Shared posts

19 Aug 15:57


by elbestianegrahd

19 Aug 15:57

Your Girlfriend Would Just Take Up That Space Anyway

Your Girlfriend Would Just Take Up That Space Anyway

Submitted by:

Tagged: laptops , hipsters , beds
19 Aug 15:46

E o prêmio de melhor pai do ano vai para…

by Zanfa

Esse cara!


18 Aug 17:15


18 Aug 17:07

Watch Chris Pratt, Retta, and Others in an Anti-Binge-Watching PSA

by E. Alex Jung

Entertainment Weekly rounded up a bunch of celebrities — from Alyson Hannigan to the cast of Parks and Recreation — for a PSA warning viewers of the dangers of binge-watching. Maybe you're like Adam Scott, who brags, "I don't have a TV. I just read and look out the window." Anyway, the celebs  offer some dos and don'ts for how to binge-watch in a responsible manner. Do: Drink a lot of fluids. Don't: Binge-watch Breaking Bad and then switch to True Detective. Do: Take breaks if you're single. Don't: Binge-watch CNN because it will never end

Read more posts by E. Alex Jung

Filed Under: binge-watching ,psa ,chris pratt ,parks and recreaton ,lost ,orange is the new black ,candy

18 Aug 17:05

Fans Want A Robin Williams Tribute In The Next Zelda, Nintendo Responds

by Mike Fahey

Fans Want A Robin Williams Tribute In The Next Zelda, Nintendo Responds

The late Robin Williams was so smitten with The Legend of Zelda he famously named his daughter after the title character. Shades of World of Warcraft , fans have banded together via petition to ask Nintendo to honor the actor and comedian in the next game in the series, and Nintendo has responded.


18 Aug 17:04

Dignidade é isso: holandês homenageado por Israel por ter salvo criança do nazismo devolve o prêmio após ter sua família assassinada em Gaza

by mariafro

Holandês que salvou menino do nazismo devolve prêmio após perder família em Gaza

Idoso de 91 anos foi homenageado em 2011 por esconder menino de tropas nazistas; a sobrinha dele casou com um palestino


15.08.2014 | 09:07 
Israel realiza ataque aéreo a Gaza
Uma autoridade do governo israelense declarou que seu país não irá negociar com os palestinos enquanto os militantes continuarem disparando mísseis
Hatem Moussa/AP

AMSTERDÃ  - Um advogado holandês de 91 anos premiado em Israel por ter salvado um menino judeu durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial devolveu seu prêmio depois de ter perdido seis parentes em um bombardeio israelense à Faixa de Gaza, no mês passado, segundo o jornal israelense Haaretz.

Henk Zanoli e sua mãe, Johana Zanoli-Smit, receberam o prêmio em 2011 por ter escondido Elhanan Pinto, uma criança de 11 anos, dos nazistas durante a guerra. À época, o pai de Hank já tinha sido enviado ao campo de concentração de Dachau por se opor à ocupação da Holanda pela Alemanha de Hitler.

A sobrinha neta de Zanoli, a diplomata holandesa Angelique Eijpe, é casada com o economista palestino Isma’il Ziadah, nascido no campo de refugiados de al-Bureij, em Gaza. No dia 20 de julho, um bombardeio israelense atingiu a casa da mãe de Ziadah. Ela, três irmãos de Ziadah, uma cunhada e um  primo morreram no ataque.

Ao saber da morte da família palestina de sua sobrinha, Zanoli decidiu devolver a medalha e o certificado do prêmio Virtuoso entre as Nações ao governo de Israel. Em carta ao embaixador israelense na Holanda, Haim Davon, Zanoli descreveu os motivos de sua decisão.

” Dado o nosso histórico é particularmente chocante e trágico que, quatro gerações depois, nossa família sofra com o assassinato de nossos parentes em Gaza. Um assassinato conduzido pelo Estado de Israel. Os bisnetos de minha mãe perderam sua avó palestina, três tios, uma tia e um primo pelas mãos do Exército de Israel”, escreveu o holandês.

 “Para mim, continuar com essa honra concedida pelo Estado de Israel, nessas circunstâncias, seria um insulto à memória da minha corajosa mãe, que arriscou a vida dela e dos filhos contra a opressão e pela preservação da vida humana. É também um insulto à minha família que, quatro gerações depois, perdeu nada menos que seis membros em Gaza pelas mãos do Estado de Israel”, acrescentou.

O advogado ainda afirmou que a invasão israelense à Faixa de Gaza resultou em graves acusações de crimes contra a humanidade e disse que não estaria surpreso se isso levasse a condenações, caso fossem julgadas por um tribunal isento.

Questionado pelo Haaretz sobre o ataque, o Exército israelense diz que despende grandes esforços para evitar mortes de civis em Gaza e investiga todas as denúncias de incidentes irregulares. Um relatório deve ser publicado ao fim das investigações.


18 Aug 16:59

New Eden – A Book Celebrating Great Game Environment Design

by The Book Design Blog

New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog

New Eden is a book showcasing a selection of hand-picked computer game environments.

Each spread features a high-resolution in-game render of a different game environment, plus an iconographic key and a mini-map ‘HUD’ that denotes the genre and environment styles, such as ‘space’, ‘swords’, or ‘apocalyptic’.

Quotes from game designers are interspersed throughout, and the book is finished off with a wooden cover and lazer-etched design.

Designed and created by Christian Ernst, Alexander Venus & Robyn Soyka.

Wooden Lazer Etched book cover – The Book Design Blog

Wooden Lazer Etched book cover – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog New Eden – A book of game environments – The Book Design Blog Wooden Lazer Etched book cover – The Book Design Blog

18 Aug 16:34

Ignition: uma distribuição para o Raspberry Pi promete recursos modernos - e sociais - para retro gaming

by Augusto Campos

O Ignition busca ser um sistema operacional completo, disponível como uma imagem pronta para dar boot, capaz de oferecer aos retrogamers os recursos típicos de ambientes modernos de jogos (pense na Steam, ou nas interfaces do PS3 ou do XBox): perfis, desafios e competições compartilhadas via Internet, troféus/achievements e mais.

Ele pretende oferecer suporte aos diversos emuladores já disponíveis no Raspberry Pi, numa interface projetada para oferecer as informações sobre os jogos (capa, screenshots, descrição, etc.), suportar boa parte dos joysticks USB e sem fio, e outros recursos típicos de plataformas modernas.

Mas a ideia é, além de jogar sucessos do passado com grande qualidade, poder fazer ou aceitar desafios tais como vencer no Star Fox com apenas uma vida, ou ser o mais rápido a obter 50 anéis no Sonic.

O autor pediu US$ 4.500 em uma campanha do Kickstarter, mas já passou dos US$ 7.000 e uma parte do produto já está desenvolvido – e ele será open source desde o dia do lançamento. (via - “Ignition: A Social Retro Gaming OS for the Raspberry Pi by Alex Stubbs — Kickstarter”)

O artigo "Ignition: uma distribuição para o Raspberry Pi promete recursos modernos - e sociais - para retro gaming" foi originalmente publicado no site, de Augusto Campos.

18 Aug 16:33

The Shape of Ideas

by Grant

You can order a poster at my shop.
18 Aug 16:31

Musician Jeff Burke Performs an Impressive Cover of Daft Punk’s ‘Get Lucky’ on a Bassoon and Theremin

by Justin Page

Lvl. 111 Blacksmith recently captured footage of skilled musician Jeff Burke performing an impressive cover of the song “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk on a bassoon and theremin at the Coldwater Steampunk Festival in Coldwater, Ontario.

via Nothing To Do With Arbroath

18 Aug 16:29

Avoid Relationship Fights by Reversing Your Assumptions

by Dave Greenbaum

This is good advice for *everything*. Specially science.

Avoid Relationship Fights by Reversing Your Assumptions

In relationships, we sometimes blindside our partners with unfair accusations. We assume the worst, when we should be assuming the best. Next time, look for reasons you may be wrong in your assumptions and you could avoid a fight.

Psychology Today has a list of suggestions to avoid fights with your partner. One of their better recommendations includes looking for "disconfirming information" before attributing a reason for a frustrating behavior:

We tend to look for facts that confirm our beliefs. If you are frustrated that your partner was supposed to be home 10 minutes ago, the automatic response is to think about all the other times your partner was late, and envision her chatting with friends and ignoring the time. Instead, force yourself to think about any times when your partner was late due to circumstances out of her control and search for reasons that could help explain why your partner wasn't able to get home when she said she would.

Just asking yourself "What other reasons could there be for this?" pulls the focus away from a negative assumption and you'll be able to see other possibilities. While the tips refer to partners in romantic relationships, it's a smart tip that you can use with other members of your family, roommates, and coworkers.

Check out the link for other quick ways to prevent fights.

5 Tips for Sidestepping Conflict in Close Relationships | Psychology Today

Photo by Renato Guerreiro.

18 Aug 15:59

A new, more visual way to view your Promotions tab

by The Gmail Team
Posted by Aaron Rothman, Product Manager

Promotional mail has a lot of images, from pictures of snazzy new shoes to photos of that rock-climbing gym you’ve been wanting to try. But right now, those images are buried inside your messages—and with only subject lines to go on, it can be a challenge to quickly pick out the deals and offers that interest you most. To help you find what you’re looking for faster, you can now sign up for a new field trial for Gmail that lets you view the Promotions tab in a more visual way.

To take part in this field trial, you can sign up at and if you’re selected, a new grid view will bring to the top of your inbox key images from deals, offers, and other marketing emails if you have the Promotions tab enabled. Grid view also comes with infinite scrolling, making it easy to quickly scan through your messages and find the ones that look interesting.
You’ll be able to toggle between the new visual grid view and the standard list view by clicking a button at the top of the tab. We’re just experimenting for now, but we hope this view will make it a little bit easier for you to get things done. Sign up at and if you're selected, we’ll follow up for your feedback!

Note: If you send promotional emails, check out the Gmail Developers site to learn how you can give your readers a better experience in Gmail using this feature.
18 Aug 15:56

The 2014 Hugo Award Winners

by John Scalzi

This is one of the best slates ever. Info taken from here. Full ballot results are here.

The 72nd World Science Fiction Convention, Loncon 3, has announced the 2014 Hugo Award winners. 3587 valid ballots were received and counted in the final ballot.


Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie (Orbit US / Orbit UK)


“Equoid” by Charles Stross (, 09-2013)


“The Lady Astronaut of Mars” by Mary Robinette Kowal (, 09-2013)


“The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere” by John Chu (, 02-2013)


“We Have Always Fought: Challenging the Women, Cattle and Slaves Narrative” by Kameron Hurley (A Dribble of Ink)


“Time” by Randall Munroe (xkcd)


Gravity written by Alfonso Cuarón & Jonás Cuarón, directed by Alfonso Cuarón (Esperanto Filmoj; Heyday Films;Warner Bros.)


Game of Thrones “The Rains of Castamere” written by David Benioff & D.B. Weiss, directed by David Nutter (HBO Entertainment in association with Bighead, Littlehead; Television 360; Startling Television and Generator Productions)


Ellen Datlow


Ginjer Buchanan


Julie Dillon


Lightspeed Magazine edited by John Joseph Adams, Rich Horton, and Stefan Rudnicki


A Dribble of Ink edited by Aidan Moher


SF Signal Podcast, Patrick Hester


Kameron Hurley


Sarah Webb


Award for the best new professional science fiction or fantasy writer of 2012 or 2013, sponsored by Dell Magazines (not a Hugo Award).

Sofia Samatar

Congratulations to all the winners!

18 Aug 15:52

Медвежье лето

18 Aug 15:52

motok-wolf: why  :c


why  :c

18 Aug 15:51


18 Aug 15:47

Please be quick

18 Aug 15:47

i lick your timelapse

i lick your timelapse

18 Aug 15:46


18 Aug 15:45

When Venn Diagrams Go Horribly Wrong

by Tyler Durden

Or maybe just one of those rare occasions when the truth slips through?

h/t @RussianNavyBlog

18 Aug 15:45

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet

by Christopher Jobson

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

Breathtaking Aerial Landscapes of Iceland by Sarah Martinet landscapes Iceland aerial

While on a recent trip to Iceland, photographer Sarah Martinet had the opportunity to shoot these amazing landscapes from a plane with open windows. You can see much more of her work (as well as more from this trip) on 500px and Facebook.

18 Aug 15:44

This is exactly why X-Files is better than CSI

18 Aug 15:44

Middling Mathematics

by John

Middling Mathematics

Update: This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever made
18 Aug 15:43

Spectral Signal

by John

Spectral Signal

All those times you thought you felt a text message were actually a cute lil ghost who wanted to be your friend You monster ————————————————– HEY! You might have noticed that this comic doesn’t have any color in it! What’s up with that! Well, in an effort to save time on comic-making, I’m making the […]
18 Aug 15:42

Costume party

18 Aug 15:42

Space Vampire

by Huge Cartoons
18 Aug 15:40

Toothy sharks.

18 Aug 14:23

merryweatherblue: I took my little brother (who falls on the...

by aishiterushit

COOL! +1 for GoG!


I took my little brother (who falls on the autism spectrum) to see Guardians of the Galaxy and after this scene he lit up like a Christmas tree and screamed “He’s like me! He can’t do metaphors!” And for the rest of the film my brother stared at Drax in a state of rapture. 

So for the last 6 days I have heard my brother repeatedly quote all of the Drax lines from the movie verbatim (one of his talents), begin studying vocabulary test words, and tell everyone he knows that people with autism can also be superheroes.

Now I am not saying that Drax the Destroyer is, or was ever, intended to be autistic. All I am saying is that it warmed my heart to see my brother have an opportunity to identify himself with a character known for his strength, badassness, and honor. And that is pretty damn awesome. 

So while I adored Guardians of the Galaxy as a great fun loving film with cool characters I can do nothing but thank Marvel Studios and Dave Bautista for finally bringing a superhero to the screen that my little brother can relate to.

18 Aug 14:22
