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26 Jul 07:26

Isaac Cordal’s “Cement Eclipses.” Isaac Cordal...

Isaac Cordal’s “Cement Eclipses.”

Isaac Cordal places different miniature statues into his local landscape of Chiapas, Mexico to create an entirely new sense of place once the objects inhabit their chosen situation.  Stories develop organically from the objects and, especially with these skeletal versions, take on a metaphorical prowess to the pleasing street art.  See more below!

Isaac Cordal

Isaac Cordal

Isaac Cordal

Isaac Cordal

Isaac Cordal

Isaac Cordal

Isaac Cordal: Tumblr

26 Jul 07:25

Restaurant Research Shows That the Customer Isn't Always Right

12 Jul 08:17

GIF | 384.gif

12 Jul 08:16

I find this very accurate.

12 Jul 08:16

A Sculptural Cloud of Plastic Bottles Illustrates One Hour of Trash in NYC

by Johnny Strategy
A Sculptural Cloud of Plastic Bottles Illustrates One Hour of Trash in NYC trash sculpture plastic New York multiples installation clouds

All photos by Chuck Choi courtesy Studio KCA

A Sculptural Cloud of Plastic Bottles Illustrates One Hour of Trash in NYC trash sculpture plastic New York multiples installation clouds

A Sculptural Cloud of Plastic Bottles Illustrates One Hour of Trash in NYC trash sculpture plastic New York multiples installation clouds

A Sculptural Cloud of Plastic Bottles Illustrates One Hour of Trash in NYC trash sculpture plastic New York multiples installation clouds

A Sculptural Cloud of Plastic Bottles Illustrates One Hour of Trash in NYC trash sculpture plastic New York multiples installation clouds

A Sculptural Cloud of Plastic Bottles Illustrates One Hour of Trash in NYC trash sculpture plastic New York multiples installation clouds

If you visited Governor’s Island in New York last summer you most certainly saw the billowing, cloud-like structure that sits in the middle of the lawn. And if you’re anything like my kids you probably dashed up to it to see exactly what thing was. But it’s not until you get up close that you realize it’s made from many, many plastic bottles stringed together. “53,780 used plastic bottles,” says designer Jason Klimoski, “the number thrown away in NYC in just 1 hour.” Klimoski and his team at STUDIO KCA collected the bottles – a combination of milk jugs and water bottles – and lashed them together to create “Head in the Clouds,” a pavilion people can walk into, sit inside, and contemplate just how much plastic is thrown away every day.

The structure, however, was temporary and the team is now looking for its next home. If you’re interested in having this in your back yard get in touch with the designers.

12 Jul 08:12

rachiigoesrawr: How to make a salad - x


How to make a salad - x

12 Jul 08:10

Got Any Chips?

Got Any Chips?

Submitted by: (via The Nug)

Tagged: aligator , guacamole , swamp
12 Jul 08:09

A Softer World

12 Jul 08:08

brownie ice cream sandwiches

by deb

brownie ice cream sandwiches

Within reason, I think if you’re craving something, you should go for it, although this theory is mostly born of my own poor logic. I’ve all too many times craved, say, a brownie but thought I shouldn’t eat a brownie and so instead snacked on (just for a completely random example) 12 almonds, 1 slice of cheese, half an apple, 1 banana and then, oops, a handful of chocolate chips, amounting roughly 3x the calories of a brownie, a brownie that I craved exactly as much as I did 500 calories ago. And so, when I really want a brownie, I make my favorite brownies and we each eat one and then I stash the rest in the freezer, so they are not out on the counter, calling to me that we haven’t been cut in a straight line and you should really even us out or we’re going to go bad soon and you don’t want us to go to waste or any of those things that brownies tell me when we’re alone together.

salt, chocolate, vanilla, eggs, butter, flour and sugar

[Hm, here I should probably interject some sort of "sure, okay, brownies talk to me but I'm not like crazy or anything; it's not weird. Brownies talk to everyone, right? Haha?" reassurance but I'm not going to. I'm going to make this as awkward as possible.]

melt the chocolate and butter

... Read the rest of brownie ice cream sandwiches on

© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to brownie ice cream sandwiches | 166 comments to date | see more: Chocolate, Ice Cream/Sorbet, Photo, Summer

28 Jun 08:38

Soltería 2.0 demostrada en una frase

24 May 07:01


23 May 20:58


09 May 18:13

Get a College-Level Computer Science Education with These Free Courses

by Melanie Pinola

Get a College-Level Computer Science Education with These Free Courses

We're lucky to have access to so many excellent free online courses for just about anything you want to study, including computer science. Here's a curriculum list that strings various free computing courses into the equivalent of a college bachelor's degree.


08 May 19:22

Grrrls gone wild

08 May 19:17

#TwitterTuesday: #Fire

by Tenz Shih
121/365 - Light me up
u n s p o k e n121/365 – Light me up
fire in the hole
Khánh Hmoongfire in the hole
a-round  Il tappeto di Iqbal
mauro.cordiolia-round Il tappeto di Iqbal
Flames at the Hamburger Bahnhof Gallery
suesthegrlFlames at the Hamburger Bahnhof Gallery
Halloween addendum
Gerhard R.Halloween addendum
The Curse (Part II of III)
Christopher J. RiveraThe Curse (Part II of III)
Firecracker dance
vpickeringFirecracker dance

This week’s #TwitterTuesday was all about the burning flame. You shared a lot of great photos with the theme #Fire, and showed us scenes from rituals, plays, warm rooms, and disasters. It’s great to see so many pictures from all of your Twitter submissions.

As always, thanks to everyone who submitted a photo! We highly recommend checking out all contributions in the @flickr Twitter feed.

To see the next challenge delivered directly to your feed, follow us on Twitter or on Flickr. We’ll be back on Friday with the week-long #FlickrFriday challenge and on Tuesday with the new #TwitterTuesday theme.

08 May 19:16

How to get a boyfriend ?

08 May 19:09


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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08 May 19:01


08 May 18:44

Финский военный фотоархив - важнейшее историческое событие года

Во время Второй мировой войны у многих солдат были с собой фотики. Американцы фоткали все подряд, как сейчас хипстеры с айфонами. Немцы фоткали все подряд, поэтому нам досталось куча снимков солдатского быта, включая групповые сеансы хождения в туалет. Не знаю, сколько у финских солдат было мыльниц, но 150 фотографов работали на фронте, документируя все подряд.

Только советский солдат ходил без камеры. Если у советского солдата просто находили камеру, ему засоывавли ее в жопу и отправляли на передовую в мясорубку. Если же советский солдат успевал сделать хоть один кадр, его просто расстреливали на месте. Поэтому у нас нет никаких фотографий с войны, кроме тех, которые ТАСС разрешил показывать.

До середины 1950-х фотоаппарат в руках советского человека в городе воспринимался как автомат в руках террориста. Или как эксплуатация ксерокса без допуска КГБ. Спросите у старших. Расчехлять свой ФЭД можно было пионерам из фотокружка по команде учителя, но не летом во время блокады. Не верите? Покажите хоть одну бытовую фотку из блокадного Ленинграда. Все снимки сделаны тремя проверенными фотокоррами зимой.

Но сегодня мы о другом. Силы обороны Финляндии сделали роскошный подарок всем любителям истории, опубликовав 160 000 (сто шестьдесят тысяч) архивных фотографий периода 1939-1945 годов. С начала Советско-финской войны и до конца Второй мировой.

Вот ссылка:

Сайт сделан немного через жопу, поиск только по-фински, рубрикатор говно, листалка пиздец неудобная, систематизации никакой, но это не важно. Важно, что у нас есть возможность окунуться в архив из огромного количества снимков, которые ранее не публиковались. Некоторые кадры не стоит показывать детям и слабонервным, я их в подборке не привожу.
































Да, в 1939 году СССР напал на Финляндию и забрал себе немного земель, включая город Выборг.

Поэтому в 1941 Финляндия была на стороне Германии и помогала в блокаде Ленинграда. Впрочем, это не мешает сегодня скоростному поезду "Аллегро" ходить из Питера в Хельсинки.

Интересно, доживем ли мы когда-нибудь до момента, когда все наши архивы военного времени будут хотя бы рассекречены, не то что оцифрованы и опубликованы?

03 May 17:34

Behind the picture. [x]

Behind the picture. [x]

03 May 16:57

(Curiosity Takes a Selfie (

03 May 16:52

pepperjunkie: Land Rovers..


Land Rovers..

03 May 16:49


03 May 16:40

Gif of the Day: High Five!

Gif of the Day: High Five!

Submitted by: (via Polishedraccoon)

30 Apr 20:01

Crazy Cloud

30 Apr 19:57

How to Make Salsa without a Recipe

by Marian Bull

Here at Food52, we love recipes -- but do we always use them? Of course not. Because once you realize you don't always need a recipe, you'll make your favorite dishes a lot more often.

Today: Homemade salsa shouldn't be constrained to tomato season -- Food52's Assistant Editor Marian Bull shows us how to make it with year-round staples.

How to Make Salsa without a Recipe

So you'd like to DIY your salsa on Cinco de Mayo but you're staunchly opposed to the purchase or consumption of out-of-season tomatoes? Fear not -- these two things are not mutually exclusive. There is a happy medium here, and it relies on a can.

Good salsa does not necessarily depend on perfect, fresh tomatoes, the kind you want to eat like an apple on a hot day in July. It depends instead on the right bells and whistles that will spruce up a party-sized can of diced tomatoes like baubles and bulbs on a Christmas tree. (In fact, you could serve this at Christmas! It's red and green! But I digress.)

How to Make Salsa Without a Recipe on Food52

Pulsed together with alliums, spice, heat, acid, and a forceful amount of herbs, canned tomatoes transform into the kind of salsa you might find at not-fancy Mexican restaurants. Keep it as chunky as you can handle, or take it further down the food processor rabbit hole for an almost-purée. It's your salsa; you make the rules.

A few notes about ingredients here: I like fire-roasted tomatoes for their depth of flavor. Yes, you can omit the cilantro if you hate it. And don't be afraid of the raw alliums -- they will mellow from the acid of the tomatoes, and add a necessary bite of freshness. 

Grab the nearest margarita. Here's how to make out-of-season salsa without a recipe:

How to Make Salsa Without a Recipe on Food52

1. In the bowl of a food processor, combine one large (28-ounce) or two small (14-ounce) cans of diced tomatoes. Add half an onion, chopped, a minced garlic clove or two, and a few pinches of ground cumin and chili powder. Add a lime's worth of juice -- or two, if your margarita has already begun to kick in and you're feeling daring. Chop a jalapeño and add it in there -- or just use half, if you like things mild. I like to add a big handful of cilantro leaves as well.

How to Make Salsa Without a Recipe on Food52

2. Blend until the salsa is just on the brink of your desired consistency.

How to Make Salsa Without a Recipe

3. Taste for seasoning -- I suggest using a tortilla chip for this. (Consider it method acting.) If it needs anything, add it now, then pulse a few more times. Once it's as chunky or as thin as you like it, dump it into a bowl, empty out a bag of chips onto the nearest platter. Bring out a six-pack, or shake up a few margaritas, and you've got a fiesta -- with no white-bellied tomatoes in sight.

How to Make Salsa without a Recipe

Photos by James Ransom

30 Apr 19:53

Microwave Butter Perfectly With a Toothpick Tripod

by Mihir Patkar

Microwave Butter Perfectly With a Toothpick Tripod

You need butter but you forgot to take it out of the fridge. Microwave? Not without a melted mess. But Josef Spalenka has cracked how to soften butter in the microwave without it melting. He calls it the "Toothpick Tripod Method."


30 Apr 19:48


30 Apr 19:48


30 Apr 19:46

4 películas perfectas para los amantes de la música


Si eres un amante del cine y la buena música, no puedes perderte estos cuatro himnos cinematográficos.

El cine y la música siempre se han llevado bien. De hecho, desde antes de que el cine fuera sonoro, la música ya estaba condenada a entenderse con este nuevo arte, sirviendo de transfondo para todas aquellas escenas en movimiento que la gente miraba perpleja y escéptica al principio. Tanto es así que muchas veces ha sido la música el principal motivo para rodar una película, que no entendamos algunas películas sin sus respectivas bandas sonoras o que, simplemente, la película haya sido un musical. Pero el cine además, ha servido en ocasiones para saciar las inquietudes de muchos amantes de la música: ya sea contando la historia de grupos (y generaciones enteras) o sirviendo como una extensión de la creatividad de algunos músicos. Prueba de ello, estas cuatro películas sobre música perfectas para los amantes de las buenas bandas sonoras.

24 Hours Party People

La década de los 80 cambió para siempre la historia de la música británica y 24 Hours Party People es, quizás, la mejor película para documentar todo lo que se gestó en el Manchester de los 80. Siguiendo la estela de Tony Wilson, este falso documental nos muestra de la historia de grupos como Joy Division o los Happy Mondays, además de centrarse en una de las discotecas más míticas de aquellos años (Hacienda). Una de las mejores películas sobre música del Reino Unido y clave para entender la importancia de aquel Manchester y su música.

Part Of The Weekend Never Dies

Todos hemos visto a niños pijos tomando droga y adhiriéndose de manera ferviente a alguna corriente de música electrónica pero Part Of The Weekend es mucho más. Además de contar con la aparición de algunos de los grandes de la electrónica, es el acompañamiento de 2manydjs (miembros de Soulwax) por una gira mundial. ¿Qué la convierte en una pieza digna de visionar? Su impecable montaje, que lleva los mashups de los djs al terreno fotográfico. Impresionante.


Como mencionaba anteriormente, la historia de la música británica está ligada al Manchester de los 80 y el grupo de referencia, el que lo empezó todo, fue Joy Division. Control recorre la historia del grupo, centrándose especialmente en la figura del líder de la banda -Ian Curtis- y su dramático final. Para mí, la mejor película de música que se ha hecho en la historia del cine, una joya que debe ser visionada para comprender la importancia del grupo de Curtis y su imprenta en la música británica.


Si bien Trainspotting no es una película sobre música, la banda sonora que acompaña cada uno de los planos de esta película es el himno constante de una generación perdida, atrapada y afectada por el drama del SIDA y la sobredosis. Una joya imprescindible para todo aquel que quiera ver algunas de las mejores canciones que ha dado el Reino Unido y quiera descubrir una Escocia muy diferente a la de las guías turísticas.