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26 Jul 20:59

Microsoft quiere cambiar Windows para evitar otro CrowdStrike

by Luis Miranda
Pantalla azul de Windows

Microsoft ha delineado una estrategia para blindar a Windows frente a futuros incidentes como CrowdStrike. La compañía publicó una serie de pasos a seguir para reaccionar, así como los ajustes necesarios del sistema operativo. La caída informática de hace una semana les hizo ver que Windows requiere cambios estructurales para que no vuelva a ocurrir. […]

Seguir leyendo: Microsoft quiere cambiar Windows para evitar otro CrowdStrike

26 Jul 20:58

Video game performers are becoming Hollywood stars in their own right − and are on strike to be paid and protected accordingly

by James Dawes, Professor of English, Macalester College
Hollywood's video game performers voted to go on strike on July 25, 2024. AP Photo/Eugene Garcia

Hollywood screenwriters went on strike in May 2023. Two months later, actors joined them on the picket line. Those strikes ended later that year with historic deals that included, for the first time, protections regarding the use of artificial intelligence. Now it’s video game actors’ turn.

After nearly two years of negotiations with gaming companies, video game performers, who are represented by the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists union, announced that they would go on strike due to an impasse over protections from generative AI. The strike began at 12:01 a.m. on July 26, 2024.

The Conversation U.S. asked James Dawes, a scholar of video game narration, about the role voice actors have traditionally played in this industry and the threat that AI could pose to these performers.

What is this strike about?

The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists voted to authorize a strike, with an overwhelming 98.32% of the union’s members voting “Yes.”

SAG-AFTRA’s 160,000 members will refuse to work on video games produced by the industry’s major developers in support of the union’s more than 2,500 video game performers, which include voice actors and those who use their bodies to bring video game characters to life – often referred to as “mocap,” or motion-capture actors.

A key sticking point appears to involve the AI protections offered to performers.

SAG-AFTRA charges that gaming giants such as Activision, Disney and Electronic Arts have refused to “plainly affirm, in clear and enforceable language, that they will protect all performers covered by this contract in their A.I. language.”

Representatives for the industry counter that they have already agreed to historic wage increases and meaningful AI protections that include consent and fair compensation.

How has voice acting in video games evolved?

The video game industry has gone from a niche form of entertainment to a force that rivals Hollywood, with estimated revenues exceeding US$200 billion in 2023.

Voice and mocap acting have evolved along with it. For the 1983 classic Dragon’s Lair, game developers did the voice acting themselves to keep costs low, which means that among the first voice actors are Vera Lanpher Pacheco and Dan Molina, the game’s head of assistant animators and sound engineer, respectively.

The jump from that cringey-but-beloved amateur work to the voice acting of today represents one of the most rapid advances in any modern aesthetic medium.

Now performances like those of Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson are drawing the attention of major film and television studios. Their work in the 2013 action-adventure title The Last of Us earned them honorific cameos in the smash hit HBO series adaptation of the game.

How crucial are actors to video games?

Put simply, voice and body acting are as essential for a video game’s success as they are in movies and TV shows.

Immersion – that magical state in which gamers lose themselves and feel transported to more exciting, more fulfilling worlds – depends upon soulful and persuasive performances.

I’ll never forget the moment when I walked into the family television room and saw my hyperactive, 12-year-old son sobbing as he listened to the final voice-overs of Red Dead Redemption 2. Now a college student, he remembers that performance like my parents remember the death of the dog starring in “Old Yeller” and I remember E.T. phoning home.

Gamers may come for the hacking and slashing, but many of them stay for the characters.

Is performing in video games lucrative?

Compared with their film and television counterparts, video game performers are still relatively invisible. But their fan bases are rapidly expanding. When Amelia Tyler, the dungeon master narrator for Baldur’s Gate 3, released clips of her outtakes and bloopers on YouTube, they became viral hits, garnering more than 2.5 million views.

A behind-the-scenes look at Baldur’s Gate 3 thrilled fans.

Unfortunately, the bulk of the earnings go to established movie stars.

When publishers and studios seek to generate excitement about forthcoming games, they’ll recruit actors such as Keanu Reeves, Kiefer Sutherland or Patrick Stewart to voice characters.

According to one agent, a big-name movie star can garner upward of six figures for a single recording session.

However, SAG-AFTRA points out that at the low end of the pay scale, performers are paid as little as $902 for four hours of work. Legendary voice actress Jennifer Hale recently revealed that she was paid just $1,200 for her first voice-acting gig in the Metal Gear Solid series.

Will AI be able to easily replace voice actors?

Video games present special aesthetic and technical challenges. Performers need to differentiate death by a knife to the throat from a bullet to the chest. They need to protect their voices while recording screams over background gunfire. And they also need to authentically capture the vulnerability of romantic and sexual relationships. For its recent smash hit Baldur’s Gate 3, Larian Studios set an industry precedent by hiring intimacy coordinators for its performers.

At the extreme ends, there are two ways of thinking about the effect AI will have on any industry: You are either an AI boomer or an AI doomer; you either believe the technology will usher in a new era of creativity and possibility, or you believe it will destroy everything we hold dear.

I became involved in AI research by way of drones and the global weaponization of artificial intelligence – literal end-of-the-world scenarios – so I tend to focus on the risks. And the risk here is that large corporations will purloin the creative work of artists to reap even more profit and, eventually, displace them altogether.

At its core, the strike is an attempt to protect some of the most essential but least compensated and least protected workers in a multibillion-dollar industry.

The Conversation

James Dawes does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

26 Jul 20:58

32 Year Old Entrepreneur's Life Advice for Young People

by Sprouht

32 Year Old Entrepreneur's Life Advice for Young People #shorts #entrepreneur #streetinterview

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26 Jul 20:56

Supongo que aquí nadie me criticará por poner “mujeres” con comillas, ¿verdad?… ¿VERDAD?

by Fino

Supongo que aquí nadie me criticará por poner "mujeres" con comillas, ¿verdad?... ¿VERDAD?

Las agresiones secsuales con penetración cometidas por mujeres se han multiplicado por siete en cuatro años, pasando de 25 en 2019 a 174 en 2023. Esto es, se han disparado un 700% en menos de un lustro. Así se desprende de la comparativa de entregas del Informe sobre Delitos contra la Libertad Sexual en España. Las feministas atribuyen este auge a la aprobación de las leyes trans autonómicas y de la nacional, que entró en vigor el 2 de marzo del año pasado. @theobjective

Supongo que aquí nadie me criticará por poner "mujeres" con comillas, ¿verdad?... ¿VERDAD?

Vamos, que gracias a la Ley Trans las cifras de violetaciones y demás movidas machirulas se van a ir igualando entre hombres y mujeres, y el ministerio de igualdad carecerá de sentido… Maravilloso.

Ver post completo: Supongo que aquí nadie me criticará por poner “mujeres” con comillas, ¿verdad?… ¿VERDAD?

26 Jul 20:56

Se hace viral este corte de un programa argentino en el que una participante trans usó su “fuerza masculina” para ganar una de las pruebas.

by Fino

Se hace viral este corte de un programa argentino en el que una participante trans usó su "fuerza masculina" para ganar una de las pruebas.

[Ver vídeo en X]

Ver post completo: Se hace viral este corte de un programa argentino en el que una participante trans usó su “fuerza masculina” para ganar una de las pruebas.

26 Jul 20:37

Mujeres con cualidades físicas únicas.

by Fino
26 Jul 20:33

La música turboépica ha terminado de convencerme

by Fino

La música turboépica ha terminado de convencerme

[Ver vídeo en X]

Ver post completo: La música turboépica ha terminado de convencerme

26 Jul 20:31

SADSERVERS / Warsaw - Prometheus no puede traer métrica

by Pelado Nerd

Hoy hago el desafio "Warsaw" de Sadservers, y en menos de 2 minutos. OBVIO

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26 Jul 20:30

Kawai una Nintendo Wii del tamaño de un llavero

by tendero-digital

El mundo del hardware y las modificaciones que parecen imposibles siguen asombrándome. El otro día leía sobre un proyecto para miniaturizar una consola Nintendo Wii y dejarla del tamaño de un llavero:

Nintedo Kawai con dock


Como se puede observar en el prototipo que aparece arriba. El sistema consta de la propia Wii (que sería la pieza de color azul) y un dock donde estarían las conexiones de alimentación, salida de vídeo, mandos a distancia. Las medidas parecen increíbles: 60x60x16 mm. La Wii original no era muy grande, pero esto ya parece imposible. El tamaño del hardware se va reduciendo y este proyecto es un ejemplo muy visual.

De momento no está a la venta, pero se puede reservar. Desconozco el precio, pero si no fuese muy cara creo que me plantearía su compra. La Wii original de mi hijo sigue conectada a la TV en mi casa. Y sobre todo en invierno seguimos jugando con ella. Lástima que la aplicación de las Olimpiadas sea la de Londres 2010, pero creo que es algo que podremos soportar.

Ahora falta ver si Nintendo bloquea este proyecto de miniaturización de su hardware, espero que no lo hagan.

La entrada Kawai una Nintendo Wii del tamaño de un llavero se publicó primero en Al otro lado del mostrador.

26 Jul 20:24

¿POR QUE HABRÁ GENERALES EN OTOÑO? Puigdemont y Vox lo saben

by Rubén Gisbert

HGABRÁ DELECCIONES GENERALES ANTES DE 2025 Y EL MOTIVO ES EL SIGUIENTE. Puigdemont ha puesto precio a los presupuestos generales del Estado para 2025 y son que él sea el president de la Generalitat. No obstante Sánchez cree que Illa puede ser investido con el apoyo de ERC y en ultima instancia podrá salvar los presupuestos dando a Puigdemont la aplicación de la amnistía y su vuelta a España. En Vox ya han empezado la campaña rompiendo los acuerdos autonómicos de gobierno pero no forzando elecciones. Pero lo mejor está por llegar...

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26 Jul 20:23

Hiperactividad cognitiva #joseantoniomarina #filosofia #alexfidalgo

by Alex Fidalgo
26 Jul 20:22

La diferencia entre una tiktoker que cocina para su novio y los terroristas de Hamás

by Elentir
Hubo un tiempo en el que el feminismo defendía la igualdad ante la ley y la igualdad de oportunidades para las mujeres. Izquierda y feminismo: desvelando un negocio político cuyo fin no es proteger a las mujeres 500 mujeres judías reprochan al gobierno de Sánchez su falta de apoyo a las mujeres secuestradas por los […]
26 Jul 20:22

El BNG presume del apoyo de un grupo terrorista y una dictadura en un mitin

by Elentir
Los separatistas del Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) han vuelto a exhibir hoy sus alianzas más infames en un acto público. ¿Hay algún pacto para encubrir al BNG y a sus aliados terroristas desde medios afines al PP? El gobierno de Sánchez permite una marcha de un grupo terrorista palestino en Madrid El BNG presume del […]
26 Jul 20:22

¿Hay algún pacto para encubrir al BNG y a sus aliados terroristas desde medios afines al PP?

by Elentir
Todos los años ocurre lo mismo por estas fechas con la coalición separatista de extrema izquierda Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG). El BNG presume del apoyo de un grupo terrorista y una dictadura en un mitin ¿Quién ha engordado al BNG? Esto es lo que el PP hizo por los socios gallegos de Bildu Año tras […]
26 Jul 20:21

How to build a CA hierarchy across multiple AWS accounts and Regions for global organization

by Jiaqing Xue

Building a certificate authority (CA) hierarchy using AWS Private Certificate Authority has been made simple in Amazon Web Services (AWS); however, the CA tree will often reside in one AWS Region in one account. Many AWS customers run their businesses in multiple Regions using multiple AWS accounts and have described the process of creating a CA hierarchy to reflect their organizational structure as complex. This blog post guides you through building a two-level CA hierarchy with CAs in multiple Regions and in multiple accounts.

Certificates, like those provided through AWS Private CA, are usually used to establish encrypted network connections to meet security requirements of an organization’s data, such as database connections. For example, a software as a service (SaaS) company headquartered in Singapore that offers managed database services to users across multiple Regions, such as Oregon (us-west-2), Singapore (ap-southeast-1), and Tokyo (ap-northeast-1). To comply with the regulatory requirements of various countries and Regions, the company needs to build a CA hierarchy with a root CA located in Singapore and subordinate CAs distributed globally.

Another example is a large manufacturing company selling millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices globally that needs to issue certificates to those devices for identity, authentication, and secure network connections. Different device types or business requirements are handled by different teams that have their own independent AWS accounts within the organization. To meet the certificate policy requirements (such as key length, validity period, and so on) for different types of devices, preserve business flexibility, and control the blast radius of risks, these teams use their own CAs to issue certificates. A customer like this needs a CA hierarchy that aligns with its organizational structure. Subordinate CAs should be deployed to the AWS accounts in different business departments, with each department managing its own subordinate CAs. Each device, or end-entity, typically requires a unique certificate, but the number of private certificates each CA will issue is 1,000,000 by default. Because this number is easy to exceed in a mass-production scenario, a CA hierarchy with multiple subordinate CAs can help mitigate this limitation.

In a CA hierarchy, the root CA is responsible for issuing certificates to subordinate CAs, and subordinate CAs are responsible for issuing end-entity certificates. Because the root CA is the root of the trust chain, loss of trust in this CA can mean that the end-entity certificates it issued will become invalid. Therefore, it’s recommended to place the root CA in a dedicated account and apply strict access control and auditing on its usage. We also recommend you strictly limit the scope of use of the root CA. For more best practices, see AWS Private CA best practices and Designing a CA hierarchy.

Key concepts: Certificate template

In AWS Private CA, when you use AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or AWS APIs to issue a certificate, you need to supply the certificate template Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to specify the X509v3 parameters of the certificate. A certificate template defines what type of certificates can be issued and allows CA administrators to control what certificates are issued and with what attributes. If you provide no ARN, AWS Private CA will automatically apply the EndEntityCertificate/V1 template to issue an end-entity certificate.

AWS Private CA offers certificate templates that encapsulate best practices for the basic constraint values in X509v3 parameters of certificates. For example, if it’s an end-entity certificate, the cA value of Basic constraints in the parameter is False; if issuing a CA certificate, it is necessary to set the cA value in the parameter to True and set the pathLenConstraint according to the level of the CA using this certificate in the CA hierarchy.

When issuing certificates, you must select the appropriate certificate template based on the certificate’s intended purpose. For more information about certificate templates, see Understanding certificate templates.

Journey of a two-level CA hierarchy

Now that you understand the core concepts of a CA hierarchy, we will show you how to use two CAs located in different accounts and different Regions to establish a CA hierarchy and use the subordinate CA to issue an end-entity certificate associated with a web application. In the example, you will create two CAs: one in the Oregon (us-west-2) Region acting as the root CA and the other one in the Singapore (ap-southeast-1) Region acting as the subordinate CA.

The following figure shows what you will build:

Figure 1: Architecture of a two-level CA hierarchy

Figure 1: Architecture of a two-level CA hierarchy


You need the following prerequisites to build and implement the solution in this post.

  1. Designate two different AWS accounts for creating the hierarchy. In this example, we use one called Root CA account and the another called Subordinate CA account.
  2. Verify that you can sign in to AWS CloudShell in the Root CA account, and verify that your console user or role has the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy AWSCertificateManagerPrivateCAFullAccess associated or has permissions to create CAs and issue certificates in AWS Private CA.
  3. Verify that you have access to a role in the Subordinate CA account that has appropriate permissions to create CAs in AWS Private CA, issue certificates using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), and create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) for a sample web application.

Build the hierarchy

With the prerequisites in place, you can start building the hierarchy, including the:

  • Root CA
  • Subordinate CA
  • Subordinate CA certificate
  • End-entity certificate

To build the root CA

  1. In the AWS Management Console of the root CA account, go to AWS Private CA and make sure that you are in the Oregon (us-west-2) Region.
  2. Create a CA according to this guide. Select Root in the CA type options to indicate that it’s a root CA.

    Figure 2: Create root CA

    Figure 2: Create root CA

  3. After creation, the CA will be in Pending certificate status. Finish configuring your CA by choosing Actions and selecting Install CA certificate.

    Figure 3: Root CA in pending certificate status

    Figure 3: Root CA in pending certificate status

  4. The root CA will change to Active status.

    Figure 4: Root CA in active status

    Figure 4: Root CA in active status

To build the subordinate CA

  1. To build the subordinate CA, sign in to your second account designated for this and make sure your Region is different than that of the root CA. For this example, I’m creating this in the Singapore (ap-southeast-1) Region. Similar to the root CA, create a CA in the console and select Subordinate as the CA type options.

    Figure 5: Create a subordinate CA

    Figure 5: Create a subordinate CA

  2. As with the root CA, the subordinate CA is in the Pending certificate state, so you need to install the certificate for it.

    Figure 6: Subordinate CA in pending certificate status

    Figure 6: Subordinate CA in pending certificate status

To issue the subordinate CA certificate

In a CA hierarchy, the certificate of the subordinate CA must be issued by the higher-level CA, which in this case is the root CA. To configure the subordinate CA to be Active, you need to get the certificate signing request (CSR) of the subordinate CA and use the root CA to sign it and issue a certificate for it.

  1. Remaining within the Subordinate CA account, get the CSR of the subordinate CA for signing. In the details page of the subordinate CA, open the Install subordinate CA certificate page by choosing Actions and selecting Install CA certificate, the CSR will be displayed when you select External private CA as the CA type. Export this to a file called sub-ca.csr on your local machine.

    Although the subordinate CA was managed by AWS Private CA, it will be considered as an external private CA because it’s in a different account and a different Region from the root CA.

    Figure 7: Details page of Install subordinate CA certificate

    Figure 7: Details page of Install subordinate CA certificate

  2. In the example scenario, you want the subordinate CA to only issue certificates directly to end-entities, so its certificate must be signed using the SubordinateCACertificate_PathLen0/V1 template on the root CA. This encodes a limitation into the CA that declares that the subordinate CA cannot sign a CSR for another CA.

    To do this, switch to the Root CA account and use CloudShell to run commands with the AWS CLI. Recreate the file sub-ca.csr using a text editor within CloudShell, and then use the following command to issue subordinate CA certificate. Replace the root-ca-arn with the ARN of the root CA you created previously:

    aws acm-pca issue-certificate --region us-west-2 \
      --certificate-authority-arn <root-ca-arn> \
      --csr file://sub-ca.csr \
      --signing-algorithm SHA256WITHRSA \
      --template-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/SubordinateCACertificate_PathLen0/V1 \
     --validity Value=5,Type=YEARS

    The output looks like the following. Note the CertificateArn that is returned, because it will be used as <sub-ca-certificate-arn> in the following steps:

        "CertificateArn": "<sub-ca-certificate-arn>"
  3. Remaining in the Root CA account, export the subordinate CA’s certificate and certificate chain. Store the text that is returned from the CLI in a file on your local machine for later use in the Subordinate CA account. Replace the <root-ca-arn> and <sub-ca-certificate-arn> with the actual values.
    1. Export the subordinate CA’s certificate:
      aws acm-pca get-certificate --region us-west-2 --certificate-authority-arn <root-ca-arn> --certificate-arn <sub-ca-certificate-arn> --query “Certificate” --output text
    2. Export the subordinate CA’s certificate chain:
      aws acm-pca get-certificate --region us-west-2 --certificate-authority-arn <root-ca-arn> --certificate-arn <sub-ca-certificate-arn> --query “CertificateChain” --output text
  4. Switching back to the Subordinate CA account, import the subordinate CA’s certificate and root certificate chain to activate the subordinate CA. On the install subordinate CA certificate, choose Actions and select Install CA certificate.
    1. Use the exported certificate from the previous step to fill in the certificate body.
    2. Use the exported certificate chain from the previous step to fill in the certificate chain.
    3. Choose Confirm and install.

      Figure 8: Import certificate and certificate chain to the subordinate CA

      Figure 8: Import certificate and certificate chain to the subordinate CA

  5. Now, the subordinate CA is in Active status.

    Figure 9: Subordinate CA in active status

    Figure 9: Subordinate CA in active status

To validate the end-entity certificate

Now that you have established a two-level CA hierarchy, you can issue an end-entity certificate and deploy a web application in the Subordinate CA account. Use a web browser to view the web application and validate the CA hierarchy.

  1. Go to the AWS Certificate Manager console of the subordinate CA account and request a private certificate. In the Certificate authority details section, select the subordinate CA that was previously built.

    Figure 10: Issue certificate using subordinate CA in ACM

    Figure 10: Issue certificate using subordinate CA in ACM

  2. Deploy a sample web application behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB) in the Subordinate CA account. This sample web application uses a feature of the ALB listener that returns a fixed response without needing to configure backend compute resources. Configure the listener to use the certificate issued in the previous step to handle HTTPS traffic.

    Figure 11: Details of the ALB

    Figure 11: Details of the ALB

  3. Check the hierarchical relationship of CAs by visiting the web application and viewing the certificate details in your web browser.

    Figure 12: Certificate details in the web browser

    Figure 12: Certificate details in the web browser

From this image, you can see that the certificate trust chain of the CA hierarchy has been established successfully. The end-entity certificate (on the left) was issued by the CA Example Corp SG L2 CA, which you can identify from its Issuer Name. In the middle is the certificate of Example Corp SG L2 CA, and its issuer is Example Corp Root CA. You can see the certificate of Example Corp Root CA on the right, which is the root CA, and its Issuer Name is itself. When the subject and issuer attributes match, this is indicative of a root CA.


In this post, we showed you how to build a CA hierarchy solution across AWS accounts and Regions, using AWS Private CA. Using this as a guide, you can build a complex CA hierarchy to help meet your global business security and compliance requirements.

Read more

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Private Certificate Authority re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Jiaqing Xue

Jiaqing Xue
Jiaqing is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He focuses on helping customers build more secure, modern applications on AWS. In his spare time, he enjoys coding.

Patrick Palmer

Patrick Palmer
Patrick is a Principal Security Specialist Solutions Architect. He helps customers around the world use AWS services in a secure manner and specializes in cryptography. When not working, he enjoys spending time with his growing family and playing video games.

Xinran Liu

Xinran Liu
Xinran is a Solutions Architect at AWS. Edge computing and DevOps are his areas of interest. He has 14 years of experience leading large-scale engineering projects with expertise in designing and managing both on-premises and cloud-based infrastructures.

Matt Yu

Matt Yu
Matt is a Security Solutions Architect at AWS, responsible for providing customers with end-to-end cloud security solutions. He has extensive experience in identity and access management, threat detection, and cloud security protection.

26 Jul 18:26

Incredulidad en las redes tras la reaparición de Joe Biden: parece 10 cm más alto que antes.

by Fino

Incredulidad en las redes tras la reaparición de Joe Biden: parece 10 cm más alto que antes.

[Ver vídeo en X]

24 de Julio 2024
18 de Octubre 2023

Incredulidad en las redes tras la reaparición de Joe Biden: parece 10 cm más alto que antes. Incredulidad en las redes tras la reaparición de Joe Biden: parece 10 cm más alto que antes.

Incredulidad en las redes tras la reaparición de Joe Biden: parece 10 cm más alto que antes. Incredulidad en las redes tras la reaparición de Joe Biden: parece 10 cm más alto que antes. Incredulidad en las redes tras la reaparición de Joe Biden: parece 10 cm más alto que antes. Incredulidad en las redes tras la reaparición de Joe Biden: parece 10 cm más alto que antes.

Ver post completo: Incredulidad en las redes tras la reaparición de Joe Biden: parece 10 cm más alto que antes.

26 Jul 18:26

Masters of Clickbait.

by Fino

Atentos al título y al subtítulo…

Masters of Clickbait.

El director del FBI, Christopher Wray, cuestionó este miércoles que fuera una bala lo que alcanzó la oreja de Donald Trump en el intento de asesinato del pasado 13 de julio“Hay dudas sobre si fue una bala o metralla”, explicó Wray, sin especificar qué fue entonces lo que dañó la oreja de Trump. Sin embargo, sugirió que se trataba de una bala cuando dijo lo siguiente: “No sé ahora mismo si esa bala, además de causar el roce, pudo caer en otro sitio”. @as

Masters of Clickbait.

Ver post completo: Masters of Clickbait.

26 Jul 18:25

Mick Jagger con 81 años:

by Fino

[Ver vídeo en X]

Yo con 40:


Ver post completo: Mick Jagger con 81 años:

26 Jul 18:23

✅ La CRISIS de VENEZUELA en 15 minutos | ¿Por qué Venezuela está siempre en crisis?

by Memorias de Pez

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Este video explora el origen de la crisis en Venezuela, analizando el papel crucial del petróleo en su economía. Descubre cómo las políticas petroleras y económicas han influido en la situación actual del país.

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26 Jul 18:21

¿Está negociando MADURO su salida con EEUU? - @SoloFonseca

by Solo Fonseca

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En este vídeo analizamos la situación actual de Venezuela, destacando las posibles negociaciones entre Nicolás Maduro y Estados Unidos para su salida del poder. A medida que se acercan las elecciones del 28 de julio, que se anticipan fraudulentas, el régimen de Maduro muestra su cara más violenta para sobrevivir, deteniendo a figuras clave de la oposición y amenazando con violencia si pierde. A pesar de estas tácticas, el candidato opositor Edmundo González Urrutia, respaldado por Maria Corina Machado, lidera las encuestas con una ventaja significativa, presentando una oportunidad crucial para que los venezolanos demuestren su rechazo al régimen a través de una participación masiva en las urnas.
El vídeo también explora cómo Maduro ha cambiado su retórica hacia Estados Unidos en un esfuerzo por negociar su salida y obtener garantías de seguridad para él y sus aliados. Este cambio se produce en un contexto donde el poder de Maduro se encuentra debilitado y necesita negociar desde una posición de fuerza. Fonseca enfatiza la importancia de que los venezolanos voten en estas elecciones y estén preparados para defender los resultados, considerando este momento como una oportunidad histórica para poner fin al régimen de Maduro. El vídeo invita a la audiencia a suscribirse y estar atentos a futuras actualizaciones sobre la situación en Venezuela y otros temas internacionales.

Otros vídeos de Solo Fonseca:


¿Por qué MADURO NO PUEDE frenar la transición democrática en VENEZUELA?


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26 Jul 15:54

“No puedes coger más huevos”. Los atletas, preocupados por la falta de proteínas en la Villa Olímpica

by nereira

La empresa encargada del catering de la Villa Olímpica, Sodexo Live!, ha propuesto un menú donde el 40% de las recetas son totalmente vegetarianas, pero se ha pasado de frenada en lo que respecta a un alimento clave para las dietas de muchos deportistas: el huevo. Los deportistas se han quejado de que la comida es insuficiente y, sobre todo, los huevos no se están reponiendo a la velocidad adecuada. Estos tuvieron incluso que ser racionados en el desayuno del pasado miércoles.

etiquetas: huevos, atletas, proteínas, villa olímpica

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26 Jul 15:53

Todos los empleados de Humble Games han sido despedidos. "Los multimillonarios y los directores ejecutivos están obteniendo ganancias récord a expensas de los trabajadores"

by NubisMusic

Parecía que el asunto de los despidos en la industria de los videojuegos se había calmado tras la sangría de Microsoft, Take-Two y Avalanche Studios, una de las tantas empresas que ha engordado la alarmante cifra de despidos en 2024. Ahora le toca el turno a Humble Games y este caso es especialmente impactante: todos sus empleados han sido despedidos y además de mala manera.

etiquetas: humble bundle, humble games, despido masivo

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26 Jul 15:53

Vicky Rosell: "Estoy pagando muy caro y Carlos está pagando carísimo, desvelar que había un juez corrupto amigo del ministro Soria del PP."

by Harkon

"Alba iba al CGPJ, Soria a suceder a Rajoy, y la que iba a prisión iba a ser yo. Darle la vuelta a todo eso, a mí no me lo han perdonado"

etiquetas: vicky, rosell, carlos, sosa, pagando, caro, desvelar, juez, corrupto, soria, pp

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26 Jul 15:53

La vacuna recombinante contra el virus del herpes reduce el riesgo de demencia

by Ergo

El equipo de investigadores llevó a cabo un experimento con mayores de 65 años que son vacunados contra el herpes con la vacuna atenuada (Zostavax) y la recombinante (Shingrix). El estudio comparó a más de 100.000 personas que habían recibido el fármaco viejo entre 2014 y 2017 con otras 100.000 que recibieron la nueva versión. Pero no todo el mundo está convencido, debido en parte a que el virus del herpes es muy común y se encuentra en el cerebro de personas que nunca llegan a desarrollar demencia.

etiquetas: herpes, virus, vacuna, recombinante, zostavax, shingrix

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26 Jul 15:52

Un dron chino solar del tamaño de la palma de la mano bate récords mundiales

by Larpeirán

Un dron chino del tamaño de la palma de la mano y que pesa menos que una hoja de papel ha captado la atención de los medios de comunicación porque su innovador motor le permite seguir volando siempre que reciba luz solar. Los microvehículos aéreos tienen una gran cantidad de aplicaciones.

etiquetas: dron, chino, diminuto, luz solar, motor, electrostático, coulombfly

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26 Jul 15:52

Una bóveda que parece flotar como por arte de magia

by Zupzup

Una catedral inglesa alberga una bóveda que parece mantenerse en pie milagrosamente, como si estuviera soportada por fuerzas invisibles. Todo un regalo para la vista y una obra maestra del arte y la ingeniería medieval. ¿Cómo fue posible su construcción y por qué se mantiene ?

etiquetas: bóveda, catedrales, arquitectura, ely, gotico

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26 Jul 15:52

"People Today Are So Naive" - Zuby Dismantles Racism, Border Crisis, BLM, Elon Musk & Israel- Hamas

by Tom Bilyeu

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Welcome to another power-packed episode of Impact Theory!

In today’s episode, Tom Bilyeu sits down with British rapper and podcaster, ZUBY.

ZUBY is a multi-talented artist and influential thinker who challenges conventional notions of diversity and conformity and is known for his dynamic voice that delves into the complexities of society, culture, and self-improvement.

Today we dive into topics such as the importance of the rule of law, family structure, and the root causes of societal issues, particularly within the black community. We also explore the impact of diversity, not just in demographics, but in thought and values, and how meritocracy plays a crucial role.

Other topics we touch on include:
- Rule of law and tolerance for violence
- Family structure's impact on education, income, incarceration rates, and poverty
- Addressing root causes like family environment
- Diversity of thought and values vs. equal representation
- Natural diversity achieved through meritocracy
- Interpretation of religious texts leading to violence
- Role of love and compassion in belief systems
- Rise of independent media vs. decline of mainstream media
- Importance of debates and understanding perspectives
- Social media's role in global communication
- Navigating manipulation and maintaining a solution-oriented mindset
- Importance of perspective, humility, and open-mindedness

You won’t want to miss this episode that addresses the complexities of life, spirituality, and societal dynamics; advocates for a balanced perspective and continuous self-improvement; and ultimately challenges you to act in good faith and aim for a better future.


[0:00] Raise standards, expect better
[40:49] Embrace privilege and take positive action
[1:13:17] Speak the truth, and face the criticism
[1:48:52] Ignoring fiction's consequences
[2:11:20] Dangers of extreme religious beliefs
[2:32:01] Being a “good person”


"If you were born in the USA or the UK or another developed western country, let's say, in the past 70, 80 years, just that alone, you are massively privileged."

"You have to develop yourself individually as a person in order to have any type of positive cultural impact."

"Human beings are aspirational. So the more you achieve in that door, other people see it. Other people see it."

"Become truly self aware. And when I say that, what I mean is for your whole life, you're influenced by your parents, your family, your community, your culture, wherever you grew up. And we're all influenced by all these things and all these things. And people also tell us what you should do and what you should want to. And so I think it's important to take a pause and think about what your actual priorities are and be truly, truly honest about this."

"I think that one mistake we're making, particularly in the modern west, is being very quick to throw away old ideas sometimes just because they're old, and embrace new ideas just because they're new, which is not very intelligent."

"If you went out and you managed to convince a significant chunk of the population that one plus one doesn't equal two, but in fact equals three, then you've now broken mathematics. Downstream from that, you've broken computer science, you have broken technology, you've broken engineering."

"In that meantime, while we are here on this earthly realm, what do you do with that? How do you spend your time? How do you spend your resources, your energy, your time? What do you prioritize?"

"I think that just believing, hey, I'm just a good person and I'm just inherently good, and I don't, you know, I don't do bad. I think. I think it's a bit of a dangerous position because then when stuff goes sideways, when stuff hits the fan, you don't really have those boundaries."

"And as long as they can agree, hey, we can fight with words. We can argue, we can debate whatever. I'm not going to take your stuff, and I'm not going to physically hurt you, I'm not going to hurt your family, I'm not going to damage your property, I'm not going to."

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Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships
26 Jul 15:51

Look Scared

by Reza
26 Jul 15:50

Y los festivos? Ahora van a por Honduras!!

whatsaap 675047589

Se aprueba la convalidación a los permisos de Honduras
26 Jul 15:33

Begoña y Peinado, pinza PP-Junts, Good Bye, Biden! #ResumenSemanal 80

by Miguel Charisteas

#ResumenSemanal Begoña y Peinado, pinza PP-Junts, Good Bye, Biden!

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