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30 Dec 11:47

sixpenceee: Lake View Cemetery: The Haserot Angel  It’s called...


Lake View Cemetery: The Haserot Angel 

It’s called the Angel of Death Victorious. Due to an effect of weathering and erosion on the bronze, the statue appears to be weeping black tears at all times. 

30 Dec 11:46

haneefistheonlyone: fightblr: flaming-scrotum: muggleland: the ceo of abercrombie and fitch has...





the ceo of abercrombie and fitch has a lot of nerve saying that ugly people shouldn’t wear his clothes when he looks like an albino orc from the lord of the rings




Now is the time to reblog this.
I’ve been awaiting this picture.


28 Dec 11:35

2014 Year in Review: Taste

by Caroline Williamson

2014 brought a whole new series of monthly delectable treats and ideas from Pinch Food Design, who are masters at merging food and food design into one delicious package. Just in case you happened to have missed any of these yummy posts, now you can take a look back at Taste.

2014 Year in Review: Taste

Favorite Inspiring Designs in the World of Ramen
It’s cold outside so we were inspired by hot bowls of delicious ramen. We round up some of our favorite, inspiring design contributions to the ramen world.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

Household Brands Become Tasty Street Art
A quirky and delightful street art series of corporate logos of products and food made from the products themselves, like Cheez Whiz, Colgate, and Nutella.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

Sharing Food is a Great Conversation Starter
Pinch took the idea of sharing food as a way to socialize and start conversations with people you don’t know. Here, they gave us ideas on how to do just that.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

Romancing the STONEWARE: Emerging Era of Tabletop Design
Pinch Food Design found a variety of fun ceramic, non-food related objects to create new, unusual, and non-traditional displays for food presentation.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

New Ways to Have a Picnic
We found interesting ways to experience food and since it was summer, we looked at new ways to experience outdoor modern “picnic” adventures.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

A Cocktail Party Collection of Tableware
Pinch Food Design created a new style of cocktail plate giving you options of stacking your plate on your glass and a slot to hold your fork.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

Food as a Medium: Pigments and Dyes Made from Edibles
We check out artists that use food as a medium that achieve muted tones of pigments and dyes made from spices, vegetables, and other edibles.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

Inspiration You Can Taste: Inspired Bites by Pinch Food Design
We give you a peek inside Pinch Food Design’s new book, Inspired Bites! It’s delectable for both your palate and eyeballs.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

BRANCH RECIPE: Salt-and-Vinegar Tater Tots
Delve into this delicious recipe with an awesome presentation that takes the french fry to an entirely new level by way of a fancy tator tot.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating
A set of food-related tools to help people who have difficulties eating food and drinking so they can rejoin the social aspects of both.

2014 Year in Review: Taste in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

The Art of Plating: Where Food and Design Meet
Chefs try to impress a diner with “new” visuals, using textures, colors, aroma, shapes, architecture, balance, and The Art of Plating serves up inspiration.

28 Dec 11:27

How to trick your brain with M&Ms

by Mark Frauenfelder

Researchers at Barrow Neurological Institute made a Lego checkerboard and placed white and purple M&Ms on the squares in a way that makes the board appear to bulge.


28 Dec 11:26


"He's simply got the instinct for being unhappy highly developed."
28 Dec 11:13

This Piano Keyboard Is Actually Candy

by John Farrier

Get your sticky fingers off my treats! This novelty isn't a musical instrument, but a carefully crafted confection called the Jazz Yokan. Rocket News 24 reports that the Japanese online retailer Creeks offers this unusual candy that looks like a piano's keyboard. It's made with brown sugar and figs marinated in wine.

28 Dec 11:09

This Rare Bird Is Half-Male And Half-Female

by Robbie Gonzalez

This Rare Bird Is Half-Male And Half-Female

This bi-colored northern cardinal has female plumage on its right, and male plumage on its left. Called a "gynandromorphs," these animals are rare in nature. Rarer still is the chance to study one for extended periods of time — but researchers recently had such a chance with the bird you see here.


28 Dec 11:03

Copenhagen's Bicycle Snake

by John Farrier

(Photo: Dac)

I've love to visit Denmark someday. I've heard that it's a beautiful country and that its capital, Copenhagen, is the crown jewel of Europe. Photos of architectural marvels like this one certainly encourage my ambition. This is the Cykelslagen--the Bicycle Snake. It's a 257 yard long bridge for bike riders that connects Islands Brygge and Vestbro, two neighborhoods in the city. The architecture firm Dissing+Weitling designed the Cykeslagen, which opened for traffic this year.

(Photo: Architzer)

28 Dec 11:03

Dessert Wine: Wine Ice Cream

by Lisa Marcus

A family-owned dairy and creamery in Boonville, New York called Mercer's has developed a way for folks to get both their drink and dessert on simultaneously: wine ice cream. The dessert, which is 5% alcohol by volume, comes in eight flavors: red raspberry chardonnay, peach white zinfandel, riesling, cherry merlot, spice, strawberry sparkling, chocolate cabernet and port. 

Visit the Mercer's website and Facebook page to learn more.

Via: Distractify | Images: Mercer's Dairy

28 Dec 10:35

Iwan Baan: No Filter

by Karissa Rosenfield

Cultured, one of the leading art, architecture and design magazines, has shared with us part of the 16-page photo essay “No Filter” by Iwan Baan that is being featured in its Winter Issue, on stands now. Enjoy! 

If you pore endlessly over images of architecture the way we do, chances are you’ve been drooling over work captured by Iwan Baan. Though he’s adamant that he not be referred to as an “architectural photographer,” Baan has probably captured more buildings, pavilions, residences and just about every other structure in between than any other single lensman. Yet it is Baan’s background in documentary photography that most influences his work. “I choose my projects not so much for the architecture, but for its relationship with the city around it and how people respond to it,” says Baan. “I’m trying to tell the story of the built environment—the places where we live.” Here, Baan tells the story behind 11 projects completed this year, and two others that he has a personal connection to.

“I love great architecture that is very specific for its site and client, it’s for an architect always a dance between him, a site and a client. Here, Gehry was given complete freedom to design every detail, every nook and cranny of a building for Bernard Arnault to house his art collection.”

Read on for more quotes and images by the renowned Iwan Baan. 

“What’s interesting here is that the BioMuseo is so unlike Gehry with its colors, built for a very low budget and sort of informal building quality which is inspired by Old Panama City. He’s created a focal point for the city. Just look at the way it stands out against the generic skyline of the new building boom that looms beyond it.”

“I always love to photograph for Heatherwick. All of his buildings have a personality. These greenhouses literally grow out of the building. It’s very unusual.”

“I’ve known Smiljan Radic for quite a while, but this is the first project of his that I’ve photographed. He created this seemingly fragile, ethereal pavilion that appears to be gently sitting like an eggshell on top of these heavy natural stones… There is a lot for visitors to discover there. I’m very interested in architecture like this, where there are hidden places for people to enjoy.”

“There are these huge light wells that crisscross the building, bringing the light in and creating these abstract light objects. If you poke your head through one of the openings, you understand how the building works.”

“Here, you can see what architecture can do in even the most remote places with the most limited funding. Here in the Turkana region of Kenya, with no other formal structures around it, this tiny clinic creates a kind of beacon in the desert. It’s used by the schools, the missions, visiting medical teams or anyone else who needs to rest in the shade of the desert around it.”

“These three large, shifted towers in Rotterdam became this abstract object in the city. It’s a gesture of an almost scaleless thing in this recognizable skyline, making it an incredible object to photograph.”

“This project had a very small footprint, but the building sort of grows out in all directions despite it… It’s great that these design students are surrounded by this kind of architectural space.”

David Chipperfield built this museum out of natural stone. It’s almost animal-like, sitting in the middle of Plaza Carso in Mexico City, with so many other buildings around it which scream for attention. There is incredible detail and quality made specifically for the project.”

Jun’ya Ishigami is one of my favorite young Japanese architects. He won the Golden Lion four years ago for Architecture as Air, which was a structure made of superthin wire that collapsed the day before the Biennale opened! For this kindergarten in Tokyo, he did the opposite with these large, heavy concrete clouds, meandering through the kindergarten where kids run and play hide-and-seek in between.”

“On a large generic block on the campus of the National Taiwan University in Taipei, Toyo Ito created a one-story building that is so detailed; such a specific piece of architecture. It’s this collection of mushroom-like irregular, almost natural structures, which create a roof over the building, and the spaces in between create the openings for the lights.”

Lebanon has been on my list for a long time. I finally made it and visited the unfinished International Fair of Tripoli by Oscar Niemeyer. I found this pavilion very telling of Lebanon, a place where there is perpetual war and change. Development begins to take hold and then it’s thrown back and stands still for years.”

“This one is a part of my personal work about cities… which is a growing collection. I took this photograph after one of the huge snowstorms in New York because I wanted to capture the opposite image of the New York blackout I captured. A white-out.”

Text by Tali Jaffe, quotes and images by Iwan Baan, and all information courtesy of Cultured.

Iwan Baan: No Filter Fondation Louis Vuitton, Frank Gehry. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter BioMuseo, Frank Gehry; Panama City. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter Bombay Sapphire Laverstoke Mill Distillery, Thomas Heatherwick; Hampshire. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter Serpentine Pavilion, Smiljan Radić; London. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter Reid Building at the Glasgow School of Art, Steven Holl; Glasgow. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter Konokono Vaccination and Educational Clinic, Selgas Cano and MIT Open Studio students; Turkana, Kenya. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter De Rotterdam, Rem Koolhaas; Rotterdam. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter Innovation Tower at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Zaha Hadid; Hong Kong. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter Museo Jumex, David Chipperfield; Mexico City. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter Kindergarten, Jun'ya Ishigami; Tokyo. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter The College of Social Sciences building at the National Taiwan University, Toyo Ito; Taiwan. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter International Fair of Tripoli, Oscar Niemeyer; Tripoli. Image © Iwan Baan Iwan Baan: No Filter Winter 2014, New York City. Image © Iwan Baan
28 Dec 10:34

Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

by AD Editorial Team

Architects: Fran Silvestre Arquitectos
Location: 46117 Bétera, Valencia, Spain
Architect In Charge: Fran Silvestre
Area: 772.0 sqm
Photographs: Diego Opazo

Collaborators: Fran Ayala, Ángel Fito, Adrián Mora, Jordi Martínez , Maria Masià
Structure: David Gallardo | UPV
Technical Architect: Carlos García
Interior Design: Alfaro Hofmann
Art Direction: Adrián Mora Maroto
Construction : Construcciones Alabort
Ground Surface : 1200,00 m2

From the architect. A privileged place within a golf course near to Valencia is the starting point of this project.

The proposal is drawn with elliptical traces which contain the program and maximize the possibilities of local urban law by minimizing the volumetric impact on the site. Thus, a piece with a continuous façade that seems to lodge only one floor is set on the site. The aerodynamic visuals of it guide the eye towards the deepness of the neighbouring landscape.

The volume is placed leaving as much free surface as possible towards the southern edge of the plot for it to be used as a garden, while the lateral limits are blurred with vegetation. The other elements that compose the urbanization resemble the curved nature of the place’s topography.

The inner space of the house is articulated through a central void which contains communications. Service spaces, installations and the kitchen are used to orthogonalize the curved trace of the lower floor, which opens to the garden. The upper floor with the rooms and the underground, opened to the patio, provide the house with more bounded spaces.

Four concrete supports on the lower floor hold the arched roof, from which the room’s floor hangs. This structure is covered by a monolithic, ventilated façade, which is realized with a Solid Surface with a simple curve that doesn’t require thermoforming to adapt to the geometry of the piece. The rest of materials used in the construction range from white to black, covering all scales of grey.

Other explanations can be superposed to this description, as the carpet of light which transforms the inside of the house as the hours go by.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos © Diego Opazo Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Model Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Model Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Model Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Sketch Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Floor Plan Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Floor Plan Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Floor Plan Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Elevation Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Elevations Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Elevation Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Section Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Section Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Detail Balint House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos Detail
28 Dec 09:37

followbackcenter: These glasses make the lights look like...


These glasses make the lights look like snowman

28 Dec 09:33

carudamon119: ライブドアニュース ‏@livedoornews...


ライブドアニュース ‏@livedoornews  

【ストレス発散に】通常の約6倍サイズ、超巨大エンターキー「BIG ENTER」

28 Dec 09:27

digitalloop: Ronin by Jona Dinges

28 Dec 09:15

The Craziest Stuff People Tried to Sneak Onto Airplanes This Year

by Ashley Feinberg

The Craziest Stuff People Tried to Sneak Onto Airplanes This Year

We may shake our heads at the TSA's antics from time to time , but the men and women holding you up at airport security are actually dealing with some pretty scary prospects. Like loaded firearms. And grenades. And daggers. And for whatever reason, a hell of a lot of sword canes. Here are some of the craziest things people have tried to sneak past airport security in 2014.


28 Dec 08:26

Watch the mad skills of this woman cooking rice paper roll sheets

by Omar Kardoudi

Watch the mad skills of this woman cooking rice paper roll sheets

I could spend hours sitting next to this woman, watching her making rice paper roll sheets. And then fill those rice papers with noodles, cilantro, shrimps, hoisin sauce, cook them in a steamer, and eat them with an ice cold beer.


28 Dec 08:09

The day after Christmas.

The day after Christmas.

28 Dec 07:28

(via robertdafoto)

(via robertdafoto)

28 Dec 07:28

(via fantasticallyweirdshit:video)

27 Dec 20:40

Terrible real estate agent photographs

by Lawrence Wilkinson

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs is a Tumblr devoted to “inexplicably bad property photographs."

27 Dec 20:31

The Last Mechanical Pencil You'll Ever Buy?


"I noticed I was using packs and packs of mechanical pencils at work as disposable items," writes Andrew Sanderson, who spent six years as an aircraft propulsion technician and a decade as a gas turbine engineer. He subsequently switched to product design, with the goal of creating a mechanical pencil that you could keep and use forever.

"I set out to design a mechanical pencil that would reduce the waste, be a testament to U.S. manufacturing and design, and not break the bank," Sanderson explains. "Having a single mechanical pencil that replaces the endless packs of plastic that end up sitting it landfills and floating in our oceans has to be a good thing."


What most impressed me about Sanderson's design is how he endeavored to hide the seams. It really does look like the conical tip and the shaft are one solid, machined piece, though of course they're not. Take a closer look:

27 Dec 20:25

Panda: The Action Movie

by John Farrier

Michael Bay Gifs is my new favorite subreddit. It's filled with inexplicable explosions digitally added to ordinary footage. Redditor PhoneDojo offers this wonderful contribution. If you ache to fill the Transformers-shaped hole in your heart, then this .gif will keep you going for a while. Hopefully Michael Bay will turn the Action Panda concept into a real movie.

-via Daily of the Day

27 Dec 20:23

This pen carries a toolbox-worth of tools inside

by Janet Cloninger


This Multi Function Pen carries twelve tools inside its aluminum-alloy casing.  It has an awl, short and long cutting blades, wire stripper or nail/staple remover, Phillips head and flat head screwdrivers, saw, stainless steel file, scraper, tweezers, a stainless fork, and even a writing pen.  It fits in your pocket and functions as a normal pen, but it’s always at the ready should you need to fix something.  The Multi Function Tool is available in silver, black, or blue for $12.95 at Convenient Gadgets & Gifts.

Filed in categories: News, Pocket Gear

Tagged: Multi-pens, pocket tools

This pen carries a toolbox-worth of tools inside originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on December 17, 2014 at 8:00 am.

Note: If you are subscribed to this feed through FeedBurner, please switch to our native feed URL in order to ensure continuous delivery.

25 Dec 07:44

The purr-fect crime. (gif via imgur)

The purr-fect crime. (gif via imgur)

24 Dec 12:34

Arcangelo's Lord of the Rings Pipes

by John Farrier

Arcangelo, a woodworker from Italy, does amazing fantasy-inspired work. We've previously featured his pipe that looks like that of Thorin Oakenshield, a character in The Hobbit movies. He's made more Lord of the Rings pipes, such as this one called Shire's Blossom. It's made of olive wood and finished with shellac wax.

Continue reading to look at his other Lord of the Rings pipes.

A dwarven design.

Bilbo's pipe.

Gandalf's pipe.

Orc pipe.

24 Dec 12:32

Amazing Video: Parasite Leaving Its Host

by John Farrier
A. Kachmar


A horsehair worm leaves its home, the body of a mantis. It's an astonishingly long creature. How did it all fit up inside its host?

(Video Link)

It's entirely possible that you have a horsehair worm in you, too. Do you feel a slight itching sensation? That could be the worm twisting and churning inside of you.

-via Gizmodo, which also provided the .gif

23 Dec 08:24

Kissing Teacup and Saucer

by John Farrier

Johnson Tsang is an artist in Hong Kong noted for his amazing depictions of faces, especially kissing faces, in sculptures. Many of his works appear to be made of flowing liquid arrested in time.

Continuing with his kissing theme, Tsang made this romantic image of a couple kissing as a teacup and saucer. He calls it Lifetime Partner and dedicates the work to his wife, Prudence.

-via Razorshapes

22 Dec 06:34

Game Of Thrones House Sigils, Made Out Of Lego

by James Whitbrook

Game Of Thrones House Sigils, Made Out Of Lego

The Houses of Westeros have some pretty intricate sigils - but surprisingly they work rather brilliantly as little Lego sculptures, as Flickr user Omar Ovalle shows in this set of Game of Thrones Lego creations.


22 Dec 06:32

(via tastefullyoffensive:Charlie the Venus Flytrap Wishes You a...

22 Dec 06:31

Apollo 11 Landing Site Panorama

Have you seen Have you seen