Shared posts

02 Jun 13:35

Mapping sea salt from orbit: building better climate models with salinity data

02 Jun 02:24

Community | Dan Harmon confirma sua volta à série



Give me some rope
Tie me to dream
Give me the hope
To run out of steam

Dan Harmon, o criador e ex-roteirista de Community, confirmou seu retorno para a quinta temporada da série. Depois de especulações que ele voltaria terem surgido na semana passada, Harmon tuitou uma resposta direta a um fã: "Sim, sim, sim! Estou de volta, estou de volta, estou de volta. Podem agradecer Joel McHale". Confira: RT @dpeanutbutter: @danharmon GIVE US A STRAIGHT ANSWER! ~ Yes yes yes!I'm back I'm back I'm back.You can thank @joelmchale. — Dan Harmon (@danharmon) June 1, 2013 Após inúmeros desentendimentos com a NBC (emissora que exibe a série), Sony (estúdio responsável pela produção) e Chevy Chase (que ...
02 Jun 02:22

CARRETERAS Y CAMINOS - Hay un sin fin de ellos que me gustaría recorrer

02 Jun 02:16

A Feast of Fire and Ice

by Jill Harness

Thursday night, New York City residents who are fans of Game of Thrones were able to enjoy A Feast of Fire and Ice at Percy's Tavern, thanks to the bar's owner, Larry Watson, and Westeros-themed bakery owner Claudia Smith. The event featured a costme contest, dead boars, goblets of poppy milk, fortune telling and more.

Victoria McNally of Geekosystem was there and her pictres from the event are the next best thing to going in person.


01 Jun 23:55


01 Jun 23:52

lolzpicx: Windows version of Google’s Project Glass


Windows version of Google’s Project Glass

01 Jun 23:51

One-Shot vs. Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma

by schneier

This post by Aleatha Parker-Wood is very applicable to the things I wrote in Liars & Outliers:

A lot of fundamental social problems can be modeled as a disconnection between people who believe (correctly or incorrectly) that they are playing a non-iterated game (in the game theory sense of the word), and people who believe that (correctly or incorrectly) that they are playing an iterated game.

For instance, mechanisms such as reputation mechanisms, ostracism, shaming, etc., are all predicated on the idea that the person you're shaming will reappear and have further interactions with the group. Legal punishment is only useful if you can catch the person, and if the cost of the punishment is more than the benefit of the crime.

If it is possible to act as if the game you are playing is a one-shot game (for instance, you have a very large population to hide in, you don't need to ever interact with people again, or you can be anonymous), your optimal strategies are going to be different than if you will have to play the game many times, and live with the legal or social consequences of your actions. If you can make enough money as CEO to retire immediately, you may choose to do so, even if you're so terrible at running the company that no one will ever hire you again.

Social cohesion can be thought of as a manifestation of how "iterated" people feel their interactions are, how likely they are to interact with the same people again and again and have to deal with long term consequences of locally optimal choices, or whether they feel they can "opt out" of consequences of interacting with some set of people in a poor way.

01 Jun 13:49


01 Jun 13:48

jakiiiro: Photographs taken inside musical instruments making...


Photographs taken inside musical instruments making them look like large and spacious rooms.


01 Jun 13:48


01 Jun 13:47


31 May 18:50

ARTE FOTOGRÁFICO - Cuando el lugar y el momento exacto se juntan

31 May 16:14



31 May 16:14


31 May 16:11

xombiedirge: Grand Theft Fiction by Mark Button


Grand Theft Fiction by Mark Button

31 May 16:07

collegehumor: notforbreakfast: The Font Conference....


✆ ✍ ☺ ✉ ✉ ✉



The Font Conference.

This video wasn’t long enough,

so we made it double-spaced.

30 May 17:57

Water-rock reaction may provide enough hydrogen 'food' to sustain life in ocean's crust or on Mars

A chemical reaction between iron-containing minerals and water may produce enough hydrogen "food" to sustain microbial communities living in pores and cracks within the enormous volume of rock below the ocean floor and parts of the continents, according to a new study.
30 May 16:20

Recensione dei Monty Python della Guida Galattica per...

Recensione dei Monty Python della Guida Galattica per Autostoppisti.

Qui in Italia si è usi metrate i testi in battute, ossia in numero di caratteri, nei Paesi anglosassoni si preferisce usare il numero di parole.

Questo dei Monty Python è un testo di 42 parole.

30 May 16:12

iraffiruse: Frozach Submitted

29 May 16:26

A comprehensive guide for pragmatic RESTful API design

29 May 15:51

Aquele momento…

by Thiago TG

… em que só resta gritar “FUDEU!”

papel higienico

Do Berkeley Mews

29 May 13:43

Drones autônomos já conseguem seguir uma pessoa como um animal de estimação

by Ronaldo Gogoni


Sameer Parekh era um contador em Wall Street que resolveu largar o emprego e fundar a Falkor Systems, uma empresa centrada em desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de drones autônomos. Seu desejo é simples: eliminar a necessidade de um controlador, permitindo que os drones mapeiem e sigam seu rumo seguindo apenas seus algoritmos de inteligência artificial.

O protótipo apresentado no vídeo abaixo é um Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 modificado, programado para seguir a imagem estampada na camisa que o rapaz está usando. Seus algoritmos fazem com que ele mantenha uma distância segura elegantemente, mas seguindo a pessoa fielmente – quase como um cachorrinho.

A ideia de Parekh é refinar a IA dos drones de modo que eles reconheçam seus donos sem a necessidade de acessórios, o que poderia ser um produto interessante para atletas extremos, como base-jumpers. Eu consigo imaginar esses drones acompanhando um maratonista por exemplo, ou até mesmo um repórter numa zona de conflito. Claro, algumas alterações seriam necessárias nesses casos, mas se os drones conseguirem no futuro escanear e reconhecer um rosto, mover o foco para outro ponto é fichinha.

Fonte: PopSci.

29 May 13:22

Dios está loco

by (Salles)
28 May 17:04

Monkey Light

by (Damn Cool Pics)
MonkeyLectric’s Mini Monkey Light M210 is a durable LED bike light that keeps you visible for evening rides; it straps to your spokes and displays full color 8-bit graphics on your spinning wheel. The lights come with pre-loaded animations, but you can add your own JPG, GIF, PNG, AVI, MPEG, MOV, QT, FLV, and more.

26 May 12:55

Yahoo! Is Trying To Buy Hulu

by The Cajun Boy

Well this is interesting: fresh off of buying Tumblr for a cool $1.1 billion, Yahoo! is making a bid for Hulu.

Reports Reuters:

Yahoo Inc has submitted a formal proposal to buy Hulu, joining a growing list of bidders for the video service owned by News Corp and Walt Disney Co, two sources with knowledge of the bid told Reuters on Friday.

As someone who once worked at Yahoo!, I think the reaction of Chris Lehmann, my former boss at Yahoo!, sums up my feelings about this perfectly…

26 May 12:47

Thursday May 23, 2013

by admin

26 May 12:46

Comic for May 25, 2013

26 May 12:45

British Ad Campaign Uses Image Of Old Pregnant Woman To Scare Women Into Having Babies Younger

by Aviva Shen

(Credit: First Response)

While pregnant teens are being shamed for making bad choices in the US, a new ad campaign in Britain is tackling the other side of the spectrum with an arresting image of a pregnant old woman. The campaign, sponsored by the pregnancy testing company First Response, purports to warn young women that their childbearing years are numbered.

The average British woman bears her first child at age 30, 5 years later than American women. In the name of “provok[ing] a debate about how old is too old to have a baby,” First Response Get Britain Fertile had make-up artists transform 45-year-old British TV presenter Kate Garraway into a cartoonishly ancient-looking pregnant woman.

Yet even as First Response claims there is a lack of awareness about the female biological clock, they tout a survey by YouGov finding 70 percent of British women believe having a baby in her 40s would be too old. Women were also quite clear about their motives to wait: two-fifths said they would delay having a child until they have financial stability, while over a third said the cost of childcare is a deterrent. Another third said they would wait until they found the right partner.

Nevertheless, First Response has decided the solution to the trend of women waiting longer to have children is to criticize them, prey on their fears of aging, and exploit social disgust for even moderately sexual old women.

Get Britain Fertile ambassadors Garraway and Zita West insist that they are not trying to push women into a panic over their ticking fertility clocks. Yet the campaign, which officially launches June 3, would do well to extend beyond the caricature of the old woman. Thus far, First Response has not suggested they will explore ways to bridge the vast disparity between the average cost of raising a child — roughly half a million dollars in the US, not including college tuition — and the employment prospects of the average 25-year-old couple. In the US, the average college-educated 20-something earns $45,000 a year, while their unemployment rate is far higher than their older counterparts. Highly-educated young people are also increasingly finding it difficult to find jobs that match their very expensive education. In the UK, two-fifths of all unemployed people are younger than 25. Nor does the campaign touch on the UK’s childcare costs, which are the second highest in the world.

Rather than address these real fiscal issues young women explicitly say are keeping them from having children earlier, Garraway writes that women are simply being too picky about settling down with the right partner: “I’m not suggesting for a minute that you settle for the first half-decent man who comes along – every woman has the right to hold out for Mr Right – but you may find that really addressing your feelings about having a family means the man you thought was Mr Right comes in a different form. I suppose the word for it is mindfulness.”

This advice ignores the far higher divorce rates among people who married younger than 30. In the UK, the divorce rate hit a 40-year low last year as couples delay marriage til age 30 or later.

It is true that pregnancy is riskier for women in their 40s, and studies suggest that the risk of autism rises if either parent is over 35. But the Get Britain Fertile campaign launch coincides with a “fertility breakthrough” that would make women undergoing in vitro fertilization 3 times more likely to have a baby. While the current average success rate is around 25 percent in Britain, new time-lapse imaging could raise it to 78 percent.

As technology allows women to have more and more control over their reproductive decisions, efforts to dictate the correct time and methods women should use to get pregnant are growing more common. A recent Singaporean ad campaign took a similar approach with a series of patronizing leaflets using fairy tales to depict women’s waning fertility. Jezebel compiled the lengthy laundry list of things pregnant women are often told they must or must not do in order to successfully bear a healthy child.

First Response’s and other fertility campaigns will probably have little impact on the birth rate. But they will perpetuate the insidious notion that women, and women alone, are to blame for any reproductive troubles they may have.


26 May 12:40

Holy Crap! It’s a lion!

by Jonco




25 May 15:03

World's Biggest 'Agile' Software Project Close To Failure

by Soulskill
00_NOP writes "'Universal Credit' — the plan to consolidate all Britain's welfare payments into one — is the world's biggest 'agile' software development project. It is now close to collapse, the British government admitted yesterday. The failure, if and when it comes, could cost billions and have dire social consequences. 'Some steps have been taken to try to rescue the project. The back end – the benefits calculation – has reportedly been shifted to a "waterfall" development process – which offers some assurances that the government at least takes its fiduciary duties seriously as it should mean no code will be deployed that has not been finished. The front end – the bit used by humans – is still meant to be “agile” – which makes some sense, but where is the testing? Agile is supposed to be about openness between developer and client and we – the taxpayers – are the clients: why can’t we see what our money is paying for?'"

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