Shared posts

28 Jul 20:44


28 Jul 20:44

multipurposeflour: kevinkinky-: The Fault in Our Stars was...



The Fault in Our Stars was better than I thought 

nah this is breaking bad

28 Jul 20:43

Tumblr | 3af.png

28 Jul 20:43

brandomarlons: I don’t think that people generally realise...


I don’t think that people generally realise what motion picture industry has done to the American Indian, as a matter of fact, all ethnic groups, all minorities, all non-whites. And people just simply don’t realise, just take it for granted that that’s the way people are going to be presented and these clichés are just, I mean on this network every night, well perhaps not every night, but you can see silly renditions of human behaviour, the leering Filipino houseboy, the wily Japanese, the kook or the gook, black man, stupid Indian. It just goes on and on and on. And people actually don’t realise how deeply people are injured by seeing themselves represented, not so much the adults, who are already inured to that kind of pain and pressure, but children. Indian children seeing Indians represented as savage, as ugly, as nasty, vicious, treacherous, drunken. They grow up only with a negative image of themselves and it lasts a lifetime. 

Marlon Brando on why Sacheen Littlefeather presented a speech on his behalf during his Best Actor win for The Godfather at the 1973 Academy Awards

26 Jul 15:34

Steven Spielberg Criticized for the "Triceratops He Just Slaughtered"

Steven Spielberg Criticized for the "Triceratops He Just Slaughtered"

It's not uncommon for a poacher or hunter to receive harsh criticism and public shaming, but does it count when the animal in question goes WAY beyond the endangered species list?

Click here for a larger view of the top image and here for a larger view of the bottom image.

poacher spielberg

Submitted by: (via Dangerous Minds)

25 Jul 18:33

ak47 : tumblr

by turn
25 Jul 18:33


25 Jul 18:31

July 07, 2014

Only a few discount tickets left for GaymerX, which is the only con I'm doing in 2014!
25 Jul 18:30

The Lovelace Test Is Better Than the Turing Test At Detecting AI

by samzenpus
meghan elizabeth writes If the Turing Test can be fooled by common trickery, it's time to consider we need a new standard. The Lovelace Test is designed to be more rigorous, testing for true machine cognition. An intelligent computer passes the Lovelace Test only if it originates a "program" that it was not engineered to produce. The new program—it could be an idea, a novel, a piece of music, anything—can't be a hardware fluke. The machine's designers must not be able to explain how their original code led to this new program. In short, to pass the Lovelace Test a computer has to create something original, all by itself.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

25 Jul 18:27

A Reversal of an Old Idea Regarding Teaching

25 Jul 15:49

Amazon Asks FAA For Permission To Test Its Delivery Drones

by Alex Wilhelm
screen-shot-2014-06-24-at-9-37-23-am Amazon has petitioned the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for exemption from rules barring it from testing drones in the United States. The online shopping company made waves recently by showing off small unmanned aircraft that it claims will be able to deliver parcels to consumers in 30 minutes. The drone delivery service, called Prime Air, could greatly speed up Amazon’s… Read More
25 Jul 15:47

insanelygaming: "We go forward." Created...


"We go forward."

Created by owlturdcomix 

image | twitter | facebook

25 Jul 15:46

Anybody Care to Decipher This One for the Less Math-y Folks?

Anybody Care to Decipher This One for the Less Math-y Folks?

Submitted by: (via Acid Cow)

Tagged: graffiti , math , hacked irl , g rated , win
25 Jul 15:42

July 11, 2014

Come see
Come see me today, at GaymerX!
25 Jul 15:41

July 09, 2014

This week I have a somewhat topical essay over at Warning: political.
25 Jul 15:34


'Hello, Ghostbusters?' 'ooOOoooo people born years after that movie came out are having a second chiiiild right now ooOoooOoo'
25 Jul 15:33





25 Jul 15:32


25 Jul 15:32

Artist Telmo Pieper Repaints His Own Childhood...

Artist Telmo Pieper Repaints His Own Childhood Drawings

Previously: Everyday Objects Turned Into Creative Illustrations

25 Jul 15:25

The Oldest Song In The World Sounds Like The Zelda Theme

by Mallory Ortberg

I mean, obviously everything sounds like the Zelda theme when you play it on a midi keyboard. I’m not trying to make any sweeping claims here. But listen to this:

and tell me it isn’t just this:

and this:

put together.

Oh, also, you can listen to a few minutes of the Epic of Gilgamesh in Akkadian here, while we’re on the subject of ancient Sumer. It doesn’t — I mean, he could be spitting gibberish for all I know, but it sounds authentic.

Read more The Oldest Song In The World Sounds Like The Zelda Theme at The Toast.

25 Jul 15:22


25 Jul 14:11

A Jellyfish Tank Installed in an Abandoned Building in Liverpool

25 Jul 14:10

A Simple Eye Test Could Accurately Detect Alzheimer's

by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

A Simple Eye Test Could Accurately Detect Alzheimer's

Current tests for Alzheimer's include expensive tests using brain PET or MRI imaging. But two studies have shown that a simple eye test can detect Alzheimer's accurately at very early stages—just by looking at subjects' retinas.


22 Jul 19:13

​Aerosmith made more money from video games than from any one of its own albums

by Sean Buckley
Planning to make it big in the music industry by releasing a hit album? Dream On. A long forgotten PC Mag article resurfaced this week to remind us that the music industry had changed drastically over the last decade. According to Activision chief...
22 Jul 01:59

Honest Brand Slogans

by Lisa Marcus

Clif Dickens seems to be onto something with his honest brand slogans. Whether or not you think they are representative of the brand, they are good for a smile. (I *knew* IKEA was messing with me!) See more of Clif's humor at his website, and see additional honest brand slogans at Bored Panda. 


22 Jul 01:59

Do You Have What It Takes To Find This Hidden Swimming Pool in the Middle of a Desert?

by Alex Santoso

Social Pool (2014) by Alfredo Barsuglia

It's nice to take a dip in the cold crisp water of a swimming pool when it's hot outside, so it's doubly nice to go swimming when you're in the middle of a desert. The trick is, you've got to find the hidden pool.

Austrian artist Alfredo Barsuglia constructed Social Pool, an eleven-by-five feet wide swimming pool in the Mojave desert in southern California, open to anybody to use provided that they can find it. The pool's location is guarded by secret GPS coordinate, and is locked when not in use (you can ask for the key as well as the GPS coordinate at the MAK Center for Art and Architecture in Los Angeles).

The Social Pool is covered and locked when not in use.

"It's really hard to find," Barsuglia said to LA Times, "There is no road. There is no fence. There is no sign. There is no trail. You just come on it. I'm sure some people won't find it."

Barsuglia created the Social Pool as an art installation about "the effort of people make to reach a luxury good." Swimming pools, said Barsuglia, is often a hallmark of wealth. "I'm interested in the way that these are often integrated into the architecture of a house. And, often, people will have a pool, but they don't even get into it. They just like to show that they have it. It shows they don't have to think about water."

Who'd make the trek into the Mojave desert just to find such a thing? Juliet Bennett Rylah of LAist made the journey and wrote about it:

There is something distinctly and uniquely pleasant about this pool. Maybe it's that you're entirely alone with just a couple close friends. There's no one to hear you and nothing to overhear. Maybe it's that there's an element of danger. You passed some abandoned trailers on your way—who's to say you won't run into Walter White or the villains of The Hills Have Eyes? What about snakes and scorpions? Or maybe it's the supposed lawlessness. You're not supposed to drink on Venice Beach or run around naked, but nobody really seemed to be policing Social Pool.

The key to the Social Pool

Rylah noted that it took two and a half hours to drive from the museum to the pool, and that she had to travel through a lot of open desert and unpaved road to reach the Social Pool.

Do you have what it takes to find this hidden pool in the middle of the desert?

22 Jul 01:38

Amazing Lakes Around The World

by Travel Seekers

Northern Lake Baikal, Russia

Baikal Lake

Northern Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal is the freshwater lake with greatest volume in the world, containing roughly 20% of the world’s unfrozen surface fresh water. The water of Lake Baikal is renowned for being some of the clearest in the world. When the lake freezes during the winter, an amazing phenomena takes place: large shards of transparent ice form on the surface of the lake, giving the amazing appearance of turquoise ice.


Moraine Lake, Canada

Moraine Lake, Canada

Moraine Lake

Moraine Lake is a glacially-fed lake in Banff National Park, 14 km (8.7 mi) outside the Village of Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada. It is situated in the Valley of the Ten Peaks.


Taal Volcano Crater Lake, Batangas, Philippines

Taal Lake

Taal Lake is a freshwater lake in the province of Batangas, on the island of Luzon in the Philippines

Lake Isabelle, Colorado

Lake Isabelle Colorado

Lake Isabel is located within the San Isabel National Forest in Pueblo County and Custer County, Colorado, United States

Lake Solbjornvannet, Norway

Lake Solbjornvannet Normay

Lake Solbjornvannet

Five Flower Lake, China

Five Flower Lake China

Five Flower Lake

The pristine water of Wuhua Hai, or Five-Flower Lake, is the pride of Jiuzhaigon National Park in China. The shallow lake glistens different shades of turquoise and its floor is littered with fallen ancient tree trunks.

22 Jul 01:35

Newswire: More people are considering naming their babies Archer

by Sean O'Neal

As we’ve seen in the recent reports on the rise of all the little Khaleesis, Elsas, and Skylers out there, people are increasingly turning to pop culture to name their babies, rather than the more traditional method of naming them after the wealthy relative they hope to flatter into handing over their inheritance, or just some flower or some shit. And because people no longer have time to wait a whole 9 months for their babies, delicious baby name preserve Nameberry has already released its midyear list of 2014’s Top 100 most-searched baby names, which demonstrate all over again movies and TV shows’ influence on a generation of kids who will soon grow to resent them, should their parents actually bestow those names upon them.

Topping the list for boys is Asher, which is a Biblical name meaning “Son of Sean’s Friend Ingrid, Who Is Pretty Cool ...

22 Jul 00:39

The Sculptor

by Doug
22 Jul 00:39

Venus de Milo

by Doug