Shared posts

04 Mar 02:30

Mientras tanto, en el universo paralelo de Flappy Bird...

02 Mar 19:51


02 Mar 17:58

Playable Game Boy Cosplay With Giant Cartridges [Video]

by Nicole Wakelin


This amazing Game Boy cosplay is part costume, part technological wonder. It’s actually playable via the buttons on the front with a working screen all courtesy of a Raspberry Pi. You can even switch games by inserting giant cartridges into a slot in the back of the costume.

See the video after the break…

(reddit via technabob)

02 Mar 04:35

The Scam is on

02 Mar 04:18

This Interactive History of Bitcoin Is a Crash Course for the Masses

by Alan Henry

This Interactive History of Bitcoin Is a Crash Course for the Masses

Even if you have a general idea of what Bitcoin is, you may not understand what the fuss is about, how old it is, or why people are talking about it. This interactive history will show you, starting back in 2007.



01 Mar 16:52

Tumblr | cd4.gif

01 Mar 12:52


Osias Jota

via Ecanop

01 Mar 01:57

GIF | cbe.gif

28 Feb 19:42

GIF | 8b6.gif

28 Feb 15:24

I need this in my life now

28 Feb 11:24

ericsandt: comic-khan: thebicker: drwhom: spookychan: russel...

Osias Jota

via Tadeu







John Oliver from The Daily Show Presents Gun Control to America - Imgur

Whoop dee fucking doo indeed.

Ever feel like the Daily Show does better reporting and REAL questioning than most news shows?

It’s satire only reveals more truth than not.


Fuck the NRA.

27 Feb 19:41

Pitch campeão #3  - …e é este o aplicativo que eu vou...

Pitch campeão #3 

- …e é este o aplicativo que eu vou apresentar no desafio de startups.
- Mas é o mesmo que você apresentou no ano passado! O que você vai falar pros jurados quando perguntarem o que tem de inovação?
- Agora tem um pássaro! Aplicativos para celular com pássaros fazem muito sucesso.

Publicado originalmente em

27 Feb 19:07

Strange Tales II #3 (“Rogue Gets in Trouble” - Marvel Knights -...

by brianbendis

Strange Tales II #3 (“Rogue Gets in Trouble” - Marvel Knights - February 2011)

Writer/Illustrator: Kate Beaton

27 Feb 17:59

"[There is a] general principle of internet language these days that the more overwhelmed with..."

Osias Jota

via bernot

[There is a] general principle of internet language these days that the more overwhelmed with emotions you are, the less sensical your sentence structure gets, which I’ve described elsewhere as “stylized verbal incoherence mirroring emotional incoherence” and which leads us to expressions like “feels,” “I can’t even/I’ve lost the ability to can,” and “because reasons.”

Contrast this with first-generation internet language, demonstrated by LOLcat or 1337speak, and in general characterized by abbreviations containing numbers and single letters, often in caps (C U L8R), smilies containing noses, and words containing deliberate misspellings.

We’ve now moved on: broadly speaking, second-generation internet language plays with grammar instead of spelling. If you’re a doomsayer, the innovative syntax is one more thing to throw up your hands about, but compared to a decade or two ago, the spelling has gotten shockingly conventional.

In this sense, doge really is the next generation of LOLcat, in terms of a pet-based snapshot of a certain era in internet language. We’ve kept the idea that animals speak like an exaggerated version of an internet-savvy human, but as our definitions of what it means to be a human on the internet have changed, so too have the voices that we give our animals. Wow.


A Linguist Explains the Grammar of Doge. Wow.

This is my favourite part, if I do say so myself. See also the summary doge macro.

(via allthingslinguistic)

Very amaze. Wow. Such cool.

(Yes, yes, I’m sure someone already said exactly this :-D)

27 Feb 00:15

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26 Feb 11:13

tumblr_mt8dqkR0Su1rsq9eyo2_r1_500.gif (500×700)

by mlz
26 Feb 05:56

Tumblr | 760.png

26 Feb 02:28

Tumblr | 80f.jpg

26 Feb 00:13

Tumblr | 7e4.png

25 Feb 23:08

Breaking Bad by Laura Racero

Osias Jota

via Corey

25 Feb 22:52


by kris


i have done this twice in as many days

25 Feb 18:31

Tumblr | 8ba.png

25 Feb 18:31

#0048 @comisBotifarra Mobile World Congress

25 Feb 13:45

Protest Today in Caracas, Venezuela.

Osias Jota

via Lucioc

25 Feb 05:47


Osias Jota

para Lori

25 Feb 04:11

Bartender Level-Drunk!

Osias Jota

via parisa.hashemy

25 Feb 01:24

Quem esvaziou os protestos de 2013?

by brandizzi
Osias Jota


Ontem li esta tuitada do Maurício Santoro, renomado professor universitário e assessor da Anistia Internacional, e minha primeira reação foi: “¡¿o quê?!”

Minha experiência vai totalmente contra essa hipótese. Dos amigos meus que foram às manifestações do ano passado, a maioria deixou de ir porque, bem, aquele era um momento especial, não algo para ser feito continuamente. Os outros deixaram de ir, quase sempre, justamente porque manifestantes começaram a depredar: eles não queriam se ver associados a isso.

Ademais, a ascendência dos Black Blocs é algo um pouco posterior aos maiores protestos, não? As primeiras depredações, notavelmente, incluíam saques, algo que não prece muito próximo da motivação “politizada” dos Black Blocs.

Uma evidência anedótica não desmente a afirmação, e é natural que a experiência do Maurício, que vive entre estudantes de Ciências Humanas em uma cidade onde os protestos persistiram, seja contrária. Ainda assim, acredito que minha perspectiva é mais condizente com o que ocorreu no Brasil como um todo, e com a maior parte das massas. O que os renomados colegas acham?

24 Feb 17:13

Did You Know? | 1ba.jpg

24 Feb 11:34

Video Game Logic | 24a.gif

24 Feb 11:31

02/19/14 PHD comic: 'The Higgs Boson Re-Explained'

Osias Jota

via Adam

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "The Higgs Boson Re-Explained" - originally published 2/19/2014

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!