Shared posts

31 Jan 16:09

I'm willing to risk it

24 Jan 15:51

Severely Underappreciated Profession


Severely Underappreciated Profession

I have a feeling there's a lot of tech support workers out there cringing a little at my portrayal of the kinds of questions they'd ask.

22 Jan 14:04

Hurr durr, I'm a dog

21 Jan 11:53

atomstargazer: Science enthusiasm in kids and teenagers, more...


Science enthusiasm in kids and teenagers, more two stories of year 2012 | Picture edited via Sci-Tech

10-Year-Old Accidentally Creates New Molecule in Science Class

Clara Lazen is the discoverer of tetranitratoxycarbon, a molecule constructed of, obviously, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. It’s got some interesting possible properties, ranging from use as an explosive to energy storage. Lazen is listed as the co-author of a recent paper on the molecule. But that’s not what’s so interesting and inspiring about this story. What’s so unusual here is that Clara Lazen is a ten-year-old fifth-grader in Kansas City, MO.

Kenneth Boehr, Clara’s science teacher, handed out the usual ball-and-stick models used to visualize simple molecules to his fifth-grade class. But Clara put the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms together in a particular complex way and asked Boehr if she’d made a real molecule. Boehr, to his surprise, wasn’t sure. So he photographed the model and sent it over to a chemist friend at Humboldt State University who identified it as a wholly new but also wholly viable chemical.

Sixteen-year-old Azza Abdel Hamid Faiad has found that an inexpensive catalyst could be used to create $78 million worth of biofuel each year. Egypt’s plastic consumption is estimated to total one million tons per year, so Azza’s proposal could transform the country’s economy, allowing it to make money from recycled plastic.
What Azza proposes is to break down the plastic polymers found in drinks bottles and general waste and turn them into biofuel feedstock. (This is the bulk raw material that generally used for producing biofuel.) It should be noted that this is not a particularly new idea, but what makes Azza stand out from the crowd is the catalyst that she is proposing. She says that she has found a high-yield catalyst called aluminosilicate, that will break down plastic waste and also produce gaseous products like methane, propane and ethane, which can then be converted into ethanol.

Speaking about the breakthrough, Azza said that the technology could “provide an economically efficient method for production of hydrocarbon fuel” including 40,000 tons per year of cracked naptha and 138,000 tons of hydrocarbon gasses – the equivalent of $78 million in biofuel.
21 Jan 11:11

o samba não é do gugu, o samba não é do faustão "

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
o samba não é do gugu, o samba não é do faustão "
21 Jan 11:11

mais problemas com the walking dead

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
mais problemas com the walking dead
20 Jan 01:58

RT @Toalha42: Li por aí #microconto - Como vocês lidam com a procrastinação? - Deixo...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
RT @Toalha42: Li por aí #microconto - Como vocês lidam com a procrastinação? - Deixo pra resolver amanhã. @SnowRaptor
20 Jan 01:58

Não dá pra contar com a vitória antes do tempo.

by Zanfa


19 Jan 12:14

Mesmo sem olhar, dá pra perceber que é o Moffat quem está escrevendo

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Mesmo sem olhar, dá pra perceber que é o Moffat quem está escrevendo
19 Jan 12:14

RT @maguirekevin: Right now, all the Hollywood execs are screaming at their assistants...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Twitter Web Client
RT @maguirekevin: Right now, all the Hollywood execs are screaming at their assistants "Do we have any scripts about snipers?!"
19 Jan 01:19

Like in the movies

18 Jan 21:30

If light was liquid [Via]

If light was liquid [Via]

18 Jan 20:23

Rose Tyler e Marta Jones só serviam pra babar pelo Doctor, e Marta foi ainda mais...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Rose Tyler e Marta Jones só serviam pra babar pelo Doctor, e Marta foi ainda mais pamonha. Aí teve um episódio...
18 Jan 13:15

dogblog2k15: Ground Control: Major Tom? Major Tom: new phone who dis?


Ground Control: Major Tom?
Major Tom: new phone who dis?

18 Jan 12:43

Ha entrado en pánico y ha improvisado por @JoseAlbertoCr

18 Jan 12:43

RT @ohhprongs: eu tenho um nojo de trote de faculdade coisa ridícula

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @ohhprongs: eu tenho um nojo de trote de faculdade coisa ridícula
18 Jan 01:36

oh my god, jerry!

17 Jan 21:23

Mas Doctor Who é sempre igual! Agora ele está na época de Sheakspear e descobrindo...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Mas Doctor Who é sempre igual! Agora ele está na época de Sheakspear e descobrindo que todos os bonecos do fuleco são demônios!
17 Jan 21:23

Do you wanna build a snowman? ♪ It's easy if you try ♪ no hell below us ♪ it doesn't...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Do you wanna build a snowman? ♪ It's easy if you try ♪ no hell below us ♪ it doesn't have to be a snowman
17 Jan 16:07

je suis

by (the realist)
after the devastating tragic events in paris every artist on the planet looked differently at their pencils. so did i. 

here is the initial sketch. for more process please consider joining my patreon project.

and this page was done for Telerama.

17 Jan 16:07

Hoje a jiripeppa vai pigar ♪ vai pigar a noite inteira

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Hoje a jiripeppa vai pigar ♪ vai pigar a noite inteira
17 Jan 16:07

Deu uma vontade agora de escrever um livro sobre dinosauros que destroem criptomoedas,...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Deu uma vontade agora de escrever um livro sobre dinosauros que destroem criptomoedas, pronto, passou.
17 Jan 16:07

seph-on-an-irrational-planet: bogleech: David Wong did an AMA...



David Wong did an AMA not long ago about being’s head editor, and had some great things to say in response to repeated accusations of the site being “liberall biased” or “social justice flavored.” Includes admitting to and working on problematic attitudes, something rare and exceptional among anyone in entertainment.

Whatever you think of Cracked or any of David Wong’s work, at least read the last paragraph here.

"I don’t want to work for a site that stomps people who are already down."

That’s it, that’s what every content creator should be saying.

His comment about a creator’s politics existing in their art whether we like it or not is so important given Gamergate and the like.

It is actively impossible to make something purely apolitical so saying “I don’t want politics in my games/films/literature/media/reviews” you’re really asking for politics you personally agree with so it flies under your radar and everyone else should shut up.

o cara é bom, gente!

15 Jan 17:02

How devs must imagine end users

Osias Jota

isso nem é imaginação

15 Jan 00:48

Eu não sou a Peppa mas hoje estou pigando de suor

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Eu não sou a Peppa mas hoje estou pigando de suor
15 Jan 00:48

RT @synthzoid: Al-Qaeda reivindica tudo, parece aquele seu amigo que tira foto com...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
RT @synthzoid: Al-Qaeda reivindica tudo, parece aquele seu amigo que tira foto com mina na balada e fala "orra, peguei ela na festa top mêo"
15 Jan 00:48

Five thoughts on software

by Seth Godin

My first real job was making educational computer games--thirty years ago. In those days, we had to deal with floppy drives bursting into flame and hardware platforms that had a useful life of two years, not two decades. A lot has settled down, but there's a ton left to do.

1. I know you're not backing up often enough... no one does. But computers should be smart enough that you don't have to. I stopped backing up by using Dropbox instead. I keep every single data file in my dropbox, and it's automatically duplicated in the cloud, and then my backup computer (in the scheme of losing a week or more of work, a backup computer is a smart thing) has a mirror image of all my stuff.

2. Removing features to make software simpler doesn't always make it better. You could, for example, make a hammer simpler by removing the nail puller on the other side. But that makes a useful tool less useful.

The network effect, combined with the low marginal cost of software, means that there's a race to have 'everyone' use a given piece of software. And while that may make business sense, it doesn't always make a great tool. I'm glad that the guys who make Nisus chose powerful over popular.

The argument goes that making software powerful rarely pays off, because most users refuse to take the time to learn how to use it well. The violin and the piano, though, seem to permit us to create amazing music, if we care enough. The trick is to be both powerful and simple, which takes effort.

3. It's entirely possible to find great software that isn't from a huge company. Products like Sketch deserve a wide audience, and just as a successful market for indie music makes all music better, indie software is worth using (and paying for).

4. Paying for tools is a smart choice. If programs like Keynote and were actually profit centers for Apple, I would imagine that we'd have far better support, fewer long-term bugs and and most of all, a vibrant, ongoing effort to make them better. (Not to mention neglected and abandoned services like Feedburner and Google Reader). 

The irony is that the first generation of PC software marketing was an endless cash grab, overpriced software that was updated too often, merely to generate upgrade fees to feed a behemoth. In the age of network effects, we swung too far in the direction of free software and the lack of care that sometimes comes with the beggars-can't-be-choosers mindset.

I wonder what happens if organizations that buy in bulk insist on buying software worth paying for?

5. Most of all, software as a whole just isn't good enough. There have been a few magical leaps in the evolution of software, products and operating systems that dramatically improved productivity and yes, joy among users. But given how cheap (compared to cars, building materials or appliances) it is to revamp and reinvent software, and how urgent it is to create tools that increase the quality of what we make, we're way too complacement.

Fix all bugs. Yes, definitely. But more important, restate the minimum standards for good enough to be a lot higher than they are.

We need better design, more rigor and most of all, higher aspirations for what our tools can do.

15 Jan 00:48

ainda bem que não apareci no começo do vídeo, fui só mencinado :P ""...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
ainda bem que não apareci no começo do vídeo, fui só mencinado :P ""
15 Jan 00:48

Outro desejo do meu coração: queria ser capaz de estender o meu estudo a um nível mais argumentativo...

by Clauber Silva
Outro desejo do meu coração: queria ser capaz de estender o meu estudo a um nível mais argumentativo e reflexivo. Mas como não tenho formação em política, economia ou administração, eu fico bastante limitado a apenas descrever o sistema previdenciário, trabalho suficiente apenas para transformar os dados em informação, por meio dos infográficos.
15 Jan 00:24

Watch The Astonishing Tribal Dances Of Ivory Coast

by Vincze Miklós

Watch The Astonishing Tribal Dances Of Ivory Coast

One of Ivory Coast's biggest festivals is Fêtes des Masques, in which villages compete to find the best dancers, and it's clear that the competition is stiff. The traditional dances of many Ivorian regions require remarkable feats of athleticism, of accentuated by elaborate outfits and masks