Shared posts

14 Sep 00:26

Sandy Clay and Gravel Residences in Australia

by Léa

L’architecte Luigi Rosselli a construit un ensemble de douze résidences érigé à partir de terre et de sable directement extraits du terrain sur lequel se trouve la construction. Long de 230 mètres, c’est le plus grand ensemble d’habitations de ce type dans le monde. Grâce à sa composition, l’ensemble architectural est auto-suffisant au niveau thermique.

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12 Sep 18:50

i'm not wordy

by speero
12 Sep 18:50

tumblr_m94p65LpxS1qb6cnho1_500.gif (imagen GIF, 500 × 514 píxeles)

by kndll
12 Sep 18:50

fuck yeah dementia!!1!

by ladybird13
12 Sep 18:50

(3) Tumblr

by ladybird13
12 Sep 18:43


12 Sep 18:41


12 Sep 18:40

tastefullyoffensive: (photos by syndrome)

12 Sep 18:40

4gifs: Horse brings his girlfriend a snack. [video]


Horse brings his girlfriend a snack. [video]

12 Sep 18:39


12 Sep 18:38

pleatedjeans: via

12 Sep 18:37


12 Sep 18:36

I'm gonna revolutionize how we store babies

by Matthew Inman
12 Sep 18:24

I Could Care Less

I literally could care less.
12 Sep 02:44

Cooper Griggs

I'm off to this place for a couple weeks. Have fun y'all! I'll get back to my thousands of ThOR posts when I get back. Jake, see you there!! Black Rock Yearbook camp: Center Camp Circle.

11 Sep 19:29

Books and Stones Embedded with Sleek Layers of Laminate Glass by Ramon Todo

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

I love these!


Splitting his time between Kanagawa, Japan and Dusseldorf, Germany, artist Ramon Todo (previously) is known for his small sculptures of rocks and books embedded with polished layers of glass. Todo’s decision to seamlessly introduce disparate materials into a single object creates an unusual intention, as if these objects have always existed this way. The random pieces of obsidian, fossils, volcanic basalt, and old books are suddenly redefined, or as Beautiful/Decay’s Genista Jurgens puts it: “By inserting something alien into these pieces, Todo is effectively rewriting their history, and the place that these objects hold in the world.”

Todo will have a number of new pieces on view with MA2 Gallery at EXPO CHICAGO starting next week. He also has a number of atworks available through Artsy and you can flip through additional glass books clicking the small arrows on MA2 Gallery’s website.











11 Sep 18:48

Japanese Artist Places a Modern Spin on Centuries-Old Woodblock Prints Through Animated GIFs

by Kate Sierzputowski


A Japanese artist is placing a modern spin on a centuries-old technique, animating Japanese woodblock prints in the style typically reserved for TV show recaps and continuously looping memes. The artist, who who goes by Segawa thirty-seven, uses Adobe Photoshop and After Effects to alter the static images and inlay elements of sci-fi and modern culture—bringing in Segways and alien spaceships into the fixed landscapes-turned-gifs.

Other gifs produced by the artist are far more subtle, one in particular showing a crowded street of people lit by moonlight, their shadows traveling from the right to the left side of the screen as the moon travels through the sky. Another shows a scene of people gazing out the window as a high speed train endlessly rushes by.

You can see more of Segawa thirty-seven’s woodblock print animations on his Twitter. (via Spoon & Tamago






11 Sep 18:43

Blue Fire Crater: Rivers of Molten Sulphur Flowing Inside an Indonesian Volcano Photographed by Reuben Wu

by Christopher Jobson


While on a trip to visit the Ijen and Bromo Tengger Semeru volcanoes in East Java last month, Chicago-based photographer Reuben Wu captured the unusual sight of molten sulphur that flows from fumaroles at the base of the Blue Fire Crater at Ijen. The area is usually swarming with tourists, but Wu stayed after sunset until the moon rose to capture these otherworldly images.

The journey into the Ijen Caldera is not for the faint hearted. A two-hour trek up the side of the rocky volcano is followed by another 45-minute hike down to the bank of the crater. The blue fire found at the base is the result of ignited sulphuric gas that burns up to 600 degrees Celsius (1,112 degrees Fahrenheit) and can flare up to 5 meters (16 feet) into the air. It is the largest “blue flame” area on Earth.

Additional photos from Wu’s trek through Indonesia can be seen here. (via Colossal Submissions)








11 Sep 18:40

EverBlock: Customize your Space With Oversized Modular Lego Bricks

by Christopher Jobson


Giant LEGOs for adults? Heck. Yes. EverBlock is a modular building system of giant plastic blocks that can be used to build anything from furniture, walls, shelving, bars, and even entire rooms. Obsessed with LEGO bricks as a child, EverBlock founder Arnon Rosan realized there might be a demand for a functional full-scale building system for personal and industrial purposes.

The bricks are available in three brick types that come in 15 different colors, and the good news is this isn’t just a concept, they’re available for purchase now. For interior designers or the spatially indecisive, this seems like a pretty great way to customize your space. (via Wired)









11 Sep 18:28

Drummer Dario Rossi Uses Buckets, Pans, and Scrap Metal to Make Incredible Live ‘Techno’ Beats

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs


When thinking about how to produce genres of music like techno, industrial, or trance, the first thing that comes to mind is giant sound systems, laptops, emulators and turntables. What doesn’t come to mind is old pots and pans, buckets, chains, and dangerous shards of rusty scrap metal. And yet these are the instruments of choice for musician Dario Rossi who produces some of the most intensely percussive music you could possibly imagine from the hands of a single person.

Born in 1988, Rossi studied at the Accademia Musicale di Ariccia in Rome from the age of 10 before he began to perform with local bands only two years later. He now teaches in Rome and tours frequently, bringing his supernatural drumming performances to public streets around Europe. If you like these three videos, there’s tons more here.




11 Sep 18:25

Highlights from Artist Tatsuya Tanaka’s Daily Miniature Photo Project

by Christopher Jobson


Photographer and art director Tatsuya Tanaka has a fascination with all things tiny and has an uncanny ability to repurpose everyday objects as set pieces or tools for the inhabitants of his miniature world. For his project Miniature Calendar, Tanaka has been stretching his imagination to its limits nearly every day for the last four years. A tape dispenser becomes the bar for a restaurant, a circuit board is suddenly a rice paddy field, and the notes of a musical score become the hurdles for a track race. Individually, the photos might invoke a smile or chuckle as you get the joke, but when viewed collectively they morph into a fascinating study on Tanaka’s breadth of creativity.

New photos from Miniature Calendar are published every day on Instagram and Facebook. Tanaka also published a book of earlier miniature photos in a book titled Miniature Life. (via Spoon & Tamago)







11 Sep 18:24

An Underground WWII Bomb Shelter in London Has Been Converted Into the World’s Largest Subterranean Hydroponic Farm

by Johnny Strategy

WWII-underground-bomb-shelter-garden (1)

Over 100 feet below the bustling streets of London is a cavernous, abandoned space. Originally built to serve as a bomb shelter during World War II, it was designed to house and protect the lives of nearly 8,000 people. The space remained abandoned for close to 70 years until entrepreneurs Richard Ballard and Steven Dring decided to turn it into the world’s first subterranean farm called Growing Underground. And surprisingly, where the sun doesn’t shine turns out to be an ideal setting for a garden.

The vertically stacked hydroponic beds are best for growing small, leafy greens that have a short growth cycle like watercress, Thai basil and Japanese mizuna. And with a state-of-the-art computer controlling temperature, lighting and nutrients the subterranean farm can deliver consistent produce without sunlight (or pesticides!) and with 70% less water than conventional farms, hence the company’s parent name: Zero Carbon Food.

With the help of chef Michel Roux, the operation is now partnering with local restaurants to deliver farm-to-table produce in under 4 hours. Once fully operational, it’s estimated Growing Underground will be able to produce between 11,000-44,000 pounds of crops annually. (via Bloomberg)

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11 Sep 18:24

Quirky Interpretations of Everyday Objects by Vanessa McKeown

by Christopher Jobson



For the last few weeks, photographer and art director Vanessa McKeown has been sharing colorful, quirky interpretations of everyday objects on Instagram. McKeown imagines balloons as various fruits and vegetables and oranges are peeled to reveal unexpected objects. Clever visuals all around. You can also follow her on Tumblr.








11 Sep 18:23

"وطن المرء ليس مكان ولادته و لكنه المكان الذي تنتهي فيه كل محاولاته للهروب Home is not where you..."

وطن المرء ليس مكان ولادته و لكنه المكان الذي تنتهي فيه كل محاولاته للهروب

Home is not where you were born; home is where all your attempts to escape cease

- Naguib Mahfouz (1911-2006) -  Egyptian writer & novelist
11 Sep 18:23

"If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete."

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”

- Buddha
11 Sep 18:23

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma —..."

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

- Steve Jobs
11 Sep 18:22


11 Sep 18:21


11 Sep 18:21


11 Sep 18:20
