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21 May 19:08

Julien Salaud Creates Stellar Caves With Glow In The Dark Thread

by Stephanie Chan
cave installation
Julien Salaud- Installation cave installation Julien Salaud- Installation
Julien Salaud is a French artist who creates incredible thread drawings that light up like constellations under ultraviolet light. His otherworldly installations feel larger than life and look like futuristic cave paintings, brimming with both raw primitive energy as well as evoking the sense of some neon-splattered future.
His latest series of installations, called Stellar Cave, brings to life a mythology of their own. Their pantheon includes scenes from the natural world: birds of prey caught in mid-flight, deer-like creatures, and even a human figure who seems draped in the regalia of some minor forest god.
In an interview with Trend Tablet, Salaud says:
“There are different kinds of beauty. I suppose the one I am interested in is like a fruit: I am not following a logical analysis, and I am not trying to have some concept. I am rather into contemplation, which implies taking some time.”
Observing Salaud’s work from the darkness enables viewers to reflect and contemplate the world as we know it from a different point of view — one that seems almost extraterrestrial. (via This Is Colossal)

Julien Salaud- Installation Julien Salaud- Installation Julien Salaud- Installation Julien Salaud- Installation Julien Salaud- Installation Julien Salaud- Installation

The post Julien Salaud Creates Stellar Caves With Glow In The Dark Thread appeared first on Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design.

21 May 18:58

Raw & Rendered: Experimental 3D Artworks by Joey Camacho

by Christopher Jobson


In early 2014, Vancouver-based graphic artist Joey Camacho set out to learn more about rendering images using Cinema 4D and Octane Render, with the goal of creating a new piece each day. His first attempts were pretty rudimentary, but it wasn’t long before his exploration and experimentation began to pay off with increasinly subtle details inspired by biology, sound, and geometry. Only several months into his ‘Progress Before Perfection‘ project, he started getting requests for prints as his images were shared widely around Tumblr and elsewhere. You can see more of his work on Behance and prints of many pieces are available through his website.











30 Apr 13:24


28 Apr 19:41

Newswire: Vanilla Ice hears there’s a problem with Adam Sandler movie, solves it

by Sean O'Neal

Last week, around a dozen Native American actors simply walked off the set of an Adam Sandler movie, once more blazing a path for other pioneers to follow. Still, the majority of the more than 100 extras stayed behind, many of them agreeing with Netflix’s statement that Sandler’s The Ridiculous 6 is a “broad satire” featuring “a diverse cast that is not only part of—but in on—the joke.” As one of those who are definitely in on it, Carma Harvey, told Albuquerque’s KOAT (via Rolling Stone), “It’s going to make fun of a lot of things that most people make fun of,” with this Adam Sandler movie sparing no culture in its gimlet-eyed skewering of our nation’s ethnic spectrum, and all the diverse, funny sex jokes we have for names.

But obviously, not everyone gets that naming characters “Beaver’s Breath” and “No ...

28 Apr 16:08


28 Apr 16:07

sexualpiper: americaninfographic: Greek Gods this is so epic...

28 Apr 16:05

awwww-cute: Batman can’t control his corgi puppy [reddit]


Batman can’t control his corgi puppy 


28 Apr 16:02

highlandvalley: highlandvalley: まじKARATEKA これね






28 Apr 16:01

Membership reaction when board starts actually enforcing rules the membership agreed on.

28 Apr 16:00

Father Draws a New Maddeningly Intricate Maze for His Daughter

by Christopher Jobson



Two years ago we stumbled onto the story of a girl in Japan who was going through her father’s old belongings when she discovered a hand-drawn maze rolled up in a tube. Kazuo Nomura spent 7 years drawing the sprawling labyrinth while working as a janitor and it hadn’t seen the light of day since 1983. After posting photos of it to her Twitter account, Nomura’s work went viral around the web, and it was quickly turned into a print so others could have a try at solving it.

Responding to pressure from his daughter to draw a second maze, Nomura initially said he had “had enough of mazes.” But, after a 32 year hiatus, he finally sat down to try again earlier this year with the hope of drawing a puzzle that was a bit clearer and easier to solve. After two months of drawing he’s finally done, and if you posess the patience of a saint you can try your hand at solving it: Papa’s Maze 2.0. Nomura assures the maze has a solution, but according to reports from people insane enough to try, it’s actually more difficult than the last, and takes about two days to work through. Read more on Spoon & Tamago.





28 Apr 15:59

Photographer Captures Stunning Gradients of Color Using Food

by Rebecca Escamilla

Citrus fruits gradient

Seattle-based photographer Brittany Wright carefully arranges foods by color and shape to create stunning gradients of hues in her photo series #foodgradients. Some of her photos are of a mix of different foods while others–like her gradient using blueberries–cleverly use the same food in different stages of ripeness for a variety of colors.

Egg gradient

Apple gradient

Blueberry gradient

Plum gradient

Chile gradient

Persimmon gradient

Grape gradient

Prickly pair gradient

ulluco gradient

Canned food gradient

photos by Brittany Wright

via Foodiggity

28 Apr 15:59

Photographer Brittany Wright Captures Foods in Colorful Gradients

by Kate Sierzputowski

All images © Brittany Wright

Photographer and food enthusiast Brittany Wright sets up intricate culinary still lifes that focus primarily on the differentiation of fruits’ and vegetables’ coloration. Wright captures a rainbow of colors in foods ranging from heaps of apples to carrots plucked freshly from the earth. Each photograph focuses on the produce against a stark white background, a way to display the food’s vibrant shades without distraction.

The Seattle-based photographer is fascinated by capturing the aging process of vegetable and fruits, displaying the variety of forms each piece takes during ripening and decay. Wright even includes fruit harvested from her own backyard, photographing raspberries both plump and shriveled.

Wright’s client list is diverse, including brands Dry Soda and Samsung as well as (appropriately) several farms. You can see more colorful gradients and food-based imagery on Wright’s Instagram. (via Junk Culture)







28 Apr 15:58

The Adorable Canadian Marble Fox


Submitted by: (via shaizaparveen)

Tagged: adorable , Canada , fox , squee
28 Apr 15:58


28 Apr 15:57

A Global Art Project Brings Paintings of Anonymous Figures out of Museums and onto the Streets

by Christopher Jobson


While visiting the Louvre last last year, artist and filmmaker Julien de Casabianca was struck by an Ingres painting of a female prisoner tucked unceremoniously into a corner of the museum. He suddenly had an idea: what if he could somehow free her—both figuratively and literally—by reproducing her figure on a public street. People may not know the painting, or even the artist, but at least the image would be seen by potentially hundreds or even thousands more people who may never visit the Louvre. With that single act, the Outings Project was born.

Since sharing photos of the first artwork online, people in at least 18 cities have liberated similar anonymous characters found in master paintings and pasted them up in public spaces in London, Barcelona, Chicago, Rome, and elsewhere. Casabianca says the global participation was completely unplanned and unexpected but he’s embraced the idea wholeheartedly.

When asked about the possibility of an artwork being taken out of context or without attribution he shares via email, “we don’t want to tell you something that you don’t know, and we don’t want people to feel ignorant. You have just to feel that [the artwork] is ancient and shifted, you have just to be touched by the emotion, by the esthetic, by the art.”

Art enthusiasts aren’t the only ones paying attention to the Outings Project. Two museums in Madrid and Poland have also engaged the artist to “play with their art in public.” Casabianca is now on a 12-city tour around the United States bringing more unknown figures in local museums into the light. You can follow the most recent classical art paste-ups on the project’s Facebook or Instagram. (via This Isn’t Happiness, Slate, Hyperallergic)









28 Apr 15:57

Good Lesson

by Reza


28 Apr 15:54


28 Apr 15:44

Realtime deformable worlds: Why tetrahedra rule, voxels drool

"The only regret I have is that I didn't know all this three years ago. It took a long time to look at approaches and figure out what the game needs." ...

28 Apr 02:52

Super-Long-Term Job Security


That, and "arts".

Super-Long-Term Job Security

Trying to imagine the far future is like trying to hi-five an elephant with a wet roll of toilet paper.

27 Apr 15:52

Salada de cultura pop

by Ivo Neuman

Com tantas referências disponíveis no universo da bazingagem cultura pop, o que aconteceria se um artista talentoso decidisse servir uma salada com as misturas mais inusitadas de filmes, desenhos, quadrinhos, etc.? Pois o ilustrador Marco D’Alfonso fez as honras:


CLIQUE AQUI para ver todas mais ilustrações da série!

Salada de cultura pop foi publicado originalmente no TRETA.

27 Apr 15:44

panajan: Sheep



27 Apr 15:43

bisexualulfric: inmylifeitsalwaysraining:This is the type of...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



This is the type of cat that would try to sell me magical potions in the woods.

I’d buy them all.

khajiit has wares

27 Apr 15:43


27 Apr 15:42

Hewlett-Packard-01 wrist instrument, 1977

by adafruit



HP Virtual Museum: Hewlett-Packard-01 wrist instrument, 1977.

The HP-01 wrist instrument looked like a digital watch but was smarter than many pocket calculators. It performed more than three dozen functions to manipulate and interrelate time, calendar and numeric data. With six interactive functions (time, alarm, timer/stopwatch, date/calendar, calculator and memory) the HP-01 had 28 tiny keys that the user operated with a stylus built into the bracelet.

The HP-01, code-named “Cricket,” was not a successful product for HP. It was too bulky and heavy, and HP sold it though upscale jewelry stores. But miniaturizing the math functions was quite an engineering feat, and when HP discontinued manufacturing the HP-01, its inner workings were destroyed so no one would copy the extraordinarily small package engineering. The HP Archives has a few of the remaining elements.

The HP-01 currently is one of the most sought after collectibles in the antique electronics market, often fetching two or three times its original price ($650 for the silver color, $750 for the gold version).

27 Apr 15:40


27 Apr 15:32

Github DDoS Attack As Seen By Google

by Soulskill
New submitter opensec writes: Last month GitHub was hit by a massive DDoS attack originating from China. On this occasion the public discovered that the NSA was not the only one with a QUANTUM-like capability. China has its own "Great Cannon" that can inject malicious JavaScript inside HTTP traffic. That weapon was used in the GitHub attack. People using Baidu services were unwitting participants in the denial of service, their bandwidth used to flood the website. But such a massive subversion of the Internet could not evade Google's watchful eye. Niels Provos, engineer at Google, tells us how it happened. Showing that such attacks cannot be made covertly, Provos hopes that the public shaming will act as a deterrent.

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27 Apr 15:21

The Inverted Architecture and Gravity-Defying Worlds of Cinta Vidal

by Christopher Jobson


In her latest series of paintings, Barcelona-based artist and illustrator Cinta Vidal Agulló defies gravity and architectural conventions to create encapsulated scenes of intersecting perspectives. Painted with acrylic on wood panels, Vidal refers to the paintings as “un-gravity constructions” and says that each piece examines how a person’s internal perspective of life may not match up with the reality around them. The intersecting planes on many of her paintings are somewhat reminiscent of drawings by M.C. Escher, where every angle and available surface is inhabited by colorful characters going about their daily lives. She shares in a new interview with Hi-Fructose:

With these un-gravity constructions, I want to show that we live in one world, but we live in it in very different ways – playing with everyday objects and spaces, placed in impossible ways to express that many times, the inner dimension of each one of us does not match the mental structures of those around us. The architectural spaces and day-to-day objects are part of a metaphor of how difficult it is to fit everything that shapes our daily space: our relationships, work, ambitions, and dreams.

Vidal just opened a new exhibition of work at Miscelanea BCN in Barcelona and you can read an in-depth conversation with the artist on Hi-Fructose.







23 Apr 14:39

Swallowing Your Password

by samzenpus writes: Amir Mizroch reports at the WSJ that a PayPal executive who works with engineers and developers to find and test new technologies, says that embeddable, injectable, and ingestible devices are the next wave in identification for mobile payments and other sensitive online interactions. Jonathon Leblanc says that identification of people will shift from "antiquated" external body methods like fingerprints, toward internal body functions like heartbeat and vein recognition, where embedded and ingestible devices will allow "natural body identification." Ingestible devices could be powered by stomach acid, which will run their batteries and could detect glucose levels and other unique internal features can use a person's body as a way to identify them and beam that data out. Leblanc made his remarks during a presentation called Kill all Passwords that he's recently started giving at various tech conferences in the U.S. and Europe, arguing that technology has taken a huge leap forward to "true integration with the human body." But the idea has its skeptics. What could possibly go wrong with a little implanted device that reads your vein patterns or your heart's unique activity or blood glucose levels writes AJ Vicens? "Wouldn't an insurance company love to use that information to decide that you had one too many donuts—so it won't be covering that bypass surgery after all?"

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23 Apr 14:37

Great Job, Internet!: The nostalgia is strong in this Back To The Future/The Force Awakens mash-up

by William Hughes

The recently released teaser trailer for The Force Awakens was a masterclass in unraveling years of built-up fan cynicisma deft mixture of tight editing, instantly iconic images, and unashamed pandering to nostalgia. Apparently, the guys behind YouTube video series Mind Over Movies thought that same enthusiasm-building treatment could be well-applied to another beloved sci-fi film series from a more civilized age. Thus, they’ve put together a mash-up trailer that layers The Force Awakens’ audio and style over footage from the ’80s time travel classic Back To The Future. And while it’s almost certainly for the best that Future is seemingly the only well-remembered pop culture fixture from that era to not get the incessant reboot treatment, it’s hard to deny the Pavlovian fanboy reaction that wells up when the movie’s iconic, epoch-spanning DeLorean comes rolling out of its trailer. (Even if the producers did pass ...

22 Apr 19:22

Talk like a politician

by admin