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30 Oct 20:33

Quadrin 1/10/2014 - Piratas Do Tietê (Laerte)

by quadrin

Piratas Do Tietê Laerte
30 Oct 20:32

My wife is a water-colorist. Here is a painting she made for our niece.

30 Oct 20:32

Hey Jude, don't make it batter

12 Oct 10:36

Peter Stewart Captures Dizzyingly Vertical Portraits Of Hong Kong’s Skyscrapers

by Stephanie Chan

Peter Stewart - Photography

Peter Stewart - Photography

Peter Stewart - Photography

Peter Stewart - Photography

Photographer Peter Stewart captures the pulsating neon guts of Hong Kong from a unique perspective. Standing at the bottom of dizzying skyscrapers and towering apartment buildings, Stewart offers us a glimpse of modern architecture as a force of nature. Each floor of the buildings he photographs looks like the ring of a tree, surreal in their orderliness.

In an interview with The Creators Project, Stewart explains how he chooses his subjects. “All it takes really is a keen eye for finding the beauty in the monotonous,” he says. “The everyday structures that we often fail to appreciate.”

The collection is called “Stacked – Hong Kong,” a fitting name. From some angles, the buildings almost look like life-sized Lego blocks. Oddly, the photographs do not impart a sense of claustrophobia, but rather a peaceful calm. The bright colors and little personal flourishes — a balcony-dwelling plant here, a line of fresh laundry there — are tell-tale signs of human life. It’s almost a little too calm — where are all the city’s inhabitants?

Still, rather than looking post-apocalyptic, Stewart’s portrait of Hong Kong is dreamy rather than dismal. It’s as though the city is asleep or simply waiting, holding its breath.

(via Design Boom)

Peter Stewart - Photography Peter Stewart - Photography Peter Stewart - Photography

Peter Stewart - Photography

Peter Stewart - Photography

Peter Stewart - Photography Peter Stewart - Photography Peter Stewart - Photography Peter Stewart - Photography Peter Stewart - Photography

The post Peter Stewart Captures Dizzyingly Vertical Portraits Of Hong Kong’s Skyscrapers appeared first on Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design.

12 Oct 10:35

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12 Oct 10:21

Weird Crystal Can Absorb All The Oxygen In A Room -- And Then Release It Later

by Sarah Fecht

Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark say they’ve invented a crystal that pulls oxygen out of the air and even water. Apparently, just a spoonful of the stuff can suck up all the oxygen in a room. 

The Oxygen-Absorbing Material.
U. of Southern Denmark
The crystal is a salt made from cobalt*, and it appears to be capable of holding oxygen at a concentration that is 160 times higher than the air we breathe. The paper notes that "an excess" of the substance would bind up to 99 percent of the oxygen in a room.  

But what’s more remarkable is that the crystal can later release the oxygen when exposed to heat or low-oxygen conditions. In a press release, study author Christine McKenzie likens it to the hemoglobin in our blood, which uses iron to bind and release oxygen in the human body. 

If the substance lives up to its promises, it could have a lot of really cool applications—for example, feeding high concentrations of oxygen into hydrogen fuel cells, and lightening the load for lung patients who have to lug around heavy oxygen supplies. Also, scuba divers could potentially leave their tanks at home, says McKenzie. “A few grains contain enough oxygen for one breath, and as the material can absorb oxygen from the water around the diver and supply the diver with it, the diver will not need to bring more than these few grains."

The study was published in Chemical Science.

*If you must know, the chemical name of the salt is written out as [{(bpbp)Co2II(NO3)}2(NH2bdc)](NO3)2 * 2H2O, where “bpbp” stands for 2,6-bis(N,N-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-aminomethyl)-4-tert-butylphenolato, and “NH2bdc2” stands for 2-amino-1,4-benzenedicarboxylato). Don’t ask us how to pronounce all that.

12 Oct 10:13




12 Oct 10:10

Who Drinks The Most Beer And Wine In The World?

by Albert Burneko on Foodspin, shared by Albert Burneko to Deadspin

Who Drinks The Most Beer And Wine In The World?

The smart folks over at CompareCamp made a fun (and super-huge!) infographic of beer and wine knowledge. Among the interesting facts: Europeans are some damn boozehounds! They're drinking circles around us, America. Of special note is the Vatican, which trounces the world in per capita wine consumption; according to the chart, the average Vaticanian (or whatever) drinks seven times as much wine as the average American.


12 Oct 10:09

Newswire: Tom Hiddleston and Hugh Laurie to star in John le Carré TV series

by Caroline Siede

The famously British Tom Hiddleston and secretly British Hugh Laurie are teaming up for television. According to The Hollywood Reporter, both have signed on to star in a limited series adaptation of John le Carré’s novel The Night Manager. The 1993 spy thriller centers on Jonathan Pine, a soldier-turned-night manager at a luxurious hotel. Price becomes embroiled in espionage intrigue involving a beautiful woman, then later goes undercover to take down an upper-class black marketeer named Richard Onslow Roper. Le Carré’s novels have previously been fodder for TV and movie adaptations including Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, The Constant Gardener, and The Spy Who Came In From The Cold. Spooks writer David Farr will pen this adaptation.

The BBC will air the series in the U.K., while multiple U.S. networks have reportedly made offers for a straight-to-series pick-up. It will be the first return to TV for ...

12 Oct 09:51

This Happens Often Around Frat Houses

12 Oct 09:24

Photographer Marina Cano Captures Wild Animals in Their Most Unguarded Moments

by Gannon Burgett


Spanish photographer Marina Cano has been taking photographs since she was a teenager. Years later, she’s amassed an incredible portfolio and several awards for both her landscape and wildlife photography, the latter of which it’s taking all of our energy not to use ‘click-bait’ words to describe.

To capture her photographs, Cano spends many days out at wildlife reserves and in national parks, including Cabarceno Natural Park in her home country of Spain.

While on safaris through the parks, Cano frames and captures beautifully raw photographs of wildlife in their native habitats — unguarded, unspoiled and really quite wonderful.

At times, the photographs almost seem human as the majestic creatures she photographs convey powerful emotions through a stare or a chance interaction with a mate caught on film. From playful pachyderms to lazy lynxes, the images she shoots show off some of Africa and Europe’s most beautiful wildlife:






















If you’d like to keep up with Cano and her work, you can do so on her website, 500px, Twitter and Facebook.

(via Light Stalking)

Image credits: Photographs by Marina Cano and used with permission

12 Oct 09:06

Arduino Is Building A Sub-$1000 3D Printer

by Greg Kumparak
arduino printer There is by no means a shortage of teams working on low-cost 3D printers. Kickstarter is absolutely overflowing with them. But, as many of those teams quickly realize, shipping hardware is hard. A challenger approaches! Arduino, best known for building and shipping the absurd number of microcontrollers that power many a DIY project, is about to enter the 3D printing market. Read More
06 Oct 00:20

Mr. President, I’m not saying we won’t get our hair mussed. I do say, no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops! Depending on the breaks

by but does it float
Photographs of nuclear slide-rules Title: Dr. Strangelove Folkert
06 Oct 00:16

Ferrorfluid - The Magnetic Liquid

06 Oct 00:11

‘Life of Pi’ Cinematographer Claudio Miranda Shooting ‘Star Trek 3′

by Russ Fischer

claudio miranda star trek 3

The Oscar win Claudio Miranda enjoyed for Life of Pi started some conversations, as that film was shot with a heavy blend of real and CG environments. But Miranda’s skill in leading a crew that works with such a combination of elements should serve him very well for his next gig. Miranda (above, center) has been hired to shoot Roberto Orci‘s Star Trek 3, which will also mark the current series’ transition from film to digital.

TrekMovie reports the Claudio Miranda Star Trek 3 hire. The two Star Trek films directed by J.J. Abrams utilized much of the same crew across the two pictures, led by cinematographer Daniel Mindel. But Mindel went with Abrams to make Star Wars Episode VII, and some of the other crew went with them.

So there are new faces behind the cameras for Star Trek 3. And while Abrams and Mindel shot the first two Trek films on actual film, in keeping with Miranda’s working methods Star Trek 3 will be shot digitally.

This won’t be the cinematographer’s first brush with sci-fi. In addition to Life of Pi, he has recently worked with Joseph Kosinski on Tron Legacy and Oblivion, and shot Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland. He also shot The Curious Case of Benjamin Button for David Fincher. (Miranda has done a lot of work with Fincher, in fact. He was the gaffer on extra Se7en shoots, and on the main unit for The Game and Fight Club, and did some uncredited cinematography on Zodiac.)

The post ‘Life of Pi’ Cinematographer Claudio Miranda Shooting ‘Star Trek 3′ appeared first on /Film.

06 Oct 00:07

Sketches of the DAY por Pascal Campion

by (Ariadne Rodrigues)
Algum tempinho atrás postei no Instagramdo blog uma ilustração do Pascal Campion e disse que iria fazer uma matéria sobre ele, e aqui estou cumprindo com o que falei.

Pascal é um talentoso ilustrador franco-americano que estudou ilustração narrativa na Escola de Artes Decorativas de Estrasburgo na França, hoje ele mora em São Francisco e já fez trabalhos para clientes como Disney TV, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, MTV e Dreamworks Animation.

Em 2006, Pascal começou a desenvolver a sua própria arte e estilo, mas devido ao seu trabalho integral, não dava tempo de desenvolver esse estilo, foi então que Sketch of the Day nasceu: todas as manhãs, a primeira coisa que ele faz é criar um esboço, cheio de cor e uma história por trás desse esboço, esta rotina tem rendido um acervo de cerca de 3.000 esboços.

Esses Sketchs do Pascal me chamaram muita atenção, vocês podem estar se perguntando ao ver as imagens, o que isso tem de retrô? Bom eu quero destacar duas coisas, pra mim as ilustrações dele lembram muito os traços das pinturas impressionistas, segundo é a sensação nostálgica que certas ilustrações nos faz sentir. Ele retrata o comum, o dia a dia e as pequenas coisas das quais somos protagonistas de uma forma fantástica carregada de energia e sentimentos, com cores que chamam atenção e personagens que estão plenamente felizes com os detalhes de sua vida.

Deixo vocês sentirem a arte de Pascal com algumas ilustrações que selecionei, e comentem o que acharam, eu já sou super fã dele e o sigo em todas as redes, risos. Aproveitem!

Acompanhe o blog também em: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest

05 Oct 21:38

Mytropolis Lets You Charge Your Electronics by Plugging into Your Backyard

by Yarrow Maurer


Hirumi Nanayakkara’s project, Mytropolis, uses microorganisms grown in soil to charge electronics and portable battery units.  She foresees a future for biotechnologies like this that would require a lesser need for fossil fuels and a greater integration of organic substrates within cities and buildings for the use of harvesting energy.

Read more.

05 Oct 20:35

Cherry Blossoms, Tom McCall Park

05 Oct 12:23









04 Oct 20:07

Maps Of Modern Cities Drawn In The Style Of J.R.R. Tolkien

by Ria Misra

Maps Of Modern Cities Drawn In The Style Of J.R.R. Tolkien

The maps J.R.R. Tolkien drew to accompany his tales are their own form of story, sketching out the boundaries of his imagined worlds. But could our own, real cities be just as dramatic a fantasy setting? The answer is yes.


03 Oct 17:15

Entenda por que o Snapchat pode ser a futura rede social dos teens

by Jacqueline Lafloufa

Não concordo muito com quem diz que rede social X matou rede social Y, ou quanto um serviço ‘desapareceu’ com outro. Na verdade, os comportamentos vão mudando, e os serviços que passam a fazer sucesso são aqueles alinhados com as novas vontades e necessidades do público.

Apesar dos exageros, com paráfrases de seriados de sucesso, esse curta-documentário de Casey Neistat mostra exatamente isso – o Snapchat faz sucesso entre os adolescentes por satisfazer a necessidade deles sobre coisas efêmeras, trabalhando com informações do agora e não armazenando nada por tempo suficiente para que possam ser usadas contra eles em algum momento do futuro.

O modelo de funcionamento do Snapchat faz muito mais sentido para esses teens, já que a perenidade dos perfis na web pode ser preocupante para quem ainda está testando e descobrindo os limites. Eles não querem ser julgados pelas coisas que fizeram enquanto ainda não eram maduros o suficiente, e as postagens que perecem depois de um determinado tempo ajudam a não criar um “histórico” virtual com que eles tenham que se preocupar.

“Não existe uma pressão para ser falso ou se produzir demais, porque tudo vai desaparecer em poucos segundos, de qualquer forma”, pondera David Pierce, do The Verge.

 o Snapchat faz sucesso por não armazenar nada por tempo suficiente para que possam ser usadas contra os teens 

Com o auxílio da snapcelebridade Jerome Jarre, Casey consegue mostrar como funciona esse mundo de quem tem como principal a diversão como a principal preocupação do dia. Claro que o retrato é norte-americano, mas vale conferir para antecipar uma possível tendência também no Brasil.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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03 Oct 16:43

the crispy egg

by deb

the crispy egg

I have spent most of my egg-eating life doing everything in my culinary power to avoid getting texture of any kind on my eggs. Even the smallest amount of a wire-like edge to a firm-cooked white made me want to run, so when I’d cook eggs, I’d opt for any method that didn’t involve a frying pan. Hard-boiled? Good. Scrambled? Better. Soft-boiled, peeled and smashed? Oh yes. Poached? Yeah we can.

crispy egg, dropped into piping hot skillet
crispy egg, blowing up in the pan

And then a month or so ago I started following Frank Prisinzano, a restaurateur in my neighborhood on Instagram, a man that is unwaveringly obsessed with both eating and writing about crispy eggs. “The eggs should almost explode in the hot oil, the white should soufflé around the yolk” he writes, “the bottom should form a crispy crust hard enough that you can remove the egg from a normal pan with just a little scraping and shimmying.” You should eat it immediately, “like a steak,” showered with sea salt, pepper flakes, herbs or spices of your choosing.

crispy egg, ta-da

... Read the rest of the crispy egg on

© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to the crispy egg | 259 comments to date | see more: Breakfast, Budget, Eggs, Photo, Quick, Vegetarian

03 Oct 00:43

Самый длительный продактплейсмент в истории :)

Немец Гюнтер Холторф и его жена Кристина — одни из самых известных автомобильных путешественников в истории. В 1989 году они решили отправиться из Германии на юг Африки на своем новеньком Mercedes Gelandewagen. Планировалось, что путешествие продлится два года, но оно затянулось из-за желания супругов посетить новые места. В 2010 году супруга Гюнтера умерла, но пожилой мужчина продолжил поездку. Сегодня он прибыл в Минск. Беларусь оставалась последней страной на планете, где не побывал этот Mercedes. Теперь мировое путешествие полностью завершено. Гюнтер рассказал корреспонденту, что машина вскоре отправится в музей Daimler, и продемонстрировал свой знаменитый автомобиль.

«Автомобиль был приобретен в 1989 году у официального дилера Mercedes. Он полностью серийный и не готовился для такого рода путешествий, — начал свой рассказ Гюнтер, протягивая карту. — Здесь вы можете видеть страны, в которых я побывал. Красные линии — это дороги, по которым проехал этот Mercedes. Только в одном Карибском заливе получилось посетить 22 страны. Проехал всю территорию бывшего Советского Союза от Мурманска до Владивостока и обратно».

Как это ни удивительно, но в Беларусь мужчина до сих пор не попадал. На карте указаны пять последних стран, которые Гюнтер планировал посетить в этом году. И Беларусь — самая последняя. Изначально поездка в нашу страну была запланирована немцем на 2010 год. Он тогда получил визу, но пересечь границу не смог — возникли проблемы с белорусской таможней из-за ввоза автомобиля.

«В 2010 году, когда я собирался впервые заехать в вашу страну, на границе меня остановили и сказали, что я могу попасть в Беларусь только без автомобиля. Это, конечно, не имело смысла, и я решил перенести визит к вам», — с улыбкой вспоминает Гюнтер.

11 октября мужчина передаст свой Mercedes Gelandewagen в музей Daimler. Машину будет принимать председатель правления концерна Дитер Цетше. В штутгартском музее уже подготовлена отдельная комната для этого экспоната. За 25 лет автомобиль проехал 900 тысяч километров, побывав во всех странах мира. Он даже получил имя — Отто. Это модификация 300 GD c дизельным двигателем, выпущенная в 1988 году. Машина имеет «родное» шасси и оригинальный мотор. Никаких серьезных поломок во время путешествия не было. Во время поездки по Мадагаскару Gelandewagen попал в аварию и перевернулся, поэтому у автомобиля заменено большинство деталей кузова (все, кроме капота и передних крыльев).

Гюнтер утверждает, что за 25 лет путешествия он ни разу не ночевал в гостинице и ни разу не ужинал в ресторане. В Минске он остановился на одной из АЗС, где нашел большую парковку для фур. В его Gelandewagen есть газовая плита, и открыв заднюю дверь, немец за несколько минут организовал импровизированную кухню. Есть даже приспособление для защиты плиты от ветра. Стол, за которым Гюнтер каждый день ест, был куплен в 1989 году. Стулья, судя по всему, более «молодые». Есть в машине и кровать, которая раскладывается от багажника до передних сидений. На ней пожилой мужчина ночует последние 25 лет. Когда он начал свое путешествие, ему был 51 год. В автомобиле также есть гамак, который часто фигурирует на фотографиях Отто в интернете. Гюнтер вместе с женой жил возле Мюнхена. У них есть сын, который несколько раз присоединялся к путешествию в разных точках.

«У меня кроме немецкого гражданства есть гражданства Аргентины и Уругвая. Я владею испанским языком как родным. Изначально мы с супругой собирались проехать на юг Африки и обратно. Но поездка нам очень понравилась, и мы решили съездить в Аргентину, которая является моим вторым домом. Там приняли решение немного задержаться в Латинской Америке и отправились в Бразилию и Мексику. А от Мексики рукой подать до Штатов. Так все и началось. Потом переплыли на корабле в Новую Зеландию. Оттуда в Австралию и т. д. В итоге поездка затянулась на 25 лет. В следующем месяце все закончится. Четыре года назад моя супруга умерла. Умерла она дома. Онкологическое заболевание. Но я продолжил путь в одиночку», — вспоминает мужчина.

В автомобиле нет никаких навигационных систем. Весь мир Гюнтер проехал пользуясь лишь бумажными картами. В салоне машины лежит развернутая карта Минска. Рядом — атлас дорог Украины, Европы, России. У Гюнтера несколько паспортов с бесчисленным количеством виз, среди которых две белорусские (на одной стоит штамп отказа).

«Из 900 тысяч километров, которые я проехал на этой машине, примерно 200 тысяч прошли вне асфальта. Gelandewagen — отличный внедорожник, который ни разу не подвел. Дизельный мотор работает как в первый день. А может, еще и лучше», — смеется Гюнтер, выгоняя машину для фотосессии на площадке дилера Mercedes.

Многие аксессуары расположены на крыше внедорожника. Гюнтеру часто приходится становиться на капот, чтобы достать тот или иной предмет. Для того чтобы капот не был скользким во время дождя, на него наклеены листы наждачки. Такие же элементы можно увидеть на армейских модификациях Gelandewagen.

Гюнтер Холторф — легендарная личность среди любителей автомобильных путешествий. Про него пишут многие блогеры. Канал BBC делал большую программу про легендарный Отто. Каждый день сотни людей вводят имя немца в Google. 25-летнее путешествие, вдохновившее многих автолюбителей, подходит к концу. Но Гюнтер уверяет, что ему есть чем заняться: «У меня большое количество увлечений. Я, например, коллекционирую купюры из разных стран. Также у меня есть куча различных вещей со всего мира. Все это нужно рассортировать для оформления коллекций. Все это я собирал в течение последних 25 лет. Когда вернусь домой, я точно не буду сидеть с банкой пива у телевизора».

Вот некоторые моменты путешествия Гюнтера:

Красными линиями обозначены дороги, по которым проехал путешественник

Красными линиями обозначены дороги, по которым проехал путешественник

(с) Автор: Денис Логунович. Фото: Влад Борисевич, Гюнтер Холторф, источник

01 Oct 10:37

comedycentral: Click here for more of Jon Stewart’s coverage of...


Click here for more of Jon Stewart’s coverage of the recent House Committee on Science, Space and Technology hearing.

01 Oct 10:34

Newswire: Zombieland sequel is very slowly rising from its grave

by Sam Barsanti

The original Zombieland came out way back in 2009—just after a plucky young kid named Barack Obama became the President but long before real undead monsters destroyed much of modern civilization—and Sony has been trying to get a sequel going ever since. After all, Zombieland was surprisingly successful, and nearly its entire cast—including a pre-Social Network Jesse Eisenberg and a pre-Harrelsonaissance Woody Harrelson—have quickly become significantly more famous in the years since. However, for reasons that can’t be determined by The A.V. Club’s robust search function, the sequel never happened.

Sony eventually shelved it in favor of making a TV show instead, but after years of networks not wanting to make it into a TV show, Sony finally brought the pilot to Amazon. That way, the diehard fans who really wanted to see a Zombieland sequel would be able to help decide ...

01 Oct 10:30

Nixie, A Small Quadcopter Camera Drone That Can Be Worn Like a Wristband When Not in Use

by EDW Lynch

I want my anti-drone drone

Nixie is small quadcopter camera drone that can be worn like a wristband when not in use. Nixie can autonomously fly and shoot video, allowing the user to record aerial video of themselves or the surrounding environment hands-free. Nixie is currently being developed by Christoph Kohstall, Jelena Jovanovic, and Michael Niedermayr. It is a finalist in the Intel Make It Wearable (MIW) Challenge.

Nixie Wearable Camera Drone

Nixie Wearable Camera Drone

Nixie Wearable Camera Drone

images via Nixie

via Creators Project

29 Sep 20:59

Great Job, Internet!: Wakko’s states and capitals song from Animaniacs expanded, updated

by Joe Blevins

Animaniacs ceased production in 1998, but several clips from the show have enjoyed remarkable second lives as YouTube videos. Case in point: Wakko’s musical rundown of states and capitals, set to the tune of “Turkey In The Straw.” Presumably, the Internet has allowed an entirely new generation to use this instructional ditty as a mnemonic device during geography tests. And now, a YouTuber who self-identifies as “foundring” has uploaded his own updated, supersized remake of the classic tune. Cycling through the original song takes foundring less than two minutes. The remaining nine are devoted to foreign capitals, served with a smattering of political commentary. (“Baghdad’s in Iraq / The U.S. lied to go invade ya / Now we’ve covered all the countries and the capitals in Asia.”)

Despite its epic length, the clip is a modest affair from a technical standpoint. In one unbroken take, which foundring says ...

29 Sep 20:55

California cops don’t need warrants to surveil with drones

by David Kravets

Dead Kennedys song "California Über Alles" from 1980.

Alameda County police in Northern California are inching toward flying camera-equipped drones like this one.

California Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed legislation that would have required the police to obtain search warrants to surveil the public with unmanned drones.

Brown, a Democrat facing re-election in November, sided with law enforcement and said the legislation simply granted Californians privacy rights that went too far beyond existing guarantees. Sunday's veto comes as the small drones are becoming increasingly popular with business, hobbyists, and law enforcement.

"This bill prohibits law enforcement from using a drone without obtaining a search warrant, except in limited circumstances," the governor said in his veto message (PDF). "There are undoubtedly circumstances where a warrant is appropriate. The bill's exceptions, however, appear to be too narrow and could impose requirements beyond what is required by either the 4th Amendment or the privacy provisions in the California Constitution."

Read 7 remaining paragraphs | Comments

29 Sep 20:48

Facebook's Atlas: the Platform For Advertisers To Track Your Movements

by samzenpus
An anonymous reader writes In its most direct challenge to Google yet, Facebook plans to sell ads targeted to its 1.3 billion users when they are elsewhere on the Web. The company is rolling out an updated version of Atlas that will direct ads to people on websites and mobile apps. From the article: "The company said Atlas has been rebuilt 'from the ground up' to cater for today's marketing needs, such as 'reaching people across devices and bridging the gap between online impressions and offline purchases.'"

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29 Sep 20:45

“I would have sometimes four cups of coffee before my first cup...