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03 Apr 12:42

Las mejores bromas geek de April Fool’s Day 2014


Grandes y pequeñas empresas dedicadas a la tecnología han realizado bromas espectaculares con motivo del April Fools Day; desde nuevas y locas características para los servicios de Google, a wearables revolucionarios y sin sentido.

En los Estados Unidos cada 1 de abril se celebra lo que llaman el "día de los inocentes", o April Fools Day para los norteamericanos. Lo que comenzó como una tradición popular hace muchos años llegó al mundo de la tecnología, internet y los videojuegos. Todos hacen sus bromas de April Foools Day y en el ámbito geek no es la excepción.

En el año 2014 Google, Samsung, HTC, Nokia y Swiftkey han realizado algunas de las mejores bromas geek de la historia (geek) del April Fools Day, aunque nunca olvidaré cuando YouTube en 2013 ofrecía sus vídeos en formato físico, lo que suponía cientos de miles de DVDs. Te presentamos las mejores bromas geek para este día de los inocentes de 2014.


La empresa responsable de uno de los mejores teclados para Android que existen presentó su propia broma, llamada Swiftkey Flow Hard. Y es que si bien su teclado para móviles permite escribir deslizando el dedo por las teclas en la pantalla y este acertando lo que queremos decir, ¿por qué no llevar esta función a los computadores portátiles y de escritorio? Una idea loca, pero increíblemente graciosa.

Samsung y HTC

En plena era de los dispositivos wearables***, entre Pebbles, Moto 360 y Samsung Gears, relojes inteligentes y gafas inteligentes como Google Glass... **¿por qué no crear guantes inteligentes? Pues a Samsung se le ha ocurrido este innovador producto para el 1 de abril, y a HTC también.

samsung glove samsung glove 2 samsung glove 4 samsung glove 3

En el caso del Samsung Fingers el dispositivo cuenta con todo lo que podríamos esperar: cámara, sensores, memoria RAM, conectividad por WiFi y Bluetooth, micrófono, pantalla táctil, "S Laser" (par paroyectar imágenes y vídeos en superficies), comandos por gestos y un peso casi inexistente. Además, como no podría ser de otra forma, se puede cargar su batería con luz solar levantando la mano como quien espera un regalo celestial. Épico.

htc gluuv htc gluuv 2

Por otro lado, el HTC Gluuv con su aspecto futurista que parece un híbrido de Terminator con Minoroty Report, puede integrarse con uno de los nuevos HTC M8 ofreciendo comandos por gestos, e incluso la proyección de imágenes sobre el móvil al mejor estilo de las conferencias en Star Wars, y claro, una cámara diseñada para tomar las "selfies" perfectas.


Y hablando de guantes inteligentes, el nuevo Razer Eiodolon** es uno diseñado para gamers, que se integra con tu retina e incluye un dron que te sigue por todas partes y puedes utilizar como cámara para proyectar la imagen directamente en tus ojos y verte a ti mismo en tercera persona, como tus juegos favoritos. Una idea que no me esperaba y que más de un fanático de Dark Souls o Gears of War estaría dispuesto a comprar.


nokia 3310 pureview

Desde siempre, Nokia ha sido una marca sinónimo de durabilidad, dureza y resistencia. Pero ahora con los nuevos Lumia y su reciente adquisición por Microsoft deben integrar características como Windows Phone y cámaras espectaculares. Por ello, el nuevo Nokia 3310 PureView une lo mejor de dos mundos: la resistencia de uno de los terminales más exitosos en al historia de Nokia, Windows Phone y una cámara de 41 MP al mejor estilo de un Lumia 1020. Yo lo compraría.

FEZ II y Titanfall

im back! FEZ II is back on!

— PHIL FISH (@PHIL_FISH) abril 1, 2014

Hace algunos meses Phil Fish, el polémico desarrollador de uno de los videojuegos indie más populares y exitosos en el mundo, FEZ, canceló su secuela debido a una ardua discusión con un periodista de videojuegos y varios usuarios de internet (y asegura haber sido víctimma de "bullying"). Pues hoy 1 de abril es un buen día para anunciar el regreso del desarrollo del esperado FEZ II... ¿o no?

titanfall optimus prime

Por otro lado los chicos de IGN se han lucido con un vídeo muy logrado sobre el primer DLC de Titanfall, uno de los juegos más exitosos de lo que va de año. Si bien hasta el día de hoy manejar robots gigantes y combatir utilizándolos, ¿qué mejor que usar al líder de los Autobot? Pues sí, según IGN nada menos que Optimus Prime llega a Titanfall en el primer DLC del juego, primeramente en exclusiva a Xbox One e incluso con una canción promocional de la mano de Linkin Park. El tráiler no tiene pérdida.


Sin embargo, Google ha sido quien ha vuelto a lucirse en cuanto a bromas por el April Fools Day con una serie de "anuncios y lanzamientos" imperdibles.


En primer lugar tenemos la nueva característica de Google+ que incluye a uno de los actores más famosos, revolucionarios, galardonados e iconos de generaciones a nivel mundial, David Hasselhoff, quien aparecerá de forma automática en tus fotografías compartidas a través de la red social en modo de "Photobomb".

A Google Translate también ha llegado una nueva característica. Luego de traducir infinidad de idiomas del mundo y su historia, no podían pasar por alto la traducción de los Emojis, porque en realidad ya nadie dice "Qué feliz estoy", sino ":)", y Google te ayudará a través de su aplicación de Translate a hablar fácilmente en este idioma.

Y por supuesto, YouTube ha vuelto a ser un gran protagonista presentando los vídeos virales que verás en 2014; una recopilación de vídeos que aún no son virales pero lo serán, según Google, por lo que debemos irnos preparando. Desde el "clocking", donde las personas se grabarán levantando sus brazos como manillas de reloj por horas y horas, o "Fail Butter", donde veremos a personas destrozar rebanadas de pan al intentar untarles mantequilla. Para morir de la risa.

¿Cuál ha sido tu broma de April Fool's Day favorita?

03 Apr 11:46

Jose Padilha and Wagner Moura Team for Netflix Series ‘Narcos’

by Russ Fischer

Jose Padilha and Wagner Moura

Pablo Escobar is a figure that has become the inspiration for many a film, and now he and the Medellin Cartel are going to be the focus of a new limited series on Netflix. The former DVD rental house and current streaming movie champ will be the home for a ten-episode show called Narcos. Jose Padilha (Elite Squad, RoboCop) is directing. Now Wagner Moura, star of Elite Squad, has been cast as Escobar.

THR passes on the news that Gaumont Television and Netflix have greenlit the series, and features just a quick description of the show from Padilha, who says,

Our idea is to tell the true story of how cocaine became such a huge problem in the U.S. and Europe – and how it all started here in Medellin.

There’s also an enthusiastic quote from Ted Sarandos of Netflix: “Jose and Wagner together created one of the most sophisticated and chilling portraits of criminality and official corruption ever in their Elite Squad movies. Their version of the Escobar saga will be like nothing ever seen before.”

Narcos is expected to debut in 2015, along with the third season of House of Cards and Marvel’s Daredevil series.  


The post Jose Padilha and Wagner Moura Team for Netflix Series ‘Narcos’ appeared first on /Film.

02 Apr 18:27

Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro

by Jesus Manero

Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro

Há alguns dias vem rolando pela internet essa teoria maluca envolvendo o filme ET – O Extraterreste (melhor tradução brasileira pra nome de filme gringo) e Star Wars (esse teve o título traduzido direitinho). Então senta aí que vamos dar uma derretitinha rápida na sua mente.

Vamos lá. Acesse o post completo para ver as imagens.

Sabe o Yoda? Então, como vocês sabem, ele é conhecidaço na Câmara do Senado. É como se ele fosse um vlogueiro, porém de uma galáxia muito muito distante. O povo do E.T. existe no universo Star Wars (já fiquei meio bolado aí) e podem ser vistos ali curtindo o momento no Episódio II, no camarote VIP da Câmara. Ou seja, eles conhecem o Yoda.

Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro

Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro

Em E.T., um deles vem pra Terra e conhece esse menino. Elliot, garoto que só ele, brinca com bonequinhos de Star Wars. OLHA AÍ A SACANAGEM EXPLÍCITA.

Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro

Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro

Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro

Essa cena me deixou bolado. Se liga quando o E.T. encontra uma criança que está vestida de Yoda no Halloween… e o reconhece. Nada mais justo do que dizer que o E.T. poderia facilmente estar fazendo brinquedos e bicicletas voarem usando a Força. Ou seja…

Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro


Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro

Toma essa, sociedade.

Essa teoria envolvendo Star Wars e E.T. vai explodir seu cérebro

Gostaria de parabenizar o Spielberg e o George Lucas por isso. Eu sei que eles leem o blog com certeza, então: PARABÉNS AÍ LUQUITO E SPILBE!

02 Apr 13:12

Quadrin 1/04/2014 - Níquel Náusea (Fernando Gonsales)

by quadrin

Níquel Náusea Fernando Gonsales
02 Apr 13:12

Quadrin 1/04/2014 - Daiquiri (Caco Galhardo)

by quadrin

Daiquiri Caco Galhardo
01 Apr 19:47

148. STANLEY KUBRICK answers a question

by Gav


RELATED COMICS: Roger Ebert On Kindness, John Lennon Produce Your Own Dream, Bill Watterson A Cartoonist’s Advice, Chris Hadfield An Astronaut’s Advice, The Dalai Lama answers a question.

Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) was a filmmaker responsible for classic movies such as Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Full Metal Jacket.

Growing up in the Bronx in New York, Kubrick was terrible at school and often skipped class to go to the movie theatre. He soon developed an interest in photography, teaching himself how to use the camera his father gave him as a gift. Similarly, Kubrick didn’t have any formal education in directing and taught himself all aspects of filmmaking. Kubrick on making his first short film, Day of the Fight in 1951:

“I was cameraman, director, editor, assistant editor, sound effects man—you name it, I did it. It was invaluable experience, because being forced to do everything myself I gained a sound and comprehensive grasp of all the technical aspects of filmmaking.”

By the age of 31, Kubrick had already worked as a photojournalist at Look magazine for five years (check out some of his amazing photos) and directed four feature films. In 1960, he was hired to direct the most-expensive film ever made at the time, Spartacus. Kubrick butted heads with Kirk Douglas, the leading-man and producer, over the film’s direction and the bad experience made Kubrick vow that he would have complete creative control on all of his future films.

Kubrick is often described as an eccentric thanks to the stories about his obsessive attention to detail, treatment of actors, personality quirks and reclusiveness. But these anecdotes are overshadowed by his ground-breaking movies, technical expertise and the opinions of those close to him, who described him as a warm, loving and gregarious genius of a man.

The quote used in the comic is taken from a 1968 Playboy interview Kubrick did soon after the release of 2001: A Space Odyssey. You can read the context of the question in this Brain Pickings article.

- Watch this awesome 11-minute tribute video to Kubrick (NSFW).
- The recent documentary Room 237 claims that the visual effects Kubrick pioneered in 1968 for 2001: A Space Odyssey was just a dress rehearsal for his most ambitious ‘film’: the 1969 Apollo moon landing. The film argues that Kubrick was in cahoots with the United States Government and faked the moon landing. Kubrick was so guilt-ridden he left clues in his next movie, The Shining, which gave away his involvement. I don’t believe the claim, but it’s a fascinating documentary and it makes a pretty convincing argument.
- It’s recently been announced that Steven Spielberg will be turning Kubrick’s unrealised movie Napoleon, often referred to as ‘the best film never made’, into a TV miniseries.
- Spielberg and Scorsese on Kubrick.
- Thanks to Anthony and Max for submitting this quote.

01 Apr 16:31

ecumenicalseeker: ramavoite: curious-commodities: submariet: ...









01 Apr 16:28

A Sad Remix of Pharrell Williams’ Song ‘Happy’ by Woodkid

by Justin Page

French graphic designer and neofolk musician Yoann Lemoine (a.k.a. “Woodkid“) has created a sad remix of the hit song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. The remix is available to stream and download online from Soundcloud.

Pharrell Happy Woodkid Sad Remix

image via Woodkid

via Anthony De Rosa

01 Apr 16:27

this isn't happiness™ Peteski

by turn
01 Apr 16:23

jakemalik: the internet angers me cause I see all these amazing pictures of such wonderful looking...


the internet angers me cause I see all these amazing pictures


of such wonderful looking places


that I want to travel and adventure to


but i’m just sitting here like


01 Apr 16:02

theinternetaccordingtoadrian: True

31 Mar 20:58

Daylight Saving Time Linked To Heart Attacks

by samzenpus
jones_supa (887896) writes "Switching over to daylight saving time, and hence losing one hour of sleep, raised the risk of having a heart attack the following Monday by 25 percent, compared to other Mondays during the year, according to a new U.S. study released on Saturday. By contrast, heart attack risk fell 21 percent later in the year, on the Tuesday after the clock was returned to standard time, and people got the extra hour of sleep. The not-so-subtle impact of moving the clock forward and backward was seen in a comparison of hospital admissions from a database of non-federal Michigan hospitals. It examined admissions before the start of daylight saving time and the Monday immediately after, for four consecutive years. Researchers cited limitations to the study, noting it was restricted to one state and heart attacks that required artery-opening procedures, such as stents."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

31 Mar 17:31

This Is What It Looks Like When Liquid Simultaneously Freezes and Boils

by Jamie Condliffe

In thermodyanimcs, there's a concept known as triple point: it's a combination of temperature and pressure where a substance can exist as a solid, liquid and gas, all at the same time. This is what it looks like.



31 Mar 17:31

Adding a Little Evil Laughter to Your Morning Commute

31 Mar 03:22

How Big Is Australia?

How Big Is Australia?

This GIFs new perspective on the Outback.

Submitted by: ToolBee

Tagged: australia , country , gifs , mindwarp
30 Mar 17:00

A Series of Visualizations Comparing the Relative Orientations of Urban Road Networks

by Rollin Bishop

Road Orientations
On and Off the Street Grid: Relative Distributions of Road Orientations

Portland, Oregon-based scientist Seth Kadish created a series of graphics comparing the relative directions of urban road networks. Kadish calculated the azimuth of every street within the city-counties using a sinusoidal map projection, and then graphed this against the cardinal directions depending on the longitude of the area. The result showcases which areas more strictly adhered to some sort of grid plan and which did not.

All calculations were made in a sinusoidal map projection using the central longitude of the area of interest. I then graphed the angles on rose diagrams (wind roses) using bins of 5° to show relative distributions for each area. The plots were scaled such that the maximum bar height was the same on each rose. To ensure rotational symmetry in the plots, each azimuth was counted twice: once using the original value and once using the opposite direction (e.g., 35° and 215°). As such, all streets, regardless of one-way or two-way traffic, were considered to be pointing in both directions.

Road Orientations for Counties

Road Orientations Europe

via FlowingData

30 Mar 16:59

latenightseth: He just did it right there in front of...

30 Mar 15:55


30 Mar 15:54

asapscience: via Jeroom

30 Mar 15:54

explosm: By Rob! New comics daily at!


By Rob! New comics daily at!

30 Mar 15:53

"Chocolate Digestives revelation could change the face of...

"Chocolate Digestives revelation could change the face of biscuit eating forever"

Chocolate biscuits have the chocolate on the bottom of the biscuit, not the top, McVitie’s have confirmed, meaning Digestives, Hobnobs, Jaffa Cakes and more have a history of being eaten upside down.

The news sent shockwaves across the UK’s subreddit, after a user posted an email from United Biscuits explaining their composition.

“For your information,” a spokesperson wrote, “the biscuits go through a reservoir of chocolate which enrobes them so the chocolate is actually on the bottom of the biscuits and not on the top.”
30 Mar 15:52

cameos: in the future everyone will be tumblr famous for 15...


in the future everyone will be tumblr famous for 15 minutes

30 Mar 15:43

F**k I want this shirt!

F**k I want this shirt!

30 Mar 15:42

Fill’er up, human

Fill’er up, human

30 Mar 15:42

Draw me like one of your French girls, Jack

Draw me like one of your French girls, Jack

30 Mar 15:41


30 Mar 15:41

March 28, 2014

30 Mar 15:35

Em caso de White Walkers, quebre o vidro

by Luide

Excelentes campanhas para chamar a atenção do público para Game Of Thrones tá virando tradição pro pessoal da HBO. Ano passado tivemos dragões em prédios e jornais e agora para o quarto ano, muita coisa maneira tá aparecendo.

Primeiro foi a Muralha de Gelo pintada nas ruas de Londres, agora, uma ação colocou placas com os dizeres “Em caso de white walkers, quebre o vidro” por Estocolmo, na Suécia. A lança no vidro é uma representação da lâmina do dragão, aquela que o Sam usa na terceira temporada pra matar um :)

Game Of Thrones retorna dia 6 de abril.

O post Em caso de White Walkers, quebre o vidro apareceu primeiro em Amigos do Fórum.

30 Mar 15:32


30 Mar 15:28

Assorted links

by Tyler Cowen