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19 Jan 19:58

Artista recria bandas famosas usando LEGO

by Amanda de Almeida

Pinturas famosas, obras de Banksy, videoclipes e até mesmo intervalos comerciais inteiros. A impressão que se tem é que, com uma boa dose de criatividade, é possível recriar quase tudo usando peças de LEGO. Até mesmo algumas de nossas bandas favoritas, como fez Adly Syairi Ramly, um artista apaixonado por música e LEGO.

Em seu perfil no Twitter, ele costuma publicar imagens de bandas criadas usando o tradicional brinquedo e o resultado é ótimo. Beatles, Foo Fighters, The Smiths, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers e Beastie Boys são alguns exemplos. Confira abaxo:

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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03 Jul 21:16

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil | afa.gif

03 Jul 21:16

Posso ajudar?

Dica: se quer receber carinho e atenção, jamais entre em uma loja com uma mercadoria nas mãos.
03 Jul 18:59

Criatura sensacional

by ricardo coimbra
Clique na imagem para aumentar
03 Jul 17:41

"Oh little one, you’re growing up You’ll soon be writing C You’ll treat your ints as pointers You’ll..."

Oh little one, you’re growing up
You’ll soon be writing C
You’ll treat your ints as pointers
You’ll nest the ternary
You’ll cut and paste from github
And try cryptography
But even in your darkest hour
Do not use ECB

CBC’s BEASTly when padding’s abused
And CTR’s fine til a nonce is reused
Some say it’s a CRIME to compress then encrypt
Or store keys in the browser (or use javascript)
Diffie Hellman will collapse if hackers choose your g
And RSA is full of traps when e is set to 3
Whiten! Blind! In constant time! Don’t write an RNG!
But failing all, and listen well: Do not use ECB

They’ll say “It’s like a one-time-pad!
The data’s short, it’s not so bad
the keys are long—they’re iron clad
I have a PhD!”
And then you’re front page Hacker News
Your passwords cracked—Adobe Blues.
Don’t leave your penguin showing through,
Do not use ECB

- Ben Nagy, Ode to ECB, POC||GTFO, issue 0x04, p. 46
03 Jul 17:38

Tumblr | a6b.gif

03 Jul 17:37

Yet another sysadmin's script

by sharhalakis

by paran0id

03 Jul 17:36

'Le Gogh' by nismo4banger

'Le Gogh' by nismo4banger

03 Jul 17:36

Who wore it better? [x]

Who wore it better? [x]

03 Jul 17:33

Internet Man

by Jesse

I also didn't shave or shower for comedic effect


In case you didn’t know I just sent out my first Patreon rewards!

They are super rad as all heck

03 Jul 17:32

Earth and Moon

by Reza


03 Jul 17:30

emilyvgordon: shepherdsongs: I was driving past a business...



I was driving past a business here in the Houston Heights, when I glimpsed this painted on the side of the building. I recognized that iconic WWII poster before I realized it was not just any woman, but 14 year old Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl who was attacked for wanting an education. The words next to her are her quote, ( “I don’t mind if I have to sit on the floor at school.) All I want is education. And I’m afraid of no one.”

This is gorgeous.

03 Jul 05:27

coisei: meu snap:oieusouodan


meu snap:

03 Jul 00:40


03 Jul 00:40

Early Access Comic


Jajaja, best analogy!

Early Access Comic

Submitted by: (via Some Thomas)

03 Jul 00:39

Justin DeVine Creates An Amusingly Strange Mashup Of The Muppets And Twin Peaks

by Sara Barnes

The Muppets And Twin Peaks The Muppets And Twin Peaks The Muppets And Twin Peaks twin_peaks_muppets3

Our society, by and large, seems to love mashups of popular culture. Adding to the growing list of amusing combinations is Justin DeVine’s illustrations of Muppets as Twin Peaks characters. Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie the Bear take the roles of Special Agent Dale Cooper, Laura Palmer, and the Log Lady, respectively. DeVine’s watercolor drawings include the clothing, scenes, and quotes from David Lynch’s cult classic television show but whose characters are replaced with the gregarious Muppet clan.

If you aren’t familiar with Twin Peaks, it’s a surreal drama that follows the investigation headed by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper into murder of homecoming queen Laura Palmer. It takes place in a small town, and explores the facade of small-town values and the seedier layers that lurk beneath it. Pairing this with the happy-go-lucky Muppets creates some strange imagery; not necessarily in the same way as Lynch crafted Twin Peaks, but odd nonetheless.

All of these illustrations are available as prints in DeVine’s InPrnt shop.

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The post Justin DeVine Creates An Amusingly Strange Mashup Of The Muppets And Twin Peaks appeared first on Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design.

03 Jul 00:39

Starz Picked up the American Gods TV Show, and Bryan Fuller Is Co-Showrunning - EVERYTHING IS GOOD AND RIGHT WITH THE WORLD FOREVER AND EVER AMEN.

by Rebecca Pahle

Green and Fuller were both on Heroes... I don't know if that is good (because people may learn from mistakes) or if that is bad! :S

american gods

Here’s where we left the American Gods TV show: HBO was going to do it but then didn’t, because reasons. FremantleMedia picked up the slack and started developing their own version, but with no network attached.

And here’s where are are now: Starz just picked up American Gods. Neil Gaiman will executive produce along with Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies, Hannibal) and Michael Green (Kings, Heroes), who are showrunning. Fuller will write the pilot.

Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.

Starz Managing Director Carmi Zlotnik promises “a series that honors the book and does right by the fans and viewers,” but of course he would say that. I’m more interested in what Gaiman, who wrote the book American Gods, has to say. And here he is:

“When you create something like American Gods, which attracts fans and obsessives and people who tattoo quotes from it on themselves or each other, and who all, tattooed or not, just care about it deeply, it’s really important to pick your team carefully: you don’t want to let the fans down, or the people who care and have been casting it online since the dawn of recorded history. What I love most about the team who I trust to take it out to the world, is that they are the same kind of fanatics that American Gods has attracted since the start. I haven’t actually checked Bryan Fuller or Michael Green for quote tattoos, but I would not be surprised if they have them. The people at Fremantle are the kinds of people who have copies of American Gods in the bottom of their backpacks after going around the world, and who press them on their friends. And the team at Starz have been quite certain that they wanted to give Shadow, Wednesday and Laura a home since they first heard that the book was out there.I can’t wait to see what they do to bring the story to the widest possible audience able to cope with it.”

“Neil Gaiman has created the holiest of holy toy boxes with American Gods and filled it with all manner of magical thing, born of new gods and old,” adds Fuller. “Michael Green and I are thrilled to crack this toy box wide open and unleash the fantastical titans of heaven and earth and Neil’s vividly prolific imagination.”

There is literally nothing about this that I don’t like. American Gods is a great book. Starz made Spartacus, so I am all about that. Green has extensive TV experience, ranging from Kings to Heroes to Smallville and the upcoming Gotham, and yeah, that record isn’t spotless, but: Bryan Fuller. I would lay down my life for Bryan Fuller. I would submit to cannibalism for Bryan Fuller. Really, the only thing I can say is:

high pitched screaming

Are you following The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, & Google +?

03 Jul 00:36

(via Gateaux aux biscuits and baklava: French Caribbean, Middle...

(via Gateaux aux biscuits and baklava: French Caribbean, Middle Eastern cuisines converge at Rockwood’s Park Place Café |

Elkhal had been planning to run a food cart when DiNucci’s spot opened up. He charged in with energy, a contractor’s skill in remodeling, a plan to expand DiNucci’s modest menu, a quick smile and a secret weapon: His mother.

Gisele Elkhal, 61, is of Syrian and Lebanese descent. She blends her Middle Eastern heritage with the French culture of Guadeloupe, a cluster of Caribbean islands where she was born and raised.

"I grew up eating all this stuff. It’s nothing new for me," she said while delivering samples of frangipane, baklava and gateau aux biscuits (a mocha layered cake) to a visitor. "I don’t make anything here that I don’t like. If I don’t like it, I don’t make it."

03 Jul 00:35

pyxis-nautica: stonecoldstunning: I NEVER KNEW THE REASON THE...





#thank you donald for keeping our country safe

03 Jul 00:35

I see what you did there. [x]

I see what you did there. [x]

03 Jul 00:34


03 Jul 00:34

stephaniecoco: guy: i think the lesson of this photoset is to...

by aishiterushit



i think the lesson of this photoset is to check yo muthafuckin math calculations before u hand the test in bc sometimes u need to check shit twice before u realize whats up (x)


03 Jul 00:32

hailhydrra: #tumblr

by aishiterushit
03 Jul 00:31

dorkly: Could This Be the Most Accurate Lara Croft Cosplay...

by laurabuu
03 Jul 00:31

Pobre Luigi

Pobre Luigi

02 Jul 20:26

155. BANKSY: Taking the piss (explicit)

by Gav


RELATED COMICS: Sophie Scholl The Fire Within. Marc Maron The Social Media Generation. Bill Hicks It’s Just a Ride. Henry Rollins Who’s the Crazier Man?

Banksy is an anoynomous English street artist and activist who has become a cult hero for his anti-establishment and rebellious artwork.

Unlike someone I know, who stays in his house all day drawing comics and watching Simpsons reruns, Banksy is a REAL artist who challenges the status quo, forces people to think and puts himself in danger, all while remaining a complete mystery to the world. I mean think about it, he’s one of the most famous artists on the planet, his work has been popping up in major cities for the past 10 years and sell for millions of dollars and no one knows who the hell this guy is! I take my hat off to the dude.

If you haven’t seen it, I recommend the documentary Banksy directed, Exit Through the Gift Shop. What was meant to be a film about Banksy instead turned into a movie about the man who was obsessed in trying to meet him. Although many have claimed that it’s a ‘mockumentary’ and the plot a set-up, it’s still a brilliant film. It not only documents the street art movement, it also deals with the meaning of art, and whether or not an artist actually needs any talent or can just survive on hype alone. Two thumbs up!

This quote was taken from Banksy’s 2004 book Cut It Out. Some of the passage was inspired/appropriated from an essay by artist Sean Tejaratchi. I rearranged the last couple of sentences for this comic.

- Banksy’s official website.
- Speaking of The Simpsons, check out Banksy’s opening couch gag.
- I posted a video about my upcoming trip to America. I’ll be having meet-ups in Portland, San Francisco and a signing at San Diego Comic Con.

02 Jul 20:18

Le Café (English Subtitles)

Dir. Stephanie Marguerite & Emilie Tarascou / music Oldelaf & Mr D / France / 2007 Too much coffee can be dangerous! Produced by Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma ...
02 Jul 18:55

возьми в дом козу


И жалобы прекратились.


Администрация аэропорта Хьюстона получала множество жалоб от пассажиров, которые слишком долго ожидали свой багаж. Аэропорт нанял больше грузчиков, но жалоб не становилось меньше. Тогда путь пассажиров от трапа до транспортеров с багажом был увеличен в шесть раз. Время, которое люди тратили, ожидая багаж, они стали тратить на дорогу. И жалобы прекратились.

Когда началось массовое строительство небоскребов, многие жильцы стали жаловаться на то, что лифта приходится ждать слишком долго. Тогда рядом с лифтами установили зеркала, что позволило людям заняться собственной внешностью или украдкой рассматривать в зеркале других жильцов. И жалобы прекратились.

Когда появились супермаркеты, многие покупатели стали жаловаться на то, что им с тележкой приходится слишком долго стоять в очереди в кассу. Тогда рядом с кассами стали устанавливать лотки со всякой мелочевкой – жевательной резинкой, шоколадками, презервативами. Это позволило супермаркетам зарабатывать дополнительно более $5 млрд. И жалобы прекратились.

В Диснейленде первые посетители жаловались на то, что им приходится слишком долго стоять в очереди к различным аттракционам. Тогда Дисней распорядился повесить специальное табло, которое указывало примерное время ожидания. Но на табло всегда показывается большее время, чем приходится стоять в очереди. И посетители радуются, что они прошли гораздо быстрее. И жалобы прекратились.

02 Jul 18:38

Mick Jagger, Charlie Watts, Monty Python e uns velhinhos querendo ganhar uma grana vivendo do passado

by Alexandre Matias

Charlie WAT!


Muito bom o comercial que o Monty Python fez sobre seu show de volta, com Mick Jagger e Charlie Watts assistindo à Copa do Mundo com narração do Galvão Bueno, veja só:

02 Jul 17:19

Tumblr | a3e.png
