Shared posts

31 Mar 19:09

This jar of peanut butter costs $761 and you aren't supposed to eat it

by Mark Frauenfelder

BB no-prize contest: Write TV commercial jingle lyrics for "Standard Reference Material No. 2387" peanut butter. (more…)

10 Mar 11:17

bloodredorion:slavicinferno:What SciFi Movies Would REALLY Be...



What SciFi Movies Would REALLY Be Like…


Im laughing so hard

10 Mar 11:12

Fetching a package with dependencies

by sharhalakis

by SnIPer

06 Mar 03:14

(via 4gifs:video)

(via 4gifs:video)

06 Mar 03:11


06 Mar 03:10

Смышленый фермер.

06 Mar 03:10

Лайфхак дня

06 Mar 03:05


06 Mar 02:38

obviousplant:Here are some of my top wine picks.


Here are some of my top wine picks.

19 Feb 14:55

Wild Horses...

image…couldn’t drag me away
02 Feb 17:25


ACCESS LIMITS: Clients may maintain connections to the server for no more than 86,400 seconds per day. If you need additional time, you may contact IERS to file a request for up to one additional second.
31 Jan 18:45

Breakfast at the Tsukiji Market

by Paul

Breakfast at the Tsukiji Market

29 Jan 12:17

The Prognosis

by Doug
27 Jan 03:15

"New Zealand in a nut shell…" - tankerbuzz

"New Zealand in a nut shell…" - tankerbuzz

27 Jan 03:14


27 Jan 03:03

I know you're out there, and you're not an asshole.

25 Jan 04:59


15 Jan 02:45


by Reza


13 Jan 18:38

The Hero Gotham Deserves


12 Jan 18:13


by Doug
11 Jan 04:10

peterfromtexas: Some statistic for today


Some statistic for today

07 Jan 20:30

Sebastian Wiesner: My Emacs Configuration with use-package

by Sebastian Wiesner

In the past I used to keep my Emacs configuration completely in a single init.el file. For a long time this worked quite well, but of late my configuration became increasingly messy: Package configuration was mixed with utility functions, key bindings, and even larger code for entirely new features. Needless to say that my init file was in dire need of a very thorough cleanup.

I had heard a lot of good things about John Wiegley’s use-package macro, and in the days after Christmas I decided to sit down and try to refactor my Emacs configuration with use-package. The result was very pleasant, and much better than I had dared to hope.

1 The basics

The idea of use-package is to wrap all initialisation and configuration of a package in a top-level form. A typical use in my configuration looks like this:

(use-package whitespace
  :bind (("C-c T w" . whitespace-mode))
  (dolist (hook '(prog-mode-hook text-mode-hook conf-mode-hook))
    (add-hook hook #'whitespace-mode))
  :config (setq whitespace-line-column nil)
  :diminish whitespace-mode)

This form binds Whitespace Mode to C-c T w globally, enables it automatically for certain modes, and configures it. :bind and :init are evaluated immediately, whereas :config is deferred until after the package is loaded, similar to with-eval-after-load1. :diminish is just a shortcut for the diminish utility which removes minor modes from the mode line.

Now compare this to the same code without use-package, as it would appear in my init file before:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c T w") #'whitespace-mode)

(dolist (hook '(prog-mode-hook text-mode-hook conf-mode-hook))
  (add-hook hook #'whitespace-mode))

(with-eval-after-load 'whitespace
  (setq whitespace-line-column nil)
  (diminish 'whitespace-mode))

Clearly the use-package variant is more concise and organised, and much easier to understand. It keeps everything related to a package in a single top-level form, which puts all of the scattered package initialisation and configuration code together. This alone made my init file much easier to understand, but the real power of use-package does not end here—in fact, I have not show you any of the really cool stuff yet!

2 Automatic package installation

These days most of the cool Emacs Lisp isn’t built-in like whitespace-mode but comes from MELPA. I have almost 100 3rd party packages in my Emacs. I’d be a huge pain to track and install these manually whenever I remove the package directory or move to a new machine, but with use-package I don’t have to2. use-package can automatically install missing packages:

(use-package imenu-anywhere
  :ensure t
  :bind (("C-c i" . imenu-anywhere)))

This feature is so convenient that I mostly stopped to install new packages via M-x list-packages. Now I add a use-package form for any new package to my init file right away, with some basic initialisation and configuration—usually from the Github README of the package—and an :ensure keyword, and type C-M-x to evaluate the form to install and setup the package in one go. I still need to bootstrap use-package explicitly at the beginning of my init file, though. This is not that pretty, but the obvious chicken-egg probably can’t be avoided otherwise:

(require 'package)
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))


;; Bootstrap `use-package'
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
  (package-install 'use-package))

3 “Local” packages

While I try to use packages as much as possible, and also release most of my custom code as packages to MELPA, I still have some code in my configuration that is too small or too specific to my own workflow and my personal preferences to be released independently.

use-package makes it easy to maintain this code. I can keep it in separate libraries, pretending that they are proper packages installed with the package manager, and use use-package as usual to load my custom code. For example, I have a lunaryorn-simple library which contains many small helper functions for editing. It sits in the lisp/ subdirectory of my Emacs directory and is never installed with the package manager, but use-package lets me configure as if it were:

(use-package lunaryorn-simple
  :load-path "lisp/"
  :bind (([remap kill-whole-line]        . lunaryorn-smart-kill-whole-line)
         ([remap move-beginning-of-line] . lunaryorn-back-to-indentation-or-beginning-of-line)
         ("C-c u d"                      . lunaryorn-insert-current-date)))

The only special thing is :load-path, which adds the containing directory to Emacs’ load-path so that it can find my personal library. But I don’t need to care for autoloads and lazy loading: use-package automatically adds autoloads for all commands bound to keys in :bind. My library is loaded lazily when I invoke any of these commands, just like a regular package installed via the package manager.

With this feature I can keep my init file (almost) free of any code. It only contains package configuration now. My custom code is neatly tucked away in separate libraries that look just like regular Emacs packages. This does not only make my configuration easier to understand, it has also fundamentally changed my package development workflow.

Most of my packages are born out of small customisation and personal functions that grow as I extend them, until they are large and stable enough to be released as separate packages. Previously, making a package out of these was painful: I had to manually extract all the required code form my init file and fix various compiler warnings and errors, naturally making many mistakes on the way.

Now I start with a separate library right away, which is a proper package on its own. All code goes through Flycheck to make sure that there are no errors or warnings. Once the package is suitable for an independent release, there’s no special work left: It’s all already there, and all that I still need to do is to move the file to a dedicated repository, add a README, and push it to MELPA. I think you can expect quite some new packages from me over the next time!

4 Idle initialisation

use-package also helps me to keep my Emacs startup fast with “idle initialisation”, which initialises packages after Emacs was started and has been idle for some time. I use this feature mainly for global modes that are slow to load and enable.

Company for instance is a powerful completion package, but it also large and takes time to load and enable. On the other hand, completion is not so important for me that I need it immediately, so I delay its initialisation:

(use-package company
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  :idle (global-company-mode))

With this configuration global-company-mode is delayed until Emacs has been idle. As a result, Emacs starts faster: Packages of less importance do not contribute to startup time anymore. They are initialised later, when Emacs doesn’t have to do anything else anyway.

5 Final words

use-package is really a great tool to manage and maintain your init file, which helps to keep even large configurations concise and clean and avoids the dreaded Emacs bankruptcy. Take a look at the Github Page and read its README, which shows even more cool features than this post.

I’d like to thank John Wiegley for this great package, and for all his other work on Emacs!

  1. Strictly speaking, :config is only deferred in some cases, i.e. with :defer t, or when using :bind, :commands or a similar keyword—the documentation has the details. But in almost all cases you want :config to be deferred, so for simplicity let’s assume that :config is always deferred.

  2. Actually, I never managed my packages manually. Before use-package I kept a list of packages at the beginning of my init file, together with some custom code to install all missing packages automatically. This did not work too well, though: Frequently I forgot to update the list when I installed a new package and ended up with load-time errors.

29 Dec 17:53

Phone Checking

'Where were you when you learned you'd won?' 'I was actually asleep; I woke up when I refreshed the webite and saw the news.'
28 Dec 04:41


28 Dec 04:37

Sound advice from a local restaurant. [via]


Uhhh, Brewdebakers made it to the internet?

Sound advice from a local restaurant. [via]

28 Dec 04:33


28 Dec 04:31

So rude… [via]

So rude… [via]

28 Dec 04:25

creative cake Nikon

by Paul

creative cake Nikon

25 Dec 15:09

(photo by PixelWarrior5253)

(photo by PixelWarrior5253)

25 Dec 15:09

There's a lesson here somewhere