Shared posts

31 Dec 14:56


04 Dec 18:06

Corporate Interview

by Doug
27 Nov 15:01

Guardians of Thanksgiving

by Doug

Guardians of Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to my readers in the United States!

27 Nov 14:59

A Candle Based on Gestapo Agent Toht’s Gory Face-Melting Scene From ‘Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark’

by Justin Page

Melting Toht Candle

Firebox has released a fantastic candle based on Gestapo agent Arnold Ernst Toht‘s gory face-melting scene from the classic 1981 adventure film Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is available to purchase online.

No, we’re talking about when ruthless Gestapo agent Toht gets his gory comeuppance at the end of the film – you know, when his eyes roll back like a couple of boiled eggs and he lets out a blood-curdling scream as his entire face dribbles off his skull. That bit. Just awesome. He did Nazi that coming.

Whether it left you with nightmares for weeks or just had you repeatedly hitting the re-wind button, celebrate one of the greatest deaths in all of cinema history with the Melting Toht Candle. Thankfully this detailed replica won’t melt quite as fast so you can really savour the moment.

The original face-melting scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark for the sake of comparison:

Melting Toht Candle

Melting Toht Candle

images via Firebox

via Dangerous Minds

27 Nov 14:52

The Schizophrenic Programmer Who Built an OS To Talk To God

by Soulskill
rossgneumann writes: Terry Davis, a schizophrenic programmer, has spent 10 years building an operating system to talk to God. He's done this work because God told him to. According to the TempleOS charter, it is "God's official temple. Just like Solomon's temple, this is a community focal point where offerings are made and God's oracle is consulted." [The TempleOS V2.17 welcome screen] greets the user with a riot of 16-color, scrolling, blinking text; depending on your frame of reference, it might recall DESQview, the Commodore 64, or a host of early DOS-based graphical user interfaces. In style if not in specifics, it evokes a particular era, a time when the then-new concept of "personal computing" necessarily meant programming and tinkering and breaking things.

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27 Nov 14:52

Cuando llego el lunes al trabajo y empiezan a hablarme

27 Nov 14:51


27 Nov 14:50


27 Nov 14:50

A Boy Interested in Nothing

27 Nov 14:48




27 Nov 14:47


27 Nov 14:47


27 Nov 14:44

Lego Win!

Lego Win!

Submitted by: anselmbe

Tagged: lego , kids , parenting , win , g rated
27 Nov 14:42


27 Nov 14:42

Dogs Comics.

by nedroid

Dogs Comics.

27 Nov 14:42


27 Nov 14:41

Paying Caesars Things Back To Caesar

Delivery Company | IL, USA

Customer: “Have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior?”

Me: “Nope. Your total is $7.00.”

Customer: “I don’t pay non-believers.”

Me: “Well, it’s a good thing you’re paying [Delivery Company], then.”

Customer: “Do you know any commandments, you Satan worshipper?”

Me: “Thou Shalt Not Steal. Seven dollars, please.”

(Then he threw a $10 on the counter and left. Three bucks for Satan!)

27 Nov 14:40

Keeping servers online

by sharhalakis

by @artvandelayvien

26 Nov 18:55

Jurassic World

Hey guys! What's eating you? Ha ha ha it's me! Oh, what fun we have.
25 Nov 19:45

Schlieren Optics

25 Nov 19:38

November 23, 2014


Lol, only 10⁴

OH MAN. BAHFest videos coming soon.
25 Nov 19:32




25 Nov 19:32

Delivery date is prior to the requested date

by sharhalakis

by Alchemist

25 Nov 19:31

November 25, 2014

25 Nov 19:22

When the last living thing dies, my job is finished. I’ll put...



When the last living thing dies, my job is finished. I’ll put the chairs on tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave.

25 Nov 19:21

He’s the hero Thanksgiving needs. -knumbknuts

He’s the hero Thanksgiving needs. -knumbknuts

25 Nov 17:39


Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

25 Nov 15:32


25 Nov 15:25

gotitforcheap: tepitome: For their single Blue Ice Swedish...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



For their single Blue Ice, Swedish band The Shout Out Louds sent fans a kit for making a record out of ice. Pour water into a silicon mold, freeze it, then play the record.

my new single dropping soon it’s a bunch of bees and you gotta put them into hives and get the honey out of them and then take that honey and mold it into a vinyl or some shit oh well pitchfork already told me i’m getting best new track 

24 Nov 22:03

by pascii