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26 May 18:18

A Message from the CEO

by Doug

A Message from the CEO

A reminder to Vancouverites: I’ll be at VanCAF this weekend! Hope to see you there!

24 May 15:01

Working In Science Seems Discouraging

23 May 18:39

‘Back to the Future’: ‘A Million Ways to Die in the West’ Pays Tribute, ‘Community’ Wanted To

by Angie Han

a million ways to die in the west doc brown

Seth MacFarlane‘s A Million Ways to Die in the West has fun with lots of Western archetypes: the humble farmer, the gun-toting outlaw, the hooker with the heart of gold… the time-traveling mad scientist? Yes, Back to the Future‘s Doc Brown makes a cameo in the new comedy, as you’ll see after the jump.

And of course, MacFarlane isn’t the only one eager to pay homage to the classic trilogy. Elsewhere, Gillian Jacobs spills the details on the Community-Back to the Future crossover that never was. Hit the jump to get the details and watch Doc Brown’s A Million Ways to Die in the West appearance.

MacFarlane teased the cameo on Twitter.

Well, since the cat's outta the bag…

— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) May 22, 2014

You can see the scene toward the end of the TV spot below.

Universal’s decision to spoil the scene in a commercial is kind of puzzling, but it is a pretty funny gag.

Community‘s tribute to Back to the Future sounds like it would’ve been a little more involved. The problem, as Jacobs told EW, was that Donald Glover could never quite figure out how to make it work.

I remember Donald always kept trying to figure out how we could do a Back to the Future episode without magic, and I don’t think he ever cracked it. But that was sort of a goal for a while. But we couldn’t have actual magic. We tried to not have — well, maybe we got away from that — did we have magic on the show? I don’t know! It’s hard to tell sometimes! [Laughs] Multiple timelines — is that magic? Or is that just, like, advanced science?… I wish Donald had figured out how to do that Back to the Future episode that never happened.

And now the clock has run out on Glover, so he’ll never get his chance to make it happen. If only he had some sort of machine that could take him back and buy him more time…

The post ‘Back to the Future’: ‘A Million Ways to Die in the West’ Pays Tribute, ‘Community’ Wanted To appeared first on /Film.

23 May 16:26

I love science with a sense of humor. This video features a...

I love science with a sense of humor. This video features a series of clips showing the behavior of droplets on what appears to be a superhydrophobic surface. In particular, there are some excellent examples of drops bouncing on an incline and droplets rebounding after impact. For droplets with enough momentum, impact flattens them like a pancake, with the rim sometimes forming a halo of droplets. If the momentum is high enough, these droplets can escape as satellite drops, but other times the rebound of the drop off the superhydrophobic surface is forceful enough to overcome the instability and draw the entire drop back off the surface.  (Video credit: C. Antonini et al.)

23 May 16:24

Django Livre | Quentin Tarantino quer fazer uma minissérie com o material deletado do filme

Quentin Tarantino quer fazer uma minissérie em quatro partes com o material que ficou de fora de Django Livre. O cineasta divulgou seus planos durante uma conferência que celebrava o aniversário de 20 anos da exibição de Pulp Fiction em Cannes, dizendo que existem 90 minutos de material que ele gostaria de transformar em um especial de quatro episódios. Os planos de Tarantino ainda não foram detalhados, mas pelo formato, parece que ele quer juntar o material extra com os 180 minutos existentes de Django Livre e criar uma versão estendida do filme. Leia mais sobre Quentin Tarantino

23 May 16:24

Half-Life 3 está em desenvolvimento, diz co-criador de Counter-Strike

Half-Life 3 está em desenvolvimento pela Valve. Pelo menos, é o que garante Mihn Le, co-criador de Counter-Strike. Em uma entrevista no Twitch, ele garante que há uma equipe trabalhando no jogo. Quando perguntam sobre Half-Life 3, Le responde: "É como se tivesse um laser mirando minha cabeça agora! Não acho que posso falar sobre isso, para ser honesto, mas considero quase conhecimento público que estão trabalhando nisso. Se eu dissesse que, sim, vi algumas imagens e artes conceituais, não seria uma grande notícia." Half-Life | Especial Le continua: "Mas sim, eu acho que poderia dizer que vi algo que ...

23 May 13:52


23 May 13:50

Beastie Boys ‘Sabotage’ Video Turned Into Vintage Comic As a Tribute to Adam ‘MCA’ Yauch

by Brian Heater


Created shortly after the death of Beastie Boy Adam “MCA” Yauch in 2012, Canadian illustrator Derek Langille turned the hip-hop trio’s much-loved “Sabotage” video into vintage Marvel Comics-style comic book pages. The seven-page tribute includes a ripped front cover and back page ad featuring a photo of the late-rapper.





images via Derek Langille

via DJ Food, Nerdcore

23 May 13:49

Bubble Bobble was the first game I ever played in the arcades...

Bubble Bobble was the first game I ever played in the arcades and it pretty much decided what my career was going to be. So I thought I’d try out some Taito inspired characters. There’s 100 all up :)

23 May 13:42


This is even better than my previous smartphone casemod: an old Western Electric Model 2500 desk phone handset complete with a frayed, torn-off cord dangling from it.
23 May 13:41


Chun Li




M. Bison


E. Honda



23 May 13:40

mainlyboredom: matveyandothernames: annabellehector: what...




what just happened

a pair of lungs got filled with air and it was awesome

that’s happening inside of you…

23 May 13:40


23 May 13:39


23 May 13:21

Hearing Morgan Freeman talk on helium is pretty damn hilarious

by Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

Hearing Morgan Freeman talk on helium is pretty damn hilarious

Blessed with the calming voice of a warm blanket on a cold night, Morgan Freeman is basically the best narrator for nearly every documentary and most life situations. I could listen him talk about anything and it would feel important. But what about Morgan Freeman on helium? How's that sound? Hilarious.


23 May 13:20

Knife Skills: How to Cut a Pineapple Like a Badass

by J. Kenji López-Alt


[Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt]

I remember the first time I saw one of the Salvadoran prep cooks at a restaurant where I worked slice up a pineapple for us to eat as a cool snack on a particularly hot night. The pineapple was great, but the truly awesome part was the way in which she prepared it. Up until then, I was of the just hack away until it looks like I can eat it school; as a consequence, I ended up throwing a lot of edible bits into the trash along with the skin.


Her method, which I've since seen everywhere from the streets of Cartagena to the streets of Bangkok, was to remove the dark, spiny eyes with a series of shallow, diagonal, wedge-shaped cuts. It takes a bit of practice before you can do it efficiently (I'm still nowhere near as fast as she was!), but the reward is a much higher yield of pineapple (read: fewer sweet edible bits in the compost), and the ability to look badass and inspire badassery in anyone who sees you do it.

Here's how it's done.

Step1: Trim off the top


Slice off the top of the pineapple, being generous with the slice. The top of the pineapple can be pretty woody and fibrous.

Step 2: Trim off the bottom


Similarly, be generous when you slice off the bottom.

Step 3: Trim the sides


Stand the pineapple on its end, then slice off the sides, working your way around the pineapple. Here, it's better to be conservative with how much you remove. Take off just enough so that there's no dark green or pale brown skin remaining, but don't worry about taking out the eyes just yet, we'll get to them.

Step 4: Identify the pattern in the eyes


Once you have the sides removed, you should be able to identify a distinct array of straight parallel diagonal lines that connect all the eyes. You're going to be cutting them out along these lines.

Step 5: Start slicing eyes


Start by cutting your knife into the pineapple along one of these lines at an angle so that your knife slides underneath them. Don't cut too deep, and don't try to get too many at a time.


Follow that cut up by slicing along the opposite diagonal, removing the eyes in a single wedge.

Step 6: Take out rows of eyes in wedges


Keep working around the pineapple, taking out wedge-shaped rows of eyes as you go.


Eventually you end up with this: eye-free, and very high yield.

Step 7: Split lengthwise


Next, split the pineapple lengthwise into halves...


...then into quarters (or sixths if you prefer).

Step 8: Trim out the core


Like the top and the bottom, the core can be very woody, so it's best to remove it. Stand a wedge up on its end, feel the fibers to see where it starts to get tough, then slice down to remove the core.

Step 9: Slice into bite-sized pieces


Slice each wedges crosswise into bite-sized pieces (or if tacos al pastor are on the menu (and they should be!), leave those big wedges intact!).

Step 10: Serve


Arrange your slices, serve, and let the badassery commence.

23 May 13:18

True Love

23 May 13:16

tastefullyoffensive: [mitochondria] (more behind the gifs) omg

22 May 20:54

Is It Really GPS If It Doesn't Use Satellites?

by Soulskill
cartechboy writes: "GPS was originally developed by the military, but today it's in your smartphones, and soon, possibly your watches. Now the British military is developing something called quantum compass. The concept is a GPS-style navigation for submarines that doesn't use satellites. The quantum compass uses the movements of super-cooled subatomic particles to pinpoint a vessel's location. These particles, stored in a vacuum, react to the Earth's magnetic field. The movements caused by this interaction can be used for location positioning. At the moment, the Ministry of Defense's prototype resembles a '1-meter long shoe box,' so the next step is to miniaturize it. It could then be used by individual soldiers, as well as huge ships and submarines. Not only is it useful, but it's secure too—the technology is apparently interference-proof. Is this the future of navigation systems, or the reinvention of the compass? Possibly both."

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22 May 20:53

This food suits me

This food suits me

22 May 15:53

ohnoproblems: mulodyne: nineprotons: bycrom: By Crom! is my...





By Crom! is my joke-a-panel autobiographical comic featuring life advice and spiritual guidance from Conan the Barbarian. It ran from January 2012 to May 2014, and is collected in two books, The Collected By Crom! and Full Colour Cromulence. You can read the archives on, and grab the books in print and in PDF.

By Crom! will be tabling with Weald Comics at TCAF, VanCAF, TAAFI and possibly FanExpo Toronto!

This is weirdly inspiring.

this is such a good comic

thanks conan

22 May 15:51

Incredible space stone seems like it has a nebula trapped inside

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Jesus Diaz to Gizmodo

Incredible space stone seems like it has a nebula trapped inside

This is just a stone. Not a photo of a stone with a Hubble Space Telescope image pasted over it. Not a hologram made inside some piece of glass. Not a portal to another dimension. Just a stone. It's like a some spacetime wizard captured a piece of the Universe and trapped it inside.


22 May 15:50

p5art: Everything’s connected


Everything’s connected

22 May 03:32

Touch Sensitive Plants

by Staff

If you think plants don't have feelings then you've never encountered a touch sensitive plant before. These bashful Mimosa Pudica plants lie still while left alone, but as soon as they feel your touch, the plant comes to life in beautifully mind-blowing ways.

Check it out


22 May 03:31

What You Love

by Reza


22 May 03:21

man cave

by kris


jen had a little trouble “adjusting” so she’s mostly at her mother’s house with the kids these days. hey anybody want to gather kindling and help me put mud on this wound

22 May 03:20

hanuwabbit: snailchimera: thesassylorax: RELEASE THE...





tiny octopus~

wewease the kwaken

22 May 03:11


21 May 16:38

Trapped by linkbait

by Seth Godin

After reading a magazine article by a freelancer, I clicked over to his blog. It was part of a bigger media site, and it contained more than a hundred articles.

Every single one of them was formulaic. The standard linkbait headline:

([Integer between 5 and 10] WAYS to [action verb like avoid or stumble or demolish] [juicy adjective like stupid or embarrassing or proven] [noun].)

Every article was edited to exactly the length thought to maximize page views and every single article was boring. Sometimes he got to end his headlines with a question mark, but that was the extent of the humanity involved.

Daily, this talented writer trades in his art for what feels like a job writing. But he's not writing, he's not building a following, he's not doing work that matters. He doesn't actually have a voice, he's doing piecework, work that will be replaced by someone else's output as soon as his boss can find someone cheaper.

He'd be way better off doing highly-paid work as a plumber for a few hours a day, and then doing real writing in his spare time.

Practice doesn't make perfect. Meaningful practice makes perfect, even if you don't get paid for it.

21 May 15:56

We’ve known each other for almost two years now. And...


Paradigms of Human Memory

We’ve known each other for almost two years now. And yeah, in that time I’ve given a lot of speeches, but they all have one thing in common: they’re all different.