short film about a woman, a man and his quirky one-minute time machine, James gets all too trigger-happy with rewinding back in time while trying to swoon a beautiful woman at a park, all the while unaware of the gruesome consequences of his actions.

10 Jul 16:22

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Babies


Hovertext: Psychologist: OOH! A significant sample size!

New comic!
Today's News:

Just over a week to get your submissions in for BAHFest. We still need a lot more to make these shows go, so please consider contributing! 

09 Jul 16:06

incidentalcomics: How to Climb a Hill


How to Climb a Hill

09 Jul 16:05

∞ the forever city ∞ 

the forever city  

09 Jul 16:03


by say
09 Jul 16:02

Beautifully Detailed Illustrations Created From Spilled Coffee, Wine and Chocolate

by Lori Dorn


Italian artist Giula Bernadelli takes playing with one’s food to a whole new level when she creates beautifully detailed and delicate illustrations using spilled coffee, wine and chocolate. Bernadelli recently spoke with Huffington Post France about how she gets her inspiration.

I never plan my work in advance, I’m just my instinct based on what I’m doing. For example, when I drink coffee, I reflect on the nuances that I could create if I was flipping in the table. …At breakfast, I can imagine the footprints left by the cat who would have walked into the jam.

Love Hurts

Coffee Guardians

Alice in Wonderland

Karl Who

MM Eyes

Red Red Jungle

Time Slips

images via Giula Bernadelli

via Huffington Post France, My Modern Met

09 Jul 15:59

Mike Mitchell at SDCC.A selection of several prints that artist...

Mike Mitchell at SDCC.

A selection of several prints that artist Mike Mitchell will be releasing at San Diego Comic Con 2015, which starts Thursday July 9th and goes through Sunday, July 12th.  Mike will be set up in the Nucleus Booth #2643.  There will be a very limited amount of “Boycott” bags/shirts available for those lucky enough to grab one.  You can find updates on Mike’s Instagram.

09 Jul 15:58

“I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!” (photo via syuk)

“I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!” (photo via syuk)

09 Jul 15:58

Serious advertisements | #1240

by Daniel Nelson

Ads are mostly used by companies that want to market their product or service to make more money. But advertising is also used by organisations world wide to wake public awareness about important matters. Here’s 25 new really strong advertisments with messages that surely will grab your attention.

Brazilian Association of Organ Transplant
Go to image pageBrazilian Association of Organ Transplant

Éxito Mobile: Don't shoot yourselfie
Go to image pageÉxito Mobile: Don't shoot yourselfie

Covenant House Toronto: Home sweet home
Go to image pageCovenant House Toronto: Home sweet home

Prostate Cancer Prevention Campaign by Fuze Image Maker
Go to image pageProstate Cancer Prevention Campaign by Fuze Image Maker

Romanian Red Cross: Killer popcorn
Go to image pageRomanian Red Cross: Killer popcorn

Abrinq Foundation: Write a new story in the lives of those who need it.
Go to image pageAbrinq Foundation: Write a new story in the lives of those who need it.

Operation Smile
Go to image pageOperation Smile

Long Live NY: Signatures save life
Go to image pageLong Live NY: Signatures save life

Amnesty International: Little Mandela
Go to image pageAmnesty International: Little Mandela

Pro-Natura: Destruction of forests is a destruction of life
Go to image pagePro-Natura: Destruction of forests is a destruction of life

Act Responsible: The Shredder
Go to image pageAct Responsible: The Shredder

Environment friend
Go to image pageEnvironment friend

Menos 1 Lixo: We are the oceans biggest predator
Go to image pageMenos 1 Lixo: We are the oceans biggest predator

Drink your pollution
Go to image pageDrink your pollution

ea Shepherd: Graveyard
Go to image pageea Shepherd: Graveyard

Water changes everything
Go to image pageWater changes everything

Ecovia: Not using a booster seat can kill
Go to image pageEcovia: Not using a booster seat can kill

Choose one or the other. Never both.
Go to image pageChoose one or the other. Never both.

Plastic Bomb
Go to image pagePlastic Bomb

Volkswagen: Don't text and drive
Go to image pageVolkswagen: Don't text and drive

Hearing voices?
Go to image pageHearing voices?

Ms. Foundation for Women Annual Report
Go to image pageMs. Foundation for Women Annual Report

World Hunger Poster by Jeff_Stein
Go to image pageWorld Hunger Poster by Jeff_Stein

28 Too Many by Ogilvy & Mather
Go to image page28 Too Many by Ogilvy & Mather

Letters can kill 2 by Lightfarm Studios
Go to image pageLetters can kill 2 by Lightfarm Studios

If you would like to send us suggestions for these galleries, please click on the button “Submit” located in the header, and fill out the form. And don’t forget to subscribe to the RSS-feed and follow From up North on Twitter + Facebook to get all the latest updates.

09 Jul 15:51

gifak-net: Video:  Dog Steals Hose and Sprays His Owner

08 Jul 20:36

Oh God, Someone Ran Fear and Loathing Through Google's Neural Network

by Adam Clark Estes on Gizmodo, shared by Ria Misra to io9

By now, the entire internet’s realized that Deep Dream, Google’s artificial neural network, is capable of some pretty trippy images. But what happens when you run a movie about acid trips through the acid trip generator? Fear and Loathing in your worst nightmares, that’s what.


08 Jul 20:34


08 Jul 19:26

VICE Vs Video Games: These Are Our Favourite Video Games of 2015 (So Far)

by Mike Diver

Screen shot from episode two of 'Life is Strange,' via YouTube.

This article originally appeared on VICE UK.

It's a fallacy, utterly, to say that summertime means no new video games, because there is a handful of potential greatness coming up in the next couple of months. Volume arrives on the August 18, and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture just a week before that, both Sony console exclusives; the Rare Replay collection (so excited, but I'm old) will be released on August 4 for Xbox One, and The Flame in the Flood at the end of July; and good-looking isolated-cabin horror Until Dawn is finally out on August 26.

But given that a great many gamers won't be rushing to these niche delights (compared to what comes in September, anyway, with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Mad Max, FIFA 16, LEGO Dimensions, and Super Mario Maker), it does make sense to use this period of relative commercial calm to remind everyone of the games of 2015 so far that have been really special. Not necessarily the best the year's had to offer so far, but favourites, certainly.

I asked Twitter a very simple question: What 2015 game would you recommend to a friend? I read the replies, and this is what I've been left with: five brilliant games from the past six months that you should pick up now.

Life is Strange

(Recommended by games journalist Jem Alexander and video games PR Robbie Paterson, who doesn't work this game so shush it, you)

Parisian studio Dontnod's five-part episodic adventure game puts you in the shoes of teenager Max, back on her childhood stamping ground of Arcadia Bay, Oregon after time away in Seattle. She reconnects with old friends, gets on with her education at Blackwell Academy, and discovers she has the ability to rewind time. Which is ever so useful for avoiding falling lighthouses, changing her mind about the best means to intervene between argumentative supporting characters, and pulling loved ones out of the way of oncoming trains. It's a leisurely paced, somewhat meditative experience, now three episodes deep, full of wonderful licensed music (including Bright Eyes, Mogwai, and Sparklehorse) and atmospheric lighting. Gentle puzzles, little fetch quests, and lots of dialogue give Life is Strange a point-and-click accessibility, and the affecting relationship between Max and best friend Chloe keeps the player locked in for the full five installments—the next will be out soon.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

(Recommended by's Jamie Trinca and Unwinnable managing editor Owen R. Smith)

Polish developers CD Projekt RED have delivered a fantasy role-playing game of amazing scale with the third main entry in their Witcher series, which sees the player assume the role of a professional monster hunter whose usual quarries take a back seat to the pursuit of his adopted daughter. If you've ever yearned for a Red Dead Redemption-style open-world adventure, but with a Game of Thrones-recalling aesthetic draped across its epic landscapes, this is the game for you. I'm on my second playthrough, and I'm regularly finding previously unseen extras—absorbing side-quests, new dialogue with shady might-be allies, shiny armor, and lethal blades that I'd missed first time around. The depth of this game is unreal. The Witcher 3 is where I go to when I need picking up, its world of magic and menace utterly entrancing, completely escapist, and yours to explore almost however you see fit. If you stopped the year right now, this would be my favourite game of 2015.

Related: VICE's documentary on eSports

Or for something very different: The New Era of Canadian Sex Work

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

(Recommended by games journalists Chris Schilling and Sayem Ahmed)

Capcom's portable behemoth is like The Witcher 3 in the sense that your avatar has a penchant for tracking and slaying foul beasts, but its design is based around much shorter sessions, its maps compact but varied of terrain. Pick your contract, scoff a meal to activate perks, armor up as best as you can afford, and hit the plains, caves, and deserts in search of guts-spilling glory. 4 Ultimate is the first 3DS Monster Hunter to support online multiplayer, so there's fun to be had stalking and stabbing in the company of friends, ganging up on creatures that one player alone would struggle to beat. (Although it's still best played in local co-op, so you can shout instructions at your wingmen.) It looks sharp on the 3DS screen, with fewer rough edges than expected; the 3D doesn't make you vomit up your breakfast on the train to work; the music is completely charming, likewise cat-like Felyne companions; and improved movement, including the ability to scale rock faces and jump-attack enemies, makes this an addictive commute companion.


(Recommended by games journalists Rich McCormick and PJ O'Reilly)

I've never truly got along with either Dark Souls game, despite my best attempts, and Demon's Souls remains in my ever-growing pile of shame, untouched. But Bloodborne has at least eased my stress with From Software's series somewhat, showing that with a little dedication I can just about crack video games that are, basically, really bloody difficult. Hands up, I've not progressed super far in this meticulous hack-and-slasher, personally—to say that other distractions have come along is an understatement—but its gloom-kissed environments and bestiary of grotesque enemies to slaughter are beautiful in their grimness, and once I had perfected the counter attack (and you really do need to master it, as soon as possible, or else face a near-vertical struggle), I was doing away with Yharnam's horrors left, right, and center. Assuming I get the chance for any catching up myself this summer, this is the game I'll be turning to – once LEGO Jurassic World's polished off, of course. The cleric beast's got nothing on a blocky indominus rex.

On Motherboard: Original Gamer


(Recommended by me)

Last year, Mario Kart 8 was my I've-got-15-minutes-I'll-just-have-a-quick-spin go-to game. This spring, it's been Splatoon, Nintendo's frantic, funny, sometimes infuriating (but only ever for a few seconds) multiplayer shooter/decorator where the objective isn't the annihilation of the opposition team (of anthropomorphic squids in snapbacks and hi-tops, obviously), but the coating of the map in more of your squad's paint than your rivals. It's paintball meets de Blob meets Quake III meets Jet Set Radio meets everything you've always loved about Nintendo: quirky, colorful, instant to click, and effortless in its just-one-more-go addictiveness. Catchy music, too, from Zelda series composer Toru Minegishi and Shiho Fujii, who last worked on MK8—the kind that's still rattling around your head three hours after you've put down the GamePad. It won't keep you glued to your telly like The Witcher 3, for several hours in a single sitting, but if it's pick-me-up gaming for sizzling short-play sessions you're after, for crying out loud buy a Wii U already.

Look, yes, lots of good games have come out in 2015, so far. These are just five of them, as suggested by people on Twitter. If your favourite isn't here, it doesn't mean I think any less of you. You're just lovely, and you've got great taste in games. We can definitely be pals.

Follow Mike Diver on Twitter.

07 Jul 19:24

A Short and Sweet Look at NASA’s New Horizons Mission to Pluto

by Rollin Bishop

Wired has created a short and sweet look at NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto. The spacecraft–launched on January 19, 2006–is scheduled to fly by the former planet and current dwarf planet on July 14, 2015.

07 Jul 19:22

This House Hidden In A Cliff Has Amazingly Terrifying Views Of The Sea

by Dovas

Two Greek architects have created a striking house design called ‘Casa Brutale’ that perfectly complements the powerful concrete style known as brutalism – they’ve embedded their luxury brutalist home into a cliff, creating a severe yet inviting structure with an at once beautiful and terrifying view.

Architects Laertis Antonios Ando Vassiliou and Pantelis Kampouropoulos, who formed OPA Works together, envisioned the building concept as a “poetic homage to pure Brutalism.” The roof-top pool (at ground level) and underground walls help insulate the building and keep it cool.

There’s clearly something about cliffs that excites architects’ imaginations, because the architects at Modscape Concept also created an amazing cliff-face house concept.

More info: | Facebook (h/t: designyoutrust, demilked)










07 Jul 19:20

vintagegal: Beetlejuice (1988)


Beetlejuice (1988)

07 Jul 19:20


07 Jul 19:19

(via Imgur)

(via Imgur)

07 Jul 19:19

Meanwhile, in a parallel universe

by CommitStrip