Shared posts

01 Jun 09:03

“Mommy, I swear I wasn’t doing anything bad.”


“Mommy, I swear I wasn’t doing anything bad.”

30 May 21:41

this isn't happiness.™ Peter Nidzgorski, tumblr

by flakeybark
30 May 08:11


Cooper Griggs


30 May 01:16

Omega-3 Supplements Found To Reduce Aggression and Bad Behaviour in Children

by Sarah Ryan
Cooper Griggs

via Fatbob

Omega-3 Supplements Reduce Anti-Social Behaviour

Omega-3, as well as various other fish oil supplements have risen in global popularity in recent years. Believed to improve circulation around the body, the supplements are often marketed towards improving the function of the heart as well as offering relief from inflammation of conditions such as arthritis, and so have become a staple for many health-conscious vitamin routines. Now, recent studies have found that a daily dose of the vitamin may well reduce poor behaviour in kids with ADHD, including lying and aggression.

Research lead by graduate student Adrian Raine at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that the fatty acid commonly found in fish oils such as Omega-3 may well contribute to healthy neuro-development that could result in long-term changes in antisocial behaviour in children.

“We saw children who had poor nutritional status at age three were more antisocial and aggressive at 8, 11 and 17-years-old”

Raine’s findings spurred further investigation into the positive effects the supplement could offer to non-neurotypical children. The study, based on small island nation Mauritius, offered selected children an Omega-3 based enrichment program, and tracked their progress in response to cognitive stimulation and physical exercise alongside the progress of similar children that did not partake in the supplement enrichment program.

The Omega-3 study found that the enrichment program had garnered impressive results. At 11-years-old, participants who took the fish oil supplements as a part of the program demonstrated marked improvement over their peers who did not go through with the enrichment when undergoing brain function measurement via EEG. Similarly, at 23-years-old the program shows a 34 percent reduction in anti-social or criminal behaviour.

“Omega-3 regulates neurotransmitters, enhances the life of a neuron, and increases dendritic branching, but our bodies do not produce it. We can only get it from the environment,”

Further studies into the potential effects of Omega-3 are currently being conducted. One recent study supplied children between the ages of 8 and 16-years-old with juice cartons, half of which were supplemented with Omega-3. Both before and after six months on the supplement program, participants and their parents underwent personality tests and questionnaires that showed families receiving the additional Omega-3 in their diets reported improved behaviour from the children, including less externalised aggression and lying.

The findings enforce studies in the past that encourage pregnant women to incorporate a little more fish to supplement their diets, as Raine emphasises the nutritional dependency of healthy neural development. Investigation into Omega-3 continues to garner promising results.

The research has offered a becon of hope to parents and children concerned that non-neurotypical disorders, such as ADHD, may leave damaging and long-lasting scars on their future.

[Image credit: William Reed Business Media]

Omega-3 Supplements Found To Reduce Aggression and Bad Behaviour in Children is an article from: The Inquisitr News

30 May 01:13

Denver's first openly weed-friendly hotel opens for business

by Brian Koerber
Cooper Griggs

via Fatbob


Rest easy, globe-trotting cannabis connoisseurs: Denver now has an openly marijuana-friendly hotel.

Nativ, which opened for business on Thursday in the LoDo District, has no lava lamps or Bob Marley posters, or whatever people generally associate with stoner culture. Colorado has been trying to ditch that image long before Amendment 64 passed, which allowed recreational marijuana to be purchased and consumed in private residences starting Jan. 1, 2014

The hotel features a variety of suites and room packages, each with a distinct style and amenities. Each floor also has its own identity in an attempt to eliminate the mind-numbing monotony typically associated with hotels. Read more...

More about Travel, Hotel, Marijuana, Watercooler, and Conversations
30 May 00:56

Silent World by Michael Kenna

by kurisutin
30 May 00:53

Reuters: US launched a failed Stuxnet-like attack on North Korea

by Devindra Hardawar
Iran wasn't the only country that had its nuclear ambitions targeted by a sneaky US cyberattack. It turns out the American government also tried to take down North Korea's nuclear programs with the Stuxnet worm five years ago, Reuters reports. But th...
30 May 00:52


by nowave
30 May 00:34

Facebook supports GIFs, so go knock yourself out

by Steve Dent
Cooper Griggs

And the decline of western civilization continues... lol

It's hard to believe, but that bastion of instant gratification, Facebook, has never supported GIFs (except via a kludge). But that appears to be fixed and you can now express your joy or add some comedy to posts on the social network. You just need ...
30 May 00:01

pdlcomics: Ant Problem

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez

30 May 00:01

(photo via saucetheeboss)

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez

(photo via saucetheeboss)

29 May 23:36

lunarbaboon: Lunarbaboon Facebook Twitter 

29 May 19:12

Boeing is NASA's first pick for manned ISS flights

by Nick Summers
NASA is on track to bring human spaceflight back to the US. The agency has ordered its first "crew rotation" mission from Boeing, which will involve ferrying astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). NASA says it expects to make a similar ...
29 May 18:20

The Think Piece That Answered Itself

by Brad
Cooper Griggs

via Bewarethewumpus

29 May 17:59

Quentin Tarantino's Movie References

by John Farrier

Quentin Tarantino is more than just a filmmaker. He's a scholar of film who loves the craft. Tarantino's works are filled with references to other movies that inspire him--some of which you've probably never heard of. In this video, Jacob T. Swinney shows you some of those allusions in Tarantino's movies.

(Video Link)

-via Fubiz

POLL: What is your favorite Tarantino movie?

  • Django Unchained
  • Inglourious Basterds
  • Death Proof
  • Kill Bill, Vol. 2
  • Kill Bill, Vol. 1
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Jackie Brown
  • Reservoir Dogs
29 May 17:54

darksilenceinsuburbia: Julian Calverley Faroe Islands

Cooper Griggs

via Carnibore

29 May 17:46

Oh no: MIT's Cheetah robot can jump over hurdles while running

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs

Now THIS is #SkynetWatch

MIT's scientists spent years making the Cheetah robot a more efficient runner. Now that's done, its creators probably thought it was time to give it a major upgrade: the metal quadruped can now autonomously jump over hurdles like a trained horse. Yes...
29 May 17:45

YouTube montage celebrates 10 years of wasting your time

by Steve Dent
From screaming goats to Russian meteorites, YouTube has been making us unproductive since 2005. What better way to celebrate than with an artsy montage (below) featuring categories like "fails," "memes," and "animals" from YouTube's own Spotlight cha...
29 May 17:44

Hyperloop might be 'free to play'

by Daniel Cooper
We're all expecting to pay through the nose to travel between LA and SF in just 30 minutes, but the minds behind Hyperloop may have a surprise up their sleeve. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies' Dirk Ahlborn has told CNBC that he's considering a ...
29 May 17:43

Liquid Gold

Cooper Griggs

mmmmmommy fat

An intriguing image of breast milk under high magnification shows it to be glittery gold in appearance.
29 May 17:43

Comic for 2015.05.29

29 May 17:41

Haus Presenhuber by AFGH | Daily Icon

by architekturblog
Cooper Griggs

Neat, but WAY too sterile.

29 May 17:23

Apple offers a quick workaround for nasty iOS messaging bug

by Devindra Hardawar
We already know Apple is working on a fix for a recently discovered texting bug that can render your Messages app useless (and in some cases even reboot your phone), but now there's a faster solution for anyone affected. You just need to use Siri to ...
29 May 17:20

A Softer World: 1242

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29 May 17:16

by Cheer Up Emo Kid

29 May 17:09

These seven climate science projects could save the world

by Daniel Cooper
The human race is doomed, and it's all our own fault. With the quantity of carbon in our atmosphere now well beyond the safe limit, it's almost certain the planet's temperature will continue to rise. Climate change is causing natural disasters of bib...
29 May 04:20

This foldable drone origamis itself and dissolves when done

by Andrew Tarantola
Cooper Griggs

Minority Report comes to mind here.

MIT recently unveiled -- or rather, unfurled -- an unusual drone specimen. The tiny robot weighs a third of a gram and is just 1.7 cm long. It starts its existence as a flat, paper or polystyrene wafer. When activated with a small heat source, the dr...
29 May 00:20

Diving Dogs Photography | Fubiz™

by fubiz
29 May 00:20

iPhones can be Google VR viewers, too

by Nicole Lee
As we walked out of today's Google I/O keynote, we -- and all other keynote attendees -- were handed the second-generation version of Cardboard, Google's low-tech effort at a VR headset. As was announced at the keynote itself, the new Cardboard is de...
29 May 00:07

Javier De Riba Spray Paints the Floors of Derelict Buildings With Geometric, Tile-Like Patterns

by Kate Sierzputowski


Javier de Riba spray paints abandoned buildings, but not in the way you might imagine. Instead of working on the interior or exterior walls of the buildings he finds, de Riba spray paints the floors, mapping out bright geometric patterns both large and small. The patterns de Riba creates look exactly like tiled floors, making it seem like an element of the building’s past has been elegantly restored.

Like a screen printer, de Riba works layer by layer, first painting the entirety of the space he plans to cover, then working one colored stencil at a time to build up the tile-like effect. The end result is a trick to the eyes both with materials and placement, one never expecting that spray paint formed the intricate patterns on the dusty floors.

The artist and creative designer was born in Barcelona and has worked as an art director in various agencies and studios. His current job is at Reskate Arts & Crafts Collective, a company that develops graphics and communication projects with a focus on sustainability and humane treatment. (via Junk Culture)


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