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22 Feb 21:08

It's so cold in North Carolina that cars are leaving behind ice sculptures

by Brad Plumer
Cooper Griggs

via lbstopher

This image is surreal. Two people in Greenville, NC, reportedly spotted this ice sculpture left behind after a Jeep Cherokee pulled out of the parking lot of Vidant Medical Center on Tuesday:


The photo was sent in by a reader to WITN, an NBC affiliate in North Carolina (they also have another picture from a different angle). North Carolina was hit by a cold snap and freezing rain earlier this week.

This wasn't an isolated incident, either. Mike Maze, a meteorologist at WRAl-TV 5 in Raleigh, NC, posted on Facebook this reader photo of an ice sculpture left behind by a Dodge Charger:

Picture sent from Stan Bryda of Fayetteville (Mike Maze/Facebook)

How does something like this happen? One eyewitness told NBC that the Jeep Cherokee owner had warmed up the vehicle for a bit before pulling out of the parking spot — allowing the car to slide right out from under the ice.

In general, there's no need for people to idle their engines for long periods of time before driving in the winter. "Most manufacturers recommend driving off gently after about 30 seconds," advises the Department of Energy. "The engine will warm up faster being driven, which will allow the heat to turn on sooner, decrease your fuel costs, and reduce emissions."*

That said, there is one potential upside to idling — spectacular ice sculptures.


(* Note: There are some exceptions to the "no need to idle rule," as Chris Mooney runs down in exhaustive detail here. If you're waiting for ice to melt off your windshield, for instance, that's an excellent reason to wait. And some cities like Minneapolis advise idling for a bit longer when the weather dips below 0°F. And obviously if you're warming up the car for someone else, that's up to you. That said, it does seem like a fair bit of fuel gets wasted because many people believe engines always need a long warm-up period in winter.)

22 Feb 21:07

gifsboom:Video: Sunbathing Cats Moving with the Sun

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez

22 Feb 21:07


Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez

22 Feb 21:06

bulbacsar:u-gotta-kik:This picture is Fox News’ worst nightmareA...

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez



This picture is Fox News’ worst nightmare

A republican’s back goes out every time this is reblogged

22 Feb 21:05

Video: Red Pandas Having Fun in Fresh Snow at Cincinnati Zoo

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez

22 Feb 21:01

(photo via kael13)

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez

(photo via kael13)

22 Feb 20:59

45 Days in the Sun

From January 11 to February 25 2013, a pinhole From January 11 to February 25 2013, a pinhole

22 Feb 20:54

CT Scan of 1,000-Year-Old Buddha Statue Reveals Mummified Monk Hidden Inside

by Christopher Jobson

Photo by M. Elsevier Stokmans; Boeddhamummie (Drents Museum)

(MMC / Jan van Esch)

What looks like a traditional statue of Buddha dating back to the 11th or 12th century was recently revealed to be quite a bit more. A CT scan and endoscopy carried out by the Netherlands-based Drents Museum at the Meander Medical Centre in Amersfoort, showed the ancient reliquary fully encases the mummified remains of a Buddhist master known as Liuquan of the Chinese Meditation School. While it was known beforehand the remains of a person were inside, another startling discovery was made during the scan: where the organs had been removed prior to mummification, researches discovered rolls of paper scraps covered in Chinese writing.

The Liuquan mummy has since been transported to Hungary where it will be on view at the Hungarian Natural History Museum through May of 2015. (via Robs Webstek, Neatorama, Creators Project)

Update: Among some practicing Buddhists it’s been said that similar mummies “aren’t dead” but are instead in an advanced state of meditation. (thnx, Alan!)

22 Feb 20:53


Cooper Griggs

All I can think about is the slivers in my feet when getting to and from the bed.

21 Feb 01:23

Can't Read Me Nothing

Cooper Griggs

douche update

Rumor: Kanye West said he was proud of not reading books.
20 Feb 23:38 - Get Inspired.

by speero
20 Feb 23:26


20 Feb 23:18


20 Feb 10:41

This was recorded when we were touring the west coast of Ireland...

This was recorded when we were touring the west coast of Ireland near Galway after a day of hiking the Connemara Highlands. It will always paint a vivid picture in my mind of the town and pub where we heard this lovely music.

20 Feb 10:41

nevver:Ella Frances SandersThis is true for anything you create.


Ella Frances Sanders

This is true for anything you create.

20 Feb 10:41


20 Feb 10:41


20 Feb 09:11

Apple will fix your older MacBook Pro's video problems for free

by Jon Fingas
Did you snag a MacBook Pro before 2014 only to run into corrupted video, no video at all or spontaneous reboots? You won't have to shell out for a fix if you're out of warranty. After more than a year of reports, Apple is launching a repair program t...
20 Feb 09:03

Every single episode of 'CSI' hits Hulu Plus exclusively this April

by Timothy J. Seppala
Cooper Griggs

Deal with it?

You read that headline right: Every episode of the wildly popular CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and all its spin-offs are coming exclusively to Hulu Plus. As the Hulu blog tells it, over 300 episodes of the series'll appear on the streaming service ...
20 Feb 09:03


20 Feb 09:02

(via togifs:video)

(via togifs:video)

20 Feb 06:11

Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

For the bee peeps on here :)







The Flow Hive is a new beehive invention that promises to eliminate the more laborious aspects of collecting honey from a beehive with a novel spigot system that taps into specially designed honeycomb frames. Invented over the last decade by father and son beekeepers Stuart and Cedar Anderson, the system eliminates the traditional process of honey extraction where frames are removed from beehives, opened with hot knives, and loaded into a machine that uses centrifugal force to get the honey out. Here is how the Andersons explain their design:

The Flow frame consists of already partly formed honeycomb cells. The bees complete the comb with their wax, fill the cells with honey and cap the cells as usual. When you turn the tool, a bit like a tap, the cells split vertically inside the comb forming channels allowing the honey to flow down to a sealed trough at the base of the frame and out of the hive while the bees are practically undisturbed on the comb surface.

When the honey has finished draining you turn the tap again in the upper slot resets the comb into the original position and allows the bees to chew the wax capping away, and fill it with honey again.

It’s difficult to say how this might scale up for commercial operations, but for urban or backyard beekeeping it seems like a whole lot of fun. It wouldn’t be hard to imagine these on the roof of a restaurant where honey could be extracted daily, or for use by kids or others who might be more squeamish around live bees. You can see more on their website and over on Facebook.

Update: The Flow Hive is currently seeking funding on IndieGogo. So far they’ve raised $1.8 million dollars in 16 hours.

20 Feb 06:06

Bra Holster Shooting

News: A woman accidentally shot and killed herself while adjusting a gun in her bra holster.
19 Feb 23:52


Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez

19 Feb 23:52


by researchinstitute
19 Feb 23:42

sixpenceee:Snow mounds with glow sticks inside them look really...

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez


Snow mounds with glow sticks inside them look really cute and maybe just a lil’ bit creepy at night. 

19 Feb 23:15

(via seifukucat)

(via seifukucat)

19 Feb 23:10


19 Feb 23:10


Cooper Griggs


19 Feb 16:49


Cooper Griggs

Strange fin configuration.