Shared posts

03 Jun 20:46

girlgoesgrrr:   TODAY IN TURKEY National Protest: Istanbul:...




National Protest: Istanbul: 01-02JUNE2013

ACAB Worldwide


03 Jun 20:45


Cooper Griggs


03 Jun 20:42

fuckyeahmineralogy: Due to the process of permineralization, a...


Due to the process of permineralization, a tree’s organic material will slowly be replaced by stone. Most often, silicates such as quartz are seen in petrified wood specimens, but sometimes opal will lead to specimens such as this.

03 Jun 20:40

by filip
03 Jun 20:40


03 Jun 07:13



03 Jun 07:13

Binder Clip Handbag: Office Product-Inspired Tote Purse

by Urbanist
[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

binder clip hand bag

It is a familiar trope these days, but fun nonetheless: take a common object, tweak the scale and transform the materials, and you get a new item that has a recognizable shape but a distinct new function.

binder handbag giant sized

In this case, the Clip Bag by Peter Bristol manages to look both fresh and fashionable – the light (hollow aluminum) metal grip widens to fit the hand, and the felted bag manages to look a lot classier and more comfortable to carry than its plastic inspiration.

binder bag wood background

There is a curious psychological side-effect in play as well: suddenly, we are forced to rely a lot more on context to determine the size of the bag – it makes its tiny cousins look extra-small, and wood grain seem huge by comparison.

binder purse human hands

A play on memory and novelty, its scale becomes most obvious, in the end, when put to its intended use and held in human hands.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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03 Jun 07:03

June 02, 2013

Have I mentioned recently that we have a facebook group? Only badasses are allowed in. Good luck.
03 Jun 06:58


03 Jun 06:55


Cooper Griggs

Fucking hell!

03 Jun 06:51

cineraria: Street Fighter Motion Sculptures on Vimeo

03 Jun 06:51

0ver-doze: Surprise!



03 Jun 06:32

Nature’s Basalt Columns

by Arnold Chao


Svartifoss 12


The Black Waterfall

Giant's Causeway


Il Sentiero dei Giganti


Basalt columns

Interlocking rock pillars formed from cooling lava millions of years ago in captivating locations worldwide, most notably Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway, Iceland’s Svartifoss, and Scotland’s Fingal’s Cave.

See more photos in the Nature’s Basalt Columns gallery.

Photos from vallith, julie723, matteo_dudek, TheFella, Tinnic, Christopher Scott, Moonrise80, and manzanita-pct.

03 Jun 06:31

thejogging: t-shirt, 2013 screen printed cotton shirt •••


t-shirt, 2013

screen printed cotton shirt


03 Jun 06:31

hifas: Tree, Line Zander Olsen


Tree, Line
Zander Olsen

03 Jun 06:30

Filth Flarn Filth

by foundmetwo
Cooper Griggs

What would you use for eyes?

03 Jun 06:28


by speero
03 Jun 06:27

Mirrored Photographs Combined with Watercolor by Fabienne Rivory

by Christopher Jobson

Mirrored Photographs Combined with Watercolor by Fabienne Rivory watercolor collage

Mirrored Photographs Combined with Watercolor by Fabienne Rivory watercolor collage

Mirrored Photographs Combined with Watercolor by Fabienne Rivory watercolor collage

Mirrored Photographs Combined with Watercolor by Fabienne Rivory watercolor collage

Mirrored Photographs Combined with Watercolor by Fabienne Rivory watercolor collage

Mirrored Photographs Combined with Watercolor by Fabienne Rivory watercolor collage

French artist Fabienne Rivory creates these unusually beautiful images by working with mirrored photographs and watercolor paints. Rivory has been making artwork that blends paint and photography since 2007, a process she likens to the exploration of memory versus reality. Her most recent series titled Miroir is well worth a look, and prints are available here. (via colossal submissions)

03 Jun 06:27


01 Jun 15:33


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Copy this into your blog, website, etc.
<a href=""><img alt="Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic" src="" border=0></a><br />Cyanide & Happiness @ <a href=""></a>

...or into a forum
Cyanide & Happiness @ [URL=""][/URL]
<—- Share this comic!

01 Jun 15:33

Capturing ‘Out Cold’ Commuters with TIME’s...

Capturing ‘Out Cold’ Commuters with TIME’s @PatrickWitty

Patrick Witty (@patrickwitty) spends his days editing and curating photos as TIME magazine’s international picture editor. But in late March, Witty inadvertently embarked on his own photo series when he began documenting fellow commuters that had seemingly fallen asleep on the subway.

“One morning I was on my way to work, standing directly in front of this woman with incredible hair—an explosion of color and texture, the white earphone cord dangling below, so I took a picture. She was fast asleep so I haphazardly captioned the picture, ‘Out cold on the 2. #commute.’ I took another one the next day and it sort of snowballed from there.”

Despite the appearance that the people in his photos are sleeping, most are actually engrossed in their mobile devices. “I’m not sure people realize this, but most of these people are not asleep. They are looking down, lost in their phones or tablets. And I’m doing exactly the same thing. So they are self-portraits in some ways,” says Witty.

What’s been the reaction to Patrick’s photos? “Most people find them humorous, some find it odd, some depressing. I think they are all of these things. I’m definitely not trying to make fun of anyone… It’s a testimony to the subway’s diversity and individuality.”

Join Patrick’s daily commute by following him on Instagram: @patrickwitty.

01 Jun 15:33


by chaim
01 Jun 08:39

Speed of Light

Cooper Griggs

Not cool. I hope to never see these in the U.S.

Photograph purportedly shows a traffic speed measurement unit embedded in a guardrail.
01 Jun 08:18


01 Jun 08:15

insanidadeartificial: In a parallel universe…


In a parallel universe…

01 Jun 08:10

laureola: Sort of like this..(via petervidani) Boss


Sort of like this..

(via petervidani)


01 Jun 08:10


01 Jun 08:10



31 May 23:47

Man leaves his handgun on a Disney World ride

by Cory Doctorow
A guy forgot his handgun on the Countdown to Extinction ride at Disney World's Animal Kingdom; it was found by a woman and her grandson, who turned it in. The man said that he didn't realize that concealed handguns were forbidden at Disney World, and that he assumed the (totally, demonstrably pointless) bag search was to prevent bombers, not shooters.

31 May 23:20


Cooper Griggs

Fucking Kevin.