Shared posts

19 Aug 16:14

The E.T.-Yoda Theory

by Miss Cellania

Star Wars fans are familiar with this, but it may be new to younger folks. We don’t know who put these pictures together, but they surfaced recently at reddit. Adding to the confusion, there is the idea that, although the events happened long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away, the Star Wars saga was a documentary. The images just took a long time to travel to Earth. E.T. was stranded on Earth 32 years ago, which means the enterprising young alien is probably a senator somewhere himself now.

The ET/Yoda question itself was posed years ago, at least as far back as 2006, but it may be much older. The crossovers were actually an agreement between George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, ya know, cross-promotion. Also note that Senator Grebleips was named for Spielberg -just read it backwards. -via Buzzfeed

01 Mar 22:21

Babies, 2


snap snap snap snap

01 Mar 22:20

Mentirinhas #591

by Fábio Coala


mentirinhas_584Pelos poderes do Carnaval!


O post Mentirinhas #591 apareceu primeiro em Mentirinhas.

01 Mar 22:05

Tor Is Building an Anonymous Instant Messenger

by samzenpus
An anonymous reader writes in with news about a new anonymous instant messenger client on the way from Tor. "Forget the $16 billion romance between Facebook and WhatsApp. There's a new messaging tool worth watching. Tor, the team behind the world's leading online anonymity service, is developing a new anonymous instant messenger client, according to documents produced at the Tor 2014 Winter Developers Meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

01 Mar 21:41

A Rescued Pelican With A GoPro Camera Strapped to His Beak Documents First Successful Flight

by Lori Dorn

Big Bird is a pelican who was separated from his flock during a storm and washed ashore on the banks of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania. The staff of Greystoke Mahale, a nearby resort, took in the wayward pelican and taught him how to fly again.

He didn’t fly for some weeks but with encouragement he got the idea. We aren’t sure how much flying he may have already done before arriving here but he was pretty shaky in his next attempts on the beach. We would run up and down flapping our arms and simulating flight for him. He would look on curiously until one day he showed us how it was done! It was short and uncontrolled and we would look away when he was landing as he seemed to not distinguish between ground and air speed coming in way too fast and endangering our beach furniture.

He finally got it right and with a GoPro strapped to his beak, Big Bird took flight.

Big Bird  the Pelican In Flight

Teaching a Pelican to Fly
Pelican Flying

Big Bird the Pelican

images via Greystoke Mahale, GoPro

via GoPro

01 Mar 21:33

It's a Sign! A Child Prodigy!

It's a Sign! A Child Prodigy!

Submitted by: Unknown (via Orion60)

01 Mar 19:47


01 Mar 18:05

Time Lapse Photography | 90f.gif

01 Mar 18:04

Text Faces

by Endswell
01 Mar 01:55

Uma história muito triste

by Maurício


28 Feb 16:09

February 28, 2014

Oh my GOD February is over.
28 Feb 16:08

Community leans slightly serious again to explore male bonding [Recap: season 5, episode 7]

by Kevin McFarland

The fifth season of Community isn’t breaking new ground, but it’s a perfectly satisfying addition to a catalogue of episodes that now breaks down into a number of categories. Right now, I think there’s a bit of a gradient along which episodes fall: Conceptually ambitious and serious (“Virtual Systems Analysis,” “Critical Film Studies”), the lightly serious (“Mixology Certification”), the lightly comedic (“Introduction To Teaching,” basically most of the first season), and the structurally adventurous joke factories (“Epidemiology,” “Paradigms Of Human Memory,” “Basic Intergluteal Numismatics”).

Episodes fall into or between those categories, but largely that’s what the show is working with at this point. “Bondage And Beta Male Sexuality” falls into that second list. It’s not structurally overambitious, nor is it a consistent laugh-fest. But it’s an earnestly serious episode with many laughs examining two male relationships—a pair of old friends out of touch and a student/teacher interaction—that haven’t been featured previously on the show. And I think it’s important to note that Community has some classic, nearly flawless episodes in each of those categories. The extremes aren’t automatically better than ones that are less ambitious in scope. Each respective fan of Community perhaps prefers one side of the spectrum, either the serious episodes that examine the psychological wellbeing of the characters, or the batshit crazy genre homages that have a high joke-per-minute output. But the dynamism involved in creating successful episodes across that gradient makes Community one of my favorite shows on television.

With the departures of Chevy Chase and Donald Glover, it’s been nice to see John Oliver worked back into the Community ensemble as a recurring player with more significance. His friendship with Jeff was a cornerstone of the show’s pilot, but since Professor Duncan faded into the background during the second season before disappearing altogether, that relationship hasn’t been an essential part. Now that the show has a reduced cast, suddenly an established rapport and relationship between Jeff and Duncan is necessary for the show to continue. “Bondage” establishes the surface-level acquaintance that those two characters have, complicates it with a foolish competition for Britta, and then pivots into a far more rewarding place that binds the two characters together as friends. Jeff has gone through this type of arc before with Shirley (“Foosball And Nocturnal Vigilantism”) and others, but for two comedic performers as adept at coming off as both slimy and charming, this is a delight.

Duncan has overtly and shamelessly tried to hook up with Britta since he re-emerged on the show, and he solicits Jeff for help making it happen. He’s a sleaze ball about it, but Jeff is just lackadaisical enough to help out while not really getting involved. But his suggestions end up sending most of the group to a charity event for starving children with cleft palates. Jeff even gets dragged along while caught in limbo between staying out of Duncan’s way with Britta and seemingly like a jerk for not joining the group outing at a charity event. The almost bored camaraderie eventually gives way to petty competition, but wisely the episode never lets that sense of boorish masculinity escape the conversations between Jeff and Duncan.

Whereas the fear of getting older in “Mixology Certification” belonged to Troy as he watched his friends devolve in various ways while at a bar for his 21st birthday, the existential crisis of this episode belongs to Britta. At the charity event, she sees some activist friends from her past, and freaks out that she’s sold out by going to community college and not sticking with their lifestyle of fighting the power. But over the course of the first two acts, she learns that her three friends actually own the building the event is being held in. They’ve sold out more than she has. Her realization that one of her friends looks at her opinion as less valid because she has less material wealth and thus less to potentially lose through a resurgence in thrilling-but-unwise guerilla activism is heartbreaking. Here’s a character so downtrodden by her friends, and still so fiercely charitable even as she fails publicly that it’s impossible not to root for her personal breakthroughs.

This plot succeeds because it advances each of the three characters. Jeff, initially drawn to competition once he sees that other people find Britta cool, lets go of that machismo in order to help a friend; Duncan actually imparts useful advice to an emotionally vulnerable Britta, though he pounds on the steering wheel in a private tantrum when he makes the choice not to make a move. And Britta emerges from a delicate crisis slightly more confident that she can roll with the punches of being a previously aimless adult still figuring out which path to take.

In the other plot, Abed and Professor Hickey are the latest to take a turn on the bonding-with-teacher carousel. Community has sent Hickey in orbit around three characters so far—Jeff, Annie, and now Abed—in order to tease out more of his story and to put Hickey’s accomplishments in contrast with the goals the younger characters have for themselves.

The gist of Abed’s initial motivation is that he’s lonely since Troy has departed for his journey (now presumably captured by pirates). In an act that keeps him within his pop-culture parameters but appears wary to venture outside the things he shared with Troy, Abed is going to a KickPuncher screening in full costume. Troy wore the cardboard suit in their homemade videos, but Abed wanders the halls alone. The long shot from the other end of the hallway emphasizes his loneliness, and I think it’s both his depression and need for connection that leads him to interacting with Professor Hickey, who’s alone sketching more duck comics in his office. After a mishap with KickPuncher’s “ballistic foam” destroys all the work Hickey’s done in the past five hours, he throws a Hail Mary and handcuffs Abed to a file cabinet in order to punish him.

It’s a completely contrived sitcom plot: old fogey punishes young whippersnapper by confining the offender, causing them to lose something they desire. But in that mini bottle plot, not unlike the “stuck in the freezer” cliché from countless other episodes, Abed and Hickey get under each other’s skin before coming to an enlightening understanding. Once Abed realizes he’s truly stuck, he attempts to make a genuine apology, and it nearly works, until he realizes that Hickey won’t let him go until the screening begins to prove a point. Then Abed turns into an overly critical monster, insulting Hickey for being jealous of his creativity when Jim The Duck is so plain and lifeless.

As seen in “Analysis Of Corked-Based Networking,” Hickey has bottled up his anger about what he sees as the failures in his life. But by the end of the night, he and Abed come an understanding that they complement each other creatively: Hickey is down-to-earth, and Abed is up in the clouds. Together, they can meet in the middle to make something inventive with a strong foundation in reality. I really liked that this episode only picked at Abed’s mental state and how the group tends to tiptoe around him, allowing him to fight back with vitriol against Hickey in order to gain equal footing. Sometimes the episodes that examine Abed’s instability tend to victimize him too much—he devolves into a shrieking mess—but this plot correctly calls him out for his selfish and stubborn attitude while allowing him the strength and confidence to defend his approach to creativity.

And then there’s the Chang plot. In the words of Buzz Hickey’s hacky duck: “What the hell?” It’s a hilarious runner that has nothing to do with anything else in the episode, and probably the best Chang solo plot since the initial inklings of campus takeover in the third season. The Bear Dance plot found a way for Ken Jeong to mesh with other members of the cast, but this story has him in a quick comedic arc all his own. The idea that he accidentally stumbles upon a black box theater audience rapt with attention to his impromptu one-man show is a great setup. The janitor is a nice complication, and then the audience and janitor dialogue through Chang over which are the ghosts takes the arc to the surreal limit for the show. The Shining and Sixth Sense twists in the final scene are a bit obvious, but they’re still fun, especially the final gag about the club picture Chang appears in.

Jonathan Banks is headed to AMC’s Breaking Bad spinoff Better Call Saul, meaning he probably won’t be around for a hypothetical sixth season of Community. And John Oliver has his new weekly show on HBO, so he likely won’t be back as a regular either. That’s a shame, since they’ve both proven to be delightful actors capable of crafting intriguingly complex characters that fit right in with the rest of the topsy-turvy world that is Greendale. But it’s impressive that in the wake of losing Pierce and Troy, Community has found a way to tie in new characters by forging new, meaningful friendships and professional relationships between the study group and the new (or returning) characters. This isn’t a laugh-a-minute episode, but it’s one that comes to grips with male friendship in a way that isn’t the bromantic crutch that became the Troy/Abed dynamic. I loved each and every time those two got into shenanigans together, but it’s good to see the show branching out and understanding that it doesn’t always have to be that way.

Extra Credit

  • Annie and Shirley show up approximately three times during the episode, largely taking a backseat for the duration. It could be seen as too meta, but I thought the final moment of commentary put a fine button on the characters, especially when Shirley correctly opined that she hasn’t been features as much as the others.
  • I was watching live, so I didn’t catch all of the exchange between Jeff and Duncan about Dane Cook and Jason Biggs, but that line was absolutely hilarious.
  • I can’t make heads or tails of the tag featuring Dean Pelton and Professor Duncan breaking down about respective family traumas from the past, but I still laughed anyway.


28 Feb 15:33

Pela janela


Eita, o Will tá cada vez melhor... Simpsons reference + música do Ira == WIN

28 Feb 13:07


28 Feb 12:52

Newswire: An animated Community episode will feature G.I. Jeff, and here’s his picture

by Josh Modell

The facts are scarce here, so this will be a short dispatch, but the official Community Twitter account has confirmed that a “G.I. Jeff” episode is in the offing. Here’s what they had to say, followed by a likeness of G.I. Jeff himself. Go nuts.[h/t to Splitsider]

<img src="">
<img src="">

28 Feb 12:14

Perfect Bacon Bowl: Microwave Bacon Horror

by drew


According to the box, “Everything tastes better in a bacon bowl.” The Perfect Bacon Bowl is a tool which you use, if you hate your body, to microwave strips of bacon into a bowl shape. Believe it or not, it’s frequently bought with the StufZ Burger Press, which has to be neck-and-neck with eating every meal out of a bacon bowl in terms of culinary horror.

Make sure you read the dozens of reviews paying tribute to a life made more complete with the addition of Perfect Bacon Bowl.

28 Feb 12:09

Brazil, Europe Plan Undersea Cable to Skirt Spying

by Kevin Murray
Brazil and the European Union agreed on Monday to lay an undersea communications cable from Lisbon to Fortaleza to reduce Brazil’s reliance on the United States after Washington spied on Brasilia.

At a summit in Brussels, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said the $185 million cable project was central to “guarantee the neutrality” of the Internet, signaling her desire to shield Brazil’s Internet traffic from U.S. surveillance. (more)

Shhhh... Apparently, they missed reading this, this 1918 experiment and this modern day story. Not to mention... Operation Ivy Bells, Operation Tempora and Glimmerglass.
28 Feb 12:08

Godzilla Had the Best Summer Vacation Ever

by Gergo Vas

Godzilla Had the Best Summer Vacation Ever

There's a new Snickers ad with Godzilla in it just in time for the new movie. Did I say Godzilla? Because the whole thing looks just like an imaginary Denver, the Last Dinosaur movie. You can watch the clip below:


28 Feb 11:29

Xororó ganhou um PS3 num sorteio. E foi buscar!

by (Marcel Dias)

O artigo Xororó ganhou um PS3 num sorteio. E foi buscar! faz parte do conteúdo do Byte Que Eu Gosto! - Nerd, Geek, Dicas, Cinema, Games e mais!.

O cantor de música sertaneja Xororó, que teve como grande feito da vida trazer ao mundo a delícia da Sandy, mostrou que além de tudo é um sujeito de sorte. Num sorteio da Nota Fiscal de Campinas, ele foi contemplado em meio a 1,4 milhão de cupons e levou um PS3 pra casa. O mais interessante disso tudo é que ele foi em pessoa retirar o prêmio.


Não basta o cara ser milionário, poder ter quantos videogames quiser, o maluco ainda vai lá e poe o CPF na nota. Não satisfeito, é sorteado. Vai ser cagado assim lá em Jagatá. É a vida ensinando mais uma vez que o rio só corre pro mar. Enquanto isso a gente fica aqui, ganhando no máximo um fio de cabelo no paletó.

Vou parar por aqui, porque já gastei todo o meu conhecimento de música sertaneja.


O artigo Xororó ganhou um PS3 num sorteio. E foi buscar! faz parte do conteúdo do Byte Que Eu Gosto! - Nerd, Geek, Dicas, Cinema, Games e mais!.

28 Feb 11:03

Esquilo rouba aeromodelo e sai pilotando por aí (juro por Deus)

by Jesus Manero

Sente-se aí que está na hora de mais uma fábula do mundo real. Hoje vamos conhecer a história do Esquilo Aviador, um clássico americano passado de geração para geração que narra a aventura de Esquilo, um jovem esquilo que havia se cansado do mundo real, da vida em solo, e decidiu que queria ser uma ave.

Esquilo, entretanto, não poderia ser uma ave pois a evolução não funciona exatamente assim. E Charles Darwin ficaria bem chateado se algo do tipo acontecesse. Eis que Esquilo tem uma ideia: deveria seguir o Sr. Ron por algumas semanas pois ele sabia que Sr. Ron era um habilidoso artesão que criava aeromodelos.

Arteiro que só, esperou pacientemente até o grande dia em que Sr. Ron estava apresentando seu mais novo projeto para subtrair do pobre senhor o seu querido aviãozinho.

Segue um pequeno vídeo que ilustra tudo isso:

Eu vou falar para vocês que esse já é o meu vídeo favorito pelos próximos 7 anos. A edição ficou sensacional e a ideia é de gênio. Parabéns aos criadores por essa obra-prima. Clap clap clap.

E parabéns ao esquilinho. Grande ator.

28 Feb 11:02


by ricardo

28 Feb 11:01

617 – Siga Seus Sonhos!

by gomba

Siga Seus Sonhos!


Eu sempre me incomodei como que toda hora aparece um quadrinho/imagem/motivacional/meme mencionando que você deve largar seu emprego e ir fazer o que você ama. De boa. Concordo. Mas é sempre alguém largando um emprego de escritório e indo ser desenhista/músico/artista genérico. Mas se você amar segurança fiscal? Ou amar ter um salário bom? Ou sei lá, amar contabilidade. Só porque a gente nunca cogitaria fazer o que outra pessoa faz, não que dizer que ela não ame aquilo que nos incomoda. Não criticando a mensagem, só pedindo um pouco de variação nas representações.

28 Feb 11:00

Spy agency intercepts Yahoo webcam chats, nudes and all

by Jon Brodkin
Photo illustration by Aurich Lawson

The British spy agency GCHQ, with help from the NSA, intercepted millions of Yahoo webcam chats and was surprised to find that about 7 percent included "undesirable nudity."

The spy program, called "Optic Nerve," was revealed in documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and was reported today by The Guardian.

"GCHQ files dating between 2008 and 2010 explicitly state that a surveillance program codenamed Optic Nerve collected still images of Yahoo webcam chats in bulk and saved them to agency databases, regardless of whether individual users were an intelligence target or not," The Guardian reported. "In one six-month period in 2008 alone, the agency collected webcam imagery—including substantial quantities of sexually explicit communications—from more than 1.8 million Yahoo user accounts globally."

Read 13 remaining paragraphs | Comments

28 Feb 10:56

Fox Den Snuggles

Fox Den Snuggles

Squee! Spotter: ani.s4 (via

Tagged: foxes , cute , den , warm
28 Feb 10:55


28 Feb 10:54

jtotheizzoe: sci-universe: Technology at it’s cutest — The...



Technology at it’s cutest — The Bipedal Cycling Robot

In 2011, robot creator Masahiko Yamaguchi demonstrated a robot which can balance, steer and correct itself while riding a fixed-gear bike.

Full video with more information here.

Hipster-Bot 5000

oh, my, god. 

28 Feb 07:39

Anésia # 151

28 Feb 03:53

Comcast gets paid by Netflix and might still want money from Cogent

by Jon Brodkin

Tim Wu, a professor who coined the phrase "network neutrality," warned in The New Yorker that Netflix paying Comcast "sets a bad precedent—it will embolden Comcast to extract more tolls from any popular Web company that wants to reach its broadband customers and fears degradation of service."


Comcast's success in extracting payments from Netflix won't end its dispute with Cogent, a network operator that distributes Netflix video and other traffic, Cogent's CEO said.

Cogent operates one of several networks that Netflix uses to distribute video across the Internet. With Netflix now paying Comcast for a direct connection to that ISP's network, Cogent's role in passing traffic from Netflix to Comcast will be reduced or potentially eliminated.

But just because Netflix traffic will now flow directly from Netflix to Comcast doesn't mean that Comcast will drop its demand for payment from Cogent.

Read 23 remaining paragraphs | Comments

27 Feb 16:19

whisperingf0rests: artbymoga: Most importantly: you’re...



Most importantly: you’re stronger than you think.


27 Feb 10:53

It’s Mine! MINE!

by Not That Mike The Other Mike

Get your own hypnosynthetic stereophrenic magical pleasure orb!


Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: GIF of the Week, Panda