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25 Aug 11:09

Expert Speech Skill: Pillars Of Eternity Interview Part 2

by Adam Smith

In the second and final part of a conversation with Josh Sawyer of Obsidian (part one), we discuss how the design of Pillars of Eternity differs from Fallout: New Vegas. That involves a discussion of New Vegas’ post-release support, official and otherwise, and the pros and cons of traditional RPG systems. Of particular note – why Pillars of Eternity does not have a Speech skill, or any other skill of that sort.

With contributions from executive producer Brandon Adler, we also discuss the role of Paradox as publisher and the benefits of digital distribution, and end with a tribute to nineties RPG, Darklands.

… [visit site to read more]

12 Aug 00:55

‘Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb’ Trailer Takes the Series to Britain

by Angie Han

Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb trailer

Everyone’s favorite museum security guard is at it again in the Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb trailer. This time, Larry (Ben Stiller) and his pals are concerned that there’s something wrong with the tablet that brings the exhibits to life every night.

This requires them to travel to the British Museum, where the tablet’s creator (Ben Kingsley) resides, and where they get to meet, among others, the dashing hero Lancelot (Downton Abbey‘s Dan Stevens) and a very Rebel Wilson-y security guard played by Rebel Wilson. Hit the jump to watch the first Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb trailer.

Apple debuted the Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb trailer.

As big studio franchises go, Night at the Museum is going at a downright languorous pace. It’s been about five years since Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, and the original Night at the Museum opened three years before that. Compare that to a lot of superhero and YA series, who race to get new installments out every year or at least every other year.

The new trailer looks pretty silly, but the jokes aren’t as groan-inducingly corny as they could be. In a kids’ movie, that counts as a win. Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb should appeal to the same family demo who made the first two installments a hit. And maybe also bring in some people who really miss Cousin Matthew on Downton Abbey.

Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb opens December 19, 2014Ben KingsleyRobin WilliamsOwen Wilson, Steve Coogan, and Ricky Gervais also star.

Get ready for the wildest and most adventure-filled Night At the Museum ever as Larry (Ben Stiller) spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever.

The post ‘Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb’ Trailer Takes the Series to Britain appeared first on /Film.

06 Aug 15:58

Orkut abandonado

30 Jul 20:09

I miss Eduard Khil so much I watched the whole thing

I miss Eduard Khil so much I watched the whole thing

30 Jul 20:05


30 Jul 15:28

This Is What Happens When You Attach a GoPro Camera to a Moving Car Wheel

by Christopher Jobson

Though we may be rapidly heading toward peak GoPro, and the number of unique scenarios where the tiny video camera is used to film something is dwindling, gems like these still persist. For his Video Sketchbook class at the University of Wisconsin, Ryan Fox attached a camera to his car wheel while driving aroud at night, and this is the dizzying result. This should probably come with a list of seizure/vertigo/hypnotism warnings. (via Vimeo)

Update: Hey, if you liked this, also check out Paul Octavious’ photo series of spinning vinyl, Grandpa’s Records (scroll right).

30 Jul 15:27

spicyshimmy: 95% of these are real justgirlythings but also...


95% of these are real justgirlythings but also apply to jim kirk’s life so yeah

30 Jul 15:26

We can’t shut up.

We can’t shut up.

30 Jul 15:23

Cat Doctor

by Doug

Cat Doctor

Dedicated to Joanna W. – happy birthday, Joanna!

Here’s more Doctor Who!

30 Jul 14:28

No One Steals My Sandwich Anymore!

30 Jul 00:21

One of the most amazing cosplays at SDCC 2014

29 Jul 21:21

Artist Messages 50 Facebook Users With Paintings of Them as Sloths

by EDW Lynch

Paintings of Facebook Users as Sloths

British artist Hector Janse van Rensburg recently sent 50 random Facebook users paintings of their profile photos in which the users had been replaced with sloths. Van Rensburg has made a name for himself, under the moniker Shitty Watercolour, for his quick paintings of Reddit threads.

Paintings of Facebook Users as Sloths

Paintings of Facebook Users as Sloths

Paintings of Facebook Users as Sloths

Paintings of Facebook Users as Sloths

images via Hector Janse van Rensburg

via reddit, Bored Panda

29 Jul 21:20

[video] New Kindle Helps Readers Show Off By Shouting Title Of Book Loudly And Repeatedly

Amazon says the Kindle Flare’s repetitive shouting will appeal to fans of print, who miss the ability to display a book’s cover to strangers.

29 Jul 18:36

Long-lived Opportunity rover breaks extraterrestrial mileage record

by Lee Hutchinson
Opportunity passes Lunokhod Crater on its trip to Marathon Valley.

Before the big publicity splash made by the Mars Science Laboratory and Curiosity, the big stars on Mars were the two Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. The pair of 400 lb (185 kg) semi-autonomous machines were dropped onto Mars in January 2004 and were initially designed with an operational lifespan of 90 sols (a sol is a Martian day, equivalent to about 24 hours and 39.5 minutes), but they managed to drastically exceed that lifespan through careful piloting and resource management. In fact, although Spirit fell silent in March 2010, Opportunity continues to be responsive—and as of yesterday, it has traveled 25.01 miles (40.25 km) across the Martian surface, setting a new record for off-world travel.

The previous record dates back to 1974 when the Soviet Lunokhod 2 rover zipped across about 24.2 miles (39 km) of dusty lunar terrain in about four months. Opportunity’s progress has been much slower, due to a combination of a low travel speed (usually about 10 mm per second, with a top speed of 50 mm per second, about 600 feet per hour) and regular stops to perform observations.

In the ten years that Opportunity has cruised the Martian craters and valleys, the faithful robot has contributed tremendously to our understanding of the composition and history of Mars, including transmitting back data that provides significant support to the idea that Mars once had oceans of liquid water.

Read 2 remaining paragraphs | Comments

29 Jul 18:32

New To Home Video: That show you like is coming out on Blu-Ray

by Ignatiy Vishnevetsky

Here’s what’s new to DVD, Blu-ray, and VOD this week.

Top picks: Classic

Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery (Paramount)

David Lynch and Mark Frost’s early ’90s series Twin Peaks remains one of TV’s unlikeliest touchstones, an oneiric soap opera—set in a supernatural small-town Pacific Northwest—that is equal parts lurid and golly-gee wholesome. This comprehensive Blu-ray collection includes every episode—both the American pilot and the longer European version—and Lynch’s 1992 spin-off feature Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. As with Lynch’s earlier 10-disc Lime Green set, there’s also a plethora of material pulled from the tsunami-haired filmmaker’s personal vault, including 90 minutes of Fire Walk With Me deleted scenes. Lynch is effectively retired from filmmaking; the in-character cast interviews he filmed for this release amount to the most substantial new directing work he’s done since Inland Empire

Herzog ...

29 Jul 18:32

Perguntas e Respostas para entender como os palestinos veem Israel

by Gustavo Chacra

1. Os árabes não aceitaram a criação de um Estado judaico em 1947 na ONU?

Verdade. Mas, em 2011, a Palestina buscou reconhecimento como país não membro na Assembleia Geral da ONU dentro das fronteiras  pré-1967 (Cisjordânia. Faixa de Gaza e Jerusalém Oriental). Todos os países árabes, e a maior parte das nações do Mundo votaram a favor, indiretamente reconhecendo Israel no restante do território. Israel votou contra com o argumento de que as fronteiras devem ser negociadas em um acordo bilateral

 2. A Palestina não reconhece Israel?

Mentira. A OLP (Organização Para a Libertação da Palestina) reconhece desde os anos 1990 com os acordos de Oslo. E Israel reconhece o direito a um Estado palestino desde a mesma data. O Hamas não integra a OLP

3. Mas o Hamas prega a destruição de Israel?

Verdade. Está na carta de fundação do grupo. Mas líderes da organização já indicaram que aceitam a Palestina apenas dentro das fronteiras de 1967. Além disso, o Hamas, meses atrás, aceitou apoiar um governo tecnocrático que reconhece a existência de Israel. Mas dois pontos devem ser levados em conta – o Hamas tem um histórico de traição, como vimos ao apoiar rebeldes na Síria contra Bashar al Assad, que os defendeu por anos. E o Hamas, hoje, não tem condição de destruir nem um quarteirão de Israel. Para completar, há membros do governo israelense que não aceitam o direito de a Palestina existir

4. Os países árabes não reconhecem Israel?

Em termos. Todos os países da Liga Árabe ofereceram, em 2002, estabelecer relações diplomáticas com Israel caso o país voltasse para as fronteiras de 1967, reconhecidas pela ONU. Israel não aceitou e prefere negociar com a Autoridade Palestina (Avigdor Lieberman, chanceler de Israel, porém, acha boa a opção de negociar com a Liga Árabe). A proposta ainda está na mesa e tem o apoio dos EUA. Vale lembrar que Egito e Jordânia têm relações diplomáticas com Israel e o Qatar e Omã, entre outros, possuem relações comerciais. No caso egípcio, hoje o regime do Cairo talvez seja o maior aliado de Israel no mundo. Mais até do que os EUA. A Arábia Saudita seria outro importante aliado na questão iraniana

5. E o Irã, a Turquia (que não são árabes) e o Hezbollah, reconhecem Israel?

A Turquia, sim. Inclusive, é um histórico aliado militar israelense. Mas, no atual governo de Erdogan, adotou uma postura radical a favor dos palestinos, inclusive do Hamas, deteriorando as relações dos dois países, embora sem rompimento de relações diplomáticas. O Irã era próximo de Israel até a queda do xá, em 1979. Mas depois virou o maior inimigo. Até pouco tempo atrás, o regime de Teerã era o maior patrocinador do Hamas. Quando o Hamas traiu Assad na Síria, o Irã se distanciou, embora mantenha uma proximidade com o braço militar. O Hezbollah também rompeu com o braço político do Hamas, mas voltou a se aproximar do braço militar, conhecido como Brigadas Qassam. Mas o Irã e o Hezbollah tomam cuidado para não irritar Assad no apoio ao Hamas

6. A Palestina não reconhece Israel como Estado judaico?

Verdade, nos últimos anos. Mas Arafat reconheceu. Abbas, de fato, não reconhece. Vale frisar que Netanyahu, neste seu segundo mandato (não no primeiro), é a primeira liderança israelense a fazer esta exigência em negociações com os palestinos. Até 2009, Israel não fazia esta reivindicação. Bastava reconhecer Israel como Israel. Os palestinos argumentam que esta é uma questão doméstica israelense e levam em conta os árabes cristãos e muçulmanos cidadãos de Israel que não concordam na maioria das vezes com o caráter judaico do Estado

7. Arafat rejeitou uma ótima proposta de Israel em 2000?

Verdade e mais de uma de vez. Deve ser criticado por isso e hoje poderia haver paz na região. Mas Netanyahu rejeitou, por questões domésticas e um mal entendido no processo de negociação, uma proposta ainda melhor para Israel neste ano, em 2014, na qual o presidente palestino aceitava uma Palestina desmilitarizada e com tropas americanas na Cisjordânia por anos e com a transição da segurança para tropas da OTAN comandadas pelos EUA. Segundo os EUA, Israel foi responsável pelo fracasso nas negociações ao não libertar a quarta leva de prisioneiros palestinos e anunciar a construção de mais casas em assentamentos (Israel retruca dizendo que estas casas seriam em assentamentos que ficarão no lado israelense em um acordo final)

8. Palestinos são fanáticos radicais islâmicos?

Mentira. Há palestinos fanáticos e radicais islâmicos, como os membros do Hamas. Mas a maior parte dos palestinos é muçulmana sunita, sem ser religiosa. Yasser Arafat, por exemplo, era casado com uma cristã e batizou a filha. Aliás, há palestinos cristãos e estes sempre estiveram na vanguarda do movimento palestino. A prefeita de Ramallah, capital da Autoridade Palestina, é cristã. A de Belém, também é mulher e cristã. George Habash, um dos maiores líderes históricos palestino, era cristão. Edward Said, maior intelectual palestino, era cristão. Hanan Ashrawi, também histórica líder palestina e uma das maiores críticas de Israel, é cristã. Todos os líderes religiosos cristãos da Terra Santa se identificam como palestinos. Normalmente, eles reclamam da ocupação israelense, que recentemente incorporou terras de famílias cristãs tradicionais de Beit Jala e Belém, na Cisjordânia. Em Gaza, por outro lado, houve crescimento na perseguição a cristãos. Como curiosidade, praticamente não existem xiitas palestinos

Não sei como faz para publicar comentários. Portanto pediria que comentem no meu Facebook (Guga Chacra)  e no Twitter (@gugachacra), aberto para seguidores

Guga Chacra, comentarista de política internacional do Estadão e do programa Globo News Em Pauta em Nova York, é mestre em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade Columbia. Já foi correspondente do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo no Oriente Médio e em NY. No passado, trabalhou como correspondente da Folha em Buenos Aires

Comentários islamofóbicos, antissemitas, anticristãos e antiárabes ou que coloquem um povo ou uma religião como superiores não serão publicados. Tampouco são permitidos ataques entre leitores ou contra o blogueiro. Pessoas que insistirem em ataques pessoais não terão mais seus comentários publicados. Não é permitido postar vídeo. Todos os posts devem ter relação com algum dos temas acima. O blog está aberto a discussões educadas e com pontos de vista diferentes. Os comentários dos leitores não refletem a opinião do jornalista

Acompanhe também meus comentários no Globo News Em Pauta, na Rádio Estadão, na TV Estadão, no Estadão Noite no tablet, no Twitter @gugachacra , no Facebook Guga Chacra (me adicionem como seguidor), no Instagram e no Google Plus. Escrevam para mim no gugachacra at Leiam também o blog do Ariel Palacios

29 Jul 18:29

This New Board Game Aims to Teach the Building Blocks of Code to Preschoolers #makereducation

by Kelly

20140718 ROBOT TURTLES 017edit 660x475

Robot Turtles, set to release next month, is a board game that’s designed to bring coding literacy to preschool age children.

from Wired:

This wonderfully clever, light-hearted creation is already a sensation in the world of online crowdfunding. Former Google and Microsoft employee Dan Shapiro raised over $631,000 on Kickstarter to build the game last year, and by Christmas, he’d shipped copies to his over 13,700 backers. But now, Robot Turtles is being mass produced by a game company called ThinkFun, and its arrival at Target marks a new milestone for what’s known as the “code literacy movement,” an effort to bring programming skills to, well, just about everyone.

In more ways than one, the new board game serves as a metaphor for the long and steady evolution of computer programming from the most complex and specialized of endeavors to something that practically anyone can grasp. It’s not just that Robot Turtles is a new incarnation of Logo, a turtle-centric programming language that aimed coding concepts at children as early as the 1960s. It’s that ThinkFun, the company behind the game’s push into Target and beyond, can trace its roots through the family of the most important coder in the history of programming—and all the way back to the dawn of the modern computing age

Read more.

Adafruit_Learning_SystemEach Tuesday is EducationTuesday here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts about educators and all things STEM. Adafruit supports our educators and loves to spread the good word about educational STEM innovations!

29 Jul 18:29

Ridley Scott to Produce Philip K Dick's The Man In the High Castle

by timothy
hawkinspeter (831501) writes Amazon has given the green light to produce the Hugo award-winning "The Man in the High Castle". This is after the four-hour mini-series was rejected by Syfy and afterwards by the BBC. Philip K Dick's novel takes place in an alternate universe where the Axis Powers won the Second World War. It's one of his most successful works, probably due to him actually spending the time to do some editing on it (most of his fiction was produced rapidly in order to get some money). Ridley Scott has previously adapted PKD's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" as the film Blade Runner, so it will be interesting to see how close he keeps to the source material this time. This news has been picked up by a few sites: International Business Times; The Register and Deadline.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

29 Jul 17:30

iamtonysexual: bestnatesmithever: zerostatereflex: Tangible...




Tangible Media

MIT’s Tangible Media is coming along nicely,

"Almost like a table of living clay, the inFORM is a surface that three-dimensionally changes shape, allowing users to not only interact with digital content in meatspace, but even hold hands with a person hundreds of miles away. And that’s only the beginning."

handjobs of the future





EVERY TIME I’M LIKE “…i want one”


29 Jul 14:19

o pintinho de hoje na folha: o shampoo.

o pintinho de hoje na folha: o shampoo.

29 Jul 14:17

Crow asks for water

29 Jul 14:16

Staredad | ab6.jpg

29 Jul 14:14

Photographer Captures Perfect Shadow of Mt. Fuji at Sunrise

by Christopher Jobson

Photographer Captures Perfect Shadow of Mt. Fuji at Sunrise shadows Mt. Fuji mountains Japan

While climbing Mt. Fuji in 2012, photographer Kris J B managed to capture this crystal clear shot of the mountain’s shadow at sunrise. The 12,388 ft. Fuji is notoriously shy and is often obscured by low hanging clouds or fog. This was the photographer’s 4th attempt to climb the mountain, an ascent in 2011 left him with a tantalizing, but ultimately unsatisfactory photograph of the mountain’s perfectly triangular shadow stretching out toward the horizon. In 2012 he arrived prepared and returned with this amazing shot.

After posting it online two years ago, K B’s image spread like wildfire and he quickly lost control of his rights. The photo was used widely without his permission, a story he recently shared with PetaPixel. K B now lives and works in England, and you can follow more of his photography on his website and over on Facebook. Image courtesy the photographer.

29 Jul 14:14

D.B. Cooper

'Why on Earth would someone commit air piracy just to finance a terrible movie decades later?' 'People are very strange these days.'
29 Jul 00:03

Video Game Character Poster - Female Edition Male Edition

Video Game Character Poster - Female Edition

Male Edition

29 Jul 00:01

goddess-river: renly was the best


renly was the best

29 Jul 00:00


28 Jul 23:59

youcanfuckingbiteme: Playing a Bethesda game like


Playing a Bethesda game like


28 Jul 23:57

melsephant: I’ve been playing cat simulator lately and it’s...


I’ve been playing cat simulator lately and it’s pretty fun

28 Jul 23:50

Bill Nye | dd2.jpg
