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21 May 19:06

Great Job, Internet!: Leanflix helps viewers find out what’s streaming

by Rob Dean

A new website in beta right now could help people find what they want to watch on all available streaming applications. Leanflix was created by a quartet of people to help locate the exact type of film couch potatoes are interested in and where to view it. Users can set genre types, Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB ratings, years released, MPAA ratings, and a few other metrics to find something that piques their interest. Then the site looks at Amazon, iTunes, HBO Go, Netflix to see options for streaming, renting, or buying.

These metrics help narrow down watching options in ways that no other streaming site offers, and would be great assets to all such platforms. The site is still taking new users’ suggestions and questions to improve, but for those looking for an R-rated ’80s horror film with a high Rotten Tomatoes audience score, Leanflix may just be the wave ...

21 May 19:06

Newswire: Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle to become a TV show

by Victor Beigelman

According to the late celebrated author and satirist Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle is tied with Slaughterhouse-Five as Kurt Vonnegut’s best book with a grade of “A-plus.” Given that the latter was treated to its own film version in 1972, its co-winner is long overdue for an adaptation. Better late that never, as they say: IM Global Television has optioned the rights to Cat’s Cradle, and the series will be executive produced by Sandi Love of Elkins Entertainment and Brad Yonover.

Released in 1963, the original work is Vonnegut’s fourth novel. It follows a narrator named John who gets involved in the lives of the adult children of Felix Hoenikker, a fictional co-creator of the atomic bomb. Through the family he learns about ice-nine, a way to freeze water at room temperature that could, in theory, destroy the world. The novel tackles science, technology, and religion with ...

05 May 15:30

In the Hole

To get this shot, taken in Austria, Your Shot member Christoph Jorda set up two Profoto B1 flash systems: one on top of the ice cave and one inside. “We had to dig out the entrance of the cave because it was almost totally closed by the snow you see in the foreground,” Jorda writes. The problem? According to Jorda, the ice cave was at an altitude of nearly 9,800 feet, the temperature was at minus 4ºF, and the flash didn’t work properly. “So he [had] to jump a couple of times to get it right,” he says.

Jorda’s image was recently featured in Your Shot’s Daily Dozen.

This photo was submitted to Your Shot, our storytelling community where members can take part in photo assignments, get expert feedback, be published, and more. Join now »

05 May 15:30

Yellow Jellies

The residents of Jellyfish Lake on Eil Malk—one of the Rock Islands of Palau—surround a snorkeler in their midst. The saltwater lake’s golden jellyfish, harmless to humans, spend much of their lives following the sun as it makes its daily progress across the sky. For these jellies, sunlight is essential: It nourishes the algae-like organisms that live symbiotically in their tissues.

This photo was submitted to Your Shot, our storytelling community where members can take part in photo assignments, get expert feedback, be published, and more. Join now »

30 Apr 13:51

brokenyoga: Once men turned their thinking over to machines in...


Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.

Frank Herbert


30 Apr 13:23

owlturdcomix: OF COURSE I’ve witnessed it. image | twitter |...


OF COURSE I’ve witnessed it.

image | twitter | facebook

30 Apr 13:21


30 Apr 13:18

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Pre-Emptive War


Hovertext: As far as I know, the real Dr. Munger has not publicly made this argument.

New comic!
Today's News:

I'm just saying. 

30 Apr 13:17

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - A Group Project


Hovertext: Luckily, the class wasn't Pass-Fail.

New comic!
Today's News:
29 Apr 15:46

BREAKING NEWS: nave russa com GRAVES problemas em órbita

by Carlos Cardoso


Existe uma ilusão de que existe rotina no espaço. Não existe. Estamos lidando com milhares de variáveis, uma quantidade absurda de energia e na melhor das hipóteses você é um idiota sentado na ponta de um prédio de 15 andares com centenas de toneladas de combustível altamente explosivo, e alguém acende a ponta de baixo.

Mesmo a tecnologia pé-de-boi russa, altamente confiável é sujeita a falhas, e foi o que aconteceu com a Progress M-27M/59P, lançada ontem com sucesso, veja: — Launch of Progress M-27M on Russian Soyuz 2-1A

Quer dizer, o lançamento foi um sucesso, após entrar em órbita a Progress abriria os painéis solares, esticaria as antenas, re-pressurizaria o sistema de propulsão e iniciaria uma série de manobras para em 4 horas chegar na Estação Espacial.


Infelizmente algo deu errado. Os painéis solares abriram corretamente, mas a telemetria não indicou a abertura das antenas, nem a pressurização do sistema de propulsão, nem nada. Pior, a Progress não aceitava mais comandos de solo.

Eu falei pior? Não, pior é que ela está girando sem controle.

Justin Ray — spinning

Moscow não têm uma rede de satélites dedicados às Soyuz e Progress, então só conseguem se comunicar com as naves quando estão sobre território russo. Eles tentaram enviar comandos por quatro passagens orbitais, mas não obtiveram retorno da nave.

Essa Progress estava levando 2.768 kg de suprimentos para a Estação, incluindo comida, roupas, água e combustível. Com a explosão da Cygnus e do Antares, ano passado. Veja a tabela de disponibilidade de alguns suprimentos:


Se não receberem mais suprimentos os estoques de comida entrarão na reserva em 5 de julho, e se esgotarão em 18 de agosto, aí provavelmente aderirão ao canibalismo.

A Roscosmos tentará novo contato nessa quarta-feira, quando a Progress entrar de novo em alcance, mas mesmo que consigam recuperar o controle, a menos que todos os diagnósticos imagináveis sejam feitos, não deixarão a nave chegar perto da ISS. Ninguém quer uma repetição de 1997, quando uma Progress se estabacou na MIR, causando bastante dano.

Eureka — Progress M-34 collides with Mir

Caso consigam controle, mesmo que decidam por não prosseguir com a missão poderão executar uma reentrada controlada sobre o oceano, já na situação atual ninguém sabe quando e onde a Progress irá cair, mas sempre podemos esperar que o Paulo Ricardo esteja no lugar certo na hora certa.

Leia também:

The post BREAKING NEWS: nave russa com GRAVES problemas em órbita appeared first on Meio Bit.

29 Apr 15:43

Texas A&M professor gave us a detailed explanation for why he failed his entire 'entitled' management class

by Peter Jacobs

Irwin Horwitz Texas A&M University Galveston Professor TAMUG

A Texas A&M University Galveston professor who attempted to fail every student in one of his classes this semester says widespread behavioral and academic problems in the course made him lose his love for teaching.

"I love my job and for the most part I love my students. I teach 250 students, they're not all like that," TAMUG professor Irwin Horwitz told Business Insider. "I'm doing this because I love it, or, I should say in the past tense — I loved it."

The professor recounted one instance this semester when he spent 40 minutes helping a student work on a problem for class. When Horwitz said he needed to head to another class and asked the student to review the material over the weekend, he said, the student "walked three feet and said, 'you're a f---ing moron.'"

"What am I supposed to do? I'm a human being," Horwitz said.

This was just one example of the widespread misconduct and apathy in his Strategic Management class this semester, according to the professor.

"I am a professional professor. I've been teaching for 20 years, I've taught thousands and thousands of students at all levels, and this class was completely unique," Horwitz said. "This belief, this entitlement, has been so ingrained in these students ... There was zero effort, there was nothing there, there was not even an attempt to try."

Even though the Strategic Management class was the "capstone course" of the business administration program, according to Horwitz, more than half the students in the course couldn't answer a question on the midterm about a break-even analysis. In business management, a break-even analysis is used to determine how much product you would need to sell to cover costs.

"More than a handful of them couldn't run a Kool-Aid stand," he said.

A student shouldn't be able to receive a degree in business administration and not be able to answer a "simple question" like a break-even analysis, he said.

"The degree has to mean something, it has to mean some level of competence," Horwitz said. "If I see a student who can't do a break-even analysis ... I don't want my stamp to be associated in any way with that student."

Irwin Horwitz Texas A&M University Professor

The professor first notified his students of their collective failing in an email sent to the entire class. In his email, Horwitz chastised them for lacking "the competence and/or desire to do the quality work necessary to pass the course."

Since his email went viral, Horwitz's students have come forward to defend themselves, claiming just a few bad students in the class contributed to the misconduct. The rest, they say, are being unfairly implicated by their professor.

"It was much more than two or three students," Horwitz said. "Was it every single student in the class? No it wasn't. But there were pockets and groups of students."

The email, Horwitz said, "was sent to all the students to give them a big wake up call, because most of them were failing the class."

SEE ALSO: A Texas A&M professor failed his entire management class because 'learning incorporates tough love'

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NOW WATCH: Watch these giant container ships collide near the Suez Canal

29 Apr 15:37

Deluxe-Edition of Flatland

by René


Auf Kickstarter gibt’s eine tolle Neuauflage von Edwin A. Abbotts wunderbarem Buch Flatland, einer mathematischen Gesellschafts-Satire in mehreren Dimensionen (hier der 1965er Animations-Short von Chuck Jones). Zum Buch soll es dann auch Apps und eine Library of Shapes geben. Nice!

29 Apr 15:33

Signs of Spring by Gemma Correll

Signs of Spring by Gemma Correll

29 Apr 15:33

R2D2, like a boss

by Troy

Nunca he sido partidario de decorar mis salones con retratos de antepasados ilustres, y no es porque no tenga antepasados ilustres en mi linaje, evidentemente, sino porque me parece una costumbre rancia y decadente. Pero eso era antes, eso era lo que pensaba hasta que he visto este cuadro de R2-D2.

Ahora mismo voy a encargarle a Antonio López un lienzo con R2-D2 vestido como mi bisabuelo (a él no le importaría). O mejor dos. Uno de R2-D2 como mi bisabuelo, y uno de C3-P0 como mi bisabuela, la condesa.

Visto en Fusion-Freak

Ver más: arte, cuadros, pintura, r2-d2, Star Wars
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

29 Apr 15:32

nonconcept: Villa Midgard, Stockholm, Sweden by DAPstockholm....


Villa Midgard, Stockholm, Sweden by DAPstockholm. (Photography: Ake E:son Lindman)

29 Apr 15:31

Breakthough Makes Transparent Aluminum Affordable

by Soulskill
frank249 writes: In the Star Trek universe, transparent aluminum is used in various fittings in starships, including exterior ship portals and windows. In real life, Aluminium oxynitride is a form of ceramic whose properties are similar to those of the fictional substance seen in Star Trek. It has a hardness of 7.7 Mohs and was patented in 1980. It has military applications as bullet-resistant armor, but is too expensive for widespread use. Now, there has been a major breakthrough in materials science. After decades of research and development, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory has created a transparent, bulletproof material that can be molded into virtually any shape. This material, known as Spinel (magnesium aluminate), is made from a synthetic powdered clay that is heated and pressed under vacuum into transparent sheets. Spinel weighs just a fraction of a modern bulletproof pane.

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29 Apr 15:30


29 Apr 15:29


29 Apr 15:29

You’re so added value, baby

You’re so added value, baby

29 Apr 15:29

Tap O’ the Mornin’

by Mark


Another bathroom setting!! Bathrooms on the brain, wash me down the drain~ :^)

29 Apr 15:28

nevver: Arts & Architecture, Michele Durazzi


Arts & Architecture, Michele Durazzi

29 Apr 15:27

Dam Curry Rice, A Fun and Functional Wall of Rice Holds Back Delicious Curry Sauce

by Rebecca Escamilla

Rice Dam
photo via 38beem

Restaurants and cooks at homes in Japan are serving curry rice in a functional and eye-catching way: by building a wall of rice that acts as a dam holding back curry sauce. Not only does the architectural fare look adorable, but it keeps sauce from getting all over the plate and mixing into other foods.

Rice Dam
photo via 38beem

Rice Dam
photo via 38beem

Rice dam and curry
photo via tsuna_wo

Curved rice dam
photo via xxxa101

???????? ?????????(???????)

— ??????????? (@dam_namasu) March 26, 2015

via Naver Matome, RocketNews24

29 Apr 15:27



Balance of Power

29 Apr 15:25

4gifs: Scottish Fold…morlike Scottish Bowld. [video]


Scottish Fold…morlike Scottish Bowld. [video]

29 Apr 15:24

Impressive Volcano Eruption in Chile

by Daniella

We had an awesome sunset in Brazil because of these ashes!

Après un repos de plus de 40 ans le volcan Calbuco situé au Chili s’est brusquement réveillé provoquant une éruption spectaculaire. Bien qu’aucune victime ne soit à déplorer, les villes voisines ont néanmoins été contraintes d’évacuer plus de mille personnes. Les images capturées illustrent l’ampleur de cette explosion, transformant le paysage en un chaos de cendres.


Marcelo Ultreras.

Marcelo Ultreras.

Roger Smith.

Max Perez.


Roger Smith.




Philip Oyarzo.

Volcano-11 Volcano-10 Volcano-9 Volcano-8 Volcano-7 CHILE VOLCANO Volcano-5 Volcano-4 Volcano-3 Volcano-2 Volcano-1
29 Apr 15:12

The backwards bike will break your brain

by Jason Kottke

Knowledge vs. Understanding

Do you think you could ride a bicycle that steers backwards...aka it turns left when you turn right and vice versa? It sounds easy but years of normal bike riding experience makes it almost impossible. Destin Sandlin of Smarter Everyday taught himself how to ride the backwards-steering bike; it took months. Then he tried riding a normal bicycle again...

Loved this video...great stuff. (via ★interesting)

Tags: cycling   Destin Sandlin   science   video
28 Apr 19:42

Newswire: Elysium’s Wagner Moura will be one of The Magnificent Seven

by Matt Wayt

radio clash, magnificent 7

Elysium’s Wagner Moura has joined the cast of Sony’s The Magnificent Seven remake. Over the past few months, the production has collected an impressive ensemble of actors—including Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke, Chris Pratt, Luke Grimes, and Vincent D’Onofrio—and Moura’s casting brings the project one step closer to the magic number. This is important, not only because the title demands seven protagonists, but also because if you have eight leads you’re in direct competition with Quentin Tarantino’s much-anticipated The Hateful Eight and if you have six leads you risk comparison with The Ridiculous 6, the Adam Sandler movie that likely will offend not only Native Americans, but anyone with good taste.

The Magnificent Seven follows the exploits of a disparate band of gunslingers hired by a woman (The Equalizer’s Haley Bennett) to protect her town from bandits. The script was written by ...

28 Apr 16:22

juanzerker: chubcakes:What a good sheep selfie. Hangin out...





What a good sheep selfie.

Hangin out with the fam. #blessed

28 Apr 16:22

Jeffrey Mangiat ‘89

Jeffrey Mangiat ‘89

28 Apr 16:08

Pepsi To Stop Using Aspartame

by samzenpus
An anonymous reader writes: Pepsi believes sales of diet soda are falling because of aspartame and how the general public think it is a dangerous substance to consume. Even though the FDA describe aspartame as “one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives the agency has ever approved,” Pepsi has decided to stop using it. Aspartame removal is being turned into a marketing campaign of sorts with "Now Aspartame Free" printed on cans.

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