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23 Jul 10:09

Schumacher using eyelash flutters to communicate

by Christofer Lloyd

23 Jul 09:49

LG's rollable TVs are (predictably) very flexible

by Mat Smith
Remember when LG announced that it had managed to create a rollable 18-inch display? Well, here's the proof: a very much flexible OLED display. The resolution might not be there yet (1,200 x 810, alas) but the hopes and dreams of a picnic-blanket TV...
23 Jul 09:45

Wrecks of Truk Lagoon by Catherine Marshall

by Arnold Chao
Fujikawa Maru
cathm2Fujikawa Maru

What’s the history of this wreck site captured in the photo above?

The wrecks of Truk Lagoon were sunk as part of Operation Hailstorm, a coordinated effort by U.S. forces to destroy the Japanese fleet based in Chuuk, which took place February 17 and 18, 1944. A reconnaissance flight was seen by the Japanese two days previously, giving time to move many of their warships, but leaving many cargo ships containing supplies for the war effort mostly undefended.

Fujikawa Maru
cathm2Fujikawa Maru

The Fujikawa Maru (in the top photo) is one of the more famous dives of Truk. This is partly due to its accessibility; it lies in relatively shallow water, and upright. The holds have a number of artifacts inside, including the mostly intact fuselage of a Zero fighter. Both the Fujikawa Maru and Shinkoku Maru lie relatively close to islands, and the run-off from these have resulted in spectacular soft coral growth.

Shinkoku Maru
cathm2Shinkoku Maru

Tell us about your journey to this location.

Actually getting to Truk Lagoon is a hassle but not difficult per se. It was one of the more unfriendly flight schedules in the world, with many of the flights going there departing in the early hours of the morning; the main routes are via Manila or Guam, with some direct flights from Palau and Yap. Once there, diving is either via liveaboard, or from tenders run by the dive shops on shore. I did a mixture of both.

Dive deck on the Odyssey
cathm2Dive deck on the Odyssey
Kiyosumi Maru
cathm2Kiyosumi Maru

What can you tell us about the human remains and the wrecks you visited?

A few of the ships have human remains on board – someone has rather artistically arrayed a number of arm and leg bones on the operating table of the Shinkoku Maru. One of the more gruesome finds was from a few years back, on the Yamagiri Maru, where the skull of the engineer was discovered fused into the roof of the engine room, where the main explosion had taken place.

Fujikawa Maru
cathm2Fujikawa Maru

Has anyone died from diving there?

I’m not sure with regards to your question of deaths while diving in Truk. I’m sure there have been some, it’s a fairly common place for decompression illness due to the depths and repetitive diving. Other hazards include the overhead environment — it’s possible to penetrate several levels into unlit engine rooms — and unexploded ordnance, as well as sharp edges, etc.

Nippo Maru
cathm2Nippo Maru

Are you allowed to take any relics that you find?

It’s illegal to take any items from the wrecks. In the past, a lot of items have been removed, which has detracted form the diving today. Nowadays, a lot of the artifacts are hidden by the dive guides and brought out for dives, then put away again, to reduce the chances of theft.

San Francisco Maru
cathm2San Francisco Maru

How far down are the wrecks at this dive site? How much dive time is required to enjoy them?

The San Francisco Maru is one of the deepest wrecks in Truk Lagoon, and probably the deepest that is dived regularly. It’s known as the “Million Dollar Wreck”due to the number of artifacts on board. It’s 45m to the superstructure and 50m to the deck – 63m to the seabed but not many people go that deep! The most interesting parts are the tanks and guns on the deck, and then the holds (necessitating adding some extra depth dropping down next to the trucks etc). My total dive time was 65 minutes, of which 34 minutes was decompression time. When you include the time to get down, that doesn’t leave long on the wreck.

Nippo Maru
cathm2Nippo Maru

Tell us about yourself.

I’m a Brit who moved to Australia in 2009 for work, and am here for the foreseeable future. My day job is medicine — I’m training to be an emergency physician. I first properly got into photography when I bought my first SLR in 2006 and got my first (compact) underwater housing in 2007. I didn’t graduate to underwater SLR photography until 2011 — there’s a lot to learn and you feel like a beginner again.

Whale shark, Roca Partida
cathm2Whale shark, Roca Partida

What gear do you use?
I’ve always used Canon cameras, purely through familiarity. I started with an Ixus, then moved on to the S95. Since 2011, I’ve been using a Canon 550D with Nauticam housing — Tokina 10-17mm for wide angle and Canon 60mm macro for close-up, with an Inon S2000 strobe. The entire lot was stolen in January. I’ll get a replacement from insurance, but still waiting on that. I still have my trusty old compact camera though!

Pygmy seahorse
cathm2Pygmy seahorse
Heian Maru
cathm2Heian Maru

Do you have any tips for shooting underwater?

I guess the first tip would be to wait until you’re comfortable in the water before you start taking photos. Before I started taking pictures, I’d been diving for a few years, and I felt like I had to relearn my buoyancy all over again. There’s no sense getting a great picture if you knock that beautiful coral off the wall 30 seconds later!

Lembeh strait critters
cathm2Lembeh strait critters
Raja Ampat - Misool region
cathm2Raja Ampat – Misool region

The other thing is to keep diving. The main teacher is experience — spending plenty of time underwater and observing. If you’re not there, you won’t get the shot!

Kensho Maru
cathm2Kensho Maru
Scorpionfish on the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2Scorpionfish on the Rainbow Warrior

What’s your favorite dive site?

There are lots of places in the world that are amazing, and I’m not sure I can pick a single favorite. In Australia, I’d pick two places — the Pipeline in Nelson Bay, which is a fantastic macro site, and Julian Rocks in Byron Bay (which actually consists of a dozen or so sites within the marine park). Both sites have a huge diversity that you don’t expect on your back door. The Pipeline has been rated as one of the best muck diving sites in the world — cruising along over a very uninspiring seabed, you can find all sorts of amazing creatures, especially nudibranchs (colorful sea slugs) and seahorses.

North Rock gutters
cathm2North Rock gutters

What diving moment was the most dangerous?

The photos you’d expect to be risky are actually not. None of the shark photos were risky – we were inside a cage observing the great whites. And the grey nurse sharks, while looking ferocious, are placid and timid. I’d say one of my most risky dives was in Truk Lagoon, on the San Francisco Maru – it’s a deep wreck. And while the dive was very well planned and executed, it’s important not to get carried away taking photos. At 52 meters, you experience nitrogen narcosis, a sensation of being drunk underwater, which like alcohol affects everyone differently. Having said that, the most challenging photos are actually the macro subjects, such as the pygmy seahorse, who are tiny and extremely camera shy. In a strong current it can be extremely difficult to see them, let alone get a decent shot!

Great white sharks, Isla Guadelupe
cathm2Great white sharks, Isla Guadelupe

Thank you, Catherine, for the interview.

Explore more photography in Catherine Marshall’s photostream.

23 Jul 09:45

eBay brings its RedLaser barcode-scanner app to Google Glass

by Dana Wollman
Cooper Griggs

there's a good pairing

You might know eBay as the website where you can buy a rare NES game for a hundred grand, but the company also has its own barcode scanner, called RedLaser. It's been out on Android and iOS for a while, and now the company is bringing it to Google...
23 Jul 09:44

Close Enough

23 Jul 09:42

I'm Ready

I'm Ready

Submitted by: (via blogherseydir)

Tagged: cute , dogs , swings
23 Jul 09:42


23 Jul 09:42

This Teddy Bear Has Arisen

This Teddy Bear Has Arisen

Submitted by: (via 4 GIFs)

Tagged: bears , dogs , creepy , gifs , mindwarp , teddy bear
23 Jul 09:40

You can now unlock your Motorola phone with a 'digital tattoo'

by Jon Fingas
Cooper Griggs

or just get an iPhone 5s

Hate unlocking your Android smartphone so much that even Face Unlock or Skip feels like too much of a hassle? Motorola just came to your rescue. The company has partnered with VivaLnk to launch the previously teased Digital Tattoo, an NFC-based skin...
23 Jul 09:39

Cant' They Just Hold Hands?

23 Jul 09:39

Good Thing Costco Sells Shampoo

Cooper Griggs

via Abelmauriciopena (as well as many other posts)

Good Thing Costco Sells Shampoo

Submitted by: (via Izismile)

23 Jul 09:38

This may be the greatest invention in the history of water balloons

by Carl Franzen

If you've ever had the pleasure of participating in a water balloon fight, you will concur that the most frustrating part of battle is reloading. You think you've got an uninflated balloon securely attached to the end of a garden hose, and then as soon as you turn on the water, *snap*, the balloon comes flying off. Or maybe you don't even get that far — the balloon breaks as you're stretching it on. Or you get it all filled up, and then you can't tie it and it drops and breaks on the ground. Now some ambitious inventor has come up with a solution to all those problems: a device that lets you easily fill up 37 water balloons at once, and 100 in less than a minute.

Continue reading…

23 Jul 09:38

Aww, How Romantic!


Submitted by:

23 Jul 09:34

Artist uses over-sized pixels to keep an eye on London's pedestrians

by Billy Steele
Folks strolling past the Welcome Collection's venue in London may have an eery feeling that they're being watched. Well, that's because they are. And not just by a government's prying eyes, but with 650 over-sized pixels that render their own set of...
23 Jul 09:32

Appointment At Tooth-Hurty

by (Joanne Casey)
23 Jul 09:30

...:::kindertrauma:::... - Part 15

by rkn
23 Jul 03:49

Hey Buddddy

23 Jul 03:46


23 Jul 03:46

New in the Colossal Shop: Wearable Cities and Stars by Slow Factory

by Colossal

New in the Colossal Shop: Wearable Cities and Stars by Slow Factory stars space fashion colossal clothing

New in the Colossal Shop: Wearable Cities and Stars by Slow Factory stars space fashion colossal clothing

New in the Colossal Shop: Wearable Cities and Stars by Slow Factory stars space fashion colossal clothing

New in the Colossal Shop: Wearable Cities and Stars by Slow Factory stars space fashion colossal clothing

In a novel intersection of fashion and science, New York-based Slow Factory is utilizing imagery from NASA to create lines of translucent scarves. Their most recent collection, Cities by Night, is a series scarves imprinted with imagery of London, New York, and Paris captured at night from satellites and aboard the International Space Station. A second collection, Floating in Space, includes several breathtaking photographs of various nebulae captured by the Hubble. Slow Factory was founded by designer Celine Semaan Vernon, a native of Beirut who now lives and works in New York City. Several of their pieces are now available in the Colossal Shop.

23 Jul 03:46

Haunting Photos of the German Countryside Reveal Scars Left from WWII Bombs

by Johnny Strategy
Haunting Photos of the German Countryside Reveal Scars Left from WWII Bombs WWII war landscapes

Henning Rogge, “#45 (Bulau)” (2013), Analogue C-print, 24 x 29 1/8 inches (all photographs courtesy the artist and RH Contemporary Art)

Haunting Photos of the German Countryside Reveal Scars Left from WWII Bombs WWII war landscapes

Henning Rogge, “#41 (Rotterbach und Hacksiefen)” (2013), Analogue C-print, 18 3/16 x 22 inches

Haunting Photos of the German Countryside Reveal Scars Left from WWII Bombs WWII war landscapes

Henning Rogge, “#1 (Stolpe-Süd)” (2013), Analogue C-print, 24 x 29 1/8 inches

Haunting Photos of the German Countryside Reveal Scars Left from WWII Bombs WWII war landscapes

Henning Rogge, “#54 (Altwarmbüchener Moor)” (2013), Analogue C-print, 18 3/16 x 22 inches

Haunting Photos of the German Countryside Reveal Scars Left from WWII Bombs WWII war landscapes

Henning Rogge, “#58 (Projensdorfer Gehölz)” (2013), Analogue C-print, 18 3/16 x 22 inches

Haunting Photos of the German Countryside Reveal Scars Left from WWII Bombs WWII war landscapes

Henning Rogge, “#66 (Mascheroder Holz)” (2013), Analogue C-print, 18 3/16 x 22 inches

Haunting Photos of the German Countryside Reveal Scars Left from WWII Bombs WWII war landscapes

Henning Rogge, “#79 (Münsterbusch)” (2013), Analogue C-print, 18 3/16 x 22 inches

Haunting Photos of the German Countryside Reveal Scars Left from WWII Bombs WWII war landscapes

Henning Rogge, “#83 (Beerenbruch)” (2013), Analogue C-print, 18 3/16 x 22 inches

Although WWII ended almost 70 years ago, its legacy lives on: in photographs, memories and on our landscape. Walk through the forests of Germany and you’ll see craters or, scars, as German photographer Henning Rogge calls them, that are the aftermath of bombs being dropped from planes. Rogge has been tracking down these craters and photographing them, capturing moments, after decades have elapsed, of earth slowly healing her wounds. An unknowing hiker might easily mistake them for small ponds and nothing more, which is perhaps why these masked scars are so haunting. Rogge’s photographs are part of a group show titled The Beautiful Changes, which is on display at RH Contemporary Art in New York City through September 13, 2014. (via Hyperallergic)

23 Jul 03:44


22 Jul 02:09

There are only two moments in a father's life when it is acceptable to cry in front of his son

by Matthew Inman
22 Jul 00:33

And I hear there’s a shortage of skilled workers.

by Jessica Hagy


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22 Jul 00:21


Cooper Griggs

via Randy Laue (like so many of my posts)

21 Jul 23:29


Cooper Griggs

via Carnibore

21 Jul 20:44

(219): Apparently duct taping your...

(219): Apparently duct taping your dick to your buttcheks before the first time she goes down on you isn't as funny as projected. She cried because she thought I was a girl the whole time.
21 Jul 20:42

Stunning Photo-Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee

by Johnny Strategy

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

Stunning Photo Realistic Graphite Drawings by Monica Lee portraits photorealism hyperrealism graphite

left: the girl with glasses by Marteline Nystad | right: Monica Lee’s illustration of the photograph

Malaysian artist Monica Lee is obsessed with details. But then again, I guess you have to be in order to create some of the most stunning photo-realistic drawings we’ve ever seen. “I like to challenge myself with complex portraits especially people with freckles or beard,” says Lee, who often works from photographic portraits to create seemingly identical drawings. Surprisingly, Lee worked in the digital world for 12 years before making the jump to illustration. But it certainly doesn’t show. She now spends 3-4 weeks on a single drawing. The artist attributes her love for hyperrealism to her father, who worked in the field of photography. You can follow Monica Lee on Facebook or Instagram. She also sells her complex drawings as smartphone cases. (via IGNANT)

21 Jul 20:18

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Video

Cooper Griggs

holy shit.

Video purportedly shows Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashing.
21 Jul 20:11

If Only There Was a Better Way...

Cooper Griggs

via Abelmauriciopena

If Only There Was a Better Way...

Submitted by: (via Izismile)

21 Jul 20:10

Form. archatlas: Andrew Louis

Cooper Griggs

via Abelmauriciopena