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28 Nov 11:22


by Flavio Gomes

Minha mãe teve uma Belina *identica* a esse Corcel, mesmo ano, mesma grade, mesma cor, mesmas rodas. Ela adorava.

Meu pai vendeu, e com a grana comprou uma Belina Del Rey semi nova, nao tinha um ano de uso e ainda sobrou dinheiro. Minha mãe DETESTAVA a Belina nova, preferia muito mais a "Laranja Mecanica"

CORCELLARANJAFARIaDesfilando alegremente com a jovem senhora, elegante e de classe, ao volante.

09 Apr 15:03

Friendly conference organizer: Mr. Stallman, you can wait in this room for the next few minutes while we prep the audience.

Friendly conference organizer: Mr. Stallman, you can wait in this room for the next few minutes while we prep the audience.
Stallman: What music is playing over the PA system?
Friendly conference organizer: I’m not sure. It’s always on. Is it a problem?
Stallman: I tend to like music that has a feel of dance in it. But I dislike the various genres of music that are popular in the US.
Friendly conference organizer: We can change the songs if you’d like. What would you rather hear?
Stallman: Please tell me what unusual music forms are present; I can tell you if I am interested.
Friendly conference organizer: Probably some light rock. Maybe some country music.
Stallman: If there is something else interesting and unique, please tell me about it. Maybe I will be interested.
Conference Organizer: …

(submitted by Scott Turner)
04 Oct 18:35

buy an iphone 5, they said [via]

buy an iphone 5, they said
