Shared posts

24 May 14:32

Sunday in the park with ゴジラ

22 May 16:09

Mosquito Feeding Orgy

by René

Von Alex Wild auf GooglePlus: „Laboratory mosquitoes have to eat, too! Here, Rockefeller University’s Emily Dennis feeds her study subjects, Aedes aegypti. In the wild this species transmits yellow fever, dengue, and chikungunya, but lab mosquitoes are clean.“ Hier der Artikel dazu auf National Geographic: The Worst Bit About Feeding Mosquitoes Is The Waiting.

22 May 16:07

David Lynchs Return of the Jedi

by René

Die Story sollte jedem Star Wars-Nerd bekannt sein: David Lynch schlug damals George Lucas’ Angebot aus, die Regie des dritten Teil der Saga zu führen. Die Story hat Lynch hier mal auf einem Panel erzählt („I had next door to zero interest“). Jetzt hat jemand namens Samuel C. Spitale einen Trailer dazu geschnitten:

In 1981 George Lucas approached David Lynch to direct the final installment of the STAR WARS trilogy. For years fans of Lynch and Lucas have wondered what that surreal vision would look like. Now we finally know…. in David Lynch’s RETURN OF THE JEDI.

Youtube: David Lynch’s Return of the Jedi (via Welcome To Twin Peaks)

22 May 16:06

Iranians arrested for dancing Happy in Teheran

by René

Hassan Rouhani, Präsident des Iran, neulich so: „#Cyberspace should be seen as opportunity: facilitating two-way communication, increasing efficiency & creating jobs.“ Reuters: Time to embrace the Internet, Iran president says.

Dann haben sie die sechs Kids aus dem iranischen Happy-Video (oben) ausspioniert, in betrügerischer Absicht angerufen, festgenommen und live im Fernsehen erniedrigt. Mich macht der Song ja auch eher aggressiv, aber das hier erscheint mir dann doch ‘ne winzige Nummer drüber zu sein. Bastards.

Iranian authorities yesterday arrested the six young men and women who produced the Tehran version of Pharrell Williams’ “Happy,” the song that spawned dozens of video clips from around the world in a moment of musical global connectedness.

The group appeared on state television’s evening news broadcast, grouped in a row facing Tehran Chief of Police Hossein Sajedinia, and confessed to being deceived into appearing in the clip by an unnamed man and woman. Sajedinia advised the young people during the broadcast not to be deceived into appearing in corrupt film productions, and with a smile complimented the swift reaction of his security forces. “These [agents] were able to identify [these young people] within two hours, and within six hours had arrested them all,” he said.

Iran Wire: Authorities Arrest Tehran Young People Who Produced “Happy” Video Clip (via Blogrebellen)

NYTimes: Young Iranians Arrested for Being Too ‘Happy in Tehran’

22 May 16:05

Peng Collective vs Google

by René

Die Google Nest-Aktion des Peng Collectives auf der Republica hat ein Nachspiel. Kurz danach erhielten die Pengs eine nette Mail von Google voller Markenrechts-Bullshit:

WOW! Google will unsere Seite kaufen. 100$. Ist nicht mehr wert? #googlenest #rp14

— Jean Peters (@jeangleur) 8. Mai 2014

Nun haben die Pengs die Copyright-Spezis der Electronic Frontier Foundation an Bord geholt und die Antworten mit ziemlich einleuchtenden Fair Use-Argumenten. Wenn das Peng Collective so weitermacht, haben wir hier endlich die längst überfälligen deutschen Yes Men. Danke dafür!

Note to Google: polite trademark bullying is still bullying.

EFF responded to Google on Peng’s behalf, explaining what should be obvious: the site was pure noncommercial political commentary. Trademark owners should not and cannot punish activists simply because they happen to use trademarks in the course of that kind of commentary.

As it happens, having made its initial point, Peng! has in fact chosen to revise the site to document Google’s unfortunate response. But Peng! has refused to transfer the domain name. So the ball is back in Google’s court and the company must choose whether or not to do the right thing.

Dear Google: Parody Is Not Trademark Infringement

Vorher auf Nerdcore:
Peng Collective does Google Nest
Oil Spill at Shells Science Slam in Berlin

22 May 03:34

Why Lavabit Shut Down

by Soulskill
An anonymous reader writes "Ladar Levison, founder of the encrypted email service Lavabit that shut down last year because of friction with U.S. government data requests, has an article at The Guardian where he explains the whole story. He writes, 'My legal saga started last summer with a knock at the door, behind which stood two federal agents ready to to serve me with a court order requiring the installation of surveillance equipment on my company's network. ... I had no choice but to consent to the installation of their device, which would hand the U.S. government access to all of the messages – to and from all of my customers – as they traveled between their email accounts other providers on the Internet. But that wasn't enough. The federal agents then claimed that their court order required me to surrender my company's private encryption keys, and I balked. What they said they needed were customer passwords – which were sent securely – so that they could access the plain-text versions of messages from customers using my company's encrypted storage feature. (The government would later claim they only made this demand because of my "noncompliance".) ... What ensued was a flurry of legal proceedings that would last 38 days, ending not only my startup but also destroying, bit by bit, the very principle upon which I founded it – that we all have a right to personal privacy.'"

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

22 May 03:31

May 21, 2014

21 May 16:15

The force is strong with this one. [x]

The force is strong with this one. [x]

21 May 16:15

¿Hábrete? El original AQUÍ


El original AQUÍ

21 May 16:15

I'm So Alone | 14e.png

21 May 16:14

May 20, 2014

21 May 16:12


by Marco Oliveira

Tira (até hoje) inédita por aqui, antes exclusiva do Livro.

21 May 16:11

Which Famous Singers Have The Widest Vocal Ranges?

by Reuben Fischer-Baum on The Concourse, shared by Rob Harvilla to Deadspin

Which Famous Singers Have The Widest Vocal Ranges? has put together a neat interactive showcasing the (in-studio) vocal ranges of over 7o famous figures. The top of the list is above. Axl Rose is your surprising victor, but the high notes are the crowd-pleasers, and here, Mariah Carey—with her insane G7—stands alone.


21 May 16:07

iguanamouth: so the first four hoards were so popular that...

oh my god i forgot the caption on this one oh my GOD


so the first four hoards were so popular that theyve become kind of on ongoing series ! some of the ones here feature the commissioners ocs and personal items, but ALL of them involve things very dear to me: weird lizards on piles of junk

21 May 15:50

Anésia # 166

21 May 15:49

safety first

by kris


days since forgetting to take my memory medication: ???

PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT: i’ve just added new pins to the store! check them out! some available for a very short time as i’m almost out!

VANCOUVER ANNOUNCEMENT: hey you lovely people of vancouver! i’m coming to VanCAF this weekend (may 24 and 25) as their special guest! i’ll be at table G4, and i will have a variety of fine goods for your purchasings. i will also have my own personal self there, available for high-fives and hugs. use my body! i mean don’t. do not do that

21 May 15:48

The U.S. Is Pouring Millions Into Latin America’s Fight Against Coffee Disease

A fungus that has already caused more than $1 billion in damages to the coffee trade in Latin America is threatening to inflate the price of high-end coffee beans — and the United States is worried.
21 May 15:41

O muro na janela

20 May 15:54



симбиоз живописи и архитектуры



























20 May 15:45

Signs from the Near Future

by René

tumblr_n5faakqs8S1tbaq2ro1_1280 tumblr_n5fac7rFKB1tbaq2ro1_1280 tumblr_n5fmdsxO5z1tbaq2ro1_1280 tumblr_n5fabe90901tbaq2ro1_1280

Tolles neues Tumblr von Fernando Barbella: Signs from the Near Future – We better get used to them… (via The Verge)

20 May 15:45

Edward Snowden – The Comic

by René

Edward Snowden gibt’s ab morgen auch als Comic von Bluewater Productions, die Story kommt von Valerie D’Orazio (Batman, Punisher). Die Zeichnungen von Dan Lauer sind diesem Preview hier nach eher so mittelscheiße, was dann ziemlich schade ist, denn für so einen offensichtlichen Schnellschuss ist das Thema etwas zu wichtig. Verschenkte Chance und sehr ärgerlich, denn grade diesem Thema mangelt es offensichtlich an zugänglichen, wenig abstrakten Narrativen.

Conspiracies. Espionage. UFOs. Hidden History. Secret Societies. The Paranormal. Beyond brings you stories about the secret and suppressed, the stories “They” don’t want you to know! Take the Red Pill and join your fearless host Virgil Hall as he takes you far, far down the rabbit hole to Beyond. Edward Snowden has been called a whistleblower, a hero, a traitor, a criminal…but who is he really? In Beyond: Edward Snowden, Bluewater takes a look at the man behind the headlines, searching for what might have motivated him to commit one of the biggest leaks of classified information in U.S. history.

Written by Marvel Comics’ Punisher writer Valerie D’Orazio and with art by Dan Lauer, Beyond: Edward Snowden will be released on May 21st and available in both print and digital formats.

Guardian: Edward Snowden gets his own graphic biography

20 May 15:23

Breathing City

20 May 15:22

Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York

Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York

20 May 15:21

antiopia: Sunset on Giza

20 May 15:20

habitsicant-shake: just—a-small-town-girl: Wisteria Flower...



Wisteria Flower Tunnel, Japan

20 May 15:19


20 May 15:19

Iran’s Lifesaving Drone Program

by Jonah Shepp
by Jonah Shepp

Eat your heart out, John McCain. Motherboard takes a look at what these Iranian scientists are up to:

We’ve seen how drones can be a crucial asset to search and rescue operations, but Iran’s RTS Lab has taken an entirely new angle. RTS’s Pars drone carries a payload of life preservers that can be delivered to a drowning swimmer far faster than a lifeguard. As we saw in testing in the Caspian Sea, the drone can also work at night, using bright lights, thermal sensors, and a built-in camera to stream video to rescuers on shore.

The concept works well, and it’s an excellent example of how powerful drones—which are cheaper and easier to use than just about any other aerial delivery vehicle—can actually be.

20 May 15:17

Frozach Submitted

20 May 15:16

Oculus Rifted

by Kristian

Also, there are no achievements in Cyber Jail.

Aww. Also, on his day of release, they just loaded up a shitty open-source open-world game instead.

20 May 15:15

Robots of Tomorrow

by Doug

Robots of Tomorrow

Dedicated to Kim and Marc, who are celebrating their 25th anniversary today! Happy anniversary, you two!!

And here’s more Star Wars and more Terminator!