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17 Jul 15:57

These are the Most Incredible Photos Shot by NASA’s Cassini Probe

by Michael Zhang


NASA’s New Horizons probe dazzled the world with a detailed photo of Pluto today, but another probe has been beaming back stunning shots of space for over a decade already. The Cassini space probe has captured its fair share of eye-popping photos since launching in 1997 and arriving in Saturn’s orbit in 2004.

Here’s a collection of some of Cassini’s most remarkable photographs. Many of them were compiled by Reddit user I_Say_I_Say, and others were featured here before or obtained from NASA’s website:

Saturn passing in front of the Sun. A color-exaggerated image that combines 165 images taken over 3 hours.

Saturn passing in front of the Sun. A color-exaggerated image that combines 165 images taken over 3 hours. [#]

Saturn's gradation and rings. [#]

Saturn’s gradation and rings. [#]

A photo of Saturn during an equinox. [#]

A photo of Saturn during an equinox.

Three of Saturn’s moons (Titan, Mimas, and Rhea) captured in a single photo. [#]

An electrical storm on the surface of Saturn. [#]

A long-lived electrical storm on the surface of Saturn. [#]

Four moons huddling around Saturn's rings. [#]

Four moons huddling around Saturn’s rings. [#]

Saturn casting a shadow on its rings. [#]

Saturn casting a shadow on its rings. [#]

Saturn's moon Rhea hovering in front of Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

Saturn’s moon Rhea hovering in front of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan.

Saturn's rings glowing in scattered sunlight. [#]

Saturn’s rings glowing in scattered sunlight. [#]

Saturn overexposed to bring out details in its rings. [#]

Saturn overexposed to bring out details in its rings. [#]

Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. [#]

Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus. [#]

Saturn casting its shadow on its rings.

Saturn casting its shadow on its rings.

A storm on the north pole of Saturn.

A storm on the north pole of Saturn.

Saturn and its moon Titan

Saturn and its moon Titan

Saturn's rings cut across an eerie scene that is ruled by Titan's luminous crescent and globe-encircling haze, broken by the small moon Enceladus, whose icy jets are dimly visible at its south pole. North is up.

Saturn’s rings cutting across the moon Titan, which hovers behind the shadow of the smaller moon Enceladus. [#]

Saturn, its rings, and its moon Dione. [#]

A massive storm stretching across the surface of the planet.

A massive storm stretching across the surface of the planet.

Earth seen as a pale blue dot under Saturn's rings.

Earth seen as a pale blue dot under Saturn’s rings.

You can find a massive collection of Cassini’s photos in the mission gallery on NASA’s website.

15 Jul 19:18

by Rob DenBleyker

15 Jul 15:46

gameraboy: Mad Max: Fury Road without the Special Effects



15 Jul 15:45


15 Jul 15:44


15 Jul 15:44


15 Jul 15:43

The Fourth Wall: A Rare View of Famous European Theater Auditoriums Photographed from the Stage

by Christopher Jobson


For his ongoing series The Fourth Wall, Hamburg-based photographer Klaus Frahm shatters the illusion of stagecraft by taking us behind-the-scenes of several European theaters. Shot from the vantage point of the stage looking toward the audience, the photos reveal the stark contrast of ornate auditoriums and the technological scaffolding that facilitates a major theatrical production. Frahm captures the elaborate configurations of lights and the surprising enormity of the fly space hidden just behind the red curtain that can be up to three times larger than the seating area.

Frahm says the intention behind his photography “is to give way for a new perspective, to entertain, to offer a fresh sight on familiar things,” and to “reveal something laying under the surface.” The Fourth Wall project began in 2010 when he was documenting a new theater for an architect which involved a series of shots facing the wings and other angles from the stage. When reviewing his polaroids later that day he was immediately struck by the image-within-an-image contrast of the warm, fully-lit theater seats and the cold, hidden infrastructure. Klaus had ingeniously turned the tables: suddenly the audience was the spectacle and the stage was reality.

You can see more from the Fourth Wall series on Fram’s website. If you enjoyed this, also check out the work of David Leventi. (via It’s Nice That, thnx Kevin!)








15 Jul 15:42

"There are 2 gateway drugs to science - dinosaurs and space."

“There are 2 gateway drugs to science - dinosaurs and space.”


My astronomy professor

(via coffeeforcollege)


(via thedoubleclicks)

15 Jul 15:42


15 Jul 15:42

quietserval: thepioden: possiblestalker: I had a dream where...




I had a dream where Lying Cat replaced Garfield. So then this happened. And because of Max Gladstone, it KEPT happening. ;)



15 Jul 15:40


15 Jul 00:05

Социальный флешмоб: мертвому еноту создали мемориал на улице

Торонто, Канада, 9 часов утра. Прохожий обнаружил на улице мёртвого енота и предупредил об этом городские службы при помощи твиттера.

Вскоре городские службы Торонто, ответили ему, что они получили сообщение и в скором времени животное будет убрано.

Три часа спустя животное продолжало лежать на тротуаре, и кто-то решил отдать ему дань уважения. "Покойся с миром дорогой енот, помощь в пути".

К 15:00 в поле зрения не появилось ещё ни одной машины городской службы, поэтому мертвый енот получил новую долю уважения.

Скорбящие прохожие даже создали специальный мемориальный хэштег для него #DeadRaccoonTo

Который пользователи стали активно использовать.

"Спи мой милый принц, люди любят тебя и помнят"

День подходил к концу, а машины городской службы всё ещё не было, поэтому этот пушистый парень продолжал получать знаки внимания.

Член городского совета Норм Келли даже призвал людей оставить на ночь мусорные баки открытыми, чтобы другие еноты могли помянуть своего погибшего товарища.

20:20, день превратился в ночь, а енот по-прежнему лежал на тротуаре, ожидая достойного погребения.

Люди начали зажигать свечи в его честь.

Неизвестно, был ли енот христианином, но, безусловно, он бы оценил этот жест.

Люди устали ждать ответной реакции от городских служб, поэтому поставили ящик для пожертвований, чтобы заплатить уже кому-нибудь, кто мог бы убрать этого енота с дороги.

И продолжали приходить и молиться за упокой души енота.

И наконец, спустя 14 часов, ровно в 23:00 на месте появилась машина городской службы, чтобы убрать бедное животное.

Но привычка уже сформировалась, и люди продолжали идти на это место, чтобы отдать еноту дань уважения.

Честно - завидую Канаде и её проблемам. Нам бы так.

14 Jul 15:48

Carpet Surfing

Carpet Surfing

14 Jul 15:46


by villeashell

14 Jul 15:46

Amazing Nightmarish Creatures Made From Discarded VHS Tape

by dmitry

For the analog boys and girls living in a digital world, the work of French multimedia artist Philip Ob Rey should capture your interest. The Iceland-based creator was recently brought to our attention due to his use of discarded VHS tapes. Ob Rey creates nightmarish figures using the black magnetic tape and photographs them wandering the frozen Icelandic landscape.

They’re fantastical, horrific, and darkly beautiful. Lovecraft would approve. The artist created an entire narrative about the creatures, which you can take in on his website. “In the form of an outstanding installation skeletonned with VHS film-rolls, he will present V, his new project.

V senses, V awakenings, V Beings half-God half-Mortal staged through five medias, from the 80’s to our (analogue film, digital 8mm videos, smartphone…) sublimed within a post-modern archeologic research, V visions, V HumantropicSenses, V-HS,” Ob Rey writes of the ominous beings. See more of Ob Rey’s video giants in our gallery.

Via Flavorwire

14 Jul 15:46

by Rob DenBleyker

14 Jul 15:45

Soundsgood Features Playlists Curated by Real People, Influenced by You

by Alan Henry

It’s tough to find music that’s not algorithmically recommended, but suggested by real music lovers: DJs, producers, or just fans like you. Soundsgood is a new service that wants to be just that, with playlists that are platform agnostic, so you can listen to them on YouTube, Soundcloud, Spotify, whatever you like.


14 Jul 15:44

Perfectly preserved ancient roman gate in Lugo, Spain. Lugo is...

Perfectly preserved ancient roman gate in Lugo, Spain. Lugo is the only city in the world to be surrounded by completely intact Roman walls from 3rd century AD

14 Jul 15:44

phillyzoo: Oscar the porcupine high-fives his keeper.


Oscar the porcupine high-fives his keeper.

14 Jul 15:39

For Mr. Iwata...

14 Jul 15:37

First Look at Netflix’s ‘Jessica Jones’ Also Offer a First Look at Luke Cage [PHOTOS]

by Angie Han

Netflix series

Now that the world has fallen in love with Charlie Cox as Daredevil, Netflix and Marvel TV are ready to introduce you to two more of its small-screen heroes. The first photos from the upcoming series Jessica Jones have been revealed, featuring Krysten Ritter as the title character and Mike Colter as Luke Cage. Get your Jessica Jones first look after the jump.

Netflix unveiled the Jessica Jones first look photos today (via CBR). Because only Marvel could steal the spotlight during Comic-Con, with a show they didn’t even bring to Comic-Con.

Jessica Jones (1) Jessica Jones (2) Jessica Jones (3) Jessica Jones (4) Jessica Jones (5)

The photos show what should be a very alarming scene — a man on fire, running out of a building. Fortunately, the man in question just happens to be Luke Cage, who has unbreakable skin (among other powers) and is therefore invulnerable to fire. Not that that keeps Jessica Jones from frowning with concern. Catching on fire probably isn’t fun, even if it’s not fatal.

It’s interesting to see Jessica Jones and Luke Cage in normal, everyday outfits. Jessica Jones looks to be taking on a more grounded, realistic tone a la Daredevil, which also featured the hero in street clothes for most of the season. It should also be fun to see how their relationship unfolds as the show goes on, as the characters are romantically involved in the comics.

Jessica Jones picks up with Jessica Jones after the tragic end of her short-lived stint as a superhero. She rebuilds herself as a New York City detective who specializes in cases involving people with extraordinary abilities. Luke Cage makes his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut with a recurring role on Jessica Jones before headlining his own series in 2016. Melissa Rosenberg serves as showrunner on Jessica Jones.

Netflix will debut Jessica Jones on Netflix later this year with 13 episodes. Jessica Jones is the second Marvel TV show to hit Netflix after Daredevil. It’ll be followed by Luke Cage and Iron Fist, and then all four titular superheroes will team up for the show The Defenders.

The post First Look at Netflix’s ‘Jessica Jones’ Also Offer a First Look at Luke Cage [PHOTOS] appeared first on /Film.

14 Jul 15:37

Video: George R.R. Martin is Working Hard on His Next Book

14 Jul 15:32

Baby Drew a Picture

by Reza


14 Jul 15:32

hypenoticeTheAtlanticRoad1.jpg 430×365 pixels

by evencleveland
14 Jul 15:31


14 Jul 14:07

A NASA probe is passing by Pluto in history-making flyby right now

by Miriam Kramer

Right at this moment, 3 billion miles from Earth, a spacecraft built by humans is flying by Pluto, a world we have never seen at close range

If all is going according to plan, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft should be making its closest approach with Pluto, at 7:49 a.m. EDT Tuesday. Data collected during this flyby — which will bring the probe about 7,750 miles from Pluto's surface — will mark the first time Pluto has ever been visited by a human-made craft

New Horizons — which launched to space in 2006 — won't have a chance to stop and take a long look around at the tiny planet and its five moons. The probe is speeding at more than 30,000 mph as it flies by Pluto, and it doesn't have the ability to slow down to get into orbit Read more...

More about Nasa, Us World, Us, Space, and Pluto
14 Jul 14:06

Pluto in Pluto (Last pic from before NASA flyby)

by Rob Beschizza


Even closer, as posted by NASA. Heather thinks she sees Pluto the dog in the surface details. Do you see him?


14 Jul 14:01

NASA gives Instagram the exclusive on Pluto

by James Vincent

Excitement over the New Horizons probe's flyby past Pluto has been pretty remarkable, and NASA, it seems, has known exactly how to take advantage: hit up social media. The US space agency published the most detailed image of Pluto ever this morning at around 7AM ET, sharing the photo via Instagram an hour before it was scheduled to be posted to the official website.

It's a canny decision by NASA, which enjoys some 3.5 million followers on the photo sharing network and routinely clocks up more than 100,000 likes per image. The space agency's social media manager John Yembrick told Wired that the idea was simply to give the world "a sneak peek on Instagram," and that NASA feels it's "important to engage new audiences." The space...

Continue reading…

13 Jul 21:41

Being John Malkovich, Sandro Miller

Being John Malkovich, Sandro Miller

13 Jul 21:41

craveyardcat: Emily Carroll, Through the Woods


Emily Carroll, Through the Woods