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24 Jun 20:22

List: Postmodern Zen Koans by Elisa Abatsis

If you see a Buddha in the road, ask which gender pronouns they prefer and then kill them.

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One day Atticus lay down in the snow, and called out, “Help me up! Help me up!” His mother came and gave him some cold-pressed juice. Atticus got up and went away because that’s how unschooling works.

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What is your original personal brand before you were born?

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If a minimalist curates a ten-item fall capsule wardrobe but doesn’t blog the experience and doesn’t count her Acne Pistol Boots as one of the ten items, has she really edited her closet?

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A conceptual sculptor asked Tobias when he was weighing some flax at Whole Foods, “What is Buddha?” Tobias said: “Flax helped me lose three pounds. It’s also my daughter’s name.”

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If a performance artist self-flagellates at MoMa while it’s closed and there are no guards or cameras there, does it still leave a laceration in the shape of a pentagram?

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As the roof was leaking, a yoga instructor told two students to bring something to catch the water. One brought the landlord, the other a bucket with ice. The first was severely reprimanded, the second highly retweeted.

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What is the sound of a pop star rapping?

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A MFA student asked her professor, “How does an enlightened one return to the ordinary world?” The professor reminded her that he was only an adjunct but alerted her to the fact that Starbucks does offer health insurance to part-time employees.

01 Jun 13:48

I am 'anti-business', you might be too

by Seth Godin

A hundred and fifty years ago, when people finally began organizing to eliminate child labor in American factories, they were called anti-business. There was no way, the owners complained, that they could make a living if they couldn’t employ ultra-cheap labor. In retrospect, I think businesses are glad that kids go to school--educated workers make better consumers (and citizens).

Fifty years ago, when people realized how much damage was being done by factories poisoning our rivers, those supporting the regulations to clean up the water supply were called anti-business. Companies argued that they’d never be able to efficiently produce while reducing their effluent. Today, I think most capitalists would agree that the benefits of having clean air and water more than make up for what it costs to create a place people want to live—the places that haven't cleaned up are rushing to catch up, because what destroys health also destroys productivity and markets. (And it's a good idea).

When the bars and restaurants went non-smoking in New York a decade ago, angry trade organizations predicted the death knell of their industry. It turns out the opposite happened.

The term anti-business actually seems to mean, “against short-term waste, harmful side effects and selfish shortcuts.” Direct marketers were aghast when people started speaking out against spam, but of course, in the long run, ethical direct marketers came out ahead. 

If anti-business means supporting a structure that builds a foundation where more people can flourish over time, then sign me up.

A more interesting conversation, given how thoroughly intertwined business and social issues are, is whether someone is short-term or long-term. Not all long-term ideas are good ones, not all of them work, but it makes no sense to confuse them with the label of anti-business.

Successful businesses tend to be in favor of the status quo (they are, after all, successful and change is a threat) perhaps with a few fewer regulations just for kicks. But almost no serious businessperson is suggesting that we roll back the 'anti-business' improvements to the status quo of 1890.

It often seems like standing up for dignity, humanity and respect for those without as much power is called anti-business. And yet it turns out that the long-term benefit for businesses is that they are able to operate in a more stable, civilized, sophisticated marketplace.

It’s pretty easy to go back to a completely self-regulated, selfishly focused, Ayn-Randian cut-throat short-term world. But I don’t think you’d want to live there.

22 Apr 12:12

heisenbergchronicles: Tyrion Lannister: The One Who Knocks by...

20 Apr 15:38

This guy must play a lot of mini golf.

19 Apr 16:30

Sexual Empowerment vs. Objectification: A Handy-Dandy Visual Guide from Everyday Feminism

by Carolyn Cox

Screenshot 2015-04-15 at 3.05.53 PM

We here at The Mary Sue obviously spend a good portion of our days trying to think critically about how female sexuality is portrayed in media like comics and film, and a common response to criticism of pieces like the now-notorious Milo Manara variant cover is that it can seem difficult to tell the difference between empowering sexuality and objectification.

Thankfully, Ronnie Ritchie has written and illustrated an awesome comic that clearly lays out how power plays a role in the empowerment vs. objectification debate, both in art and IRL. Head over to Everyday Feminism and take a look at the whole thing!

–Please make note of The Mary Sue’s general comment policy.–

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18 Apr 16:17

When something that you do all the time stops working

by sharhalakis

by uaiHebert

18 Apr 04:23

Brazilian Bus Falls Through Huge Sinkhole, Gets Swept Away By Raging River

by Ryan Grenoble
Next stop: downstream.

Heavy rains and flooding in northern Brazil have taken their toll on infrastructure in the state of Para, as terrifyingly illustrated by Reuters video above of a bus falling through a sinkhole in a bridge on Monday. After dropping into the hole, the bus was carried away by the turbulent river below.

According to the Washington Post, a tour group aboard the bus evacuated the doomed vehicle prior to its untimely plunge, and no one was hurt in the incident.

Video of the accident shows passengers calmly disembarking after the rear wheel of the bus fell through the dirt bridge, trapping the vehicle in place. Eventually, the land erodes away, and the tour bus teeters into the water, then rapidly floats downstream.

The bus was on a highway near the cities of Itaituba and Ruropolis in the Brazilian state of Pará, adds the International Business Times, which corroborates a report from Globo stating the incident occurred on the Trans-Amazonian Highway.

March is historically one of Brazil's wettest months, though southeastern parts of the country have recently seen prolonged and heavy drought.
16 Apr 00:46


by sharhalakis
15 Apr 23:21

RT @maguirekevin: How Daredevil Became Marvel’s Biggest Triumph Yet

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Twitter Web Client
RT @maguirekevin: How Daredevil Became Marvel’s Biggest Triumph Yet… via @VanityFair
15 Apr 23:21

RT @PaulBromford: Meetings: a type of virus that use humans as hosts to replicate...

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Buffer
RT @PaulBromford: Meetings: a type of virus that use humans as hosts to replicate via @whatsthepont…
15 Apr 23:21

RT @claubito: Nasa decodifica mensagem vinda do espaço: manda nudes.

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Buffer
RT @claubito: Nasa decodifica mensagem vinda do espaço: manda nudes.
15 Apr 02:00

RT @juanplopes: O que eu penso sobre comentários de código:

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @juanplopes: O que eu penso sobre comentários de código:
15 Apr 02:00

RT @diogobatalha: Tiririca. Soletre para mim o alfabeto.

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @diogobatalha: Tiririca. Soletre para mim o alfabeto.
15 Apr 01:59

O cara mais resistente do mundo.

by Zanfa



Inspirado n’aqui.

capinaremos?d=yIl2AUoC8zA capinaremos?i=Ub_CIYwj4Dc:uwKYjGB1ZxE:V_ capinaremos?d=dnMXMwOfBR0
15 Apr 01:59

RT @rmtakata: Até tomadas botam na conta da Dilma

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @rmtakata: Até tomadas botam na conta da Dilma…
15 Apr 01:59

RT @juliana_m: Vou dar um spoley: no final quem reinará o norte é a Elsa

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @juliana_m: Vou dar um spoley: no final quem reinará o norte é a Elsa
13 Apr 21:20

Chicken has no meaning anymore

13 Apr 12:20

notalwaysluminous:mapsontheweb:Map of a survey asking the world...




Map of a survey asking the world who they sees as the biggest threat to world peace, 2013.

just gonna put this out there

12 Apr 22:23

Da cierta vergüenza, sí por @talentinonino

12 Apr 22:23

Me estoy haciendo viejo por @carlopadial

12 Apr 21:50

Striking Graphic Novel Tells The Story Of Brazilian Slavery Through The Eyes Of The Oppressed

by Priscilla Frank

Not all slave rebellions made it into the history books. This is one of the main messages communicated by artist Marcelo d’Salete in his historical graphic novel, Cumbe.

"The scars caused by slavery are still poorly understood and discussed," the artist explained in an email to The Huffington Post. "Brazil is an extremely unequal, racist country, and this is closely related to its past. We can't continue to consider slavery as something soft in our history."


Today, Afro-Brazilians make up approximately 53 percent of the Brazilian population, with around 106 million individuals, according to a recent article in The New York Times. In fact, Brazil has the largest black population outside of Africa. However, the country still faces rampant racism, leading to disturbing statistics including the fact that black Brazilian teenagers are almost three times more likely to be the victims of murder than their white counterparts, and almost 70 percent of people living in extreme poverty in Brazil are black.

Much of today's racism stems back to the 16th century and the 300 years that followed, in which five million slaves were shipped to Brazil from Africa. (That's around 11 times more people than were sent to to North America.) Slavery was abolished in 1888, yet black Brazilians are still forced to live on the outskirts of society in a country that many argue is in denial regarding its racial prejudice.

To address Brazil's dark and hushed history, d'Salete crafted a searing and personal account of enslaved Bantu peoples, revealed in vivid black-and-white illustrations. Even more radical than the novel's subject matter is the fact that the story is told through the perspective of the victims, most likely for the very first time.


D'Salete is an illustrator, professor and historical author whose previous works include 2008's Night Light and 2011's Crossroads, which explore the stereotypes projected upon and endured by black Brazilians. For Cumbe, d'Salete digs deeper into the past struggles of the black Brazilian people, using an unconventional format to access the most devastating of stories.

"More than quantitative data, my intention was to speak from the perspective of enslaved Africans in the period and address the modes of resistance of these people. From the most individual way to the forms of collective struggle. There are few such stories in comic format that tried to address this in a very personal way."

The project began in 2006, as d'Salete culled primary and secondary sources that brought the issues of colonial Brazil to life, namely those of Bantu Africans. For the next three years, the artist created a written and visual fictional narrative from the perspective of one such Bantu individual, providing a first person account of a time primarily documented by white men. As d'Salete explained: "We need fiction to try to overcome these limits and create new reading possibilities."


The book is divided into five parts, each telling a story of a slave rebelling against his or her master. Factual elements are juxtaposed with fantastical imagery and hallucinatory details, depicting the powers of the mind to prevail even as the body suffers.

As Hyperallergic explains: "In 'Calunga,' a mistreated slave drowns while attempting to escape a sugar plantation; as he sinks to the ocean floor, he has a stirring romantic vision of his lover. In 'Sumidouro,' a female slave experiences a similarly moving hallucination of her dead baby, killed by the master’s mad wife." The stories paint a nightmarish portrait of Bantu life, in which reality becomes more horrific than a dream ever could.

D'Salete's bold and graphic journey reveals that even if artistic expression can't change the past, it can certainly convey it in a new, more accurate and generative light. "My intention in Cumbe is to generate new ways of understanding the past of African slaves in Brazil."

See excerpts from the book below:

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12 Apr 21:50

RT @cp_vader: Depois da CLT, a próxima flexibilização será a da regra do impedimento.

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Twitter Web Client
RT @cp_vader: Depois da CLT, a próxima flexibilização será a da regra do impedimento.
12 Apr 21:50

RT @goticosuave: por favor não exista

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Dabr
RT @goticosuave: por favor não exista
11 Apr 20:07

deadpoolic:It’s not easy being John.


It’s not easy being John.

11 Apr 19:33

Aparentemente o mundo hoje está aprendendo o significado da expressão "cenas de luta...

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Facebook
Aparentemente o mundo hoje está aprendendo o significado da expressão "cenas de luta de Frank Miller"
11 Apr 19:33

Samsung plans to take bitcoin where it already is since day 0

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Twitter Web Client
Samsung plans to take bitcoin where it already is since day 0…
11 Apr 19:33

RT @FabioFleury: Acabei de ver o futuro do jornalismo: era uma moça usando um pau...

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Dabr
RT @FabioFleury: Acabei de ver o futuro do jornalismo: era uma moça usando um pau de selfie e skype pra entrar ao vivo em alguma TV
10 Apr 14:26

o pintinho publicado hoje na folha.


o pintinho publicado hoje na folha.

10 Apr 12:20

RT @Poetizando: Filha de pastor é primeira transexual a usar nome social em escola...

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Buffer
RT @Poetizando: Filha de pastor é primeira transexual a usar nome social em escola do Vale da Paraíba (SP)
10 Apr 12:20

Ilusão de ótica: este partido está indo contra ou a favor do trabalhador? Entenda.

by Pai Osias
Author: Pai Osias
Source: Facebook
Ilusão de ótica: este partido está indo contra ou a favor do trabalhador? Entenda.