Shared posts

12 May 15:34

A nude photograph by Brooke Frederick

A nude photograph by Brooke Frederick

12 May 15:30

Portal running on TI-83/84 calculators

by Nic
07 Aug 14:23

Meanwhile in Rue Belmont ...

by Nic
14 Apr 14:12

mypocketshurt90: heard you were—fuck heard you—agh heard you...


heard you werefuck

heard youagh

heard you wjesus gimme a secargh

heard you were talking shit

14 Apr 14:10

jordnstuff: teenermeener: It takes me a really long time to...



It takes me a really long time to come to realizations.



14 Apr 12:48

annakie: The Mass Effect Cosplay Initiative (Set 2/?)...


The Mass Effect Cosplay Initiative (Set 2/?) (1)

Luciano Costa, Kaidan’s face model

Kimberly Brooks, Ashley’s voice actor

Rana McAnear, Samara / Morinth face model

Keythe Farley, Thane’s voice actor

10 Apr 10:57


10 Apr 10:57


08 Apr 22:12

arefinedrascal: sizvideos: Watch Honey Maid’s awesome answer...

08 Apr 19:53

o pintinho em: a nova panaceia, tira desta segunda na folha.

o pintinho em: a nova panaceia, tira desta segunda na folha.

01 Apr 12:47

theinternetaccordingtoadrian: True

01 Apr 12:42


01 Apr 12:36

giddytf2: afunnyfeminist: ghastderp: i love sir patrick...




i love sir patrick stewart more with each passing day.

See, guys. This is how you do it. Notice the words “Not all men are like that” are never spoken.

You are a good man, Sir Patrick Stewart.

01 Apr 12:31

bagmilk: niknak79: Physics! this man has been decapitated and...




this man has been decapitated and all you have to say is “physics!”??? wow….

27 Mar 17:58

Never Mind, Carry on With the World Domination

Never Mind, Carry on With the World Domination

Submitted by: (via Google)

20 Mar 11:21

applejackismyhomegirl: so much rage. so much rage. 


so much rage. so much rage. 

11 Mar 19:43

Slippery Slope

Sure, taking a few seconds to be respectful toward someone about something they care about doesn't sound hard. But if you talk to hundreds of people every day and they all start expecting that same consideration, it could potentially add up to MINUTES wasted. And for WHAT?
28 Feb 12:39

617 – Siga Seus Sonhos!

by gomba

Siga Seus Sonhos!


Eu sempre me incomodei como que toda hora aparece um quadrinho/imagem/motivacional/meme mencionando que você deve largar seu emprego e ir fazer o que você ama. De boa. Concordo. Mas é sempre alguém largando um emprego de escritório e indo ser desenhista/músico/artista genérico. Mas se você amar segurança fiscal? Ou amar ter um salário bom? Ou sei lá, amar contabilidade. Só porque a gente nunca cogitaria fazer o que outra pessoa faz, não que dizer que ela não ame aquilo que nos incomoda. Não criticando a mensagem, só pedindo um pouco de variação nas representações.

27 Feb 20:58

Tumblr | 760.png

27 Feb 20:51

#1004; In which Birds are admired

by David Malki !

What do they KEEP in those hollow bones?? HMMMM????

24 Feb 19:19

Headline News! Phroyd

Headline News!


24 Feb 15:25

“Accountablity” e Transparência: Brasil vs. EUA.

by mansueto
Há duas coisas que tenho certeza. Primeiro, apesar de todo o tipo de controle que hoje existe no Brasil sobre o uso de recursos públicos, o custo das políticas públicas não é transparente. Um dos meus hobbies favoritos é perguntar para pessoas que defendem a tese que o orçamento no Brasil é transparente o custo […]
24 Feb 13:33

Too long; didn’t read pour vos man pages

by Korben

tldr est une application (un module npm plus exactement) qui permet d'obtenir des infos de type "man" sur une commande, mais uniquement des exemples clair et utiles dans la vie de tous les jours, sans tout le blabla technique (qui a aussi son utilité dans d'autres cas évidemment). C'est du spécial n00b pressé et c'est top !

Par exemple, si de manière classique vous faites un "man tar", vous obtenez ceci :

mantar Too long; didnt read pour vos man pages

Mais si vous utilisez à la place un "tldr tar", vous obtiendrez ceci :

screenshot11 Too long; didnt read pour vos man pages

Pour info, tldr est une abréviation connue d'Internet qui signifie "Too long; didn't read", soit "Trop long; pas lu".

Pour l'installer, vous devez avoir npm (Node Packaged Modules) et lancer la commande suivante :

npm install -g tldr

Plus d'infos ici

Cet article merveilleux et sans aucun égal intitulé : Too long; didn’t read pour vos man pages ; a été publié sur Korben, le seul site qui t'aime plus fort que tes parents.

24 Feb 13:30

acatnamedcassie: Which episode of lazy town was this


Which episode of lazy town was this

24 Feb 13:30


19 Feb 21:12

You Can Just Do That in Public?

You Can Just Do That in Public?

Submitted by: Unknown (via Reddit)

17 Feb 17:30


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Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
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Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
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Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
16 Feb 16:05

Consiguen mover nanomotores dentro de células vivas

by El País

De momento son como diminutas agujas (de unos tres nanómetros, tres milmillonésimas de metro), pero investigadores de la Universidad de Pensilvania han conseguido introducirlas y moverlas dentro de células vivas. Con ello abren la puerta a una herramienta para interaccionar con la estructura celular básica desde dentro, tanto para el estudio como para, en un futuro, curar. El trabajo lo publica Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Los dispositivos están formados por una mezcla magnética de oro y rutenio, y se mueven desde fuera mediante ultrasonidos. Las fotografías tomadas con un microscopio muestran su recorrido.

En principio, se han movido para registrar qué sucede cuando los nanomotores chocan con los orgánulos celulares. “Hemos visto respuestas mecánicas desconocidas hasta ahora”, ha dicho Tom Mallouk, profesor de la Universidad Estatal de Pensilvania. Las células son como diminutas fábricas llenas de orgánulos y estructuras que se encargan de producir energía, procesar nutrientes, eliminar residuos, fabricar proteínas… En una primera aproximación, los minúsculos dispositivos se han usado como batidoras para destruir todo lo que encuentran o perforar las membranas. Parece un trabajo poco preciso, pero solo con pensar que esto pudiera usarse a gran escala para destruir células cancerígenas ya sería un avance.

De hecho, ha sido en cultivos de HeLa, la famosa estirpe de adenocarcinoma de cuello de útero (cérvix) donde se han ensayado. “Esta investigación es una demostración de que es posible usar nanomotores sintéticos para estudiar la biología celular de formas novedosas. Los podríamos utilizar para tratar el cáncer y otras enfermedades manipulando las células desde dentro; podrían efectuar microcirugías intracelulares y administrar fármacos de manera no invasiva”, explica Mallouk.

El trabajo hasta llegar a esta fase ha consistido de varias fases. El primero era fabricar estructuras que una célula engullera de manera natural sin matarla, algo relativamente sencillo. Pero el problema era conseguir moverlas, porque los primeros combustibles que se usaron eran tóxicos. La aplicación de los ultrasonidos ha solucionado ese inconveniente. Con ello han conseguido una precisión que incluso permite mover varias de estas estructuras dentro de una misma célula.

05 Feb 17:20

the-empire-skanks-back: ashemountain: micathemineral: themagna...

by joberholtzer





I have some beef with the Black Widow poster.

seriously, I just overlaid a photo of scarlett as widow from the avengers and included the picture for comparison and


the poses aren’t quite from the same angle but I sized them based on shoulder width and it looks like they photoshopped like at least six inches off her waist not to mention where is her ribcage and random boob-scultping what the actual fuck

Also, they gave her like six extra inches on her neck. And side-gripe, no trigger discipline.

Fuck all that.

photoshop is fuckin weird

04 Feb 01:12

People can be racist towards white people though...

by wagatwe

Yeeeeah but no. It is absolutely not possible to be racist towards white people. Can you be prejudice towards white people? Yes. Is being prejudice ok? No, not at all. No one should be treated differently or unfairly because of their race. But remember that prejudice in minorities against white people is generally in response to oppression. Whereas racism (which is created by white people and enforced on minorities) is a form of oppression. But think about it, if you’d been beaten down, raped and killed by white people for centuries, chances are you’d be a little skeptical of them too.

Now before you go running to your Oxford dictionary (lulz, wonder who wrote that…) to look up the definition of racism, lemme explain. Racism is not just someone being mean to you or calling you names. It’s not just a belief that one group is better than another, it’s an entire SYSTEM that supports the oppression of another group. Racism is a result of prejudice and POWER. Meaning that laws and societal norms are created by one group (ahem, white people) in order to enforce those prejudices onto an ENTIRE group (ahem people of color).

If someone is being mean to you just because you’re white, then they’re being an asshole. But they aren’t a racist asshole because society is not giving them a pass to be mean to you or treat you poorly because you’re white. Society is not rewarding their behavior or creating laws that hurt your quality of life just because you’re white.

Don’t feel bad though, I realize this is something a lot of white people struggle with because in their minds racism = being called cracker, getting beat up by a black person, being told you can’t dance or some black girl put gum in your hair and you had to get a pixie cut which ended up actually looking kinda cute. In reality racism means being denied a job interview because the name on your resume “sounds black”, being removed from school because your natural hair texture is deemed “distracting”, 100 times higher drug sentences for crack cocaine (which is commonly associated with poor black people) versus cocaine (which is commonly used by upper middle class white people), being stopped and frisked or worse KILLED on your way home because you “look suspicious” (ahem black) and so on and so on.

Hope this clears things up cause I’m really tired of explaining this!