Shared posts

22 May 16:26

Why So Sad, Batman?

by René


Zack Snyder hatte ja gestern das erste Bild von Ben Affleck als Batman vor seinem neuen Batmobile auf Twitter gepostet, so weit, so langweilig (weil schon wieder Superhelden, weil schon wieder Batman, weil schon wieder Snyder… spannend geht anders). Der Batman sah jedenfalls mit seinen stämmigen Armen und den kurzen Fledermausöhrchen dann wohl aber doch etwas sehr melancholisch aus, and thus the Internet gave us: #SadBatman and Why So Sad, Batman?

22 May 16:26

Edward Snowden – The Movie

by René

Sony hat sich die Filmrechte am gestern erst erschienenen Buch von Glen Greenwald gekrallt, in No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State erzählt Greenwald die Hintergrundgeschichte rund um die Snowden Leaks. Produzieren werden die Bond-Macher Michael G. Wilson und Barbara Broccoli, ich freu’ mich schon auf die Szenen mit den geschredderten Festplatten beim Guardian und das Handy im Kühlschrank.

Edward Snowden‘s story is coming to the big screen. Sony Pictures said today that it has acquired film rights to Pulitzer-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald‘s upcoming book No Place To Hide: Edward Snowden, The NSA, And The U.S. Surveillance State. The pic about the largest leak of intelligence documents and the young NSA analyst contractor behind it will be produced by Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, the producers of the James Bond spy franchise. With the deal, Wilson and Broccoli will shift from their iconic fictitious 007 to a real spy story: Greenwald’s book, which hit shelves yesterday, chronicles his involvement in working with Snowden to break numerous stories about the U.S. government’s intelligence-gathering operations in the UK’s The Guardian. It is a thrilling personal narrative of the events as they unfolded sonypicand an important historical reflection on the broader implications of the NSA’s intelligence-gathering methods that have since come into question. Greenwald’s reporting for on the leak earned him the Pulitzer Prize last month.

“Glenn Greenwald’s No Place To Hide is a terrifying personal account of one of the most relevant political events of our time,” Wilson and Broccoli said in today’s announcement of the project. “We are thrilled to be working with Glenn to bring this important story to the screen.”

Deadline: Sony Acquires Movie Rights To Edward Snowden Book ‘No Place To Hide’ For James Bond Producers (via The Verge, Bild: Scott Troyer)

Amazon-Partnerlink: No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State

15 May 07:43

thefrogman: Art by AC Stuart [tumblr | twitter | facebook] O....


Art by AC Stuart [tumblr | twitter | facebook]

O. M. F. G.

15 May 07:40

Doraemon llegará a Estados Unidos con una curiosa “censura”

by Amorin Uzuki

Lo primero que me ha sorprendido de esta noticia es saber que la famosa serie Doraemon no se había emitido todavía en Estados Unidos, después de más de mil capítulos y de haber llegado a 35 países. Lo segundo, es que para salir en el país americano haya tenido que recibir una serie de modificaciones, para hacerla menos japonesa y adaptarla a la cultura del nuevo país en el que se emitirá.

En primer lugar los personajes cambiarán de nombre. No lo hará Doraemon (solo faltaría), pero sí Nobita, que pasará a llamarse Noby; su amiga Shizuka, ahora Sue; o sus compañeros Giant y Suneo (Big G y Sneech). Parece bastante innecesario, pero bueno, son así. Luego se han puesto a traducir los carteles y letreros en japonés, algo que tampoco se había hecho en todos los países licenciados hasta entonces. No contentos con ello, han modificado también aspectos como cambiar los palillos para la comida por tenedores, que ya me parece de lo más absurdo. A continuación podéis ver algunos ejemplos:

Usaemon (2)

Una gilipollez como un templo… ¿ahora se va a comer el ramen sin palillos?

Usaemon (3)

Los yenes no molan, Nobita… perdón, Noby, pásate a los dólares.

Usaemon (4)

Examen suspenso a la estadounidense, por si acaso.

Usaemon (5)

¿Pizza en vez de botiquín? Claro, porque los yankees no se llevan golpes en la nariz.

Usaemon (6)

Y tampoco lloran, por supuesto, que eso es de nenazas.

Usaemon (7)

Ejemplo de cambio de cartel, porque las letras en japonés igual perturban a los pobres niños…

Usaemon (8)

Y esto de suprimir la muñeca… pues como no sea por no caer en la asociación de que son las niñas las que juegan con muñecas no lo entiendo, pero anda que no han perpetuado los estadounidenses esa asociación ni nada…

Vía: Deculture

14 May 16:45

The Strange, Post-Soviet Architecture of Astana, Kazakhstan

by Vincze Miklós

The Strange, Post-Soviet Architecture of Astana, Kazakhstan

In 1991, Kazakhstan became the last Soviet republic to declare independence. Six years later, the government moved from the Almaty to Astana (formerly known as Aqmola). There, with the help of architects like Norman Foster, they built a futuristic city on the remains of old buildings from the Soviet era.


14 May 16:44

worths: ok thanks


ok thanks

14 May 16:40

George R. R. Martin Explains Why He Writes Game of Thrones in DOS

by Jamie Condliffe

Sometimes, you need the tool that's best suited to the job in hand. And for George R. R. Martin, that means using an archaic word processor—WordStar 4.0, running on DOS, no less—to write Game of Thrones. He explained why to Conan last night.


14 May 16:37

community cancelled

by kris


on twitter i asked:

at what point does a tv show actually provide more entertainment value as a fan activity to save it than it does as a show?

— Kris Straub (@krisstraub) May 9, 2014

@krisstraub Firefly has provided us with 10 wonderful seasons of pointless bitching.

— southworth (@southworth) May 9, 2014

@krisstraub When it’s Jericho

— Mikey Neumann (@mikeyface) May 9, 2014

14 May 16:28

Estamos cada vez mais impacientes, nem aguentamos ouvir uma musica inteira

by Jacqueline Lafloufa

Seria legal medir isso ao longo dos anos e ver como esse número se transforma...

Chamar a geração de impaciente nem é uma crítica nova. Há anos se ouve falar do imediatismo e da instantaneidade dos jovens, e do quanto a nossa capacidade de concentração está cada vez menor.

Esses dados do Spotify, no entanto, são um pouco alarmantes: estamos tão impacientes que não aguentamos ouvir uma música inteira. Segundo o streaming de música, quase 25% de todas as músicas são puladas logo nos 5 primeiros segundos, o que eu gosto de pensar que é a versão musical de zapear por canais de TV. No entanto, mais de 33% das canções são ouvidas por apenas 30 segundos, e quase metade de todas as músicas são puladas em algum momento antes do final.


% da música que foi ouvida



Segundos da música tocados antes do skip

Passar dos 12 segundos ouvidos é um sinal de comprometimento – depois desse período, a tendência é que a música seja ouvida até o final. E, como era de se esperar, os adolescentes são os que menos têm paciência: a grande maioria deles pula canções com frequência. Curiosamente, os mais velhos também estão entre os que mais apertam o botão de ‘forward’.


Comportamento por idade


Paul Lamere, diretor da Echo Nest e organizador desses dados, acredita que esse comportamento tem mais a ver com o tempo livre disponível do que com a faixa etária. “Os adolescentes têm mais tempo, enquanto os adultos de 30 e poucos, com seus filhos pequenos e trabalhos, não têm tempo para ficar cuidando do seu player de música”, especula ele. Isso também é uma verdade durante os fins de semana – enquanto os usuários não estão trabalhando, o índice de ‘puladas’ de música aumenta.


Comportamento por hora do dia


Comportamento por dia da semana

No entanto, uma outra teoria sugere que os adolescentes estariam usando a conta do Spotify dos seus pais (espertinhos!), o que gera essa quebra de padrão.

Para Lamere, esses dados evidenciam que quanto maior o engajamento do ouvinte com o tocador de música, maior é a chance de ele pular uma determinada canção. “Quando a música está tocando para preencher o ambiente, como quando estamos trabalhando ou relaxando, ‘pulamos’ menos canções”, argumenta ele. “Quando temos mais tempo livre, como quando somos jovens, ou estamos em casa depois do trabalho, ou durante um fim de semana, queremos selecionar melhor o que vamos ouvir, e pulamos mais músicas”, conclui.

Dá até saudade daquela época em que você apertava o ‘forward’ do Winamp sucessivamente, e tinha tempo livre…

(ps: não me venham com ‘Winamp foi descontinuado’. Winamp ainda vive, graças à Radionomy)

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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14 May 04:02

Guess Who: ‘Game of Thrones’ Edition [vulture]

Guess Who: ‘Game of Thrones’ Edition [vulture]

14 May 04:01

Almost to the future. [x]

Almost to the future. [x]

14 May 02:15

mikasoranocosplay: WHAT THE FUCK!!


Giant hand O.O



14 May 02:14

my-frerard-romance: the kissing islands, Greenland would you...


the kissing islands, Greenland

would you look at that even the fucking ground gets more action than me 

14 May 02:12

Mother’s Day brunch receipt

14 May 02:11

The First Trailer for Constantine Looks AMAZING

by Robert T. Gonzalez

The First Trailer for Constantine Looks AMAZING

NBC just unveiled the first official trailer for Constantine, and holy crap is it fantastic.


14 May 02:11

NASA finds strange dark square hole in the Sun

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Jesus Diaz to Gizmodo

NASA finds strange dark square hole in the Sun

The NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory has found a strange coronal hole in the Sun, "almost square in its shape." I don't know about you, but this square phenomenon freaks me out a bit. It looks like the Sun is some kind of fake LED disco ball and one panel is failing. Here's the video.


14 May 02:10


Trains rotate the Earth around various axes while elevators shift its position in space.
14 May 02:07

May 13, 2014

13 May 21:17

Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects

by Diego Hernandez

Architects: Zaha Hadid Architects
Location: Hong Kong, Hung Hom, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Jockey Club Innovation Tower 賽馬會創新樓
Design: Zaha Hadid, Patrik Schumacher
Project Director : Woody K.T. Yao
Project Leader : Simon K.M. Yu
Area: 15000.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Iwan Baan, Doublespace, Virgile Simon Bertrand

Click here to view the embedded video.

From the architect. The Jockey Club Innovation Tower (JCIT) is home to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) School of Design, and the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation.

The 15-storey, 15,000 sq. m. tower accommodates more than 1,800 students and staff, with facilities for design education and innovation that include: design studios, labs and workshops, exhibition areas, multi-functional classrooms, lecture theatre and communal lounge.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus has developed its urban fabric over the last 50 years with the university’s many faculties housed in visually coherent, yet very different buildings. The JCIT creates a new urban space that enriches the diversity of university life and expresses the dynamism of an institution looking to the future.

Located on a narrow, irregular site at the northeastern tip of the university campus (bordered by the university’s football ground to the south, and the Chatham Road/ Kowloon Corridor motorway interchange to the north), the JCIT is connected to the heart of the campus; encouraging the university’s various faculties and schools to develop multidisciplinary initiatives and engagement with the community, government, industry, NGO’s and academia.

The JCIT design dissolves the typical typology of the tower/podium into a more fluid composition. Interior and exterior courtyards create informal spaces to meet and interact, complementing the large exhibition forums, studios, theatre and recreational facilities.

The tower’s design promotes a multidisciplinary environment by connecting the variety of programs within the School of Design; establishing a collective research culture where many contributions and innovations can feed off each other.

Students, staff and visitors move through 15 levels of studios, workshops, labs, exhibition and event areas within the school. Interior glazing and voids bring transparency and connectivity, while circulation routes and communal spaces have been arranged to encourage interaction between the many learning clusters and design disciplines.

With its contribution of HK$249 million towards the construction of JCIT, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust also funds the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation.

Project Team: Hinki Kong, Jinqi Huang, Bianca Cheung, Charles Kwan, Juan Liu, Junkai Jian, Zhenjiang Guo, Uli Blum, Long Jiang, Yang Jingwen, Bessie Tam, Koren Sin, Xu Hui, Tian Zhong
Competition Team: Hinki Kwong, Melodie Leung, Long Jiang, Zhenjiang Guo, Yang Jingwen, Miron Mutyaba, Pavlos Xanthopoulus, Margarita Yordanova Valova
Local Architect: AGC Design Ltd (Hong Kong) AD+RG (Competion Stage),
Geotechnical / Structure / Mep / Façade Engineer: Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd
Landscape : Team 73 Hong Kong Ltd
Acoustic: Westwood Hong & Associates Ltd
Quantity Surveyor : Rider Levett Bucknall Ltd.
General Contractor : Shui On Construction Com- pany Ltd., Hong Kong
Façade Contractor : YKK AP Facade Hong Kong LTD / Beijing Jangho Curtain Wall Co. Ltd.

Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Virgile Simon Bertrand Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Virgile Simon Bertrand Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Virgile Simon Bertrand Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Virgile Simon Bertrand Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Virgile Simon Bertrand Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Virgile Simon Bertrand Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Virgile Simon Bertrand Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Iwan Baan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects © Doublespace Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Ground Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects First Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 2nd Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 3rd Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 4th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 5th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 6th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 7th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 8th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 9th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 10th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 11th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 12th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects 13th Floor Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Roof Plan Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Section AA' Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Section BB' Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Section CC' Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Section DD' Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Section EE' Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Section FF' Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects South Elevation Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects East Elevation Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects North Elevation Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects West Elevation Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Facade Detail Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Curtail Wall Detail Jockey Club Innovation Tower / Zaha Hadid Architects Curtain Wall Detail
13 May 21:05

thankyoucorndog: michaelmidnight: jodocho: Well, this is...




Well, this is definitely the fastest I’ve ever drawn a three page comic. It probably shows. 

Community is just super important to me I guess, and I think it deserves a better sense of closure. Also, I drew the characters from memory, so that’s why they look… like that.

At Least It Was Here

it’s canon

13 May 20:59


13 May 19:47

Princess Mononoke (1997)

Princess Mononoke (1997)

13 May 19:47

martinlkennedy: Pages from the Star Wars Question and Answer...


Pages from the Star Wars Question and Answer Book about Computers (1983). I’ve learned that C-3PO is good at designing Joy Division album covers and that in the future there will be giant mechanical mice!

Images courtesy of Paxton Holley. You can see the full set here

13 May 18:46

John Oliver shows how to debate climate deniers

by Dylan Matthews

That climate change is occurring, and that humans are the primary cause, is beyond dispute at this point. Surveys have found that 97-98 percent of climate researchers and 97 percent of climate papers expressing a position on the subject agree with the consensus view that human-generated greenhouse gas emissions are causing climate change.

But you wouldn't know that if you were to watch most cable news debates on the subject, where the tiny minority expressing doubt about climate change generally receives equal billing with people explaining the actual science. That's really skewed, when you think about it. So John Oliver, on his new show Last Week Tonight decided it was time to do the debate right: three climate deniers faced off against 97 people representing the scientific consensus. And one of those 97, naturally, was Bill Nye the Science Guy:

13 May 18:45

jrne: fuck all of your lives


fuck all of your lives

13 May 18:45

May 12, 2014

13 May 18:43

wnderlst: Austria

13 May 18:43

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford

by Christopher Jobson

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Marasmius haematocephalus

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Panus fasciatus

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Leratiomyces sp. / Found in Booyong Reserve, Booyong, NSW

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Mycena chlorophos

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Cyptotrama aspratum or Gold tuft

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Schizophyllum commune

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Hairy mycena

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
White Mycena

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Mauve splitting waxcap

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Marasmius sp. / Marasmius haematocephalus

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
panus lecomtei

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia

To think any one of these lifeforms exists in our galaxy, let alone on our planet, simply boggles the mind. Photographer Steve Axford lives and works in the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales in Australia where he spends his time documenting the living world around him, often traveling to remote locations to seek out rare animals, plants, and even people. But it’s his work tracking down some of the world’s strangest and brilliantly diverse mushrooms and other fungi that has resulted in an audience of online followers who stalk his work on Flickr and SmugMug to see what he’s captured next.

Axford shares via email that most of the mushrooms seen here were photographed around his home and are sub-tropical fungi, but many were also taken in Victoria and Tasmania and are classified as temperate fungi. The temperate fungi are well-known and documented, but the tropical species are much less known and some may have never been photographed before. Mushrooms like the Hairy Mycena and the blue leratiomyces have most likely never been found on the Australian mainland before, and have certainly never been photographed in an artistic way as you’re seeing here.

It was painfully difficult not to include more of Axford’s photography here, so I urge you to explore further. All photos courtesy the photographer. (via Awkward Situationist)

13 May 16:49

estufar: An actual headline from The New York Times in 1919 


An actual headline from The New York Times in 1919 

13 May 11:28
