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22 Jul 01:38

Shoot for the Moon

Shoot for the Moon. If you miss, you'll end up co-orbiting the Sun alongside Earth, living out your days alone in the void within sight of the lush, welcoming home you left behind.
19 Nov 15:10

hotdiggitydogblog: REALLY YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE



19 Nov 15:10


19 Nov 15:10


19 Nov 15:09

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by brandpowder
19 Nov 15:08

Study: More than 1 percent of Google Play apps are “aggressive” copycats

by Dan Goodin

More than one percent of titles available in Google's official Android app market may be unauthorized copycats of competing apps that have been re-engineered to more aggressively monitor browsing history and other personal habits, security researchers said today.

The study, published Monday by researchers from antivirus provider Bitdefender, analyzed 420,646 Android apps available in Google Play. Of those, 5,077 contained code lifted from Facebook, Twitter, and other legitimate apps. The copycat apps offered the same functionality as the original apps, but they were redesigned to include aggressive advertising libraries (often referred to as SDKs), "beacons" that can be used to track users, and modified permissions that had access to text messages, call histories, and other personal information.

"Most modifications add a new Advertising SDK in the repackaged app or change the Advertiser ID from the original app so revenue obtained through ad platforms gets diverted from the original developer to the individual who plagiarizes their work," Bitdefender's Loredana Botezatu wrote. "Other modifications add extra advertising modules to collect more data from the user than the initial developer planned. Moreover, if a developer only collects UDIDs and e-mail addresses initially, a plagiarized application can be extended to place home-screen icons, spam the notification bar, and so on to maximize the hijacker’s revenue."

Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments


19 Nov 15:05

How Are Bees Organized?

by djempirical
19 Nov 15:02

Newswire: Terry Gilliam still living a real-life Don Quixote by trying to make Don Quixote movie again

Continuing his noble quest to make the world’s most meta realization of Don Quixote since Jorge Luis Borges, Terry Gilliam has said he plans to once more tilt at the windmills—windmills that, hopefully, won’t be destroyed in a flash flood—of his long-simmering Cervantes’ adaptation. As viewers of the documentary Lost In La Mancha and anyone who’s read a showbiz blog since before they had big colorful buttons everywhere will remember, Gilliam has been working on his Don Quixote movie off-and-on for more than a decade, only to be plagued by never-ending production problems.

Yet, in a thematic parallel to a story Gilliam can’t bring to life on the screen, at least, he tells Coming Soon he’ll try Don Quixote again as his next movie—never mind the past, nor the threat of a Johnny Depp-starring Disney competitor—as “this is kind of my default position, going back to that,” ...


18 Nov 17:01

Deu no SNL

by (Permafrost)


Não importa si a afobação tbm ocorre em outras cultura. O *Brasil* é uma cultura. Tudo q um brasileiro faz é parte dessa cultura. Podem até chamar de nome estrangeiro pra disfarçar (black blocs &c), mas é brasileiro. Aliás, ironicamente, o próprio imitar/disfarçar já é brasileiro – pois o imitar *já é* seletivo, ie, definido pela cultura, e o disfarçar é *exatamente* o q o brasileiro faz em suas imitação.

E, tbm ironicamente, tudo q o brasileiro não precisa imitar, tampouco precisa disfarçar. E, ainda mais ironicamente, tudo aquilo q ele não disfarça é exatamente o q vem deixando de lado.

Portanto, tá esporradamente perfeito q zeuaense escarneça da afobação brasileira. Nem precisava dum aeroporto; bastava um ponto de ônibus. ¿Não é hilário?
18 Nov 15:01

(1) Tumblr

by frili
18 Nov 15:01

explodingdog: The taco place at the the strip mall of...


The taco place at the the strip mall of disappointment.

18 Nov 14:55

Happy Birthday to...Whoa!

Happy Birthday to...Whoa!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: gif , birthday , ribbons , Cats , balloon
18 Nov 14:55

Stabilized, interpolated, panoramic footage of JFK's assassination

by Rob Beschizza

This is incredible: multiple films of JFK's assassination not only superimposed and stabilized, but slowed down and interpolated to 30fps and allowed to build a panoramic view of the unfolding event. The interpolation makes it very untrustworthy, but the overall effect is fascinating: zoom and enhance for real. [Video Link]


18 Nov 14:50

the-absolute-best-posts: fiestyhysteria: randomly remembering a...



randomly remembering a joke and laughing about it to yourself

18 Nov 14:48


18 Nov 14:48

missavagardner: Jessica Chastain in “Work of Art” photographed...


Jessica Chastain in “Work of Art” photographed by Annie Leibovitz for Vogue USA December 2013

Frederic Leighton’s Flaming June, Henri Matisse’s Odalisque with Red Culottes, Félix Vallotton’s Le Retour, Anders Zorn’s Frances Folsom Cleveland, Gustav Klimt’s Ria Munk, Vincent van Gogh’s La Mousmé, René Magritte’s La Robe du Soir, Julia Margaret Cameron’s photography.
18 Nov 14:47

Shoot for the Moon

Shoot for the Moon. If you miss, you'll end up co-orbiting the Sun alongside Earth, living out your days alone in the void within sight of the lush, welcoming home you left behind.
18 Nov 14:47


18 Nov 14:45

The One Surprising Thing That Speeds Up Your Aging: Depression

by John M. Grohol, Psy.D.

The One Surprising Thing That Speeds Up Your AgingResearchers have discovered one thing that speeds up your body’s aging process that you may not be aware of — depression.

In a study of more than 2,400 Dutch subjects, researchers examined chromosomes within cells. What they found was surprising — people with clinical depression had shorter telomeres than their healthy peers.

Telomeres are strands of protective DNA that are found at the tips of chromosomes. As we age and our cells divide, telomeres get a little bit shorter each time. When they become so small that they lose their protective benefits, the cell dies. The more cells die, the quicker we age.

The length of telomeres is measured in terms of their number of DNA building blocks, called base pairs (bp). Shortened telomeres have been linked to a wide variety of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer and mental decline.

Study participants ranged in age from 18 to 65. The researchers found that with each year of age, telomeres shortened by 14 bp, on average, which is comparable to previous research findings.

The new study found that the telomeres in healthy people were about 5,540 bp on average, whereas in people with depression, their telomeres measured only about 5,460 bp — a significant difference.

Researchers said that based on telomere length, subjects in the study who suffered clinical depression for a period of two or more years actually aged seven to 10 years, when compared to non-depressed people.

“The most severely and chronically depressed patients had the shortest telomeres,” said lead author Josine Verhoeven, a psychiatric researcher at the Free University and Amsterdam’s VU University Medical Center.

“Overall, this study provides convincing evidence for the suggestion than an emotional stressful condition, such as [clinical depression], may truly impact on the physical ‘wear and tear’ of a person’s body resulting in accelerated biological aging,” wrote Verhoeven and colleagues.

The researchers said that while their data showed an association between depression and shorter telomere length, it could not demonstrate a clear cause-and-effect relationship. It is possible that some other factor, such as a genetic vulnerability, underlies both, the researchers said.

The study was published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.

Source: VU University Medical Center

18 Nov 14:40


18 Nov 14:39

Fish Assassin

by Doug
18 Nov 14:33

The 'Breaking Bad' 'Malcolm In The Middle' Alternate Ending Made Real

Bryan Cranston and Jane Kaczmarek actually made the "Breaking Bad" ending you always wanted.
18 Nov 14:16

Good coffee, bad customer.  I’m sorry, world

Good coffee, bad customer.  I’m sorry, world

18 Nov 14:15

How To Transform Yourself Into Batman Using a Black Cat

by Scott Beale


ZethM shows us a simple technique for transforming yourself into Batman using a black cat.

photo by ZethM

18 Nov 14:14

You Are How You Eat: A Collected Analysis of Bill Murray’s Eating Habits On Screen

You Are How You Eat: A Collected Analysis of Bill Murray’s Eating Habits On Screen:



by Andrew Root

“You know what I like about restaurants?” asks mob boss Frank Costello in Martin Scorsese’s The Departed. “You can learn a lot, watching things eat,” he seethes, licking a freshly smashed fly off his hand. I never knew what to make of that line. It seemed like a needlessly…

Definitely one of my very favorite things we have published this year. This is brilliant, hilarious, insightful stuff. Plus it’s about 1) Bill Murray and 2) eating, so what more did you want exactly on a Friday morning?

18 Nov 14:14

It appears that Seth Rogen may be involved in the rumored Preacher adaptation.

by Lauren Davis

It appears that Seth Rogen may be involved in the rumored Preacher adaptation. Following reports that AMC has ordered a Preacher pilot, Rogen tweeted, "I may get to bring one of my favourite stories to life...Arseface. John Wayne, The Saint of Killers."



18 Nov 10:24

26 Books That Will Change The Way You See The World

Reading: It does a mind good.

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Instead of celebrating prodigies, this book shows that there really is no such thing as a "prodigy." It's not that successful people just fell into it, but more that it's a combination of hard work, opportunity, and seizing the moment. It will inspire you to work harder, if anything.

(Source: Quora)


The Complete Calvin & Hobbes series by Bill Watterson

The Complete Calvin & Hobbes series by Bill Watterson

So many life lessons and so much truth comes from this series. You'll get an education on parenthood, friendship, nostalgia, and philosophy, all wrapped in a beautiful sarcastic ball!

(Source: Quora)

Candide by Voltaire

Candide by Voltaire

You might need to read this book twice just to get the full effect of it. It's packed with political satire circa 1759, but it reads as if it's talking about the culture of today. In a lot of ways, it proves that all people are pretty much the same, regardless of the century.

The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan

The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan

A lot of people say that this book changed the way they view food, and for good reason. It looks not only at what we're eating and how the food is being treated before it makes its way to our table, but also things we rarely take the time to acknowledge: like food policies and how it affects the bigger world.

(Source: Quora)

View Entire List ›

16 Nov 01:23

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by ladybird13
14 Nov 15:17

November 13, 2013

Geeks! My friends at GaymerConnect have a kickstarter for their awesome 90s nostalgia game. Ouya is doing matching funds if they make their goal! Please give it a look.

14 Nov 15:09
