Shared posts

14 Apr 21:20

DARPA creating software that won't need upgrades for a century

by Mariella Moon
Software upgrades and outdated applications that don't work on new platforms are just a fact of life for people who use computers and other devices. DARPA, however, wants to change that by making software systems that can run for over a century witho...
13 Apr 18:00

Strongest Dad in the World

Cooper Griggs

Been hearing about this guy and his son for years. Always inspirational.

Glurge: Rick and Dick Hoyt are a father and disabled son who participate as a team in marathons.
13 Apr 17:58

The Octographer: An Octopus Was Trained to Take Photographs of Aquarium Visitors in Just Three Tries

by Johnny Strategy
Cooper Griggs

This is basically an ad for Sony, but still very cool.

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The octopus is a fascinating creature. And its well-documented intellect has led more and more scientists to believe that humans may not be alone in their ability to comprehend and solve challenging problems. In addition to opening jars and predicting the outcomes of soccer matches, we can now add ‘taking photographs’ to the ongoing list of skills these 8-legged invertebrate can learn.

To promote their water-resistant camera, Sony recently teamed up with the Sea Life Aquarium in New Zealand to teach an octopus named Rambo to take pictures of visitors from inside her tank. The camera was mounted on her tank “When we first tried to get her to take a photo, it only took three attempts for her to understand the process,” said one of the trainers. “That’s faster than a dog. Actually it’s faster than a human in some instances.” (via PetaPixel)

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the-octographer (8)

13 Apr 17:54


13 Apr 17:54


13 Apr 17:54


11 Apr 19:07

Kuku Kube - Check your color vision

Cooper Griggs

I could not break 30

11 Apr 17:15

David Lynch pulls out of 'Twin Peaks' revival over cash issues

by Jon Fingas
Cooper Griggs


We hope you weren't counting on the Twin Peaks reboot to liven up your TV viewing next year -- you're probably going to be disappointed. Original series director David Lynch is pulling out of Showtime's revival because he feels there's "not enough mo...
11 Apr 04:40

Apple's fixed a serious OS X security flaw, but only for Yosemite users

by Daniel Cooper
Cooper Griggs


There are times in life when you wonder what it is that you've done to deserve such neglect from those you hold dear. It's a feeling that plenty of Mac users will be experiencing today as Apple has announced that it found a serious security flaw in O...
11 Apr 02:55


Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez

11 Apr 00:28

Incredible GoPro footage shows what it's like to spacewalk

by Andrew Tarantola
Cooper Griggs


Leaving the cozy confines of Earth's atmosphere for life aboard the ISS is an exceedingly rare experience reserved for just a handful of astronauts. But thanks to NASA and GoPro, now you can share in the breathtaking views/sheer terror that astronaut...
10 Apr 22:37

tumblr_loypi35wJt1qko4x4o1_r1_400.gif (GIF Image, 314x232 pixels)

by geoff
10 Apr 22:26


10 Apr 22:26



10 Apr 22:09

Self-driving vehicles will make more people car sick

by Mariella Moon
When you get your first self-driving car, don't forget to put a few barf bags in it... just in case. A duo from the University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute explains that you'll likely be more susceptible to motion sickness in self-...
10 Apr 21:37

Amazon can finally test its delivery drones in the US

by Mariella Moon
Amazon's drone team must have heaved a collective sigh of relief: the company only had to wait a few weeks for the FAA's approval this time. The agency has officially granted Amazon's request to test its new UAVs in the US on Wednesday, April 8th. If...
10 Apr 21:37

4gifs: You have the right to remain in stunned silence

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez


You have the right to remain in stunned silence

10 Apr 21:34

'Ex Machina' shows Turing isn't enough to test AI

by Devindra Hardawar
With Ex Machina, the directorial debut of 28 Days Later and Sunshine writer Alex Garland, we can finally put the Turing test to rest. You've likely heard of it -- developed by legendary computer scientist Alan Turing (recently featured in The Imitati...
10 Apr 21:33

(photo via jakealc1)

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez

(photo via jakealc1)

10 Apr 21:32

A Golden Gate Eclipse

A Golden Gate Eclipse A Golden Gate Eclipse

10 Apr 20:46

Publishers are fighting to keep abandoned games dead

by Jessica Conditt
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit group that defends civil liberties in the digital world, is facing off against the Entertainment Software Association, the organization that represents most major video game publishers in the US. The E...
10 Apr 18:48

A Softer World: 1222

Cooper Griggs


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10 Apr 18:47

"You can safely assume that you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God..."

“You can safely assume that you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”

- Anne Lamott, writer (b. 10 Apr 1954)
10 Apr 18:45

Flip flops

Flip flops

10 Apr 15:21

Comic for 2015.04.10

10 Apr 06:27

Twitter / ianmcque: Laputa fan art:

by researchinstitute
10 Apr 05:23

White House opens first gender-neutral restroomThe White House...

White House opens first gender-neutral restroom

The White House has opened its first gender-neutral restroom in what is seen as a symbolic step by President Barack Obama to protect the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in the workplace.

White House spokesman Jeff Tiller said the “all-gender restroom” is in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building where many employees have meetings and offices and is next door to the West Wing which houses the president’s offices. [story]

say what you will, this was not the direction we were headed before january 20, 2009.

10 Apr 02:44


10 Apr 00:01

"Fight 215" Takes Aim at the Patriot Act

by Don
Cooper Griggs

via Bewarethewumpus


The Electronic Frontier Foundation has launched the “Fight 215” online campaign, which calls for United States citizens to urge their elected representatives to allow Section 215 of the Patriot Act to expire in June.

09 Apr 23:41

Breast Laugh I Had All Day

by Matthew Rettenmund
Cooper Griggs

via lbstopher
