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13 Sep 23:40

Wasteland 2, Sequel to Fallout's Predecessor, Launches on September 19 After 26 Years

Sequels in gaming are sometimes referred to as "long-awaited" when it's only been a few years' wait, but here's one example where that really applies: Wasteland 2, the sequel to 1988's Wasteland, will arrive on PC on September 19, its developer announced today.

Brian Fargo, founder of developer InXile Entertainment, announced the date on Twitter today, writing, "Official Wasteland 2 release date... September 19th! The 20+ year wait is soon over." Saying "20+" undersells just how long it's been, as 2014 marks the 26-year anniversary of the original Wasteland's release.

Wasteland 2, which fans successfully funded through Kickstarter in 2012 to the tune of almost $3 million, was originally scheduled to launch this month before it had to be pushed back until September. The RPG has been playable in Steam Early Access for quite some time as InXile updated it with new content, improvements, and bug fixes.

Like Wasteland 2, the original Wasteland was directed by Fargo, who, at the time, worked for Interplay Entertainment. When it was released in 1997, the original Fallout--developed by Fargo and Interplay--was effectively a spiritual successor to Wasteland. Fallout has gone on to become a hugely successful series, thanks in large part to Bethesda's Fallout 3 and Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas, while Wasteland went silent for the better part of two decades.

For more on Wasteland 2, check out our review of the Early Access version from earlier this year, as well as the video above for a discussion with designer Chris Avellone.

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX
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01 Sep 16:17

Leader of the Pack

Leader of the Pack

Submitted by: anselmbe

Tagged: dogs , roomba , funny
26 Aug 13:25

Great Job, Internet!: Watch Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus goof off together

by William Hughes

Reuniting TV’s greatest drug-cooking duo of all timeas well as a one-time Seinfeld power couplethe Television Academy has produced a promotional short for the upcoming Primetime Emmy awards, featuring previous winners Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Cranston and Paul star in the clip as the goofball, dirtbag operators of a “Barely Legal” pawn shop, parodying shows like Pawn Stars, while Louis-Dreyfus plays herself as a cash-strapped actress looking to hock her Emmy.

There are a lot of nods to the actors’ various Emmy wins, all couched within the framework of evaluating Louis-Dreyfus’ statue for resale. It’s all a little smug and self-congratulatory, because, duh, it’s the Emmys. But it’s hard to deny the infectious fun of three of television’s most charismatic stars bouncing silly jokes off of one another.

And honestly, it’s just nice to see Cranston and Paul enjoying ...

26 Aug 13:24

Great Job, Internet!: Watch all of the easter eggs from Guardians Of The Galaxy

by Rob Dean

In the wake of its success, it’s hard to remember a time when Marvel’s Guardians Tf The Galaxy was seen as a huge gamble. The film has grossed over $225 million in the United States in its first three weeks of release and currently has a 92% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. But before it came out, there was a lot of uncertainty how general audiences would feel about the hyperkinetic space opera. That’s because, on paper, Guardians Of The Galaxy is really weird—sentient trees, ships driven by glowing orbs, a mining colony in the head of a dead giant robot god, etc.. For Marvel comic book readers, this is industry standard stuff; and yet audiences at large have embraced the oddities thanks to writer/director’s James Gunn excellent use of humor and emphasis on characterization.

For those who have seen Guardians of the Galaxy but ...

20 Aug 20:50

Grail In Another Castle by Drew Wise!

Shirt Image
20 Aug 20:50

xysciences: Flame tests for Lithium, Strontium, Sodium, Copper...


Flame tests for Lithium, Strontium, Sodium, Copper and Potassium.

20 Aug 20:50

dobeytheshark: Wow Guardians of the Galaxy looks great


Wow Guardians of the Galaxy looks great

20 Aug 20:49

soulslookingforhome: thinksquad: As anger erupted again on the...


This is the recipe for intensifying even more the protests.



As anger erupted again on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, a human rights team from Amnesty International worked on the ground in the US for the first time ever.

Confrontation flared up after an autopsy found that Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager who was fatally shot by an officer on 9 August, had suffered at six bullet wounds including one in the top of his head.

Eye-witnesses report seeing police, with no visible ID badges, hurling tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters and threatening members of the press in another night of demonstrations.

Amnesty International, said it would be observing police and protester activity and gathering testimonies as well as training local activists “on methods of non-violent protest” in an “unprecedented” move by the campaigners.

Amnesty International USA’s Executive Director, Steven W Hawkins said that the “people of Ferguson have the right to protest peacefully the lack of accountability for Michael Brown’s shooting”.

Jasmine Heiss, one of the 13-strong team sent by Amnesty, told Buzzfeed that the limits placed on the organisation’s access to post-curfew areas was indicative of “the overall lack of transparency in this investigation”.

Complex Magazine said that police had opened fire into the crowds without warning three hours before the midnight curfew began, causing some children and members of the media to be hit with tear gas and rubber bullets.

Two black journalists from Complex also said that they had been racially profiled, being refused re-entry into the press area whereas white members of the press had been.

it begins

20 Aug 20:47

Finally, a Use for Big Data: Cracking the Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript might have been dropped to Earth by aliens; it might be a medieval cipher whose mystery outlived anyone who had the key; it also might be a prank and moneymaking scheme by some haggard rare bookseller. But whatever the book actually is, Brazilian scientists are pretty certain that the manuscript's text—which is written in a language and alphabet only found in the Voynich itself—isn't just gibberish. There's meaning in there, and complex network modeling or other big data tools might crack the enigma that has thus far proven unbreakable.

Granted, the work led by Dr. Diego Amancio hasn't yet told us anything new about the manuscript, which is named for the antiquarian who came across the medieval-looking book in 1912, Wilfred Voynich. A professor at University of São Paulo's Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Amancio found evidence that indicates, at least, that the manuscript makes some sort of sense. Beyond just revealing the manuscript's secrets, Amancio's work may help to boost the intelligence of bots past the Turing Test, like the impressive or maybe unimpressive software Eugene Gootsman, which famously sort of passed the test early this year.

“Our research has shown that the Voynich Manuscript presents a great deal of statistical patterns that are similar to those of natural languages,” says Amancio. Besides endorsing the existence of some meaning in the text, his conclusions fly in the face of many theories that treat this piece of work as an elaborate prank made by some old-school braggadocio.

Fraud theories have long loomed over the studies of the manuscript. Chemical analyses prove that the book was crafted between 1404 and 1439, but much of the book's life, like its meaning, remains shrouded. It began its rise to worldwide fame starting at the beginning of the 20th century, with its rediscovery in Italy, by the Polish bookseller Wilfrid Voynich.

Voynich wasn't able to translate the weird book, nor could he find anyone who could. Thanks to his efforts, however, the story of the Voynich Manuscript and its singular Voynichese language has piqued the interest of scientists and cryptographers no less notable than Alan Turing himself. None have succeeded, but people to this day won't give up trying.

It's easy to see why: The Voynich Manuscript boasts around 200 pages written in unknown characters, and filled with sketches of bizarre, unrecognizable plants, naked women diving into weird-ass pools, tentacled creatures, and Zodiac constellations. I mean, what's going on here?

Image: Wikimedia Commons

In his thesis, published on the scientific magazine PLoS One, Amancio applied statistical methods to the text to determine if it was just codified mumbo-jumbo that looks a lot like a text—which frustrated would-be translators have accused it of being—or if its an actual text in an actual language. Instead of considering possible meanings, and attempting to translate, Amancio mapped the words with clusters and connection cables, in what is called complex network modeling.

“In texts, each distinct word represents a vortex. Each words are connected by an edge if they appear close to the other on it”, Amancio said. Programming on C and using the Network 3D software, Amancio managed to create gigantic orbital models in which words and their connections showed themselves according their presence and location within the text.

The researcher attested that the Voynich systems are, in 90 percent of cases, similar to those of other known books such as the Bible, indicating that it’s an actual piece of text in an actual language, and not well planned gibberish. While Voynichese has been accepted as very language-like, at least, by employing concepts such as frequency and intermittence, which measure occurrence and concentration of a term in the text, Amancio was able to discover the manuscript’s keywords.

The gigantic model created by Diego Amancio

What emerged are terms like cthygokeedy, and shedy. Although each original Voynichese letter got an equivalent from the Latin alphabet, the results don't make any sense to human beings yet. Let’s just say that Amancio sees that as an edge piece of a bigger, complicated puzzle. “These words can be studied further by cryptographers and other manuscript scholars," he says.

After so much research, even he can only guess at what the book's actual content says. “I believe it’s a compendium of medieval practices involving medicinal recipes, astrological and metaphysical descriptions and fertility rites, as the images imply,” he says.


The Voynich Manuscript is held at the Beinecke Library at Yale. Amancio saved himself a trip to New Haven, and instead examined the pages of the book through its digital version, which has opened the Voynich to any willing cryptographer with an internet connection.

At the beginning of 2014, Stephen Bax, professor of applied linguistics on Bedforshire University, in the UK, implied that Amancios's hunch is correct after using a totally different approach to the enigma. In an interview with Motherboard, Bax pointed to one of his articles wherein, just like the first Egyptologists, he began establishing meanings starting from capital letters, proper nouns and illustrative images. In this manner, Bax believes he discovered Voynichese words for “bull” and “coriander."

His line of work has attracted a great deal of criticism from other scholars though. The website Cipher Mysteries dismissed Bax as that dude who has come crashing in late to the party. Bax, though, shrugs and goes on trying to break the code. In the end, criticism like this is commonplace on the academic universe, and in the manuscript’s case, which has attracted its share of crackpots, even more so.

Jorge Stolfi, a specialist in natural languages’ processing, has studied the manuscript for seven years. He believes it to be a transcription of an East Asia language, but the Campinas University (Unicamp) professor avoids stating what the book contains for certain. “Even if my hypothesis is correct, I don’t dare foreseeing when it’ll be deciphered," he told FAPESP Magazine in an interview.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Another language specialist raised on a hard sciences diet, Osvaldo Oliveira Jr. is a bit more apprehensive regarding the Manuscript’s translation. The professor and director for USP São Carlos’ Physics Institute is openly enthusiastic about the possibilities presented by research that merge data and machine analysis with complex network modeling though.

“We want to use statistical physics to analyze texts. This is a hardware limitation in 2014, but it may not be so in 2020," he says. Along with Amancio and researchers Eduardo Altmann and Diego Rybski, Osvaldo is a co-author of the article on the manuscript. According to their research, the principles used on the book can also someday be used to identify the authors of unknown documents, as well as determine the most likely meaning for an ambiguous term, and even determine the quality of a translation.

If all it takes is more hardware to crack the Voynich manuscript, whose authorship, meaning, and translation have resisted revelation for over a century, it's time to send some processors to Brazil, stat. Making robotic Russian teenagers is one thing, but this is a whole new language game.

20 Aug 20:44

Lunch Break

by Doug
20 Aug 20:44

twentypixels: Yep. Doing things will just have to wait.


Yep. Doing things will just have to wait.

20 Aug 20:43


20 Aug 20:00

The Difference Between Knowledge and Understanding Is Empathy

by Melanie Pinola

The Difference Between Knowledge and Understanding Is Empathy's Matt Zoller Seitz has penned an excellent piece on what white privilege really means, in response to all the horribleness that has been happening in Ferguson. He reminds us that there's a very big difference between knowing something and truly understanding it.


20 Aug 16:25

Best friend.

by Ryan
20 Aug 16:24

Comic: TV

by Cale Grim

TV shows have good writers, you can tell when the TV is off

The post Comic: TV appeared first on Things in Squares.

20 Aug 16:24

Com seriedade escolhendo o candidato

20 Aug 16:21

The Ultimate Guide to this Fall's Science Fiction and Fantasy TV!

by Meredith Woerner

The Ultimate Guide to this Fall's Science Fiction and Fantasy TV!

This is truly the fall of comic book TV heaven. Gotham, The Flash, Constantine and Arrow dominate the Fall TV line-up, nut there's still plenty of room for new zombie shows and supernatural hoo-haw. Here it is the ultimate list of Fall TV for 2014.


20 Aug 16:21


20 Aug 16:20

When the world sleeps

by Nathan Yau

Jawbone Sleep

An additional hour of sleep can make a huge difference in how you feel the next day (especially when you have kids). It's the ability to concentrate for long periods of time versus the ability to stare at a clock until your next break. I got the Jawbone UP24 band to try to improve on that, and I still wear it every night to better understand my sleep habits.

So, it only seems natural for Jawbone to look closer at how people sleep as a whole in a couple of interactive graphics. Select your city to see how people sleep in your neck of the woods.

Every now and then we see a set of graphics that shows America's sleep habits, based on data from the American Time Use Survey. The Jawbone data is likely more accurate though, which makes it more interesting. The former depends on survey participants' memories and doesn't factor out things like reading in bed. The latter is actual sleep.

Tags: Jawbone, sleep

19 Aug 20:37


by Tom

Facebook wants to buy *evertything* that the kids are using. Because they are afraid that this thing will turn into "the next Facebook".


So this is what it’s like to feel old.

The post Snapchat appeared first on Happy Jar.

19 Aug 16:16

By The Time You See It, You'd Probably Be Dead

by Alex Santoso


Image: Art Wolfe - via Moillusions

You're the leader of an African expedition and danger lurks from every corner. Your team depends on your ability to spot the threat - it may be closer than you think ... can you find it in the photo above, before it finds you?

Renowned Washington-based photographer Art Wolfe (previously on Neatorama) snapped this intriguing photo back in 2010. Leave a comment how long it took you to spot the danger, or whether you see it at all ...

19 Aug 15:46


19 Aug 15:45


19 Aug 15:44

Artist’s Self Portraits Spanning Over Five Years Document The Painful Progression Into Alzheimer’s Disease

by Leslie Tane




Alzheimer’s Disease


Alzheimer’s Disease


Alzheimer’s Disease is sometimes called The Long Goodbye, a gradual loss of memory, self, and eventually, life. When artist William Utermohlen was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s he began to make a series of self-portraits that would continue for five years. Looking at the pictures in chronological order is looking at a life diminished by degrees. As his technical skill ebbed, so did Utermohlen’s apparent sense of self. Still, the urge to create persisted.

In an essay about the self-portraits, Utermohlen’s wife, Pat, wrote:

“In these pictures we see with heart-breaking intensity William’s efforts to explain his altered self, his fears and his sadness. The great talent remains, but the method changes. He sometimes uses water-colour and paints a series of masks, perhaps because he could more quickly express his fear. In both the oils and water-colours these marvellous self portraits express his desperate attempt to understand his condition. There is a new freedom of expression, the paint is applied more thickly, art-historically speaking the artist seems less linear and classical, more expressionist, and I see ghosts of his German heritage.”

Worldwide, nearly 36 million people have Alzheimer’s or a related dementia—almost everyone will be touched by Alzheimer’s in some way during their lifetimes. Although Pat Utermohlen told the New York Times, “It’s so strange to be known for something you’re doing when you’re rather ill,” it was also a testament to William Utermolen’s ability as an artist that he was able to transcend his own experience, even unknowingly, and create work that was at once profound, heart-breaking, and universal.













The post Artist’s Self Portraits Spanning Over Five Years Document The Painful Progression Into Alzheimer’s Disease appeared first on Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design.

19 Aug 15:43

Newswire: The Mountain from Game Of Thrones is now Europe’s Strongest Man

by Sam Barsanti

Some news stories are so surprising that they deserve to be told to as many people as possible, some are so obvious that reporting them at all seems unnecessary, and some just seem so right that it’s a wonder they didn’t happen before. Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson—The Mountain from Game Of Thrones—winning the Europe’s Strongest Man competition actually seems to fit into all three. It’s surprising because he’s a guy from TV, it’s obvious because he’s a massively huge guy from TV, and it’s right because we all saw him squish a man’s head like a grape a few months ago. Sure, that wasn’t real, but after seeing the highlight reel that News Of Iceland recently posted, it’s a safe bet that he could also do it in real life.

Björnsson’s feats of strength are certainly impressive ...

19 Aug 15:41

After the 5th cup of coffee

by sharhalakis

by uaiHebert

19 Aug 15:40

Yes, yes you may! #9gag

Yes, yes you may! #9gag

19 Aug 15:40

Started using my Gym card today. #9gag

Started using my Gym card today. #9gag

19 Aug 15:36

dog philosophy

by Ian

dog philosophy

19 Aug 15:33

Come on Barbie, let’s go party. #9gag

Come on Barbie, let’s go party. #9gag