Shared posts

19 Sep 08:08

The last slice of pizza...

19 Sep 08:06

Husbands Have Needed Looking After for a Long Time

19 Sep 07:55

o pintinho em: mais um dia na clínica gérson, publicado na folha...

o pintinho em: mais um dia na clínica gérson, publicado na folha na segunda.

19 Sep 07:53

on research

by kris



“63 Animated GIFs That Explain the Death of Journalism,” Buzzfeed

19 Sep 07:42


19 Sep 07:37

Artificial sweeteners may leave their users glucose intolerant

by John Timmer

People who are watching their weight will often opt for a diet soda, reasoning that the fewer calories, the better. But the availability of drinks and foods made with artificial sweeteners like saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame hasn't seemed to help much with our booming obesity levels. Now, some researchers might have identified a reason for this: the sweeteners leave their users with elevated blood glucose levels. But they don't seem to act directly on human metabolism. Instead, the effects come through alterations in the bacterial populations that live inside us.

The paper that describes this work, which was performed by a large collaboration of researchers from Israel, is being released by Nature today. The researchers note that epidemiological studies about the effects of artificial sweeteners have produced mixed results; some show a benefit, while others indicate that they're associated with weight gain and diabetes risk. Given that human populations haven't given us a clear answer, the researchers turned to mice, where they could do a carefully controlled study.

They started taking a group of genetically matched mice and spiking their drinking water with either sucrose or a commercial prep of an artificial sweetener (either saccharin, sucralose, or aspartame). After five weeks, they checked the blood glucose levels of these animals. Eleven weeks later, the groups that were given the artificial sweeteners all had elevated blood glucose levels compared to those that received sucrose. This is typically a sign of metabolic problems, most often caused by insulin losing its effectiveness. It can be a precursor to type 2 diabetes.

Read 10 remaining paragraphs | Comments

19 Sep 06:26


by Doug


Pirate week continues! Tomorrow’s the big day!

18 Sep 21:11

Being the single developer

by sharhalakis

by Aaron

18 Sep 21:11

We've Come a Long Way With Free Music and U2

We've Come a Long Way With Free Music and U2

Submitted by: (via rapcatmixer)

Tagged: u2 , Music , iTunes , piracy , free stuff
17 Sep 21:20

Casualties of Ebola epidemic on a log...

Casualties of Ebola epidemic on a log scale

17 Sep 20:04

My Phone is Dying

When it explodes, it will cast off its outer layers, leaving behind nothing but a slowly fading PalmPilot, calculator, or two-way pager.
17 Sep 00:07

4gifs: (V) (ಠ„,ಠ) (V) woop woop woop


(V) (ಠ„,ಠ) (V)

woop woop woop

17 Sep 00:06


16 Sep 23:05

The original Ghostbusters trailer was a “commerical” with a...

The original Ghostbusters trailer was a “commerical” with a 1-800 number that led to a recording of Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd. The number reportedly received 1,000 calls an hour, 24 hours a day, for 6 weeks straight. Source

16 Sep 18:36

We're Done With Doge Now, Everyone Go Home

We're Done With Doge Now, Everyone Go Home

Submitted by: (via jamiew)

16 Sep 18:35

onlylolgifs: Dog Tries to Drink Water From iPad


Dog Tries to Drink Water From iPad

16 Sep 18:34

Contando mentiras com verdades

16 Sep 17:52


16 Sep 17:28

Veja algumas construções espetaculares construídas em Minecraft


Minecraft ainda é um jogo intrigante, que desperta a dúvida em muitos de nós a respeito do real valor da recente aquisição da Microsoft, que anunciou hoje a compra da Mojang (empresa produtora do game) por US$ 2,5 bilhões de dólares.

O game já existe a alguns anos, e seu universo de criações vai além das melhores expectativas sobre ele. Confira abaixo algumas das mais impressionantes criações em Minecraft:


Game of Thrones: O grupo de criação WesterosCraft está em uma missão de reconstruir o universo de George RR Martin em the Game of Thrones. O objetivo é proporcionar um cenário de jogatina no mundo da ficção.

Game of Thrones


Computador funcional de 16-bit: Um usuário ohmganesha de Minecraft constriu um computador de 16 bits funcional em apenas duas semanas. A máquina virtual inclui 32 bytes de RAM e 256 bytes de ROM (Read-Only Memory).

16-Bit Computer


Catedral: Patrix, o arquiteto do edifício, disse que levou apenas algumas noites para construir. Ele acrescentou que nunca tinha ido a uma catedral na vida real.



HDD funcional: O disco rígido de Cody Littley pode armazenar um único kilobyte de dados, que pode parecer inexpressivo quando comparado com os HDDs atuais, até você considerar que o autor - um estudante de PhD em ciência da computação – construiu essa maravilha peça por peça.

Hard Drive


Aurora City: Os artistas por trás do projeto Aurora City admitiram que ela poderá nunca ser concluída, e a magnitude das paisagens urbanas dão a ideia de como tudo isso é trabalhoso. Caso se interesse, aqui tem mais screenshots.



Mapeamento da Dinamarca: A busca do governo dinamarquês para ter todo o país mapeado em Minecraft foi desenvolvido para ajudar a educar as crianças. No entanto, o projeto foi virtualmente vandalizado, com pedaços da paisagem explodido usando “dinamite” virtual.

All of Denmark


Guitarra funcional: É isso mesmo, e você pode vê-la funcionando aqui. Não parece muito com o som de uma guitarra, mas o esforço de produção vale a pena ser conferido.

Playable Guitar


Junto com Minecraft a Microsoft tem agora a missão de gerenciar uma comunidade de criadores extremamente dedicados, competentes e criativos, a ponto de construírem maravilhas virtuais apenas com blocos. É com eles que a Microsoft terá o maior desafio, continuando a prover as ferramentas necessárias para todas as mentes criativas.

The post Veja algumas construções espetaculares construídas em Minecraft appeared first on PXB.

16 Sep 17:03

10 Reasons to Hate Capitalism


I only partially agree with "Capitalism is not a friend to democracy but ultimately its enemy. When pushed, capitalists choose capitalism over democracy. If people use democracy to weaken the power of capitalists the rich and powerful turn to various forms of fascism in order to keep their privileges."

Because I think that first, before trying a fascism, the corporations try very hard to subvert and dominate "democracy" through using "political donations", lobby money and propaganda.

10. Capitalist corporations suffer from a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and are rewarded by shareholders for acting that way. If corporations could be sent to a criminal psychologist’s office they’d be diagnosed as psychopaths and locked away forever.

16 Sep 16:26

I thought that only people do this.


The carpet is lava.

16 Sep 16:18

Why Atheists Need Captain Kirk

by Soulskill

Ninety-nine knights of the air
Riding super high-tech jet fighters
Everyone's a super hero
Everyone's a Captain Kirk

New submitter anlashok writes: Atheism and science face a real challenge: To frame an account of science, or nature, that leaves room for meaning. According to this article, atheists have pinned their flag to Mr. Spock's mast. But they need Captain Kirk. Quoting: "I'm pro-science, but I'm against what I'll call "Spock-ism," after the character from the TV show Star Trek. I reject the idea that science is logical, purely rational, that it is detached and value-free, and that it is, for all these reasons, morally superior. Spock-ism gives us a false picture of science. It gives us a false picture of humankind's situation. We are not disinterested knowers. The natural world is not a puzzle. ... The big challenge for atheism is not God; it is that of providing an alternative to Spock-ism. We need an account of our place in the world that leaves room for value."

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16 Sep 16:14

I feel sometimes as if I were a child who opens its eyes on the world once and sees amazing things it will never know any names for and then has to close its eyes again

by but does it float
Paintings by František Muzika Title: John Ames in Gilead Will 50 Watts
16 Sep 16:13

My thoughts after hearing about Apple Pay

16 Sep 16:12

Художник Олег Чучупа: «Услышать восток»

16 Sep 16:09

Artificial Spleen Removes Ebola, HIV Viruses and Toxins From Blood Using Magnets

by samzenpus


concertina226 writes Harvard scientists have invented a new artificial spleen that is able to clear toxins, fungi and deadly pathogens such as Ebola from human blood, which could potentially save millions of lives. When antibiotics are used to kill them, dying viruses release toxins in the blood that begin to multiply quickly, causing sepsis, a life-threatening condition whereby the immune system overreacts, causing blood clotting, organ damage and inflammation. To overcome this, researchers have invented a "biospleen", a device similar to a dialysis machine that makes use of magnetic nanobeads measuring 128 nanometres in diameter (one-five hundredths the width of a single human hair) coated with mannose-binding lectin (MBL), a type of genetically engineered human blood protein.

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16 Sep 16:07

thefingerfuckingfemalefury: SLEEP TIME IS NOW SWEET DREAMS...







15 Sep 20:49

The Chicken and the Egg

The Chicken and the Egg

Submitted by: (via

15 Sep 20:36

Why parents are raising their kids on Minecraft

by Ben Popper

Back in June of 2011, David Pakman’s daughter and son, at the time age 10 and eight, asked him for a copy of Minecraft. “At the time I didn’t know what that was, so I checked it out, thought it was kinda like digital Legos, and agreed to get it,” says Pakman, a tech entrepreneur and investor. Pretty soon Pakman’s son joined them a few times, and got hooked. So that the family could play together, Pakman set up his own server, hosting a private community for the three of them. Slowly, his children’s friends began to join, and three years later, there are more than 100 kids and parents from around his neighborhood who log on to Pakman’s server. They built churches, libraries, airports, castles, and farms. “It’s the basis for a huge amount of the interaction that happens between the kids in town.”

With its purchase of Mojang, the parent company behind Minecraft for $2 billion, Microsoft is gaining a profitable, fast growing company. Mojang reportedly book over $100 million in profit last year and has just 100 employees. Minecraft offers Microsoft a platform with strong elements of social and mobile usage, two areas where they have struggled so far. But perhaps most importantly, Minecraft gives Microsoft an intergenerational success story that few other games or services can replicate. The Verge spoke with dozens of parents who see Minecraft not only as an incredible tool for bonding with their children, but a gateway to education in computer science that could restore some appeal to the Microsoft brand for the next generation. Ari Paparo, an ad-tech entrepreneur in New York, plays Minecraft with his own children. “My eight year-old son says: ‘If Apple wanted to get cooler they would buy Minecraft instead of Beats.’"

Easy to learn, impossible to lose

In Minecraft, users move around a virtual world, harvesting resources like wood, gold, and iron ore that they can use to build whatever they like. Everything is made of textured 3D cubes. The graphics are extremely low-fi. There are bad guys to watch out for and defeat, and technically a dragon you can slay to beat the game, but what has captivated millions is the total freedom Minecraft offers to wander around and build, often collaboratively, a huge world of you own. "It’s not a game exactly, or a social network, although it has elements of both," says Pakman. "It’s a canvas that offers near total freedom to build your own world, and that has turned out to be extremely appealing to a lot of kids and adults."

Steven Sorka, a 36-year-old software developer from Toronto, has never beaten Minecraft, at least not without cheating. He always gets killed by the Ender Dragon, but it doesn’t matter. "You can spend a lot of time enchanting swords and trying to defeat the Ender dragon. But lots of kids are also perfectly happy just riding pigs, building houses, and exploring cities," says Sorka, who plays with his 20-year-old stepson and 11-year-old daughter. He sees the game’s flexibility as the key. "There are other games that have crossed generations, but Minecraft seems to be a perfect storm of Lego and adventure that has appeal for all."

Another big reason Minecraft appeals to younger players is that it’s easy to learn and impossible to lose. "There’s no minimum skill level," says Sorka. "If you die, you respawn. Maybe you dropped some stuff, but that probably doesn’t matter if you just like running around and following your big brother." He has played with big groups of adult friends, but now spends the majority of his time playing with his children and their cousins. "I’d love to play more video games with them, but there’s few that have a low barrier to entry and capture the attention of young ones."

Of course, just because you can’t lose doesn’t mean things can’t go wrong. Just like at school, in any group of kids there will be a few bullies, known as "griefers" in Minecraft parlance. But because parents can set up their own servers for their children to play on, they can exert a level of control and protection that isn’t always possible in the real world. "I got a frantic call at work," remembers Pakman. "Some kids had come into the server and were destroying homes and killing players. So, I banned a few of the wrong-doers. Now we have griefing-protection tools and anti-cheat technology on the server to help bring a little order to the world. Not too much, but just enough to keep the community healthy."

Mods, makers, hacking, and learning

A lot of parents are especially happy to spend time and money on Minecraft for their kids because they see it as a teaching tool. Minecraft teaches kids about architecture, and players can use something called redstone circuits to create simple mechanical devices, even entire computers, out of Minecraft blocks. And while Mojang offers a number of different versions and upgrades of Minecraft to download, the incredible variety of worlds to explore and items you can build comes from "mods", modified software created by the community that can be installed on a server to reshape that world or the rules that govern it. For many young players, mods become a gateway to the world of computer programming, something parents, and perhaps Microsoft as well, are keen to encourage.

"It felt like playing LEGO with him."

Peter Grace says his son became interested around the age of three after him play. "He became very fond of the game very quickly, as many kids with autism do." Grace started a family-friendly server called, which now has a few dozen dedicated regulars. "It has definitely prompted my son to want to build custom mods for Minecraft. I just recently purchased a beginning programming book for him so that he can get the basics before we move on to Java."

Trei Brundrett, the chief product officer at The Verge’s parent company, Vox, played with his two sons Aedan and Jospeh. They started out by sitting together on the couch playing in the same world over a local LAN network. "It felt like playing LEGO with him, but obviously much more interactive. We'd spend hours building giant cities, dividing up responsibility for different parts that would connect together." Soon, however, the boys wanted to progress to custom games, which meant adding on mods, software that changes the physics, materials, and rules inside your Minecraft universe. "Aeden taught himself how to find, download and install the mods on his own local machine. He quickly cycled through many of them. And inevitably he wanted to make his own."

For a while Aedan just watched as Brundrett learned the basics of how to create mods. Then he enrolled in a summer camp to learn Java. "Eventually he created his own simple mod - just his own block that he could insert into the world. The mystery of programming, of software, of Minecraft and mods disappeared. I've never seen him more proud. And man I was proud too - my kid didn't just play a game on his computer, he had hacked it - just like I did on my Apple IIe. Sitting next to my kid writing code, hacking on a game together is an amazing experience."

Minecraft village via Flickr

Minecraft village via Flickr

Minecraft village via Flickr

Microsoft as manager

Microsoft is not doubt eager to own a profitable game which can give them a foothold among young consumers, especially a platform with strong social and mobile elements. Minecraft has consistently been one of the most downloaded apps in the paid category on iOS and Android. But Brundrett and many other parents thinks it goes much deeper than that. "Honestly, I think there is a Minecraft generation, one that is learning that you don't just have to use computers, that you can make things with these machines, that you can hack it."

There have been more than 12 million downloads of Minecraft on the Xbox console, and over 16.6 million copies sold for Mac and PC. Hacking Minecraft requires owning an honest to goodness computer, not a tablet or smartphone. That’s a potential upside for desktop operating systems like Windows. Hacking also means learning about how servers and APIs work. If kids are learning that stuff while interacting with Microsoft’s cloud, they might be more willing to use it other services and products down the road.

"Honestly, I think there is a Minecraft generation."

Whether Microsoft can maintain the momentum of Minecraft, and perhaps absorb some of it’s goodwill, remains to be seen. "I really do worry that Microsoft may not understand this ecosystem," says Brundrett. "However, as someone who worked quite a bit for Microsoft (through my own software firm) I know they that do get what it means to create a turn-key world for their developers with great tools and documentation." Brundrett, like many techie parents, says there is plenty of room for improving how players interact with Minecraft and how different communities play together.

But fixing all the rough edges, could also lessen the charm. "It just might not be the same as having to sort through the mess," Brundrett says. "There is something unique about not just following instructions, but bridging the gaps through extra research, wild leaps of experimentation."

15 Sep 20:34

Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror to return for a Christmas special on Channel 4

Charlie Brooker’s Emmy-winning drama Black Mirror is returning with a feature-length Christmas special called Yuletide.

Three interwoven stories will come together in the new film which Channel 4 says is “the most mind-bending Black Mirror yet”. The drama has not yet been cast.

Brooker said: "I always enjoy a good ghost story at Christmas, and I'm a sucker for the Amicus’ compendium horror movies of the 70s. Our aim is to create the Black Mirror equivalent of that."

Phil Clarke, Channel 4’s head of comedy, added: “I’m delighted that we have a Black Mirror Special this Christmas. Charlie Brooker has penned a dystopian future festive tale, that intertwines three stories to deliver a dramatic and thrilling twist. It’s satirical, comic, disturbing, and thought provoking. Not to be missed.”

The anthology show, which is ironically made by the channel's comedy department, began life in 2011 and has already aired two series of three episodes each.

Brooker has written most of them, including all of series two, but the episode The Entire History of You from series one was written by Peep Show writer Jesse Armstrong.

Black Mirror explores the sinister and troubling side of technology in self-contained stories with different cast members.

In series one, t The National Anthem concerned a fictional Prime Minister played by Rory Kinnear who was forced to have sex with a pig in order to save the life of an (also fictional) member of the royal family.

In series two, the episode Be Right Back saw Hayley Attwell play a grieving girlfriend who buys a robot to take the place of her dead boyfriend.

In February, broke the news that a single episode of Black Mirror was planned for this year – and with the festive timing it appears C4 has got it in under the wire just in time.