Shared posts

18 Mar 19:17


18 Mar 19:16


05 Jun 16:49

swampseer: benjaminmackey: ∆ TWIN PEAKS TAROT ∆Direct visual...




Direct visual inspiration drawn from the Rider Waite Tarot deck. 

At present, the plan is to make recreate all of the Major Arcana…and then maybe move into the Minor Arcana. 


02 Jun 20:53

srmxy: Ellen Page’s early filmography looks like it was...


Ellen Page’s early filmography looks like it was Photoshopped for an Arrested Development gag.

02 Jun 20:52

Mirror Installations by Shirin Abedinirad Reflect the Sky in Stairs and Desert Dunes

by Christopher Jobson








Iranian artist Shirin Abedinirad explores issues of gender, sexuality and human compassion through her site-specific installations, performances, and conceptual fashion designs. Seen here are two recent public works, Evocation (Iran, 2013) and Heaven on Earth (Italy, 2014) that utilize mirrors in both an urban and rural desert setting to reflect the sky above, perhaps mimicking the color or form of water. Abedinirad studied under Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami and now splits her time between Tehran and Florence. You can see more of her work on her website and on Tumblr. (via Cross Connect)

02 Jun 20:52

sixpenceee: Girl buried with a crown of ceramic flowers....


Girl buried with a crown of ceramic flowers. Patras, 300-400 B.C. From the Museum of Patras.

02 Jun 20:48

onlinepunk:who the hell is responsible for this


who the hell is responsible for this

02 Jun 15:47

noobtheloser: Make peace with all and pass with dignity, for...


Make peace with all and pass with dignity, for when the tide comes in, the age of man will be at an end. 

I do a lot of these. So do other people. 

02 Jun 15:43

New Horizons

Last-minute course change: Let's see if we can hit Steve's house.
02 Jun 15:36

Please Stand By: Fallout 4 Announcement Tomorrow?

by Alice O'Connor

Okay, sure.

Please let Fallout 4 have green. Let it be set somewhere with trees, or somewhere with colours, or at least let it not have that ‘orrible murk filter Bethesda seem so fond of. Let it have trees and let it, somehow, stack up well against The Witcher 3.

It seems the E3 festivities begin earlier each year, as Bethesda have knocked up a Fallout teaser site counting down to 3pm tomorrow. What oh what could it be? I don’t feel I’m going out too far on a limb by declaring it’s obviously the new Fallout game they’ve clearly been working on for years.

… [visit site to read more]

26 May 15:54

This Home In Cape Town Has 360 Degree Mountain And Sea Views

by Erin

SAOTA together with interior designer Debra Parkington, have designed a new home in Bantry Bay, Cape Town, South Africa.

A Home In Cape Town By SAOTA

continue reading

26 May 15:50

‘Twin Peaks’ Season Three Doubles to 18 Episodes, Angelo Badalamenti Returning

by Russ Fischer

Twin Peaks season three episode count

Twin Peaks isn’t just back — there’s more of it coming than anyone expected.

The return of Twin Peaks has already become a saga, with Showtime setting up a nine-episode third season to air in 2016, with David Lynch directing all episodes and co-writing with Twin Peaks co-creator Mark Frost. Then Lynch bailed on the series, reportedly over budget and deal issues. But Showtime worked things out with Lynch, and the director returned, just in time for Showtime to announce the third season had expanded from its original nine-episode order.

We didn’t know much more than that. What would be the final Twin Peaks season three episode count? And who else will return to the series now that Lynch is fully on board? During a convention appearance, Sheryl Lee and Sherilyn Fenn revealed some details. Notably, that the series order has doubled, and there’s a suggestion that Angelo Badalamenti, the musical voice of the show, is also coming back.

At Seattle’s Crypticon, Sherilyn Fenn talked about the show’s development so far, calling it a “roller coaster,” and suggesting, as we assumed, that if Lynch had stayed away she would have refused to do the show. But things are back on, and Fenn looks very happy.

She also said, “And 18 episodes now, even!”

Her comment after that went a ways towards confirming some of our suspicions about the money conflict, saying “and I think when he did the nine, he realized he needed nine more to really complete it.”

So the budget Showtime had agreed upon was basically doubling. That’s just a loose account of the dealmaking process, of course, but it does shed a little bit of light on the situation.

Also revealed is the plan to use music from Angelo Badalamenti. There isn’t a specific mention of him doing new music, but one would suspect that will end up being the case. Badalamenti was among the most significant parts of the show’s formula, as his mournful, ghostly music tied all the show’s eccentricities together.

There was also an interesting detail: Twede’s Cafe in North Bend, WA, which served as the Double R Diner in the show’s original location shoot, is being restored to be used in the new shoot.

“We’re shooting there, 100%,” Fenn said when asked about the original Washington locations. She added,

“[David’s] already come here. They’re redoing the R&R Diner to look exactly like it did in the show, and then the owners of the diner are going to keep it that way.”

She also mentioned that Lynch is figuring out how to shoot the Sheriff station, as it has been built up quite a bit since the original shoot.

While many Pacific Northwest locations were used for exteriors during the show’s pilot shoot, most of the series was actually shot north of Hollywood in the San Fernando Valley, in a warehouse that was refitted into stages, with Malibu forests doubling for the northwest in some scenes. We don’t know what the balance will be for the new series, but it sounds like at least some of the interiors will be shot on location, if the interior of the diner is being restored.

One of those interiors will be the Red Room, as Fenn says “she’s alive in the Red Room” while talking about Sheryl Lee. A few minutes later, Lee says “I know that I’m coming back now, but I don’t know how, and I may not know until I show up for the first day.” That’s obviously an exaggeration, but it’s a good way to say she’s not going to reveal anything now.

Fenn also references her character’s own odd end at the conclusion of the second series, explaining that it was the network’s desire for a cliffhanger that led to Audrey’s final scene.

Twin Peaks should begin shooting this September, with the series slated for Showtime in 2016.

Here’s video of the panel appearance, via Welcome to Twin Peaks. The first season three comments are right at the top, and the mentions of Badalamenti and the diner come much later in the talk.

The post ‘Twin Peaks’ Season Three Doubles to 18 Episodes, Angelo Badalamenti Returning appeared first on /Film.

26 May 15:45


26 May 15:44

2 for 1 drinks this week at QWOP tavern.

2 for 1 drinks this week at QWOP tavern.

26 May 15:42

strangelykatie: some common varieties of tea dragon!


some common varieties of tea dragon!

26 May 15:42

marshmellowtea:high-metafive:so i made and account on tv tropes and it asked for my relationship...



so i made and account on tv tropes and it asked for my relationship status

i went over and was about to put in “single” or “it’s complicated” and, well..


i can’t deal anymore

this is beautiful

26 May 15:41

sci-universe: We actually have pictures that great of Mars, a...


We actually have pictures that great of Mars, a planet about 225 million kilometers (140 million miles) away from us.
Image copyright: NASA

26 May 15:40

Avocado Love Wool Sculpture by Hanna Dovahan

by Christopher Jobson



Ukranian crafter Hanna Dovahan makes some pretty fantastic wool objects including animals, arthropods, and food which she sells in her Etsy shop. This avocado love piece is on a slightly higher plane of amazing.

26 May 15:38


26 May 15:37

hungry-for-change: diedinpompeji: PLUTO 2015NASA I AM...

by abbyinamerica



PLUTO 2015



26 May 15:33

joshua-wright: I had such fun drawing all the carnage in my...


I had such fun drawing all the carnage in my last comic I decided to do it all again, but this time with magic instead of a mattock.

Btw, I too have been searching for the Mirror of Mind-Freeing for many years. Currently I’m cursed with an insatiable love of art and illustration. I’m hoping the mirror can show me that I’m really a stock broker, or maybe a dentist. I hear both those pay pretty well. :) 

26 May 15:32

New Trash and Found Object Murals by ‘Bordalo II’ on the Streets of Lisbon

by Christopher Jobson








Artist Bordalo II (previously here and here) uses old tires, bumpers, and other scraps of painted found trash to form towering 3D murals of animals on the streets of Lisbon, Portugal. Collected here are several pieces from the last few months, and you can see much more on Facebook. (via Beautiful/Decay)

26 May 15:30

madeleinerosca: Guitar Lessons with the Doof Warrior.Swiped...


Guitar Lessons with the Doof Warrior.

Swiped from

26 May 15:29

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Gang Signs


Hovertext: Things you learn drawing comics - you can't do the Devil's Tuning Fork in color.

New comic!
Today's News:
21 May 23:14

Valley of the Buddha


CC BY-SA Chensiyuan / Wikimedia Commons

China Photos / Getty Images

Peter Parks / AFP / Getty Images

China Photos / Getty Images

China Photos / Getty Images

CC BY-SA Chensiyuan / Wikimedia Commons

China Photos / Getty Images

Valley of the Buddha

21 May 23:14

Cores para Daltônicos

by Erik Getzel
Cerca de 300 milhões de pessoas no mundo possuem algum tipo de daltonismo, uma deficiência visual em que o indivíduo não é capaz de reconhecer e diferenciar algumas cores específicas. O daltonismo pode ser classificado como um distúrbio genético ligado ao cromossomo X, onde ocorre um problema com os pigmentos de determinadas cores em células nervosas do olho, chamadas de cones, localizadas na retina. Mesmo que apenas um pigmento esteja faltando, uma pessoa pode apresentar problemas para reconhecer e identificar diversas cores, tonalidades ou brilho. Buscando um modo de trazer as cores de volta à vida e rotina dos daltônicos, duas empresas, a Valspar e a EnChroma, criaram óculos especiais que corrigem a percepção visual. É uma iniciativa revolucionária, que transforma a vida dessas pessoas. O custo já foi reduzido, mas ainda há uma espera para que a produção desses óculos se torne barata o suficiente para a comercialização em larga escala. Hoje, os óculos custam aproximadamente US$ 350.
300 million people in the world have some kind of color blindness, a visual impairment in which the individual is unable to recognize and differentiate some specific colors. Color blindness can be classified as a genetic disorder linked to the X chromosome, where occurs a problem with the pigments of certain colors in nerve cells of the eye, called cones, located in the retina. Even if only a pigment is missing, a person may have trouble recognizing and identifying different colors, shades or brightness. Searching for a way to bring the colors back to life and routine of color blind people, two companies, Valspar and EnChroma, created special glasses that correct the visual perception. It's a revolutionary initiative, capable of transforming the lives of these people. The cost has been reduced but there is still a wait for the production of these glasses become cheaper for large-scale commercialization. Today, the glasses cost about $ 350.

Veja o vídeo com legendas no YouTube aqui.

Fonte: Awebic

21 May 23:11

Como resolver seus problemas com crianças pentelhas

by ninja vermelho


Simplesmente preciso! Nem que seja só pra deixar em um canto esperando algum pirralho chegar…

The post Como resolver seus problemas com crianças pentelhas appeared first on Le Ninja.

21 May 23:10

A Road Trip Through Ireland

by Léa

Le vidéaste Clemens Wirth, qui nous avait déjà gratifié d’une courte vidéo dans laquelle il expérimentait les lois de la gravité, nous offre cette fois-ci le film de son road trip à travers l’Irlande. Les paysages routiers, maritimes et ruraux s’enchaînent au rythme du titre « Your Wish » de Talisco. Une véritable invitation à s’y rendre.

roadtripireland5 roadtripireland12 roadtripireland11 roadtripireland10 roadtripireland9 roadtripireland8 roadtripireland7 roadtripireland6 roadtripireland4 roadtripireland3
21 May 23:10

deathandmysticism: E.W. Kemble, Death’s Laboratory, 1906


E.W. Kemble, Death’s Laboratory, 1906

21 May 23:08

(photo via mranthony101)

(photo via mranthony101)