Shared posts

06 Jun 16:23


06 Jun 16:23


06 Jun 16:22


by xote
06 Jun 06:16


06 Jun 06:07

Bjork out-Bjorks herself with wild 360 degree VR music video

by Andrew Tarantola
Cooper Griggs

Trippy. You have to hunt for her sometimes...

Y'all know Bjork. Besides being the sound that the Muppets' Swedish Chef makes, Bjork is also a super-talented Icelandic pop diva. She made a name for herself with off-the-wall outfits and over-the-top pageantry (looking at you, 1995's It's Oh So Qui...
06 Jun 02:40

We're not doomed: A supercut of robots falling down

by Richard Lawler
Today's action at the DARPA Robotics Challenge has been interesting, but if there's one takeaway so far it's this: the robot apocalypse is not here yet. If you've been warily looking on as robots run, jump, wield swords and even fold themselves up or...
06 Jun 02:39

lord-kitschener:halcyon-ia: break the rules no gods no kings no...



break the rules

no gods no kings no masters

05 Jun 22:59


Cooper Griggs

via Bewarethewumpus

05 Jun 22:54

Somebody's already making a movie about the Sony hack

by Daniel Cooper
Mere months after a series of red lights began flashing in Sony's IT department, a film covering the event has already been greenlit. The Hollywood Reporter believes that a documentary about the studio-toppling event is to be helmed by the creators o...
05 Jun 22:33

Showtime's cord-cutter service launches in July on Apple

by Billy Steele
Showtime's standalone streaming service was tipped back in November, and now it appears we may be close to the official reveal. Variety reports CBS is prepping to announce the subscription option to temp those who've cut the cord as soon as this week...
05 Jun 22:30

Online video poised to outsell DVD purchases this year

by Billy Steele
Cooper Griggs

You mean it hasn't already?

Believe it or not, the surge in online streaming options from Amazon, HBO, Netflix, Hulu and others have yet to outsell DVDs. That'll change this year, though. In a new report from consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, money spent on video download...
05 Jun 22:30

The one-cable future of gadgets: simpler, but still confusing

by Mat Smith
For such a quiet tech show, this week's Computex in Taiwan may have been a watermark moment that will affect nearly every PC, phone and tablet you'll see in the next few years, if not decade. The new USB Type-C port may have debuted on flagship devic...
05 Jun 22:16


05 Jun 22:16


05 Jun 22:13

California senate wants warrants to be required for phone searches

by Mariella Moon
The California State Senate has passed the "Leno bill," which aims to protect residents' digital privacy. Officially called Senate Bill 178, it would require authorities to secure a warrant whenever they want to search phones, laptops or other device...
05 Jun 22:12

Tesco trials app for donating unsold food to charity

by Jamie Rigg
It's strange to think that in an affluent nation like the UK, there are people going hungry while shops and eateries throw out masses of perfectly good food every day. Charity organisation FareShare has tasked itself with saving this unwanted food fr...
05 Jun 22:12

Watch RoboSimian prepare for DARPA's Robotics Challenge finals

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs

This already looks scary.

I've got to be honest: the moment I saw the robot above straighten its torso like some sort of a human-arachnid hybrid, I felt a tinge of fear. Good thing NASA JPL designed it to help humans in times of need, eh? This is RoboSimian, one of the few no...
05 Jun 22:10

Tumblr makes it easy to search for reaction GIFs

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs


Reaction GIFs are already a common sight on Tumblr, but this new feature might make them even more prolific. The social network/blogging platform now has a built-in GIF search and insert feature: simply click the plus sign (+) while you're creating a...
05 Jun 17:32

White House secretly expands NSA power to collect US internet data

by Jessica Conditt
Cooper Griggs


The Obama administration expanded the NSA's ability to collect Americans' internet data in 2012, with absolutely no notice to the public, The New York Times reports. The Justice Department issued two memos, in secret, to the NSA allowing the agency t...
05 Jun 17:20

Chrome will 'intelligently' pause Flash content like auto-playing ads

by Nicole Lee
Few things are more annoying on the internet than auto-playing Flash ads, especially if it has audio. If you don't already have an ad-blocker installed, then you might want to consider getting the upcoming version of Chrome. Google has announced toda...
05 Jun 17:01

Texting While Driving

Cooper Griggs

damn, that second one...

Photographs purportedly show automobile accidents that occurred as the result of motorists texting while driving.
05 Jun 16:50

Comic for 2015.06.05

Cooper Griggs

oh Grandpa!

05 Jun 16:49


05 Jun 16:29

Terry Coffey Facebook Post

News: Facebook user Terry Coffey's post about Caitlyn Jenner went viral, and he shared an interesting update afterwards.
05 Jun 16:20

tbridge: do-over: warmhamandwhiskey: muffpunch: I just...





I just watched this video about ten times in a row.

This song is great.

the world needs more videos like this.

Oh I like this, a lot.

Yes. This.

i don’t reblog often, but this is sublime.

05 Jun 16:17


by lorenipsum
05 Jun 16:17


05 Jun 16:17

"If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you’ve got..."

“If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you’ve got a problem. Everything else is an inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. A lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat, and a lump in the breast are not the same kind of lump. One needs to learn the difference.”

- Robert Fulghum
05 Jun 16:01


Cooper Griggs

I feel that way about coffee, but not beer. Beer is awesome!

Mmmm, this is such a positive experience! I feel no social pressure to enjoy it at all!
05 Jun 15:59

Bird Portraits Painted On Secondhand Books Featuring Their Native Brazilian Habitats Carved from the Pages

by Kate Sierzputowski
Cooper Griggs




Guy Laramée‘s (previously) new series Onde Elles Moran (Where They Live) captures the mystique of the native birds of the Brazilian region Serra do Corvo Branco (Range of the White Raven) through both portrait and carved landscape. The series contains nine sculptures sourced from secondhand bookstores within the country—tomes of the Classicos Jackson which is a series of literature classics published in the ‘50s in Brazil. The rich linen covers inspired the palettes of many of the portraits, the original colors working their way into Laramée’s artistic remodeling.

Although Laramée had originally planned to photograph the vast canyons of the region during his 4-month visit, the diversity, songs, and liveliness of the native birds kept persuading him to eclipse the beautiful scenes with their portraits. The series is dedicated to these birds and their habitat, each book containing a portrait of one on the cover against a faded background and an environmental carving into the pages of the book on the opposite side. The size ratio of the bird to corresponding landscape highlights the creatures’ importance, acknowledging their role as the true owners and rulers of the region.

“Being in the company of these lively beings were one thing, painting them was another story,” explained Laramée while discussing his process. “They became like ghosts on a theater backdrop, posing in front of wallpaper, looking at a vanishing scenery.”

Laramée hopes that this series exudes the stark differences between Man and bird, recognizing that we do not live within the same world. Man’s world has been transformed into an object from which we now feel alienated he explains—we live within our heads and books, not the canyons or earth. “Maybe where they live is where we should live,” says Laramée. “In the solitude of virgin landscapes, we might rediscover our intimate relationships to the world.”

Laramée is represented by JHB Gallery in New York City.











