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22 Jul 01:00

Eye-Deceiving Murals Turn Streets Of Iran Into An Optical Illusion Gallery

by Justina Bakutyte

Mehdi-Ghadyanloo iran Mehdi-Ghadyanloo iran Mehdi-Ghadyanloo iran Mehdi-Ghadyanloo iran

Creative murals by designer and street artist Mehdi Ghadyanloo are turning Tehran, Iran’s streets into an outstanding open-air gallery. Executed on two-dimensional blocks of concrete, Ghadyanloo’s artworks deceive the viewer’s eye by skillfully using methods from op art and 3D painting.

Mehdi has established a mural-painting company Blue Sky Painters, which helps him to work with the large-scale street art projects. What is not very frequent in the field, is that Ghadyanloo is fully backed up by the city’s municipality. According to the artist himself, it is one of the government’s goals to promote mural art in Tehran.

“The city is an architectural mishmash with buildings often having only one facade and the other three just left blank and grey. This doesn’t make for a beautiful city but it is a great environment for mural work. I think the municipality really felt the need to bring some cohesion or at least colour to the often confused and smog-smeared architectural face of the city.”

Ghadyanloo graduated from MA in Animation, which brought him closer to storytelling and surrealism. The latter has really influenced his style in urban murals. His scenes often depict unrealistic sights and actions such as cars flying in the air, man bicycling down the wall, people defying gravity and so on. Many of Ghadyanloo’s creations also cleverly interact with their surroundings bringing even more life to the streets of Tehran. (via: My Modern Met)

Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-5 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-6 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-7 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-8 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-9 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-10 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-11 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-12 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-13 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-14 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-15 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-16 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-17 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-18 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-19 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-20 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-21 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-22 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-23 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-24 Mehdi-Ghadyanloo-Street-Art-25


The post Eye-Deceiving Murals Turn Streets Of Iran Into An Optical Illusion Gallery appeared first on Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design.

22 Jul 01:00

Great Job, Internet!: Someone made covers for more stories about Harry Potter’s sad future

by William Hughes

Last week, J.K. Rowling published a short story detailing what Harry Potter and his friends have been up to in the seven years since the publication of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows. Given that the story was written in the voice of hateful wizard gossip columnist Rita Skeeter, much of the commentary focused on how the cast has aged, and what problems they might have had growing up.

We can only hope that this is the start of a series in which Rowling checks in on her beloved characters every decade or so, as their bodies slowly fail them and their minds descend into depression, senility, and bitter regrets. If she does, the people who run the Happy Place blog for Someecards have already done some of the heavy lifting for her, creating a series of covers for Harry Potter novels that detail the Boy Who Lived Long ...

22 Jul 00:58

doctorwho: taylorsfandomstuff: On a scale from one to ten, how good is series 8 going to...

by laurabuu



On a scale from one to ten, how good is series 8 going to be?



-Adipose 55

(We’re doing a Q&A!)

22 Jul 00:55

Creations from French Girls, an iPhone app where people draw...

Creations from French Girls, an iPhone app where people draw portraits based on selfies of others. [via]

Related: Subway Snapchat Art

22 Jul 00:53


22 Jul 00:52

Great Job, Internet!: Bask in the awesomeness of Hungarian comic adaptations of ‘80s movies

by Rob Dean

Some of the most persistent exports from the United States in the past 30 years are pop culture items. Movies, music, and other trends—no matter how popular they are back in their native land—have gone on to have second lives in other countries, sometimes with exciting and unexpected results. Combine that with the trend in the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s of adapting blockbusters into comic books and one has the ingredients for some surprising graphic treats from overseas. As recounted by Vern on his site, the Hungarian comic book adaptations of various ‘80s films resulted in some interesting images that offer a glimpse into how these films were perceived elsewhere. The garish covers with their attempts at approximating the faces of the actors gave way to black-and-white panels that are just jam-packed with words, nearly edging out the rest of the artwork. These comics used to be hosted ...

22 Jul 00:52

blazepress: Twenty-Two Nighthawks. Total Cost: $2,446,400,000.


Twenty-Two Nighthawks. Total Cost: $2,446,400,000.

22 Jul 00:50

Why Google took years to address a battery-draining “bug” in Chrome

by Ron Amadeo
Aurich Lawson

A recent Forbes report says that Chrome on Windows uses up more battery than competing browsers, thanks to a high system timer setting. Windows uses a timer to schedule tasks. At idle, the timer on Windows is set to about 15 ms, so if it has no work to do, it will go to sleep and only wake up every 15 ms to check if it needs to do something.

Applications can change this timer, and other browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer don't mess with it until they need to do something processor intensive, like playing a video. After the video is done, the timer is set to return to 15 ms so that the computer can idle again. Chrome, though, boosts the timer to 1 ms and keeps it there forever. The difference means that on Firefox at idle, the CPU only wakes 64 times a second. On Chrome, it wakes up 1,000 times a second.

In its Windows documentation, Microsoft notes that setting the system timer to a high value can increase power consumption by “as much as 25 percent.” This means that on a laptop, you'll get a shorter runtime with Chrome than you will on a competing browser. And the issue has been around for a long time. Forbes links to a bug report documenting the problem that was first filed in 2010.

Read 7 remaining paragraphs | Comments

22 Jul 00:49

commandmodulepilot: 45 years ago, three astronauts blasted off...


45 years ago, three astronauts blasted off on a mission to put man on the moon.

22 Jul 00:49


22 Jul 00:49

betype: Hand Type by Raul Alejandro

22 Jul 00:48

Another day, another dollar

22 Jul 00:47

Anime | 4c6.png

22 Jul 00:47


22 Jul 00:46


22 Jul 00:46

Sinopese: o Doctor Who e uma companion resolver visitar a derrota do Brasil no Maracanã em 1950 e...

Sinopese: o Doctor Who e uma companion resolver visitar a derrota do Brasil no Maracanã em 1950 e acidentalmente chegam ao mineirão em 2014, onde descobrem que todos os bonecos do Fuleco são demônios.

22 Jul 00:45

Two Neighbors From Austin, Tx

22 Jul 00:42


22 Jul 00:39

A Solar Filament Erupts

A Solar Filament Erupts
22 Jul 00:37

An Untranslatable Poem

by Greg Ross

In his 1983 book En Torno a la Traducción, Spanish philologist and translator Valentín García Yebra cites a Portuguese poem by Cassiano Ricardo entitled “Serenata sintética”:




Broadly, it’s an image of an evening tryst, but its import is so embedded in its language that García Yebra found himself unable to convey it in another tongue.

“In this short poem, phonemic form is everything,” write Basil Hatim and Ian Mason in Discourse and the Translator. “The words themselves are evocative: a small town with ‘winding streets’ (rua torta), a ‘fading moon’ (lua morta) and the hint of an amorous affair: ‘your door’ (tua porta). But their impact is achieved almost solely through the close rhyme and rhythm; the meaning is raised from the level of the banal by dint of exploiting features which are indissociable from the Portuguese language as a code.

“García Yebra relates that he gave up the attempt to translate the poem even into Spanish, a language which shares certain phonological features with Portuguese.”

22 Jul 00:33

Microsoft: 18.000 layoffs, but were they the right ones?

by CommitStrip

22 Jul 00:33

cateringisalie: shvnyyy-e: zwamboobs: blazepress: Filming a...





Filming a rainbow when suddenly.


what the fuck

#the rainbow got pissed

22 Jul 00:32

Benders, benders everywhere. #9gag

Benders, benders everywhere. #9gag

22 Jul 00:32

I need a hug. #9gag

I need a hug. #9gag

22 Jul 00:31

Independent Thinkers

by Doug
22 Jul 00:29

Well, Nuts.

by Brinke

marg dpfWell, maybe check down the street at Wal-Mart. They’re always open. From I Have Seen The Whole Of The Internet.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Oh Deer!, The Big J
21 Jul 16:46


by chelozzz
21 Jul 16:44

Tango – самый мощный в мире карманный компьютер (+ видео)

Американская компания Tiny Tango представила необычный карманный компьютер Tango – «самый мощный карманный компьютер в мире». Вообще, новинка состоит из двух частей: собственно ПК и док-станции. ПК легко умещается в руке (125 x 80 x 13,5 мм) и содержит процессор, батарею, а также заменяемые оперативную память и SSD. Все порты, дополнительный источник питания, система охлаждения и модуль Wi-Fi располагаются на док-станции. Например, вы можете иметь дома и в офисе по док-станции с подключенными к ним монитором, мышью и клавиатурой, а всю «начинку», то есть Tango, носить с собой. При отключении от док-станции Tango не выключается, а лишь «засыпает», когда же встроенная батарея разряжается, ПК переходит в режим гибернации. Размеры док-станции — 135 x 135 x 27 мм. Надо заметить, кроха и в самом деле получилась довольно мощной для своих габаритов: четырехъядерный процессор AMD A6-5200 (2 ГГц) с интегрированной графикой GCN HD8400, от 2 до 8 ГБ SODIMM DDR3 RAM, накопитель емкостью от 32 ГБ. В настоящее время цена Tango стартует от 350 долларов – в апреле, при появлении в розничной сети, решение наверняка будет стоить дороже. Видео далее.
Tango – самый мощный в мире карманный компьютер (+ видео)
21 Jul 16:42

Лайфхак дня

19 Jul 23:23

Filecoin: A Cryptocurrency-Operated File Storage Network

by Tyler Cowen

The working paper (pdf) describes it in this way:

Filecoin is a distributed electronic currency similar to Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin’s computation-only proof-of-work, Filecoin’s proof-of-work function includes a proof-of-retrievability component, which requires nodes to prove they store a particular file. The Filecoin network forms an entirely distributed file storage system, whose nodes are incentivized to store as much of the entire network’s data as they can. The currency is awarded for storing files, and is transferred in transactions, as in Bitcoin. Files are added to the network by spending currency. This produces strong monetary incentives for individuals to join and work for the network. In the course of ordinary operation of the Filecoin network, nodes contribute useful work in the form of storage and distribution of valuable data.

The mother site is here.  File under…arbitrage.

For the pointer I thank J.