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22 Jul 01:56

34 Things You Didn't Know about Breaking Bad

by John Farrier

Robin Edds of Buzzfeed dove into the production history of Breaking Bad and found surprising bits of information about the actors' lives and the composition of the show. Here's a sample:

1. After watching Season 5, Episode 14 — “Ozymandias” — George R.R. Martin called Walter White a bigger monster than anyone in Game of Thrones and vowed to “do something about that” in his next book. Eek.

2. Aaron Paul has never had any acting classes. During a Reddit AMA he said: “I always just thought, ‘Hey, pretend like you’re being someone else and that’s all there is to it.’” 

3. Due to the success of the show, some drug dealers have actually started adding blue dye to their crystal meth in an effort to “brand” their product. [...]

5. Nearly two decades before landing the role of Walter White, Bryan Cranston was in Power Rangers! Below you can hear him as the voice of the evil Twin Man.

(Video Link)

Here's a video showing Bryan Cranston voicing that monster.

Cranston's involvement with Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was surprisingly deep. One of the characters on that show, Billy Cranston, AKA the Blue Ranger, was named after him.

You can read more fun facts about Breaking Bad here.

03 Jul 00:46

alias such=gitalias ...

alias such=git alias very=git alias wow='git status' $ wow $ such commit $ very push

03 Jul 00:45

July 01, 2014

Final 24 hours to get your kickstarter-exclusive Augie book!

Once again, thank you so much for your support, and sorry about all the nags!

02 Jul 18:41

All the Bacon and Eggs

by Jon
All the Bacon and Eggs“All the Bacon and Eggs” by Lindsey Pyne Ron Swanson
02 Jul 18:41

Amazing purple jelly sighting in the deep sea | Deep Sea News

Descontem o tom DOUBLE RAINBOW do cara.

I live for moments like this. Things like this make the long nights editing grant proposals, the paper rejections, the failed experiments all worth it. To me, the best part of science is stuff like this: seeing something that completely takes my breath away. Even after studying animals like this for the last five years, this video has me in awe. The animal captured in this footage, simply put, is stunning:

This video was collected as part of the Nautilus Live expedition, a broadcast ocean exploration that anyone with internet access can be part of. The expedition is being headed by Dr. Robert Ballard, who famously discovered the wreck of the Titanic. But to me, the video above captures something much more rare and mysterious than any sunken ship.

This strange animal is a siphonophore, a relative of jellyfish. The most famous (infamous?) siphonophore is the portuguese man-of-war, but there are many species that live in the deep and are only seen on rare occasions. What’s amazing to me about about this animal is not just its strange shape, but its color. I’ve seen red siphonophores like this, a couple orange, but never ever this strange purple-blue. It’s a shocking shade, and it makes me wonder what on earth a color like that is doing down so deep. Many deep-sea animals are red. Because there is no red light in the deep sea, very few animals can see red pigment (unless they make their own red light). In the deep sea, red looks like pitch black. But what about purple? Is there any benefit to being purple? Or is this just a side effect of something it eats or where it lives?

Answering these questions is difficult, because sightings of siphonophores like this one are pretty rare. These animals are only found in the very deep ocean, and though large, they’re still small compared to the miles of water a submersible had to travel in order to find one. What’s worse, they often drift alone, not traveling in groups. This makes tracking down an animal like this more about  luck than planning. That being said, some expeditions are very lucky. So maybe we’ll get the answer one day. Until then, I’m happy to sit back and enjoy the beautiful show.

Screen Shot 2014-06-30 at 9.55.58 AM

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02 Jul 18:36

Newswire: Neil Gaiman’s American Gods being developed as a Starz series

by Sean O'Neal

After nearly three years of development at HBO ended in stalemate, most assumed that American Gods had simply gone the way of other complicated Neil Gaiman adaptations. But in a world where Sandman finally gets a green light for a movie, Gaiman’s other popular fantasy about the interplay between man and mythological creatures is now getting another chance at Starz. On the back of the project being picked up by Fremantle Media (producers of the upcoming remake of The Returned), Starz has partnered with Fremantle and executive producers Gaiman, Bryan Fuller, and Michael Green to develop a series based on the 2001 novel about Old World gods struggling to exist in the modern era—a time when their powers have waned thanks to being supplanted by newer deities with greater charisma, such as the acne-ridden teenager who rules the Internet.

Fuller—no stranger to characters with god complexes thanks ...

02 Jul 18:23


by ricardo


Ajude o ryotiras a ser cada vez mais contante, seja um patreon

02 Jul 18:23


02 Jul 18:22

Onward! [x]

Onward! [x]

02 Jul 18:22

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014

Marsel van Oosten (Netherlands)

Tobias Bernhard (Germany)

Justin Black (United States)

Stanley Leroux (France)

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014

02 Jul 18:17


02 Jul 17:46

El mapa de la Delta-V o por qué es tan díficil viajar a otros mundos

by Daniel Marín

Viajar a la Luna o a los planetas del Sistema Solar requiere energía. Mucha. Eso es obvio. Pero lo que no es tan obvio es cuánta necesitamos para alcanzar un objetivo determinado. De hecho, se trata de un concepto increíblemente contraintuitivo y que causa numerosas confusiones entre el gran público, empezando por los guionistas de Hollywood. Por ejemplo, mucha gente suele pensar que la diferencia energética entre un viaje a la órbita baja, situada a unos 300 kilómetros sobre nuestras cabezas -o sea, ahí mismo como quien dice- y una escapada a la Luna debe ser enorme. Al fin y al cabo, la Luna está a 380.000 kilómetros de distancia, así que la energía requerida para llegar hasta ella debe ser proporcional a la distancia, ¿no? ¡Pues no, por supuesto que no! La órbita baja está aquí al lado, pero una vez alcanzada hemos recorrido tres cuartas partes del trayecto que nos separa de la Luna, energéticamente hablando. Para entender este galimatías lo mejor es introducir el concepto de Delta-V, es decir, el cambio neto de velocidad que necesitamos para alcanzar un objetivo en el espacio. Recientemente ha aparecido en Reddit un curioso mapa de la Delta-V dentro del Sistema Solar en forma de plano de metro que resume muy bien lo complicado que resulta abandonar la Tierra:


Cada cifra indica la Delta-V requerida para recorrer el camino entre dos ‘paradas’ del metro interplanetario. Hay que tener en cuenta que para el cálculo de la Delta-V se deben tener en cuenta las pérdidas debidas al campo gravitatorio de los planetas o satélites, por lo que en realidad son más elevadas de lo que deberían si sólo consideramos las velocidades iniciales y finales en un lanzamiento. Por ejemplo, una nave en órbita baja suele moverse a unos 7,8 km/s, pero la Delta-V para llegar hasta ella es en realidad de unos 9,3 km/s. Este ‘frenado gravitatorio’, al igual que el atmosférico, es difícil de calcular y depende de parámetros tan variables tales como el ángulo de la trayectoria de lanzamiento o la aceleración de la nave en cuestión.

En el mapa tenemos tres tipos de estaciones. ‘Intercept’ es la Delta-V necesaria para permitir la captura por el campo gravitatorio de un mundo, mientras que ‘low orbit’ hace referencia a la Delta-V que tenemos que gastar para alcanzar una órbita a poca altura sobre nuestro objetivo. La última ‘parada’ es la superficie (o, en los gigantes gaseosos, la altura considerada referencia). Resulta evidente que alcanzar la superficie de un mundo es la maniobra energéticamente más costosa, ya que debemos internarnos profundamente en su pozo gravitatorio. Sin embargo, somos libres de movernos por todo el Sistema Solar con maniobras relativamente poco energéticas.

Por supuesto, y al igual que el plano de un metro, estos mapas son simplemente orientativos. La Delta-V para llegar a la órbita baja de cualquier planeta depende de la latitud de nuestro centro de lanzamiento. Además, la Delta-V necesaria para alcanzar otro planeta o satélite varía en función de la posición precisa entre el punto de partida y el final. En estos mapas se señala la Delta-V mínima requerida si seguimos una trayectoria tipo Hohmann de baja energía, pero naturalmente somos libres de gastar más si queremos o podemos (algo fundamental si queremos acortar el tiempo de viaje, que es máximo para una trayectoria Hohmann pura).

Otro mapa de Delta-V en el Sistema Solar (Wikipedia).
Un mapa de Delta-V en el Sistema Solar más detallado (

Pero no siempre tenemos a nuestra disposición una trayectoria de mínima energía y entonces sí que debemos tener en cuenta que la Delta-V para llegar a otros planetas cambia drásticamente de forma periódica. Para esos cálculos más detallados nos vemos obligados a recurrir a los ‘gráficos de chuleta’ donde se reflejan las distintas Delta-V para nuestro viaje en función de las fechas y la duración elegidas. Todo es cuestión de elegir la trayectoria que mejor se adapte a nuestras necesidades.

Captura de pantalla 2014-06-29 a la(s) 22.28.06
Un ejemplo de ‘gráfico de chuleta’ para calcular la trayectoria óptima de un viaje a Marte en función de la duración y la ventana de lanzamiento (NASA).

En el mapa del metro interplanetario vemos que hay flechas blancas al lado de algunos planetas. Este símbolo indica que el mundo en cuestión tiene atmósfera y por tanto tenemos a nuestra disposición una reserva de Delta-V ‘gratis’ para llevar a cabo maniobras de frenado (aerocaptura, aerofrenado o entrada atmosférica). En este caso lo de gratis es relativo, ya que necesitaremos un escudo térmico y paracaídas, claro está, pero lo importante es que no gastaremos propergoles en el proceso. Y no olvidemos que la ecuación de Tsiolkovsky nos dice que cuanto más masa útil necesitemos al final de nuestro trayecto, nuestra masa inicial será mucho más grande, principalmente en forma de combustible. Es decir, cuanta mayor Delta-V requiera nuestra misión, más grande será nuestra nave al comenzar la travesía.

Otros atajos para desplazarnos por el mapa de la Delta-V es emplear maniobras de asistencia gravitatoria para acelerar o frenar un vehículo. De esta forma se puede lograr enviar una nave espacial fuera del Sistema Solar (como las Voyager) o llegar a los planetas exteriores sin usar un cohete de gran tamaño (como la sonda Juno o la Cassini, por ejemplo). Otra forma más radical consiste en usar la red de transporte interplanetario, un conjunto de trayectorias que pasan por los distintos puntos de Lagrange de los cuerpos celestes de tal forma que nuestro sistema de propulsión apenas realizará maniobras con una Delta-V significativa y el viaje nos saldrá prácticamente gratis. Eso sí, lo malo es que los tiempos de vuelo pueden ser excesivamente largos.

Más de uno se habrá dado cuenta de que aunque hemos hablado de energía, la Delta-V es una magnitud que se mide en unidades de velocidad. Efectivamente, por este motivo los expertos prefieren usar siempre que pueden una magnitud denominada C3 en vez de Delta-V. C3, o energía característica, es la energía por unidad de masa de un objeto situado en una trayectoria de escape y viene a ser equivalente al cuadrado de la velocidad de escape.

Estos mapas de Delta-V nos sirven para ilustrar algunas de las cosas extrañas que ocurren al viajar por el Sistema Solar. Por ejemplo, llegar a Mercurio requiere una Delta-V mayor que la necesaria para alcanzar los planetas exteriores por culpa de la situación del pequeño planeta, situado tan adentro del pozo gravitatorio del Sol. De todas formas, gracias a la geometría del Sistema Solar interior podemos usar la gravedad de Venus fácilmente para alcanzar el planeta más pequeño del Sistema Solar con maniobras de asistencia gravitatoria, que, recuerda, ¡son gratis! (bueno, en realidad Venus girará más lentamente después del sobrevuelo de la sonda, pero el cambio es prácticamente infinitesimal). Así que ya sabes, ¡ni se te ocurra dejar la Tierra sin un mapa de Delta-V! Sin él estarás perdido.

PD: gracias a @Pdtannhauser por avisarme de la existencia el mapa de metro de las Delta-V.

La entrada El mapa de la Delta-V o por qué es tan díficil viajar a otros mundos fue escrita en Eureka.

02 Jul 16:25

Surface Area

This isn't an informational illustration; this is a thing I think we should do. First, we'll need a gigantic spool of thread. Next, we'll need some kind of ... hmm, time to head to Seattle.
02 Jul 16:24

Street art by  Shamsia Hassani - Afghanistan

Street art by  Shamsia Hassani - Afghanistan

01 Jul 19:17


01 Jul 19:17


01 Jul 19:16


01 Jul 16:44

Bounce Below: A Giant Network of Trampolines Suspended in an Abandoned Welsh Slate Mine,,,,

by dw
01 Jul 16:35

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil | 4d5.jpg

01 Jul 16:35

GIF | 348.gif

01 Jul 16:35

Favorite Banksy of the last few years. Downtown, Los Angeles.

Favorite Banksy of the last few years. Downtown, Los Angeles.

01 Jul 16:33

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen

by Christopher Jobson

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Furniture maker Greg Klassen builds intricately designed tables and other objects embedded with glass rivers and lakes. Inspired by his surroundings in the Pacific Northwest, Klassen works with edge pieces from discarded trees (often acquired from construction sites, or from dying trees that have begun to rot) which he aligns to mimic the jagged shores of various bodies of water. The pieces are completed with the addition of hand-cut glass pieces that appear to meander through the middle of each table. You can see much more of work here, and several tables are available through his shop.

01 Jul 16:32

Beee Caaareful

Beee Caaareful
01 Jul 16:32

ekocycle cube by + coca-cola 3D prints using recycled plastic bottles

by nina azzarello I designboom

one ekocycle cartridge turns the equivalent of 3 used bottles into a wearable accessory, iphone case or desktop decor.

The post ekocycle cube by + coca-cola 3D prints using recycled plastic bottles appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.

01 Jul 16:23

Rennie Ellis No Future 1980

Rennie Ellis No Future 1980

01 Jul 16:21

There's A New App That Lets You Anonymously Rate Your Coworkers

Knozen might sound like a recipe for disaster, but founder Marc Cenedella argues that it's merely  a way to "bring personality to the internet" and that the content is always "positive and upbeat."
01 Jul 16:18

Pra que dizer ‘Yo’ se dá para dizer ‘Hodor’?

by Jacqueline Lafloufa

Lembra do app ‘Yo’, que tinha o intuito único e exclusivo de dar um ‘alô’ para os seus amigos? Uma paródia dele, que imita seu funcionamento e design, diz algo que faz muito mais sentido para os fãs da saga de “Game of Thrones”: ao invés de mandar um ‘Yo’, o app manda um ‘Hodor’!

Essa é a única fala do personagem Hodor, se comunica única e exclusivamente por diferentes entonações da repetição do seu nome, e coube perfeitamente na premissa do app de enviar apenas uma palavra para dar um oi para quem você quiser.


O app Yo Hodor está disponível gratuitamente na App Store, com uma versão também para Google Play, mas que não parece ser do mesmo desenvolvedor. Será que duas pessoas tiveram essa ~brilhante~ ideia ao mesmo tempo?

O VentureBeat também lembra que, a não ser que a brincadeira seja uma iniciativa disfarçada da HBO, ambos os apps devem ser removidos das lojas em breve, devido à uma possível infração do licenciamento feito pelo canal de TV.

“Eu não sei exatamente o que vai acontecer, mas eu acho que eles vão me enviar uma notificação extrajudicial antes de tentar me processar”, conta Tyler Hedrick, desenvolvedor do Hodor para iOS, que já teve mais de 10 mil ‘hodors’ enviados.

I wrote an app called Hodor because Hodoring someone is so much cooler than Yoing someone. #yo #hodor #got

— Tyler Hedrick (@tyler_hedrick) June 20, 2014

Eu, se fosse a HBO, obviamente ia deixar a piada rolando. Afinal, que mal um Hodor pode fazer, não é mesmo?

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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01 Jul 11:55

California Legalizes Bitcoin

by timothy
jfruh (300774) writes "California governor Jerry Brown has signed a law repealing Section 107 of California's Corporations Code, which prohibited companies or individuals from issuing money other than U.S. dollars. Before the law was repealed, not only bitcoin but everything from Amazon Coin to Starbucks Stars were techinically illegal; the law was generally not enforced."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

01 Jul 01:12

Six Seasons is a thing.

by René

Smart move, Marissa!

Community kriegt eine sechste Staffel auf Yahoo Screen. Ich wusste nicht, dass es etwas namens „Yahoo Screen“ gibt, aber egal: SIX SEASONS IS A THING! Movie next, pls.

It’s official: Community is returning for a sixth season — on Yahoo Screen.

Studio Sony Pictures Television has revived Dan Harmon’s cult comedy series for 13 new episodes to launch in the fall on Yahoo Screen, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. Showrunner Harmon as well as stars Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, Yvette Nicole Brown, Danny Pudi, Alison Brie, Ken Jeong and Jim Rash will all return. Exec producers Russ Krasnoff, Gary Foster and Chris McKenna will also be back.

‘Community’ Returning for Sixth Season on Yahoo Screen (via MeFi)

01 Jul 01:08

Newswire: Community will get its sixth season on Yahoo

by Sean O'Neal

Community will get its sixth season after all—this time on the Internet, where the show has always lived anyway. Yahoo is the series’ digital savior, stepping in where the likes of Hulu were too afraid to tread, and using the built-in workings of the recently canceled NBC show to ease its own foray into streaming original programming. It’s now made a deal with Sony to bring at least 13 episodes to the digital air this fall, so that Community can at last fulfill its “six seasons a movie” mandate, provided Dan Harmon actually goes through with his vow to make the latter in his basement if he has to.

Harmon is once again on board as showrunner, while all of the principal cast members—save Donald Glover and Chevy Chase replacement Jonathan Banks—signed on just before their contracts were set to expire, alongside producers Chris McKenna, Russ ...