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30 Dec 20:04

Imagem & Ação para mímicos

25 Sep 23:36

Epic Events

by The Awkward Yeti

Epic Events

25 Sep 23:34

Graffiti Removal Guy Comes Back to Discover Image of Himself in the Same Spot | artFido's Blog

by djempirical

Street artist DS recently added a couple of paste-ups to a wall in London. It didn’t take too long before a graffiti removal guy removed the paste-ups.  Shortly after that, DS was back with a paste up of the graffiti removal guy removing the graffiti. Gold!

Art imitates removal of art!


We’ve seen this before. From CDH:

“A few nights ago I went out and put up a poster. It’s a photo of a building on that building, like a surreal mirror of the environment it’s in.”


“The next day I went to photograph the poster in the light of day. While I was photographing the poster, a man came out of the building and rushed up to me. I’m paraphrasing but the conversation went like this:

Guy (agitated): “Did you put this up?”
Me: “Nope.” (lie)
Guy: “But you know who did.”
Me: “Nope. I’m just a guy who likes photographing street art.”
Guy: “Huh, street art… No such thing. This is all just vandalism. I’d know, I have an Arts degree” (he actually said that).
Me: “I don’t know. Some of it looks really good. Surely this poster is better than the tag it went over?”
Guy: “I guess it’s a little better than tagging. But it’s still just vandalism. It’s not art. These people are just junkies high on petrol fumes and…”

I kind of laughed at that point. But it was one of those laughs that you try to hold in, so it comes out more like a snort. That made him a lot more angry. I guess he figured that I was either the artist, or I knew the artist because he then made a point of trying to tear down the poster in front of me. However I have just started coating posters in polyurethane to make them waterproof. What he (and I) didn’t know is that this apparently also makes the posters near impossible to tear off by hand. So instead of tearing it, he could only chip at the edges. He caught his finger nail under it, hurt himself and really cracked the angries. Then he pulled out his keys and kind of scratched at it for a while, but didn’t make much progress.

Me: “Do you mind if I photograph you tearing the poster down?”
Guy: “No. You should photograph it and put it on one of those little websites, to let all these other vandals know what happens when they put up this crap.”
Me: “Ok, I’ll do that.”
Camera: Click, click.

I took the photo of him tearing down the poster. I then turned that photo into a poster and put it right next to the last one.”



I assume he’ll take both these posters down now with a high pressure hose. So I also stencilled a special little message under the new poster to my new #1 fan.

Original Source

25 Sep 23:33


25 Sep 23:32

Animated Album Covers

by Miss Cellania

JB has an unusual hobby: he turns album cover art into animated gifs! The music may come alive in your favorite albums, but the covers themselves come alive at the Tumblr blog jbetcom. He's currently taking requests for future projects. -via Sploid

25 Sep 23:26

Hope for the Best

by Reza


25 Sep 23:26

rosalarian: spx: Very excited to have grabbed this at the...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



Very excited to have grabbed this at the show!



Here’s a preview of the new zine I’ll be selling at SPX!

Common Curses & Blessings is a 2-in-1 mini-zine about the most mundane and insignificant things the universe throws at you. They probably shouldn’t even have an impact on your day, but they totally do.

Read it facing one way, and you’ll read about the curses. Flip it over and read about the blessings. You’ll just have to come to SPX and see how it works!

2-color risograph printed, 4.25” x 5.5”. 16 pages, 8 curses, 8 blessings. Come to table A12 and check it out!

g-g-g-g-get it! our table is gonna be all purple this year, awesome (*w*  ) 

Looks awesome

25 Sep 23:04

Album Covers Reimagined as Animated GIFs

by Brian Heater

Animated Records

Argentinian musician Juan Betancourt has created a Tumblr devoted to turning album covers into animated GIFs. Most of the selections included are punk and metal records, but the site does also offer animated covers from bands like Pink Floyd, Public Enemy and Led Zeppelin. The concept is similiar to the animated GIFs that appear on Animated Albums.

Animated Records

Animated Records

Animated Records

Animated Records

images via jbetcom

via The Curious Brain, Gizmodo Sploid

25 Sep 23:04

A Dog’s Life

by Doug
25 Sep 23:00


by Laerte

25 Sep 23:00

Tá aqui o motivo pelo qual fazer tatuagens dói, em super câmera lenta

by Rodrigo Cosma



Eu pensei que era pior. Sempre imaginei que as agulhas iam mais ainda na pele.

Mas mesmo assim: OUCH



25 Sep 22:59

Feiticeira dos Números: a primeira programadora

by Locaweb

Em 1843, a matemática e escritora inglesa Ada Augusta Byron tornou-se a primeira mulher programadora da história ao escrever um algoritmo para um computador. Tanto sua proeza quanto sua importância são lembrados no Ada Lovelace Day que, desde 2009, vem sendo comemorado no dia 15 de outubro com palestras e eventos presenciais e online, ao redor do mundo.


A homenagem é mais que merecida. Além de mostrar sua capacidade intelectual ao elaborar um procedimento avançado para época em que viveu, Ada tornou-se um importante símbolo na luta contra o sexismo que, até os dias de hoje, impera na área das ciências exatas aplicadas. Que tal agora conhecer mais sobre a inspirada história de Ada Lovelace e também sobre a data comemorativa?

A primeira programadora

Nascida em 1815, Ada era filha do famoso poeta inglês Lord Byron. Porém, não teve muito contato com o pai famoso, pois ele se separou de sua mãe, Anne Isabella Byron, pouco depois de seu nascimento. Ainda criança começou a aprender matemática sob a orientação da mãe, uma estudiosa da área, que desejava que a filha se distanciasse da área do pai.

Ada cresceu respeitada por sua competência até que tornou-se pupila de Augustus de Morgan (1806-1871), o primeiro professor da Universidade de Londres. Dedicou-se muito à ciência e, na década de 1840, traduziu trabalhos do matemático Charles Babbage (1791-1871), que lhe chamava de “Feiticeira dos Números”. Foi Babbage o responsável pela criação do primeiro computador e das anotações, que viabilizaram a criação do algoritmo por Ada.

Uma mulher à frente de seu tempo

Se, por um lado, sua trajetória profissional foi estável, por outro, sua vida pessoal era turbulenta. Em 1835, casou-se com Barão William King com quem teve três filhos e que, anos depois, recebeu o título de Conde de Lovelace. Por isso, Ada passou a ser conhecida também como Condessa de Lovelace. Excêntrica, gostava excessivamente de beber e de apostar (atividades que a levaram a perder todo seu dinheiro). Além disso, protagonizou escândalos em decorrência de sua infidelidade ao marido.

Como e porque surgiu o Ada Lovelace Day

O reconhecimento pela elaboração do algoritmo, porém, veio um século depois de sua morte quando o renomado cientista Allan Turing fez referência a seu trabalho. Depois disso, ela seria relembrada em 1979, quando o departamento de defesa norte-americano a homenageou dando o nome de “Ada” a um código de linguagem.

Porém, foi em 2009 que Ada recebeu sua homenagem mais duradoura até o momento. Neste ano, a executiva e jornalista inglesa Suw Charman-Anderson recrutou diversos blogueiros do mundo para homenagear importantes mulheres da STEM (sigla em inglês para ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática) e nomeou a ação de Ada Lovelace Day.

Programação Ada Lovelace Day 2014

A iniciativa deu tão certo que tornou-se anual, extrapolou atividades virtuais e, atualmente conta com palestras, encontros e com atividades voltadas para escolas. No site Finding Ana, é possível conferir a programação, que contará com palestras da matemática Hannah Fry, da musicista Caro C, da engenheira Roma Agrawal e de outras mulheres que são referência da área.

O que você acha da história e do papel de Ada Lovelace nos dias de hoje? Conte-nos sua opinião deixando um comentário.  

24 Sep 22:14 dia tá muito bom e de repente acontece alguma coisa que estraga tudo.


24 Sep 21:29

The Wild Is Calling

The Wild Is Calling

Submitted by: (via forever-voltage)

Tagged: lions , Cats , wild
24 Sep 21:19

How To Make a 1000x Microscope With Your Phone and a Glass Bead

by Sarah Zhang

How To Make a 1000x Microscope With Your Phone and a Glass Bead

In the aftermath of our annual ritual for receiving the newest and shiniest iPhones, let's not forget that even our slightly outdated phones are pretty nifty devices. With a cheap glass bead, a 3D-printed clip, and the camera of an old phone, scientists have made a powerful microscope with up to 1000x magnification. And better yet, they've shared the instructions—all two steps of it.


24 Sep 21:18

If I Fits Experiment Goes Horribly Wrong

If I Fits Experiment Goes Horribly Wrong

Submitted by: (via forever-voltage)

24 Sep 21:18

kellysue: kellysue: brianmichaelbendis: One of the highlights...




One of the highlights of the weekend was kellysue and mattfractionblog party where great comic artists filled in their hallway comic panel wallpaper.

that’s Matt Wagner, skottieyoung, tony moore, Matthew clarke and many others.

Hey, look, it’s our hallway. 

Edited to add: 

This is the wallpaper we used:


24 Sep 21:17

September 23, 2014

24 Sep 21:08


24 Sep 21:06

How to Run Android Apps Inside Chrome on Any Desktop Operating System

by Eric Ravenscraft

It seems that BlueStacks is still simpler :P.

How to Run Android Apps Inside Chrome on Any Desktop Operating System

Recently, Google made the first batch of Android apps available for Chrome . It was only a matter of time before some clever users gave that power to everyone. Now that time has come. Here's how to install (nearly) any Android app on any operating system.


24 Sep 20:58

One Chance Might Be the Bleakest Game You Have (Never) Played

by RemyCarreiro

Image Via AwkwardSilenceGames

One Chance is a game quite unlike any you have ever played online. It is about a scientist who created a pathogen that is inadvertantly wiping out all mankind on Earth. You then have six in-game days to decided how you will spend the rest of your life. Will you stay at the office and do all you can to find a cure? Will you finally step away from the office and spend some time with the family you have been neglecting? Or will the madness and impending doom jusr cause you to lose your mind?

What really sets One Chance apart is that you really only have One Chance to play it. The game picks up on your I.P and unless you have multiple computers with multiple I.P's, you really only do get one chance in One Chance, which is part of what makes it so spectacular.

Quick warning, though. It is also quite bleak, so make those choices carefully. Games like this prove why you don't need sixty dollar video games and next-gen machines to be blown away by the medium.


24 Sep 20:55

Dog doesn't want fish to die

24 Sep 16:23


24 Sep 16:20


24 Sep 16:18

Como algumas coisas são feitas – em gifs bem curiosos

by ONEberto

A gente nem tem ideia de como algumas coisas são feitas. Felizmente, está aí a internet, que nos faz matar a curiosidade. Veja estes gifs.

Torta de Frutas


Tela de galinheiro


Teste de marca-texto


Apontador de lápis










Bala / projétil


Capacete camuflado




Palito de fósforo





24 Sep 16:16

5 crianças que cresceram só pra mostrar que você está velho

by (Julia Thetinski)

Se você se sentir um pouco nostálgico ao ver alguma dessas fotos abaixo devo dizer que sim, você está velho. Eu também. Se você nunca viu essas criaturas temos 3 opções, ou você é novinho, muito mais velho ainda ou um pouco alienado em relação a esse tipo de coisa, mas tudo bem.

1. Dakota Fanning

Acho que a primeira vez que vi a Dakota Fanning foi no filme Uma Lição de Amor onde ela fazia o papel da filha do Sam, personagem do Sean Penn, pois o filme foi lançado em 2001 e ela tinha 8 aninhos. Hoje a loirinha tem 20 anos. Volta, volta que eu não vi o tempo passar!!!

Dakota Fanning

2. Abigail Breslin

Quem lembra dessa menina? Ficou mais conhecida pelo filme Pequena Miss Sunshine de 2006. Ela era pequena e eu já era quase adulta. Hoje, aos 18 anos ela tem mais peito do que eu com vinte e poucos. Pode chorar?

Abigail Breslin

3. Bruna Marquezine

Aos 8 aninhos se tornou conhecida nacionalmente pela atuação em Mulheres Apaixonadas. Hoje a atriz é uma das protagonistas da novela Em Família, do mesmo autor, Manoel Carlos. 10 anos se passaram e a pitoca se transformou em uma linda mulher.

4. Haley Joel Osment

O menino que via gente morta, lembra? O trabalho realizado aos 8 anos de idade em O Sexto Sentido rendeu pra Haley uma indicação ao Oscar. Hoje aos 26 anos o ator se afastou um pouco dos holofotes mas trabalha como dublador e produtor de cinema.

Haley Joel Osment

5. Angus T. Jones

O pequeno Jake, filho de Allan Harper em Two and a Half Men! Quem acompanha a série até hoje viu que o gordinho cresceu. Angus está com 20 anos e iniciou na série com 10. 

Angus T. Jones

E aí? Já pegou o renew? Taca creme nessa cara que ajuda.

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Julia Thetinski

24 Sep 16:13


In the 60s, Marvin Minsky assigned a couple of undergrads to spend the summer programming a computer to use a camera to identify objects in a scene. He figured they'd have the problem solved by the end of the summer. Half a century later, we're still working on it.
24 Sep 03:46

Martha Stewart owns 3 drones, uses them to spy on party guests

by Cyrus Farivar

Martha Stewart, America’s home design and craft queen, took to late night television on Monday to gush about her latest obsession: drones.

On Late Night with Seth Meyers, Stewart proudly talked about how she now owns "three drones."

"These are not army drones! They're not dangerous!" she reassured Meyers.

Read 4 remaining paragraphs | Comments

24 Sep 03:45

What Jack Ma plans to do with his Alibaba billions

by Svati Kirsten Narula
Jack Ma

With great fortune comes great responsibility—that’s the message Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma delivered in New York today about his plans for spending the windfall earnings from his company’s record-breaking IPO. On stage at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting, he told Chelsea Clinton:

When you have one million dollars, you’re a lucky person. When you have 10 million dollars, you’ve got trouble, a lot of headaches. When you have more than one billion dollars, or a hundred million dollars, that’s a responsibility you have—it’s the trust of people on you, because people believe you can spend money better than the others.

Ma said his happiest days were when he was making just $20 a month. Now that he has considerably more, he says, “We only eat three meals a day, we only sleep on one bed, how can you spend money? Where’s the opportunity?”

Ma’s strategy is to spend according to the belief that “what’s happening today is going to cause a 10-years [sic] result.” And when Ma thinks about the present and future of China, he’s thinking about environmental pollution. “The polluted water, the airs, unsafe food… 10 years later, millions and millions of people in China will have health problems. So we should invest money on that.”

Ma has set up a charitable trust, funded by Alibaba share options, at the beginning of 2014: it is now worth $3 billion. His statements since then, including those today, indicate he plans to focus on the environment in China.

 “In 15 years China will have a change. We will have blue air, blue skies, clean water.” 

“If we don’t give up, in 15 years China will have a change. We will have blue air, blue skies, clean water,” Ma said. “People say, ‘Forget about it, China is hopeless, there’s no chance we can [clean up the water and the air],'” he added. But, “people said that about e-commerce in China 15 years ago.”

On a conference call with reporters this weekend, Clinton said “this is an incredibly important moment in China” regarding civic engagement. “Jack Ma has a chance to totally change the landscape now, and not only with the money that he will be able to invest in non-governmental activities, but also in creating space” for others who wish to do NGO work there. Clinton has met with Ma a few times; they spoke when Clinton last visited China, and Ma has repeatedly brought his management team to the Clinton office in Harlem to learn about the Clinton Foundation’s work. Ma has also discussed philanthropy with Bill Gates.

“He’s been thinking about this for years,” said Clinton. “He’s got the credibility to deal with a lot of these issues, and I know how serious he is about it and he’s gone out of his way to try to figure out what other people are doing and how he can have the greatest impact.”

Clinton hopes Ma will invigorate charitable giving over the internet in China. Global donations to disaster relief efforts have been facilitated online and via text messages, and more and more everyday giving to charities occurs online. “What do they have, like 300 million people a week doing business on Alibaba?” Clinton asked on the phone, re-emphasizing that he thinks Ma will “have a big empowering impact on other people who don’t have nearly as much money but can have make a big difference if they all get together. I think the chances of his being able to change China for the better are quite high.”

24 Sep 03:42

The U.S. Once Considered Using 23 Nuclear Bombs To Blast Out A Highway

Rising out of California's Mojave Desert are the Bristol Mountains, nearly 4,000 feet of rock blocking easy passage through the scorching desert. For decades, Route 66 and the Santa Fe Railway have had to bend south, acquiescing to the mountains' height. But in the 1960s, at the peak of atomic age, we had a plan to blast through the mountains once and for all — with nuclear bombs, of course.