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20 May 15:51

Interstellar – Trailer

by René

interstellarHier der erste richtige Trailer zu Nolans Interstellar mit Matthew McConaughey und Anne Hathaway um interstellare Raumfahrer, die zum erstenmal mit einem Wurmloch Space-Achterbahn fahren: „A group of explorers make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations on human space travel and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage.“

Ich gehe schwer davon aus, dass wir in diesem Trailer noch mittel bis gar nichts aus dem Film gesehen haben und man sich ein paar Mindfucks für spätere Trailer aufhebt, immerhin kommt der Film erst im November. Man kann dem Trailer ja schon entnehmen, dass es um die Suche nach einer Erde 2 geht, nachdem alle Ressourcen aufgebraucht wurden. Ich denke mal, Matthew „Alright Alright Alright“ McConaughey wird die schon finden.

20 May 15:49

11 Million Dollar Stockmarket-Hickup because Oops-Clicks

by René

Kleine Alternative zum HFT-Flashcrash von 2010: Gestern kurz gegen Ende des Börsentages klickten anscheinend ein paar hundert Trader auf das falsche Menü-Item für ihre Orders zum Marktschluss und für eine Sekunde war Armageddon. Die Glitchart rechts ist der Kursverlauf von AOL für eine Sekunde.

All of the weird trades occurred at about the same time, just over 10 minutes before the close, and that explanation makes sense. There you are at 3:49 p.m., entering your market-on-close order to buy and sell a bunch of shares in the closing auction. You enter the number of shares you want, you go to the drop-down box on your computer system, you pick “Market on Close,” your mouse slips, you actually click on “Market,” and whoosh, off your order goes to be filled in the market.

Stock Markets Had a Rough Second Yesterday (via Boing Boing)

20 May 15:48

Clever Watch Concept

by René


Tolles, cleveres Konzept für ‘ne Uhr, der Mechanismus nach dem Klick weil 1,4MB-GIF. „It is not clear how such a construction make the numbers“. Indeed. Aber egal: Kann das jemand bauen, bitte? (via JWZ)

20 May 15:47

„Anti-Smog“ iPhone-Cam-App

by René

Eine Kamera-App mit eingebauter „DeSmog“-Funktion von Xiamen Meitu Technology aus China „magically turns smoggy sky into clear blue sky“. Offensichtlich eine einfache Auto-Tonwertkorrektur mit Anhebung der Blautöne, trotzdem so halb bladerunneresk. Hier das chinesische Original im auf iTunes-China: 美图秀秀. (via Algopop)

iTunes-US: MeituPic
Android: MeituPic

17 May 22:09

Apparently German Gamers Love Simulators

by Brad
17 May 22:05


'TMI' he whispered, gazing into the sea.
17 May 22:05

psyched to see EYEHATEGOD tonight

by ierdnall

17 May 22:04

Try An Experiment With Photosynthesis

Try An Experiment With Photosynthesis

17 May 22:03

Você teria 10 minutos para conhecer o incrível Randi?

by Carlos Ruas

James Randi é um caçador de charlatões, percorre o mundo desmascarando pessoas que se aproveitam de mentes desesperadas e humildes. Seu pensamento cético, baseado em testes e evidências, lhe dá um blindagem com relação a acreditar em qualquer coisa, principalmente as pseudociências, métodos que dizem ter base científica quando na verdade seus testes mostram o oposto, nisso podemos incluir a lei da atração, poder da mente, cristais, energias, curas espirituais, astrologia, homeopatia, misticismo, etc, etc, etc. Suas habilidades como mágico lhe permitiram ter olhos de águia na arte de desmascarar qualquer um. Nos anos 70, ele lançou uma campanha “1 milhão para quem provar ter poderes paranormais” até hoje, ouve mais de 300 participantes e ninguém conseguiu faturar o prêmio. Hoje, Randi está bem idoso e um filme sobre a sua vida está por vir. Confira abaixo:

Entrevista que ele fez para a super interessante falando sobre os paranormais Brasileiros: Clique aqui.

Videos do Randi que eu recomendo pois merecem ser vistos, principalmente pela cara de bunda das pessoas.

Testando astrologia e signos:


James Randi desmascara James Hydrick:


James Randi testando os cristais

17 May 21:58

Gambling Hot Streaks Are Actually Real

by Reuben Fischer-Baum on Regressing, shared by Reuben Fischer-Baum to Deadspin

A fascinating new study on online gambling published in this month's issue of Cognition comes to an unexpected conclusion: winning a bet does, seemingly, make you more likely to win your next one. The researchers looked at 565,915 wagers placed by 776 online gamblers in Europe and the U.S., and found that the gamblers had a 48 percent chance to win on average. Once a streak began though, that number dramatically improved:


17 May 21:55

amateurlanguager: paigethenotebook: tim4eus: catsforlivvy: id...








Russian medical record written in cursive

you say russian and i raise you chinese

Chinese doctors' handwriting

*gasp of horror*


alright but

Hebrew tho

i refuse to believe any of this translates to anything

i’m going to just keep reblogging this every time a new language is added

Translators be like—

17 May 21:46

acquapixels: nerdsandgamersftw: Kawaii Time! By Squid &...



Kawaii Time!

By Squid & Pig

Artist’s: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Behance

Hora de Aventura desenhado de maneira Mega fofa! Kawaii Time!

17 May 21:45

Deep Sea Animals With Googly Eyes [more]Previously: Book Covers...

17 May 21:44

nellucnhoj: Good doggie.


Good doggie.

16 May 17:58

O dia que eu descobri que eu não era rico

16 May 17:56



16 May 17:55

the Cavity

by The Awkward Yeti

the Cavity

16 May 17:27

Supermassive Black Hole At the Centre of Galaxy May Be Wormhole In Disguise

by Unknown Lamer
KentuckyFC (1144503) writes "There is growing evidence that the center of the Milky Way contains a mysterious object some 4 million times more massive than the Sun. Many astronomers believe that this object, called Sagittarius A*, is a supermassive black hole that was crucial in the galaxy's birth and formation. The thinking is that about 100 million years after the Big Bang, this supermassive object attracted the gas and dust that eventually became the Milky Way. But there is a problem with this theory--100 million years is not long enough for a black hole to grow so big. The alternative explanation is that Sagittarius A* is a wormhole that connects the Milky Way to another region of the universe or even a another multiverse. Cosmologists have long known that wormholes could have formed in the instants after the Big Bang and that these objects would have been preserved during inflation to appear today as supermassive objects hidden behind an event horizon, like black holes. It's easy to imagine that it would be impossible to tell these objects apart. But astronomers have now worked out that wormholes are smaller than black holes and so bend light from an object orbiting close to them, such as a plasma cloud, in a unique way that reveals their presence. They've even simulated what such a wormhole will look like. No telescope is yet capable of resolving images like these but that is set to change too. An infrared instrument called GRAVITY is currently being prepared for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer in Chile and should be in a position to spot the signature of a wormhole, if it is there, in the next few years."

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15 May 19:36

Dota 2 gets The Stanley Parable announcer pack

The dry humour of the narrator in The Stanley Parable is now available to players to purchase as an announcer pack for Valve's Dota 2.

The pack features the voice of Kevan Brighting, who plays the narrator in The Stanley Parable. The pack has an attached price of $10 but is currently discounted by 10% for a limited time. In addition, The Stanley Parable will be 50% off on Steam for the duration of the weekend.

The Stanley Parable was released last year on Steam. The game was originally released to public in 2011 as a modification built using the Source game engine, but was later re-made and greenlit on Steam. The game was well-received in GameSpot's review, praised for its entertaining humour and abundance of meaningful choices.

Zorine Te is an associate editor at GameSpot, and you can follow her on Twitter @ztharli
Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email

15 May 19:35

Ubisoft's The Division delayed to 2015

No mention was made as to why the delay was necessary, but Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said the publisher will share more details about the game during its E3 2014 media briefing next month.

Earlier this year, an anonymous source said The Division's 2014 release date was "laughable." Revealed at E3 2013, The Division is a third-person shooter set in a post-apocalyptic New York. Ubisoft has said the title will feature an "unprecedented level of realism."

For more on The Division, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch
Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email
15 May 19:28

More Realistic Mario: Yoshi's Hungry

by Lisa Marcus

(YouTube link)

In Pete Holmes' latest episode of Realistic Mario, Yoshi the dinosaur has a seemingly insatiable appetite, and the result is more than a little bloody. Watch out Mario and friends, the only journey Yoshi wants to help you with is the one that leads to his stomach! Via Laughing Squid.

15 May 19:19

Conheça o pior coral de idosos do mundo cantando grandes sucessos modernos

by Edu Mendonça

Será que eles conseguem entrar no The Voice ou algum programa desses?

O detalhe é que teve até striptease!


15 May 18:45

Saving theoretical physicist Richard Feynman's epic van

by Xeni Jardin
Feynman_family1A group of Richard Feynman’s friends and fans are working to restore the Nobel laureate’s most famous vehicle.
15 May 18:43

LOL: What If Disney Produced a VHS Version of ‘Frozen’? Watch The VHS Trailer

by Peter Sciretta

Frozen VHS
The above photo of a Frozen VHS started making the rounds around the internet earlier this week, and took me back.

I’m sure one universal memory most people who grew up during the 1980′s or early 1990′s has is opening up one of those large plastic clamshell cases, popping a Disney animated film into the VHS player and waiting for the magic to begin. These days, reminiscing about those times must sound the same as when my father would tell me about the days before remote controls where he had to turn a dial on the television to change the channels. Okay, I’m getting old.

Had Disney actually produced a VHS version of Frozen? Was the movie that popular that the mouse house decided they could make enough money off the now niche market of primary VHS player owners?

No, Disney has since confirmed the above photo as a fake – a fan-made photoshop creation. But stay with me for a minute, I found a couple cool things in my research:

Here is a bit of trivia for you: the direct to video animated sequel Bambi II was the last Disney film released on VHS. Even though Disney had been releasing DVDs since 1997, Bambi II was the last VHS produced by the mouse house, hitting store shelves in 2006. Frozen is still available on DVD however as the format is still holding marketshare.

And the other cool thing I found was this gem of a video: Someone out there wondered what a a trailer for Frozen would have looked like on one of those old Disney VHS releases. If you don’t remember, Disney use to front load all their VHS tapes with trailers for other movies, but not just any trailers — ones usually produced for the video releases. These trailers all had a quality about them that I just can’t pinpoint, but this edit by ChiefBrodyRules perfectly captures those VHS trailers with Disney’s modern classic Frozen.

The post LOL: What If Disney Produced a VHS Version of ‘Frozen’? Watch The VHS Trailer appeared first on /Film.

15 May 18:40

This is what happens when you turn 'Hearthstone' into a musical instrument

by (Ferguson Mitchell)

It turns out 'Hearthstone' makes for one heck of a song.

15 May 18:14

The US Military Has A Real Plan To Fight The Zombie Apocalypse

by Luke Plunkett

The US Military Has A Real Plan To Fight The Zombie Apocalypse

The United States military has a plan to help defend you from the zombie apocalypse. It's a real plan, made by real military personnel, using real taxpayer's money.


15 May 18:12

Do you have the appropriate gif for the moment when you google, between quotation marks, a term that you have never seen before and it gives you no results?

15 May 16:11

When life gives you lemons

When life gives you lemons

15 May 16:09

How they make those lean meat products

15 May 16:05

tubofgoodthings: flukeoffate: Everything is better when you...



Everything is better when you pretend Anon hate is coming from Muppets.

that’s genius