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05 Jun 17:12

[Sponsor] Biosphere 2

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

This is a classic example of why we can't get along on the OUTSIDE. If we can't make such a small space work, of course we're going to have problems out here.

Over twenty years ago, a group of scientists, entrepreneurs, philosophers, and free-thinkers put their minds and resources together to create a singular and lasting testament to an unfashionable notion: science and exploration, having become hyper-specialized and incremental, needed a return to big ideas and leaps of faith. They wanted to explore what few were discussing at the time. Things like climate change. Space colonization. And they were going to explore these ideas in a three-acre geodesic living laboratory called Biosphere 2 that mimicked the biomes of the earth. Between 1987 and 1991, they built it from scratch, a veritable ark in the American desert. Eight people sealed themselves inside for two years, harvesting all their food, producing most of their oxygen, and recycling all of their waste. It was a remarkable experiment. And yet the one variable they did not account for was perhaps the most obvious: themselves.

Read  about what happened and learn more about Biosphere 2 at The Avant/Garde Diaries.[Sponsor] Biosphere 2 sponsor

05 Jun 17:05

fuck yeah dementia!!1!

by ladybird13
05 Jun 17:05

Rosie Hardy | Fubiz™

by prashanth
05 Jun 17:05

fuck yeah dementia!!1!

by awallofbooks
05 Jun 09:24


05 Jun 09:24



05 Jun 09:24


05 Jun 09:20

We know who we are and what we want to say.

by slauren
04 Jun 23:26

Tiny Terror

04 Jun 22:22


by walkman
04 Jun 20:09


by Matthew Inman
Cooper Griggs

These are hilariously wrong. LOL!



04 Jun 20:07

Long Exposure Photographs of Fireflies in the Forests of Nagoya City by Yume Cyan

by Christopher Jobson

Long Exposure Photographs of Fireflies in the Forests of Nagoya City by Yume Cyan long exposure Japan fireflies

Long Exposure Photographs of Fireflies in the Forests of Nagoya City by Yume Cyan long exposure Japan fireflies

Long Exposure Photographs of Fireflies in the Forests of Nagoya City by Yume Cyan long exposure Japan fireflies

Long Exposure Photographs of Fireflies in the Forests of Nagoya City by Yume Cyan long exposure Japan fireflies

Long Exposure Photographs of Fireflies in the Forests of Nagoya City by Yume Cyan long exposure Japan fireflies

For the last month or so photographer Yume Cyan has been shooting some magical long exposure photographs of fireflies in a forested area around Nagoya City, Japan. By keeping the camera’s shutter open at a low aperture Cyan captures every bioluminescent flash of each insect resulting in dotted light trails that criss-cross the frame. You may remember a similar series of photographs also shot in Japan from back in 2011. You can see these a bit larger over on 500px.

04 Jun 18:38

Gas-mask dervish: #occupygezi

by Cory Doctorow

Mathilda sez, "In this photo by Twitter user @joeman24, a gas-mask wearing Dervish dances in front of protesters in Turkey."

A gas-mask wearing Whirling Dervish shows support for protesters in #Turkey


04 Jun 18:16

Gorilla Research

by Doug

Gorilla Science

More gorillas.

04 Jun 18:16

Elon Musk Conceives New 'Hyperloop' Transportation System: Neither Plane, Train, Boat Nor Car. Is it ET3?


Last year at an event in Los Angeles, Tesla CEO Elon Musk revealed he'd come up with the idea for an entirely new form of transportation. He called it the Hyperloop, and here's how he described it:

...How would you like something that can never crash, is immune to weather, goes 3 or 4 times faster than the bullet train... it goes an average speed of twice what an aircraft would do. You would go from downtown LA to downtown San Francisco in under 30 minutes. It would cost you much less than an air ticket than any other mode of transport. I think we could actually make it self-powering if you put solar panels on it, you generate more power than you would consume in the system. There's a way to store the power so it would run 24/7 without using batteries. Yes, this is possible, absolutely.

Naturally this got people's curiosity up, and at this week's AllThingsD conference he was asked about it again. Not wanting to divert attention from Tesla, he briefly allowed that the Hyperloop would be a "cross between a Concorde, a railgun and an air hockey table."

This sounds a lot like the futuristic ET3, or Evacuated Tube Transport Technology, we wrote up last year (pictured directly below and up top).



04 Jun 17:25


04 Jun 17:25


04 Jun 17:24


04 Jun 17:23

If This Cute Cheerios Ad Causes Drama, What Won’t? On...

If This Cute Cheerios Ad Causes Drama, What Won’t?

On Thursday, blogger Monica Mingo featuring an interracial family, noting that it was causing a stir and asking readers if it bothered them.

I watched and couldn’t understand what about the video might be bothersome. As commenter Roslyn Holcomb wrote: “Cute. Causing a stir where? 1956?”

also, if you haven’t heard of npr’s new code switch “race, culture and ethnicity” blog, take a gander.

04 Jun 17:21

Turkish Protests Documented through Instagram On May 31, three...

Turkish Protests Documented through Instagram

On May 31, three days after demonstrators set up camp in Istanbul’s Gezi Park to protest the development of a new shopping mall, police dispersed the crowd with water cannons and tear gas, setting off the most significant wave of protests in Turkey’s recent history.

Tapping into deeper cultural divisions and discontent, demonstrations have spread throughout Turkey, where protestors and bystanders alike have been documenting the skirmishes through Instagram.

View more photos from Istanbul by visiting locations pages for Gezi Park, İstiklal Caddesi and Kazancı Yokuşu. See photos from Ankara by visiting the Tunalı Hilmi Caddesi and Kuğulu Park location pages.

04 Jun 17:21

Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome

by iamn0one
04 Jun 17:21

Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome

by iamn0one
Cooper Griggs

Chewy is the mechanic after all

04 Jun 17:15


by simonr
04 Jun 17:15


by slorenlaboy
Cooper Griggs


04 Jun 08:17

lilmoongodess: gurillafan: toastedpopsicle: madmadamemolly: ...








What gay men give to the world.  A-yup.

On the second one.

There’s this one gay club I go to that actually has a problem of straight guys going there to dance with girls.  I guess these guys don’t understand that girls can also be gay, because they assume that any girls at the club are there with their gay guy friends.

So one night I was out on the dance floor, and I see this guy.  He’s like over six-foot, at least, all beefed-up, muscle shirt, looks kindof like a douchebag.  And he’s just circling the dance floor, in one continuous loop, looking at the crowd like a predator, and it’s creeping me the fuck out.

It’s creeping me out enough that I don’t immediately realize what’s going on nearby.  Some girl has attracted one of the Assholes, who has proceeded to begin grinding on her.  She’s pushing him away, telling him to get lost.  He’s pulling that whole, “come on, don’t be a bitch” spiel, and generally just not getting the message.

BAM.  Suddenly, the prowling guy swoops in, like some sort of Gay Avenger.  He shoves himself between the girl and the Asshole, grabs the Asshole by the hips, and starts dirty dancing him like a God-damned fuck machine.  Asshole completely flips his shit, like how DARE another man try to dance with him at a GAY BAR???, starts spitting curses, and tears ass off the dance floor and out onto the sidewalk.

The Gay Avenger turns back to the girl, inclines his head in an, “are you okay?” sort of gesture.  She nods, and he returns to his previous position of circling the dance floor, looking for his next target.

Told this story to some guys upstairs.  Apparently Gay Avenger is a regular there.

someone write a comic book about Gay Avenger.

Reblogging for Gay Avenger

Oh my god you got to meet Steve Rogers.

just for the gay avenger.

04 Jun 07:50

Bald Spot

Cooper Griggs

genital baldness?

Were Monsanto cucumbers banned in Nova Scotia after a study found they caused genital baldness?
04 Jun 07:48


04 Jun 00:46

When I look like shit in public and see my crush...


04 Jun 00:45


04 Jun 00:45
