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07 Aug 11:40

Anos jogando gamão na internet e só essa semana descobri que morrer capado perde dois pontos.

Anos jogando gamão na internet e só essa semana descobri que morrer capado perde dois pontos.
07 Aug 01:26

Aproveitem enquanto podem, porque em breve a Google vai comprar a paçoquita e obrigar todo mundo...

Aproveitem enquanto podem, porque em breve a Google vai comprar a paçoquita e obrigar todo mundo a ter uma conta do plus.
07 Aug 01:26

I used to be an adventurer like you… Now I’m just somebody that you used to know

I used to be an adventurer like you… Now I’m just somebody that you used to know
06 Aug 16:48

Facebook: povo posta vídeo de 10 minutos e fala “assista até o final”The Old Reader: os...

Facebook: povo posta vídeo de 10 minutos e fala “assista até o final”
The Old Reader: os 5 segundos relevantes do vídeo numa gif animada e sem o áudio chato.

06 Aug 14:44

Baby when I look around ♪ I see only fifty shades of gray ♪ baby I can see your halo ♪ #repost

Baby when I look around ♪ I see only fifty shades of gray ♪ baby I can see your halo ♪ 

06 Aug 12:15

O que eu acho que o maior priviéligio masculino da minha vida: vir pra faculdade em Vitória aos...

O que eu acho que o maior priviéligio masculino da minha vida: vir pra faculdade em Vitória aos 16 anos. (Fosse uma filha meus pais deixariam?)
05 Aug 21:45

They tried to send to rehab ♪♪ ♪♪ but I kept saying no ♪♪ ♪♪ no no no no no no no ♪♪ ♪♪ and...

They tried to send to rehab ♪♪ ♪♪ but I kept saying no ♪♪ ♪♪ no no no no no no no ♪♪ ♪♪ and nothing else matters
05 Aug 11:04

Pronouncing the new apes movie

04 Aug 17:33

Postagens que você não aguenta mais

by Batmantoani


04 Aug 14:04

Every main character in SpongeBob Squarepants is actually...

Osias Jota

não tem 7 pecados capitais na bíblia, mas ok

Every main character in SpongeBob Squarepants is actually inspired by one of the 7 deadly sins.


03 Aug 21:25

manfeels-park: Austen Characters Against...

Osias Jota

arg (via firehose)


Austen Characters Against Feminism!

This week’s Very Special Manfeels with thanks to Women Against Feminism, Jane Austen and the BBC.

03 Aug 13:18

Heavy breathing...

02 Aug 21:25

Babylonian Neurology and Psychiatry

by Neuroskeptic
Osias Jota

Adam Victor Brandizzi

A fascinating little paper in Brain examines Neurology and psychiatry in Babylon. It’s a collaboration by British neurologist Edward H. Reynolds and Assyriologist James V. Kinnier Wilson.

The sources they discuss are almost 4,000 years old, dating to the Old Babylonian Dynasty of 1894 – 1595 BC. Writing in cuneiform script impressed into clay tablets, the Babylonians left records that (unlike paper) were inherently durable, so many of them have survived. All understanding of cuneiform was lost, however, for thousands of years, only to be deciphered in the 19th century.

The texts reveal that

The Babylonians were remarkable observers and documentalists of human illness and behavior. However, their knowledge of anatomy was limited and superficial. Some diseases were thought to have a physical basis, such as worms, snake bites and trauma. Much else was the result of evil forces that required driving out… many, perhaps most diseases required the attention of a priest or exorcist, known as an asipu, to drive out evil demons or spirits.

For instance, one tablet provides an overview of epilepsy and seizures.


The text shows a detailed understanding of the symptoms and prognosis of this disorder, which the Babylonians called miqtu. However, they didn’t think it had anything to do with the brain. Rather,

Throughout the text, the Babylonian conception of epilepsy as a supernatural disorder due to invasion of the body by evil demons or spirits is evident, sometimes with individual names for the spirits associated with particular seizure types. The first line states:

‘If epilepsy falls once upon a person [or falls many times] it is the result of possession by a demon or departed spirit.’

Nonetheless some of the clinical observations are spot on:

The following account of a unilateral focal motor seizure, which today we call ‘Jacksonian’, illustrates the accurate attention to clinical detail by Babylonian scholars:

‘If at the time of his possession, while he is sitting down, his (left) eye moves to the side, a lip puckers, saliva flows from his mouth, and his hand, leg and trunk on the left side jerk (or twitch) like a newly-slaughtered sheep – it is miqtu. If at the time of the possession he is consciously aware, the demon can be driven out; if at the time of the possession he is not so aware, the demon cannot be driven out’

Babylonian physicians were obviously aware that the early motor components of the episode can proceed to loss of consciousness, when it became harder to drive out the demon.

The Babylonians were also aware that epilepsy could kill, writing that

‘If an epilepsy demon falls many times upon him and on a given day he seven times pursues and possesses him, his life will be spared. If he should fall upon him eight times his life may not be spared’

Although there is in fact nothing special about the number seven, this might be an allusion to the fact that prolonged unremitting seizures (what we call status epilepticus) can be fatal. Seven was presumably chosen as the ‘cut-off’ because it was a well-known magical or sacred number.

Another tablet describes what is now known as schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy – when someone who suffers seizures develops paranoia and hallucinations…

‘…a demon then begins to inflict him with (ideas of) persecution so that he says – although no one will agree with him that it is so – that the finger of condemnation is being pointed at him behind his back and that god or goddess are angry with him; if he sees horrible, alarming, or immoral “visions” and is (consequently) in a constant state of fear; if he engages in periodic outbursts of anger against god or goddess, is obsessed with delusions of his own mind, evolves his own religion, and says – although (again) they will not allow it – that his family are hostile towards him and that god, king, his superiors and (city) elders treat him unjustly… and he has no desire for female relationships…’

Reynolds and Kinnier Wilson say that, as well as epilepsy and stroke, Babylonian sources describe irrational behavioral states that seem to correspond to our ‘psychiatric’ diseases, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. Yet, interestingly, the texts contain no account of the ‘inner’, subjective symptoms of these disorders, even though today, these are considered the essence of ‘mental’ illness. The Babylonians simply didn’t write about

subjective thoughts or feelings, such as obsessional thoughts or ruminations in obsessive compulsive disorder, or suicidal thoughts or sadness in depression. These latter subjective phenomena only became a relatively modern field of description and enquiry in the 17th and 18th centuries, possibly under the influence of the Romantic movement. This raises interesting questions about the evolution of human self-awareness.

ResearchBlogging.orgReynolds EH, & Kinnier Wilson JV (2014). Neurology and psychiatry in Babylon. Brain PMID: 25037816

The post Babylonian Neurology and Psychiatry appeared first on Neuroskeptic.

02 Aug 20:48

Amazon Is Tanking This Morning (AMZN)

by Jay Yarow
Osias Jota

via Tadeu

Amazon office 11

After last night's earning report, investors are fleeing Amazon this morning. 

The stock is down 12% in pre-market trading

Amazon's earnings report fit a familiar pattern: Revenue met expectations growing 23% on a year-over-year basis, but it had a $126 million loss, which was much worse than expected. 

On top of that, it forecasted a gargantuan $410-$810 million loss for the next quarter. Analysts were only expecting a $10 million loss next quarter, according to Bloomberg terminal information. 

For years Amazon has grown sales at the expense of the bottom line, and for years investors have been okay with it. It seems like their patience is currently running out. 

Join the conversation about this story »

02 Aug 19:23

Y luego me miraré Trú Detectif por @Sr_Kal_El

02 Aug 18:37

Postagens que você não aguenta mais

by Batmantoani
Osias Jota

via Alan Porto


02 Aug 12:42

Si la vida te da limones...

01 Aug 19:34


by Andrés Diplotti

—¡No puede ir a una fiesta de disfraces vestido de policía!

—¡Ese disfraz glorifica la violencia!
01 Aug 17:45

Si es que no es para menos, dan ganas de cargártelos por @QueDesfase

01 Aug 16:44

stunes530: triptone: Last night my little sister (5th grade) was making an e-mail account She saw...

Osias Jota

destroy all humans!!! (via Cooper Griggs)



Last night my little sister (5th grade) was making an e-mail account

She saw gender and went to click female when she noticed the “other” choice

She looked at me confused and I started to explain that some people don’t think they fit in with strictly male or female

"Oh! You mean like transgender and stuff like that. I was freaked out for a second- I thought they meant robots."

Yet another example the kids are more open-minded than adults

The best.

01 Aug 14:24

fuckyourracism: whoobin: madblackgirl: so when we gonna talk...




so when we gonna talk about how western imperialism and colonialism plays an extremely large role in this

Hawaiian language was almost extinct because America made it a law to cut all Hawaiian language from public school when they illegally annexed Hawaii and thus making Hawaiian parents feel their children won’t make it in the world so they stopped speaking Hawaiian to their kids and forbid them to learn it (giving spankings if heard at home etc) and making English the default language. 

In Australia, before colonization by the British, the continent was home to around 250 indigenous languages.

Today, there are only 20 in constant use.

Here’s a picture of North American languages before colonization. 

Here’s after. 

"On language maps of North America depicting Native American languages, part of the southeast has a giant blank spot, where languages disappeared so quickly and completely that nothing at all is known about them. The loss of these languages before linguists could document them is lamentable.  However, it is to an even greater extent, incomparably horrifying what this giant blank spot represents in terms of lives lost and cultures destroyed."  - Language and Authority: Why languages disappear

Add to this with more examples if you can. 

- J

01 Aug 12:01

El Lado Oscuro lo está pasando mal - También afecta al Lado Oscuro

01 Aug 11:42

Tribute to Dragon Ball

by boulet

01 Aug 11:42

60 kilometers

by (the realist)

(watch the process for this image and more on The Realist Patreon page.)

01 Aug 11:42

Living with Hipstergirl and Gamergirl-127 (english)

by jagodibuja


01 Aug 02:25

Side Eyeing Chloe | f5d.jpg

01 Aug 02:15

Tumblr | 473.gif

01 Aug 00:05

Hear Weird Al’s New Polka Medley Covering Miley Cyrus, Daft Punk & more

by Daniel Koren
Osias Jota

aêêêêêê!!!! (via tadeu)

The ultimate staple of every record in Weird Al‘s discography has to be the polka medley. While the rest of the tracks are parodies, the polka is the only time where he actually takes the lyrics from the originals, reintroducing them for the contemporary polka audience. In his latest, “NOW That’s What I Call Polka!” from his freshly released Mandatory Fun, he covers several pop smashes we’ve all heard, or overheard.

Miley Cyrus – “Wrecking Ball”
Foster The People – “Pumped Up Kicks”
One Direction – “The Best Song Ever”
Psy – “Gangnam Style”
Carly Rae Jepsen – “Call Me Maybe” – “Scream & Shout” (Feat. Britney Spears)
Gotye – “Somebody That I Used To Know” (Feat. Kimbra)
Pitbull – “Timber” (Feat. Ke$ha)
LMFAO – “Sexy And I Know It”
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – “Thrift Shop” (Feat. Wanz)
Daft Punk – “Get Lucky”

You’ll notice that some of these are dated, but it doesn’t seem like the singer/parodist is too tech-savvy. I mean, he doesn’t even have a SoundCloud page. Check out “NOW That’s What I Call Polka!” below:

Read more articles like "Hear Weird Al’s New Polka Medley Covering Miley Cyrus, Daft Punk & more" on PMA - Pretty Much Amazing.

Tags: Daft Punk, Foster The People, Miley Cyrus, Weird Al
31 Jul 23:53

And you thought you had balls? This bloke has 4!

30 Jul 21:46

My GF's 9 year old daughter: "I invented this so I don't have to stop playing videogames to drink my water". I've dubbed it the "Pwning Pouch"

Osias Jota

minha nova heróia