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21 May 23:20

Watch Foo Fighters Perform “Everlong” For Letterman’s Final Show

by Stereogum
Watch Foo Fighters Perform "Everlong" For Letterman's Final ShowDavid Letterman wrapped up a 33-year-long late-night career last night, and brought out one of his favorite bands to do his favorite song to put a capper on the night. Foo Fighters -- who did a week-long residency on the show last year after the release of Sonic Highways -- played "Everlong," which they performed … More »

21 May 23:17

iguanamouth: kept getting requests for gryphons so heres a...


kept getting requests for gryphons so heres a bunch of them At Once

21 May 19:03

Arte urbana em São Paulo

by Alessandro Martins

Arte urbana em São Paulo - Livros e Afins

Apesar de não agradar a todos, São Paulo está a caminho de ser a capital da arte urbana no Brasil. Embora alguns artistas brasileiros, até mesmo renomados no exterior, tenham tido suas obras apagadas por aí, a arte nunca para de se multiplicar. Está visível em viadutos, pontes, no alto de edifícios e muros, os grafites dão mais cor e vida a cidade.

E foi com prazer que separei algumas áreas onde é possível encontrar algumas das mais belas artes grafitadas em São Paulo. A maioria dos pontos citados nesse post fazem parte da lista de lugares que todo o turista deve visitar ao passar por São Paulo.

1. No centro, de frente a Pinacoteca de São Paulo, próximo ao Viaduto Prestes Maia, um dos painéis criados por Daniel Melim chama atenção. O artista utilizou técnica estêncil, um tipo de molde vazado, para dar vida ao desenho inspirado no movimento Pop Art de aproximadamente 30×25 metros, considerado um dos maiores do mundo.


2. Falando em Pop Art, os artistas brasileiros, Os gêmeos que fazem intervenções no mundo inteiro, não podiam deixar a terra natal fora da lista. Sempre polêmicos, os grafites podem ser vistos em muros e edifícios clássicos em diversas regiões de São Paulo, principalmente no centro, com o intuito de transmitir mensagens para quem passa pelo local. Além disso, Otávio e Gustavo Pandolfo grafitaram muito pelos arredores do Cambuci, onde passaram boa parte da vida.


3. Segundo o mercado imobiliário, a Vila Madalena não é só conhecida como um dos bairros mais cobiçados para se viver nem mesmo como uma das regiões mais movimentadas para quem curte a vida noturna. A região também também tem fama pelas intervenções artísticas que acontecem desde 1980. O exemplo mais famoso é o Beco do Batman, que recebe estudantes de arte e artistas de todos lugares.


4. O Beco do Aprendiz, também na Vila Madalena, ganhou vida após colaborações de grafiteiros. A área que antes era frequentada por traficantes, agora é uma grande e colorida galeria de arte. Obras de mais 50 artistas, sendo atualizadas frequentemente.

Rua Belmiro Braga, s/n, Vila Madalena. Foto por André Deak para o Arte Fora do Museu (

Rua Belmiro Braga, s/n, Vila Madalena. Foto por André Deak para o Arte Fora do Museu (

5. Quem passa pelo bairro mais oriental de São Paulo, a Liberdade, não pode deixar de notar as obras. Mesmo tímidas, elas seguem a linha dos desenhos japoneses, com traços finos, bem semelhantes a mangás. Entre os artistas que deixaram a marca por lá, estão: Titi Freak e Whip.


6. É impossível não perceber o painel com criações de diversos grafiteiros entre a Paulista e Rebouças que recebem diariamente o grande fluxo de carros na cidade. As artes não são fixas, são substituídas por uma nova surpresa sempre que surge oportunidade. Uma das mais marcantes foi a pintura do grande artista Kobra em homenagem ao Oscar Niemeyer.


7. Em 2015, o atual prefeito de São Paulo, Fernando Haddad, recebeu duras críticas por autorizar intervenções artísticas feitos nos Arcos do Jânio. Obra que gerou polêmica, pois foi considerada uma homenagem ao ex-presidente da Venezuela Hugo Chávez. O artista responsável, Rafael Hayashi, diz que a proposta foi distorcida e a intenção real era representar um homem negro.


8. Outro local que recebeu toques de arte urbana em São Paulo foi o Viaduto 23 de Maio. Cerca de 70 murais criados por 400 artistas com um único objetivo, deixar a cidade mais bonita. A cada trabalho no Viaduto, um estilo diferente de se fazer arte é proposto. É só passar por lá para mergulhar em cada cor desse universo.


9. As pilastras do Minhocão também protagonizam o cenário artístico de São Paulo, receberam obras de grandes nomes no Brasil e do mundo, e hoje é praticamente uma galeria de arte urbana, recentemente foi palco para o projeto fotográfico “Giganto” que presenteou a região com a série de retratos de Raquel Brust.

Se até o prefeito de São Paulo se rendeu aos encantos das intervenções urbanas, ainda acredito que outros cidadãos irão começar a apreciar a arte de rua que só contribui para ruas mais bonitas.

O que acha dos grafites em São Paulo? Quais são seus preferidos? Comente!

21 May 19:00

More Journalists Arrested While Covering Labor Conditions In Qatar

by Billy Haisley on Screamer, shared by Billy Haisley to Deadspin

Just like those Germans a couple weeks ago, a crew of British journalists investigating the living and working conditions of the laborers tasked with constructing the (really cool! ) infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar were arrested, had their property confiscated, and were forbidden from leaving the country. Since being released, one of them gave his account of the arrest.


21 May 15:52

maxstadnik: Dedicated to all those cyberpunks who fight against...


Dedicated to all those cyberpunks who fight against injustice and corruption everyday!

Buy an original lithograph here

21 May 15:51

Инстинкт самосохранения

21 May 15:49

Double shots fired. (photo via j_f)

Double shots fired. (photo via j_f)

21 May 15:48


21 May 15:47

an actual nintendo tweet

an actual nintendo tweet

21 May 15:47

MTV: So wait, the whole thing actually worked?





Colin Gibson (Production Designer): You bet your sweet… George — unfortunately — doesn’t like things that don’t work. I have in the past built him props that I thought were just supposed to be props, and then he goes, “Okay, plug it in now.”

The first version of the guitar which — I think I put too much into the flame thrower, not enough into the reverb. And yes, the flame throwing guitar did have to operate, did have to play, the PA system did have to work and the drummers… Unfortunately, I did get practice in all positions and I’ve got to tell you, the drumming was very uncomfortable at 70 [kilometers] an hour, eating sand.

[…]  George actually had the guitarist come over, fairly early on in pre-production in Africa. And so he had a month or six weeks of getting used to it, of actually being able to play at full speed, while bungee jumping and blind.

That Insane ‘Mad Max’ Flame-Throwing Guitar Is No CGI Trick — Here’s How They Actually Made It (The truck made out of amps and speakers also isn’t a trick.) - by alex zalben


im fucking screaming this movie is so coool

21 May 15:44

shychemist: One of my favourite twitter trending topics I’ve...


One of my favourite twitter trending topics I’ve seen in a while: #GirlsWithToys.

This came as a response to an Astronomer’s remarks that Scientists are ‘boys with toys’.

Glad to see such a strong response from the women of STEM. :)

21 May 15:42

mediamattersforamerica: Conservatives try to brand themselves...


Conservatives try to brand themselves as champions of the poor, but what they actually say about poverty in America proves the opposite.

21 May 15:40

Fractal Formations: The Fascinating Future of Urban Growth

by Steph
[ By Steph in Conceptual & Futuristic & Technology. ]

Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 5.06.25 PM

What might the patterns of urban sprawl look like if humanity were to survive another thousand years or so? Artist Tom Beddard envisions fractal formations seemingly cut right into the earth, broken up by the occasional sky-high tower or curving superstructure. The architecture in this futuristic vision entitled ‘Aurillia’ ranges from bleak industrial scenes to incredibly complex city centers, all created using a fractal formula called Mandalay.

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The London-based artist, who earned a PhD in laser physics before moving on to design and web development, used the Fractal-lab tool that he built himself to render the images. Fractals in visual form are generally characterized by obvious patterns, but with this formula, the resulting aerial views have a surprisingly organic look.

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“What I found particularly interesting was the mix of architectural forms that could be found when certain parameter combinations create structural resonances,” Beddard told The Creators Project. “The curved domes are due to the Mandlebox sphere folding effect and the towers result from the different fold scaling of individual axes.”

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We’ve seen some amazing applications of fractals and parametric designs in architecture and furniture designs, from mobile pavilions to fantasy cities, but nothing on quite this large of a scale. Check out aerial views of real-life suburban complexes and you’ll see that these patterns aren’t all that far from the patterns we’re already creating with urban development.

Want More? Click for Great Related Content on WebUrbanist:

Architectural Kaleidoscopes: Buildings Spun into Fractal Art

Reimagined, repositioned and recomposed, this photo manipulation series turns familiar elements of buildings into abstracted compositions that morph beyond ... Click Here to Read More »»

Home Mathematics: 12 Fractal Furniture & Architecture Designs

Repeating mathematical patterns show up in tables, LED lights, columns and large-scale architecture. Here are 12 examples of fractal-inspired design. Click Here to Read More »»

Modular Cities: 13 Expandable Solutions for Urban Growth

As urban populations flourish, cities typically expand outward into suburbia or suffer growing pains with static infrastructure that just can’t keep up. ... Click Here to Read More »»

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[ By Steph in Conceptual & Futuristic & Technology. ]

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21 May 15:40

Earthlight “Earthlight is the partial illumination of the dark...


“Earthlight is the partial illumination of the dark portion of the moon’s surface by light reflected from the Earth and from the Earth’s airglow. It is also known as Earthshine [or] Planetshine, the Moon’s ashen glow, or the old Moon in the new Moon’s arms.”

21 May 15:32

Adblock Plus Launches Adblock Browser: a Fork of Firefox For Android

by Soulskill
An anonymous reader writes: Adblock Plus has launched Adblock Browser for Android. Currently in beta, the company's first browser was created by taking the open source Firefox for Android and including Adblock Plus out-of-the-box. The Firefox Sync functionality is disabled, as is the ability to use other addons. "Adblock Plus for Android got kicked out of Google Play along with other ad blocking apps in March 2013, because Google’s developer distribution agreement states apps cannot interfere with the functionality of other apps. Williams thus believes Adblock Browser “should be fine” as it only blocks ads that are shown as you browse the Web."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

21 May 15:31

(photo via bestdyrusna)

(photo via bestdyrusna)

20 May 16:19

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - My Imaginary Friend


Hovertext: I think, therefore... wait... do I think? Why do I think that?

New comic!
Today's News:


11 May 17:58


Oh, weird, Amazon is out of butterfly nets.
11 May 17:56

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Life of a Puppet


Hovertext: Long story short, I wish Robert Caro would write a biography of Pinocchio.

New comic!
Today's News:
11 May 12:09

Gotta make sure… (images via babymchaggis)

Gotta make sure… (images via babymchaggis)

05 May 16:23

Eshima Ohashi Bridge, A Tall Bridge in Western Japan That Resembles a Roller Coaster for Cars

by E.D.W. Lynch

Roller Coaster Bridge in Japan
photos via The Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images

The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a Japanese rigid frame bridge with an unusually high span that–from certain angles–makes the structure look like a roller coaster for cars. In reality, the 144-foot-tall bridge features grades no steeper than 6.1% (long lens photography exaggerates the incline). The bridge connects the cities of Matsue and Sakaiminato in Western Japan. The bridge’s high span is designed to accommodate boat traffic, as Sakaiminato is a major fishing port.

Roller Coaster Bridge in Japan
photos via The Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images

Roller Coaster Bridge in Japan
photo via burningbaka

Roller Coaster Bridge in Japan
photo via burningbaka

via Bored Panda

05 May 16:19

diddy-wah-diddy: diddy-wah-diddy: Self care 101  Okay...



Self care 101 

Okay reblogging this again because this scene literally changed my life

05 May 16:18

The Forgotten Pyramids of Meroë


Minecraft 500 BCE

CC BY-SA Joe Pyrek

Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/Reuters

Mosa'ab Elshamy/AP

Mosa'ab Elshamy/AP

Abd Raouf/AP

Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/Reuters

The Forgotten Pyramids of Meroë

05 May 16:16

3chum: when i asked my dad about these he just said “she likes...


when i asked my dad about these he just said “she likes van gogh” 

05 May 16:15

not-all-the-prayers: This is the single greatest piece of x...


This is the single greatest piece of x files trivia I’ve ever read

05 May 15:57

isaiahbush: ultrafacts: Source (Video of Salar de...




(Video of Salar de Uyuni)

Follow Ultrafacts for more facts

Border between heaven and Earth

05 May 15:57

orbo-gifs: Excellent technique, bro.


Excellent technique, bro.

05 May 15:38

Mostly Mute Monday: The Most Extreme View Into Deep Space (Synopsis)

by Ethan

“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” –Joseph Campbell

Imagine you just stared into darkness, collecting every photon of light that came by. What would you wind up seeing? The Hubble Space Telescope has done this many times, creating the Hubble Deep Field first and then the Hubble Ultra Deep Field with upgraded cameras and more time. But most recently, the eXtreme Deep Field has surpassed even that.

Image credit: NASA, ESA, G. Illingworth, D. Magee, and P. Oesch (University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Bouwens (Leiden University), and the HUDF09 Team (inset) / NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the HUDF Team (main).

Image credit: NASA, ESA, G. Illingworth, D. Magee, and P. Oesch (University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Bouwens (Leiden University), and the HUDF09 Team (inset) / NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the HUDF Team (main).

With double the exposure time in the same region as the Ultra Deep Field, we’ve set the most robust lower limit on the number of galaxies in the Universe, and learned what it will take to find the rest.

Image credit: Both HXDF (L) and HUDF (R) teams.

Image credit: Both HXDF (L) and HUDF (R) teams.

Go read (and view) the whole thing!

04 May 20:59


04 May 20:57
