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23 Dec 21:38


by Dr. Boli

Alphonso has three elephants. We don’t know where he got them. We think Alphonso may be a little bit odd. Each elephant eats five bales of hay per day, plus seven medium-sized saplings, a 40-pound sack of raw peanuts, and a can of sliced peaches. One of the elephants also drinks coffee, but the others do not. If the three elephants eat this exact diet every day for a month, how long will it take the train to get to Perth Amboy?

Your cousin Ferdinand thinks that The Da Vinci Code is twice as bad as Irene Iddlesleigh, but you think that Irene Iddlesleigh is three times as bad as The Da Vinci Code. Solve for X on a pocket calculator.

You are a lobbyist for the artificial-lemon-flavoring industry, and your assignment is to persuade Congress to ban lemon oil as a dangerous hallucinogenic drug. In your research, the only fatal accident you can find involving lemon oil occurred when a drunken teenager drove into a tree while carrying a bag of groceries that included lemon oil in the trunk. Your research has further shown that there are about twenty million teenagers of driving age in the United States. When you face the congressional committee for the lemon-oil hearings, what percentage of teenagers do you tell them are killed or maimed in lemon-oil-related accidents every year?

Mrs. Quetzal assigns her fourth-grade math class fifty word problems for homework, due tomorrow, no exceptions. How long will it take the janitor to find where the students have hidden Mrs. Quetzal?

16 Dec 19:16

Rookie Monk Out For Advent Season With High Tonsure Sprain

by Admin
St. Louis, MO–– St. Louis rookie Augustinian Brother Ambrose will be sidelined two to three weeks with a high tonsure sprain, The Augustinian Daily is reporting. Ambrose was injured during last Sunday’s Vesper hour after bowing too fast. “I was being reckless,” Ambrose told EOTT. “I was late on the bow…I tried to make up time […]
01 Aug 01:57

UPDATE – REVIEW: CD – “Mater Eucharistiae” – Sacred Music from the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

by (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf)

Click HERE to pre-order (release 13 August)

UPDATE 13 August:

Today is the release date of the disc!



In the past I have brought to your gracious attention the music CDs of the wonderful Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. They have had a couple chart topping discs of sacred music. Many of you have posted your own comments and reactions here.

This month, on 13 August, the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist are issuing their first music recording.

You know these fine sisters from their teaching work all over these USA and also their recent appearances on “The American Bible Challenge”. They are definitely not your LCWR types. (I’ll bet even they would like this disc!) They were founded by the late John Cardinal O’Connor of New York.  They started in 1997 with 4 sisters.  Now they have 110.  Their average age is 28.  They have a clear identity, they are faithful, and they are obviously happy.

I received a copy of this disc and want to stump for it.

The new disc has selections in Latin and in English, including Gregorian chant, some polyphony, and original compositions. Some of the pieces have instrumental accompaniment, others are a capella.

If you know the discs by the Benedictines, you will find this new disc to be a different experience.  First, the original compositions are particular in style.  Also, the acoustics of their church are different from those of the chapel of the Benedictines.  The Dominicans clearly have a larger space.

When I received the disc, the first time I listened to it was when I was driving around on errands.  In fact, I wound up turning off the car and sitting in a parking lot for a while just to take it in.

As I did for the Benedictines, so too for the Dominicans. Here is a brief montage of a few of a cuts, intended solely to give you a taste of this fine disc. (There might be a couple moments of dissonance, but that is only because I overlapped a couple snippets that clashed. My bad, not theirs.)

For those of you in these USA click HERE.

For those of you in the UK click HERE.

Click to learn more about the Sisters

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31 Jul 17:37

Wed 7/31: Almanac Brewing Co. Debut 5pm / Meet the Brewer, 6pm

by C@TRH


Tonight at 6pm, we will tap the first kegs from Almanac Brewing Co. in our area. This small-batch brewery has been turning heads with their “farm-to-bottle” beers geared toward the dinner table and commitment to small batch brewing. Here’s the line-up:

Honey Saison – brewed with California 2-row barley, Marshall Farms Bay Area honey, fresh ginger & French oak. 4.8%

Extra Pale – brewed with California 2-row barley, San Joaquin Valley Mandarin oranges & American oak. 6%

Biere de Chocolat – brewed with small-batch hand roasted cocoa beans, California 2-row barley, & Ivanhoe hops. 5.6%

Dogpatch Sour – Flanders-Red aged in oak barrels with Rainier cherries. Limited release. 7.5%

Come and enjoy these amazing beers beginning at 5pm. Our guest, brewer Damian Fagan, can answer any questions beginning at 6pm. Come and enjoy.
