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27 May 08:11

Fear The Beard - A Guide To Hirsute Heroes

by Zeon Santos

Fear The Beard by Butnyes

Moustaches are manly but not that scary, but as soon as they become part of a beard the whole hairy look becomes utterly terrifying, that is if you're a villain. Sometimes they get scared because the man behind the beard is a cold hearted badass, other times they're terrified by the thought of all that mystical power concealed within a guy's gray shaggy beard, and then there's the Wolverine. He's such a stud that he doesn't need a moustache or beard hairs in the middle of his chin to make a statement, his claws do all the talking for him!

Spread awareness about the power of facial hair with this Fear The Beard t-shirt by Butnyes, which can also be used as a field guide to personality types in the urban jungle.

Visit Butnyes's Facebook fan page and official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty cool designs:

My Seven Stars I'm Not A Hero Darth Cyberman Clockwork Eye

View more designs by Butnyes | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

27 May 07:21

SnapPower Charger, A Wall Outlet Cover Plate That Adds a USB Charging Port With No Rewiring Needed

by Brian Heater

The SnapPower Charger is a new wall outlet cover plate designed by Provo, Utah-based hardware startup SnapPower that features a built-in USB charger, which can be installed with no rewiring required. The cover, which is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter, uses two prongs that draw power directly from screws on the sides of the outlet.






images via SnapPower

via Gizmodo

07 Apr 11:37

You know you have too much money if you can buy a Themis

by Julie Strietelmeier


From the “You know you have too much money if you can buy this” files comes the Themis from Solloshi Design. The Themis is a table top humidor for cigars. But it’s not just any old ordinary humidor. The Themis is a replica of a Colt cylinder with real bearings and ratchet mechanism and houses six CNC-milled titanium “bullets”. Each “bullet” is an individual pod that can hold a single cigar and has a mini-humidor inside so it preserves the prime quality of its content. The Themis is made of 7075 aluminum, the same material which is used to manufacture M16 rifles for the U.S. military. Here comes the part where you need to sit down… the price of the Themis is… wait for it… $9500. A little too pricey for you? No worries, Solloshi also offers a single travel cigar humidor called the Hyperion for only $1890. Wow, what a deal! If you’re not in shock and want to learn more, visit Solloshi Design for more info.

Filed in categories: Miscellaneous, News

Tagged: Smoking

You know you have too much money if you can buy a Themis originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on March 29, 2015 at 11:30 am.

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07 Apr 10:35

Drawing with Darkness: 24 Incredible Works of Shadow Art

by Steph
[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Shadow Art Dancing

How is it even possible that a mess of steel wires or a pile of useless scraps of trash can produce shadows that so perfectly mimic human faces and figures? Whether bringing forth unexpected shapes by combining abstract sculptures with a light source or exploring the psychological connotations of shadows, artists make light and darkness a physical element in each of these works.

Amazing Illusions by Kumi Yamashita

shadow art kumi 1

shadow art kumi 2

shadow art kumi 3

shadow art kumi 4

Faces appear out of the most unlikely shapes and materials, from scrunched fabric to numbers mounted on a wall, while figures spring out of thin strips of metal. Says artist Kumi Yamashita, “I sculpt using light and shadow. I construct single or multiple objects and place them in relation to a single light source. The complete artwork is therefore comprised of both the material (the solid objects) and the immaterial (the light or shadow.)”

Steel Wire Shadow Art by Larry Kagan

shadow art kagan 1

shadow art kagan 2

shadow art kagan 3

Though they do have a certain beauty in and of themselves, look at Larry Kagan’s wire sculptures on their own, without a light source, and you may find yourself scratching your head at what the word ‘art’ even means. But when they’re illuminated from just the right angle, they transform into something different altogether, becoming birds, insects, ladders and maps of the world.

Plasticine Body Cast Shadow by Rook Floro

shadow art rook 1

shadow art rook 2

Artist Rook Floro made a plasticine cast of his body to create this eerie shadow sculpture, which he displayed in a gallery while sitting nearby with his entire body painted black. “My sculpture/performance piece is inspired by Carl Jung’s psychological theory about the shadow. It concerns with the repressed ideas, weakness, and desires of oneself that the conscious mind refuses to acknowledge. It represents my ‘shadow’ which involves my hidden desires to be different and become perfect in y own right. We always feel the pressure to be perfect by everything around us such as the media, social network, advertisement, friends, and family.”

Interactive Shadow Picture Book by Megumi Kajiwara and Tathuhiko Nijima

shadow art book 1

shadow art book 2

shadow art book 3

This adorable Japanese children’s book by Megumi Kajiwara and Tathuhiko Nijima is enhanced with the use of a flashlight to bring out extra figures via pop-up silhouettes. The book is hand-made to order.

Dancing Shadow Sculptures by Laurent Craste
Shadow Art Dancing

Two static sculptures suddenly start to dance as a light source swings maniacally around them in this interactive art installation by Lauren Craste, created for the Chromatic festival in Montreal. It seems straightforward at first, but then the figures seem to take on a life of their own, moving in ways that don’t make sense. The secret is a hidden projector that tracks the movements of the light source to create certain effects.

Next Page - Click Below to Read More:
Drawing With Darkness 24 Incredible Works Of Shadow Art

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Shadow Sculptures: Illusions from Clumps of Junk

Seemingly random bits of junk produce the most unexpected shadows when a light is shined upon them from a certain angle in these sculptures by Diet Wiegman. Click Here to Read More »»

Cement Bleak: Haunting Shadow Faces on the Sidewalk

Ghostly shadow faces appear on the sidewalks, cast through hand-shaped metal colanders by the street lights, in an installation by Isaac Cordal. Click Here to Read More »»

25 (More) Incredible Works of Art from Ordinary Objects

Recently a number of readers have written in to submit their own works or works they have constructed from everyday materials. Click Here to Read More »»

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[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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07 Apr 10:33

Rainworks: Water-Activated Street Art & Games in Rainy Seattle

by Urbanist
[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]


Rainworks are pieces of street art that only appear when wet, featuring messages, images and interactive games that work great for a city infamous for its frequent precipitation. The idea, in part, is to encourage people to enjoy the rain, and reward those who go out and play in the gathering drizzle.

rain dry art street

rain animal art

Peregrine Church creates these works which, while temporary, can last for months before degrading – the water-repellent sprays used are eco-friendly and will biodegrade when the designs eventually dissolve.

rain wet dry pie


Neverwet and its analogs are not exactly new materials, nor is the idea of applying it to stenciled graffiti art novel, but the variety of Church’s work is compelling, as is his targeting of its results to different neighborhoods in an oft-soaked city, from the U District to Ballard and beyond. Some of the vignettes are simply playful images, or geek and gaming references, while others carry water usage-related messages.

rain visible artwork

rain error sun 404

rain ground is lava

Indeed, this seems the perfect set of urban settings – while Seattle has frequent rains it rarely has downpours, meaning the ground is often moist but the weather rarely so bad that it is difficult to go out and experience it.

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Liquid Street Art: Tricycle Deploys Calligraphic Water Poetry

Nicholas Hanna is a Canadian artist who has poured new life into a traditional art form, turning a tricycle into a means of rapidly deploying Chinese lettering ... Click Here to Read More »»

Street Art Olympics: Banksy Works on 2012 London Games

When the games are in town, street art abounds, with locals and visitors alike responding to the huge city-shifting influx of infrastructure and viewers Click Here to Read More »»

NeverWet Graffiti: Invisible-Ink Street Art Shows Up in Rain

NeverWet has been making headlines as the silicon-based spray that repels liquids from clothes and electronics, but this off-book use shows another fascinating ... Click Here to Read More »»

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07 Apr 09:59

Bees and Bombs: Beautiful minimalist GIFs by Dave Whyte

by Xeni Jardin

There's more of Dave Whyte's wonderful GIF work at his tumblr: Read the rest

07 Apr 09:34

Showcase Your Interest In Animal Cruelty With This Creepy "Ant Watch"

by George Dvorsky

Philadelphia-based Analog Watch Co. has unveiled its latest product, a watch-like accessory that houses anywhere from three to five harvester ants. The company calls it a "living conversation piece," but it's probably just an April Fool's joke. (Please let it be an April Fool's joke!)


07 Apr 08:31

These Amazing Temporary Artworks Are Made Of Sand

by Vincze Miklós

When an artist creates a beautiful work of art, she or he usually wants it to last forever — or at least, to outlive its creator. But sometimes, an artist just wants to create a work of beauty that will last a short time, and then be gone forever. Here are the loveliest short-lived works of art... made of sand.


07 Apr 08:18

The First-Known Medical Consent Form Dates Back To 1524

by George Dvorsky

Turkish historians have uncovered the oldest-known example of a signed written consent form. Dating back to the 16th Century Ottoman Empire, the discovery suggests the use of these forms — in this case permission to remove a bladder stone — was practiced long before it was adopted in the West.


07 Apr 08:16

Some Of The Strangest Flying Machines Ever Built

by Vincze Miklós

It’s been just over a century and change since the first airplane flight. And an amazing amount of innovation has happened to aviation since then. Along with quite a bit of weird experiments, that didn’t entirely pan out. Here are fascinating videos of some of the strangest flying machines ever invented!


07 Apr 08:11

The First Schizophrenia Medication Was Developed As An Antihistamine

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

Thorazine, or chlorpromazine, was the first antipsychotic. It freed many people with severe schizophrenia from mental asylums, but that's not why it was developed. It was first tested because it's an antihistamine. Yes, like the allergy medications.


07 Apr 07:44

oskarstalberg:3D tile editor, in your browser. Give it a go!


3D tile editor, in your browser. Give it a go!

07 Apr 07:03


07 Apr 07:03

A Towering Home in the Alaskan Wilderness Looks Like Something Right out of a Dr. Seuss Book

by Christopher Jobson

Photo by Jovell Rennie

As the story goes, the original owner of this unwieldy building located in Willow, Alaska built his house shortly after a forest fire with a clear view of Mount McKinley and Denali National Park. As the surrounding trees recovered, the pristine view was obscured and the owner decided to add few more stories, eventually spending a decade adding floors until it reached the 12-ish story tower you see today. Not surprisingly, locals refer to the building as the “Dr. Seuss House” as the design so closely mimics structures you might see in Theodor Geisel’s illustrated storybooks.

While the tower sat abandoned for a while, the Dr. Seuss house apparently has a new owner who is currently working on renovations. Photographer Jovell Rennie and Alaska Aerial Footage recently stopped by to capture some of the images and video you see here. (via Jeroen Apers, Unusual Places)




06 Apr 09:25


02 Apr 10:17


02 Apr 08:31


02 Apr 08:31

A Cat in a Knot in a Tree

by Miss Cellania

See, trees have knots, and the cat is on, or in, one. The fact that it’s a standard overhand knot is just plain weird. We don’t know the provenance of this picture, as it has been shared on Pinterest more than anywhere else. The caption style makes it appear to be quite old. But isn’t it a delight? -via Arbroath

02 Apr 08:18



02 Apr 08:00

Bring Beer Cocktails Home with an Innovative New Bar Book

The Portland Rickey Beer Cocktail
The Portland Rickey in three steps.

When bartender Jacob Grier sees a bottle of farmhouse saison or hoppy Oregon IPA, he doesn’t just see a beer—he sees the beginning of a beautiful cocktail. “Beer is a cocktail ingredient like any other. It adds effervescence to a drink, and floral and bitter hop notes,” he says. “I like playing with things that are underrated—or just weird.” The roving local bartender/writer has a knack for sharing his passions: he cofounded Brewing Up Cocktails,* a series of increasingly wild beer cocktail–making events around town, in 2010, and by 2012 he’d popularized the infamous bone luge* at Metrovino. Soon after, he spearheaded the city’s annual Aquavit Week. Nowadays he spends most evenings behind the bar at Multnomah Whiskey Library, and in March he released Cocktails on Tap, an engaging history and recipe compendium of sudsy mixology. 

*Grier’s fellow conspirators? The New School beer blogger/beer fest creator Ezra Johnson-Greenough and Hop & Vine bottle shop owner Yetta Vorobik

*Sipping a shot of top-shelf tequila, sherry, or other booze down the central channel of an umami-rich marrow bone

As affable and inquisitive as its creator, the book ping-pongs from arcane, centuries-old recipes like eggnoggy curdled-cream-and-ale possets to contemporary beer cocktails gathered from bar pros around the country. A Breakside Brewery IPA, for instance, lends froth and bitter tang to a tiki classic or cuts the cachaça sweetness of a Brazilian “Caip-beer-ihna,” while Mexican lager branches out from the michelada to mingle with serrano-infused mescal and pineapple shrub. The takeaway is clear: it’s time to liberate beer from its bottle.

The Portland Rickey

Grier first concocted this bright take on the citrusy gin standby, funked up with a hoppy-yeasty punch of saison and the herbal essence of Chartreuse, for a national contest at the 2013 Tales of the Cocktail gathering. He won; now the complex thirst quencher is one of his go-to beer cocktails.

Combine 1½ oz gin, ¾ oz fresh-squeezed lemon juice, and ¼ oz green Chartreuse in a highball glass over ice. Add 4 oz saison. (Grier loves Upright Brewing’s Five.) Stir gently to combine. Drop one of the squeezed lemon halves into the drink for garnish.

01 Apr 17:32


01 Apr 11:42

A Sprawling New Cut Paper Bacterium by Rogan Brown

by Christopher Jobson

Detail 5

Cut Microbe (2015 handcut paper)

Detail 1

Detail 3

Process 2

Artist Rogan Brown (previously) recently completed work on this new cut paper sculpture titled Cut Microbe. Four months in the making, the piece is a continuation of Brown’s exploration of the human biome and was inspired by the form of salmonella and ecoli bacteria (this 44″ sculpture is about half a million times bigger than the real thing). The sculpture will be on view this May as part of a commission by the Eden Project in the UK. You can see more of Rogan’s work on his website.

01 Apr 11:28



31 Mar 08:24

When my friend asks "Will Louis Armstrong be written out of textbooks for walking on the moon since he used steroids?"

31 Mar 08:12


29 Mar 07:13

игры с бумагой

© lustik
25 Mar 06:52

cre8ti0n: Crystal Mill | Cinematic Photography

25 Mar 06:31

Captivating Geometric GIFs by Florian de Looij

by Christopher Jobson


Florian de Looij first sat down with a copy of Photoshop when he was 12 years old and apparently he never got up. The Netherlands-based designer has been exploring digital animation and illustration ever since, and late last year started sharing his animation experiments on a Tumblr called FLRN GIF. Florian says he’s always been inspired by the likes of M.C. Escher and other artists working with optical illusions, something that has clearly influenced the direction of his design practice. He tries to make a new GIF each day, and you can see tons more in his archives. (via Cross Connect)








25 Mar 06:29

Sad truth

25 Mar 06:29

by Mike Elliott