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07 May 16:00

A fear submitted by upjob to deep dark fears.

A fear submitted by upjob to deep dark fears.

01 Mar 21:49

And the Award Goes To…

by Doug
01 Mar 18:05

Memórias antigas

by Thiago TG



28 Feb 13:29

Can You Solve This Simple Logic Puzzle?

Also known as the "You've-Gotta-Be-Kidding-Me" puzzle.

Submitted by: Unknown

28 Feb 03:52

O verdadeiro Walter White

by Ana Soares


Quem assistiu Breaking Bad certamente já deve ter imaginado se ao menos uma parte da história era real. E é! Ontem a VICE postou um vídeo onde o verdadeiro Walter White (sim, esse é o nome real dele) fala sobre seu trabalho como cozinheiro de metanfetamina, onde costumava produzir a droga, como funcionava a distribuição, entre muitas outras curiosidades sobre ele e o império que construiu. Atualmente está em reabilitação aguardando julgamento, que pode ser prisão perpétua, mas ele sabe que são consequências das escolhas que fez. Seu parceiro Sammy cumpre 2 sentenças de prisão perpétua.


Existe o advogado salvador de peles, existe o parceiro de produção e distribuição, existe uma família em pedaços…

Assista ao documentário com legenda feito pela VICE:

27 Feb 21:21

‘Mummy, I could have done that’

27 Feb 10:50


by mark

Originally published as Systemantics, the pun in the title carries the important message that systems have “antics” — they act up, misbehave, and have their own mind. The author is having fun with a serious subject, deciding rightly that a sense of humor and paradox are the only means to approach complexity. His insights come in the form of marvelously succinct rules of thumb, in the spirit of Murphy’s Law and the Peter Principle. This book made me 1) not worry about understanding a colossal system — you can’t, 2) realize I can change a system — by starting a new one, and 3) avoid starting new systems — they don’t go away.

The lesson is that whatever complexity you are creating or have to work with — a website, a company, a robot, a tribe, a platform — is a system that will over time exhibit its own agenda. You need to understand the basic laws of systems, which this perennial book (now in its third edition) will cheerily instruct you.

-- KK

[This is a Cool Tools Favorite from 2014]

The Systems Bible
(3rd Edition of Systemantics)
2003, 316 pages

Available from Amazon

Sample Excerpts:





A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The parallel proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.


We begin at the beginning, with the Fundamental Theorem: New systems mean new problems.


The system always kicks back — Systems get in the way — or, in slightly more elegant language: Systems tend to oppose their own proper functions.


Systems tend to malfunction conspicuously just after their greatest triumph. Toynbee explains this effect by pointing out the strong tendency to apply a previously successful strategy to the new challenge. The army is now fully prepared to fight the previous war.

27 Feb 10:47

Silicon Valley: Mike Judge's new HBO series

by Mark Frauenfelder
Silicon Valley is a new comedy series premiering April 6th on HBO. It's created by Mike Judge (Beavis & Butt-Head, Office Space, Idiocracy).
Silicon Valley was co-created with comedy veteran Alec Berg (Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm). The eight-episode first season will feature four directed by Judge, two directed by Berg, and one apiece from Tricia Brock (Breaking Bad, Girls) and Maggie Carey (The To-Do List).

Silicon Valley: Mike Judge's new HBO series


27 Feb 10:47


27 Feb 10:46


27 Feb 10:46


27 Feb 10:45


27 Feb 10:43

"I’m a logo!" [x]

"I’m a logo!" [x]

27 Feb 10:42

Surreal Travel Photography

by diegorooker

Surreal Travel Photography Surreal Travel Photography
Everyone has normal holiday photos, but Weerapong Chaipuck has made something really special while traveling!

Surreal Travel Photography 1 Surreal Travel Photography
Surreal Travel Photography 2 Surreal Travel Photography
Surreal Travel Photography 5 Surreal Travel Photography
Surreal Travel Photography 11 Surreal Travel Photography
Surreal Travel Photography 13 Surreal Travel Photography


Leawo Total Media Converter - Enjoy Spring Offer up to 50% Off!

27 Feb 10:41

spectacularuniverse: I’ve seen this photograph very frequently...


I’ve seen this photograph very frequently on tumblr and Facebook, always with the simple caption, “Ghost Heart”. What exactly is a ghost heart?

More than 3,200 people are on the waiting list for a heart transplant in the United States. Some won’t survive the wait. Last year, 340 died before a new heart was found.

The solution: Take a pig heart, soak it in an ingredient commonly found in shampoo and wash away the cells until you’re left with a protein scaffold that is to a heart what two-by-four framing is to a house.

Then inject that ghost heart, as it’s called, with hundreds of millions of blood or bone-marrow stem cells from a person who needs a heart transplant, place it in a bioreactor - a box with artificial lungs and tubes that pump oxygen and blood into it - and wait as the ghost heart begins to mature into a new, beating human heart.

Doris Taylor, director of regenerative medicine research at the Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital in Houston, has been working on this— first using rat hearts, then pig hearts and human hearts - for years.

The process is called decellularization and it is a tissue engineering technique designed to strip out the cells from a donor organ, leaving nothing but connective tissue that used to hold the cells in place. 

This scaffold of connective tissue - called a “ghost organ” for its pale and almost translucent appearance - can then be reseeded with a patient’s own cells, with the goal of regenerating an organ that can be transplanted into the patient without fear of tissue rejection.

This ghost heart is ready to be injected with a transplant recipient’s stem cells so a new heart - one that won’t be rejected - can be grown.


27 Feb 10:38

Strange Tales II #3 (“Rogue Gets in Trouble” - Marvel Knights -...

by brianbendis

Strange Tales II #3 (“Rogue Gets in Trouble” - Marvel Knights - February 2011)

Writer/Illustrator: Kate Beaton

27 Feb 10:37

#1004; In which Birds are admired

by David Malki !

What do they KEEP in those hollow bones?? HMMMM????

27 Feb 10:27

February 25, 2014

26 Feb 17:00

Great Job, Internet!: Waste away the afternoon with this periodic table with pop culture tropes in place of chemicals

by Dan Selcke

Graphic designer James Harris has taken the periodic table of the elements, which catalogs the basic building blocks necessary for all life in the universe, and done something useful with it. Harris’ Periodic Table Of Storytelling takes several of the film, television, and video game clichés assembled so thoroughly by the website TV Tropes, assigns them the equivalent of an atomic name and number, and gathers them together in a big, beautiful parody of the periodic table.

Each of the tropes on the chart is linked to the corresponding TV Tropes page—clicking the element Dx, for example, takes users to the page explaining deus ex machina, while clicking on Mcg brings up the page on the MacGuffin. The table also provides the chemical compounds for a select few shows and movies—Firefly, for example, is made up of one atom of Sbn (Screwed by the network) combined with a ...

26 Feb 16:50


26 Feb 16:49

Tumblr | 7e4.png

26 Feb 16:49

ericsandt: comic-khan: thebicker: drwhom: spookychan: russel...







John Oliver from The Daily Show Presents Gun Control to America - Imgur

Whoop dee fucking doo indeed.

Ever feel like the Daily Show does better reporting and REAL questioning than most news shows?

It’s satire only reveals more truth than not.


Fuck the NRA.

26 Feb 16:47

Open access science publisher demands full availability of data

by John Timmer

Yesterday, the open access publisher Public Library of Science announced a change to its data sharing requirements. Previously, anyone publishing in one of its journals (including PLoS One, the largest scientific journal around) implicitly agreed to make the data that they used in the paper available to other researchers, which typically meant that the other researchers had to make a formal request for it. From now on, however, the PLoS journals will require authors to sign a data availability statement that guarantees that all the data used in a paper is publicly accessible to anyone at the moment the paper goes live.

That includes things like images, DNA sequence reads, raw cell counts, and so forth. The publisher suggests three ways that researchers can meet the requirements. If the underlying data (like cell counts) is numerical, it can simply be published in a table in the paper itself. If it's a bit larger, researchers can compress it and make the archive a supplement to the paper, which PLoS will host on its servers. If it's larger still, researchers should look to a third-party service; hosting it on an institutional server would also be an option.

PLoS accepts that this won't work in some cases, as confidentiality is required for patient data, and some researchers rely on third parties for data. These exceptions, however, should be just that: exceptional. The vast majority of data should be subject to the new rules.

Read 1 remaining paragraphs | Comments

26 Feb 16:30

Coming Distractions: There’s more Godzilla, more Bryan Cranston in the new Godzilla trailer

by A.A. Dowd

Warner Bros. is still playing a little coy with the skyscraper-sized star attraction of its Godzilla reboot. The new full-length trailer offers only fleeting glimpses of the G-man—a shot of his jagged back-spikes rising out of the drink, a few extreme close-ups of his leathery hide, a climactic, obscured peek of his gaping maw. This is, of course, more than what the teaser offered; by the 17th and final spot, fans will probably wish producers had kept some tiny fraction of the monster under wraps. In any case, this promising preview leaves most of the scenery chewing to Bryan Cranston, whose ominous, scolding monologue (“It is gonna send us back to the Stone Age!”) teases the destruction that awaits. Speaking of destruction, director Gareth Edwards (Monsters) clearly hasn’t skimped on the apocalyptic mass chaos: The trailer opens with a overhead view of a congested expressway, the tiny ...

26 Feb 16:25

peashooter85: Rare and unusual “Femme Fatale” ring pistol,...


Rare and unusual “Femme Fatale” ring pistol, originates from France, third quarter of the 19th century.

Sold at Auction: $11,350

26 Feb 16:24

Reap For The Picking: Diablo III’s Huge Loot 2.0 Patch Live

by Nathan Grayson

Diablo III‘s first expansion, Reaper of Souls, won’t explode forth from the Internet’s gleaming loot cavities for another month, but the free patch that includes a healthy chunk of its content is already here right now. Well, if you live in America. It’s not out in other regions yet, but it will be soon. It’s quite a behemoth, with loot of the 2.0 variety flowing from both its wazoos. Rebalanced classes and a new customizable difficulty system are also in, as are revamped bosses and a fully overhauled Paragon leveling system. Basically, this patch is Reaper of Souls’ blanched white backbone. More details below.

… [visit site to read more]

26 Feb 16:20

Disney Announces Their Own Streaming Network With Over 400 Titles

For a long time, there was a severe lack of Walt Disney Company titles on Netflix. Then slowly but surely, deals started being made and the classic animated films began popping up in my queue. I was very happy, as I'm sure others were. But today, Disney has announced their very own streaming service for a slew of titles launching with their latest hit, Frozen
26 Feb 09:13


26 Feb 09:05

Blackthorne (Blizzard - SNES - 1994)  (via...

Blackthorne (Blizzard - SNES - 1994) 

(via morebuildingsandfood)

26 Feb 09:03

