Shared posts

14 Mar 15:02

Motivos pra não comprar um carro

by Joe


Não sei se rio do mal entendido ou choro pela condição do rapaz que nunca vai abandonar o busão da felicidade.

10 Mar 01:23

ninjas-in-a-box:dyzzyah:artsyartichoke:*Psst*  Trans...




*Psst*  Trans exclusionary feminism is poop feminism pass it on  

Besides agreeing with the specific message of this comic, I also tend to agree with any feminism that comes with a guitar solo.

that was cute

03 Mar 16:10

March 01, 2015

02 Mar 12:01

#microcontos de futuro distópico

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
#microcontos de futuro distópico
02 Mar 12:01

RT @DystopianYA: This futuristic projection technology is cool, but I wish we had...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
RT @DystopianYA: This futuristic projection technology is cool, but I wish we had indoor plumbing.
02 Mar 00:07

Asociación de incoherentes por @CineJavi

01 Mar 17:30

House of Fiorentina.

by Zanfa

Acabei de assistir a terceira temporada de House of Cards, melhor série do mundo gente.


By João Victor, no CapinaGrupo de las Trevas

capinaremos?d=yIl2AUoC8zA capinaremos?i=n2ryf4oThRI:pA62uATv3ME:V_ capinaremos?d=dnMXMwOfBR0
01 Mar 14:25

RT @YgorBenini: Meu filho vai ter Nome

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @YgorBenini: Meu filho vai ter Nome
01 Mar 14:25

RT @ZachWeiner: Twist ending: "Peppa Pig" is set on the Island of Dr. Moreau.

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @ZachWeiner: Twist ending: "Peppa Pig" is set on the Island of Dr. Moreau.
01 Mar 14:25

RT @rmtakata: Yahoo!Respostas... "Furei meu humbigo 5 dias ´poso comer biscoito fandangos?"

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @rmtakata: Yahoo!Respostas... "Furei meu humbigo 5 dias ´poso comer biscoito fandangos?"
01 Mar 04:31



01 Mar 04:29

RT @tadsh: Namore alguém que te ame como esse pirikito ama essa melancia

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @tadsh: Namore alguém que te ame como esse pirikito ama essa melancia
01 Mar 04:12

RT @FabioFleury: Infelizmente não é zuera, amgs

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
RT @FabioFleury: Infelizmente não é zuera, amgs
01 Mar 04:12

Meus Rauis Seixas morreram de overdose

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Meus Rauis Seixas morreram de overdose
01 Mar 04:12

RT @Newsweek: 20 years ago today, Newsweek got the Internet horribly wrong.

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
RT @Newsweek: 20 years ago today, Newsweek got the Internet horribly wrong. #NewsweekRewind
01 Mar 04:11

RT @jorgecn: Mr President #HouseOfCards 😂😂😂😂😅

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @jorgecn: Mr President #HouseOfCards 😂😂😂😂😅
27 Feb 12:23

RT @AmznMovieRevws: Guardians of the Galaxy.

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
RT @AmznMovieRevws: Guardians of the Galaxy.
27 Feb 00:26

Transgender man comes out to girlfriend: ‘I’m going to start transitioning now’

by [nmanske]
Osias Jota

Lori, ao contrário do estereótipo, também tem homens trans que se escodem muito

Mitch KellawayLike many couples, Mitch and Jocelyn met on an online dating site. There was only one difference: Mitch was still presenting as a lesbian, having buried his transgender identity when he was 17.
26 Feb 22:49

'The Imitation Game' Codebreakers Also Created Brilliant Palindromes

by Arika Okrent

The Bletchley Park codebreakers depicted in the film The Imitation Game (this year’s Oscar winner for Best Adapted Screenplay) worked around the clock to crack the secret of Nazi communications during World War II, but they weren’t all about work. They also used their skills for play.

Mark Saltveit, World Palindrome Champion and editor of The Palindromist Magazine, has spent years researching palindrome history and recently published an article on where he shares his discovery that many well-known palindromes originated from a bit of spirited competition among the cryptanalysts of Bletchley Park.

It started with mathematician J.H.C. Whitehead’s* “Step on no pets,” which was answered by Peter Hilton’s “Sex at noon taxes,” and ended, after many rounds of increasingly heated one-upmanship with “what many consider the best palindrome ever.” No, not the Panama one, amateurs. This one:

Doc, note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.

The palindrome first came to light when it was the winner of a 1967 magazine contest. The person who submitted it admitted that he had not composed it himself, but had heard it from someone else who had also not composed it. Saltveit has now traced it back to Peter Hilton, the young mathematician who in the film pleads to use information from their partial decryption to save his brother on a naval convoy that is about to be attacked. (That did not happen in real life. Hilton did not have a brother on a naval convoy.)

It makes sense that those with a talent for uncovering meaning from patterns in strings of symbols would have a knack for creating palindromes. After all, a palindrome is just a meaningful string of symbols constrained by a specific type of pattern. In particular, Hilton’s talent for visualizing two streams of information at once came in handy. He composed the champion palindrome in his head, without writing anything down, over the course of five hours, while lying in bed with his eyes closed.

Read more about Saltveit’s research on the codebreakers’ palindrome contest at

*Corrected: The article originally had Alfred North Whitehead, who was J.H.C.'s uncle.

26 Feb 00:44

Correction Of The Day

by Joe Jervis
25 Feb 13:50

Política de uma roda só, por José Roberto de Toledo

by Lourdes Nassif



do Estadão

Política de uma roda só

José Roberto de Toledo 

A prefeitura da metrópole argumenta com estatísticas: o uso de bicicletas na cidade cresceu 10% no último trimestre e bateu seu recorde. Elas já são 16% do tráfego de veículos no centro da cidade. É preciso fazer mais ciclovias e estações de aluguel.

Não, não é o paulistano Fernando Haddad. É seu colega londrino, que investe R$ 4 bilhões para melhorar a infraestrutura cicloviária de Londres e aumentar a segurança dos ciclistas. Fora do Brasil, o transporte a pedal não é uma mesquinha questão partidária. É uma imposição econômica.

Todo ano, o mundo produz mais de 130 milhões de bicicletas - o dobro do que fabrica de carros. E essa diferença continua crescendo, entre outros motivos, porque uma invenção centenária está, enfim, seduzindo o mercado: a e-bike.

A bicicleta motorizada existe desde o fim do século 19, mas apenas nos últimos anos a tecnologia evoluiu ao ponto de popularizar a produção de motores elétricos realmente eficientes e de baterias leves, recarregáveis e duradouras. Tudo isso combinado a sensores que captam o movimento e a força da pedalada e transferem para a roda a energia que faltava. O resultado é uma bicicleta que aplaina qualquer cidade.

leia mais

25 Feb 13:50

RT @MarkDuplass: Yep.

by Osias Jota
25 Feb 13:50

Escusas del futuro

by (Alvy)

Perdón si llego tarde al trabajo; es que mi Apple Car se puso a actualizarse esta noche y ahora la rueda izquierda no funciona y tengo a los de U2 en el asiento de atrás.

– Warren Ellis

# Enlace Permanente

24 Feb 01:08

HTTP/2 Approved

by Jari Arkko

After more than two years of discussion, over 200 design issues17 drafts, and 30 implementations, the HTTP/2 and HPACK specifications have now been approved by the IETF’s steering group for publication as standards-track RFCs. The result is that HTTP/2 will help provide faster user experience for browsing, reduce the amount of bandwidth required, and make the use of secure connections easier.

The HTTP Working Group began work on HTTP/2 in 2012 by selecting Google’s SPDY protocol as the starting point, holding a series of six interim meetings to incorporate community feedback. This resulted in substantial changes to the format of the protocol, its compression scheme, and its mapping to the semantics of HTTP.

The resulting protocol is designed to allow a seamless switch between HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, with minimal changes to applications and APIs, while at the same time offering improved performance and better use of network resources. Web users largely will be able to benefit from the improvements offered by HTTP/2 without having to do anything different.

A key point in the protocol development process was the iteration the working group did between protocol updates, and implementations and testing. Certain draft protocol versions were labelled by the working group as “implementation drafts”, and the participants — many web browser and web server providers — updated their implementations and tested out the protocol changes. Most of the interim meetings included part of a day spent on hands-on interoperability testing and discussion. The result is a thoroughly validated protocol that has been shown to interoperate and that meets the needs of many major stakeholders.

The HTTP/2 work specifically embodies the key IETF tenet about the value of “rough consensus and running code.”

See the HTTP/2 home page, Frequently Asked Questions list (FAQ), and the chair’s blog article for more information. The specifications themselves are available here for HTTP/2 and HPACK.

Mark Nottingham, HTTPBIS Working Group Chair and Barry Leiba, Applications Area Director

23 Feb 13:05

RT @ElSatanico: Something to bear in mind when you use a grandiose title on LinkedIn.......

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @ElSatanico: Something to bear in mind when you use a grandiose title on LinkedIn....
22 Feb 05:05

RT @DogeTheDog: So doguccinno Very coffe Such caffeine Much...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @DogeTheDog: So doguccinno Very coffe Such caffeine Much wow Such delish
22 Feb 05:05

RT @_ihu: Zeladores nordestinos usam vivência na seca para captar água para paulistas

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @_ihu: Zeladores nordestinos usam vivência na seca para captar água para paulistas
22 Feb 05:05

RT @alex_lancaster: Na boa? O Aquaman está acertado. Ele remete à única fase aonde...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @alex_lancaster: Na boa? O Aquaman está acertado. Ele remete à única fase aonde ele foi digno de algum respeito, a de Peter David. http:…
21 Feb 14:04


21 Feb 02:30

dutchster: oh

