Shared posts

11 Jun 18:59

Darth Vader and his cat. [wallaby] (more behind the gifs)

Darth Vader and his cat. [wallaby] (more behind the gifs)

11 Jun 18:45


by cristianghost

10 Jun 15:52


10 Jun 15:51

Well, I’m convinced. (spotted at Neighborhood Cafe in St....

Well, I’m convinced. (spotted at Neighborhood Cafe in St. Paul, MN) [x]

10 Jun 15:50

Space Beach

Space Beach
10 Jun 15:46


by Clara Gomes


10 Jun 15:44

Um hot dog verde e amarelo em homenagem a Copa do Mundo

by (Eduardo Sales Filho)

Para aproveitar o clima da Copa do Mundo, o empresário Wesley Machado, dono de um quiosque de cachorro-quente, resolveu fazer mais do que apenas decorar o seu estabelecimento localizado no shopping anexo à estação Corinthians-Itaquera do metrô com as cores da Seleção Brasileira. Ele tratou de criar um cardápio especialmente montado para o maior evento esportivo do ano.

Inspirado nas culinárias de sete países que estarão no Mundial aqui do Brasil, ele criou sanduíches comemorativos misturando as cores das bandeiras com ingredientes típicos de cada uma das nações escolhidas. Veja as fotos abaixo e já se programe para conhecer a o quiosque do Wesley em sua próxima passagem por Itaquera.

Hot Dog Brasil – pão verde e amarelo, cobertura de feijoada e farofa de banana

Hot dog Brasil

Hot Dog Alemanha – salsicha alemã, picles, purê, cebola caramelizada, chucrute e mostarda escura


Hot Dog Argentina – maionese de alho, linguiça, vinagrete, pimentão amarelo e molho chimichurri


Hot Dog Estados Unidos – linguiça, coleslaw, cheddar e molho barbecue


Hot Dog Itália – porpeta recheada com muçarela e molho de tomate com manjericão


Hot Dog Japão – hot roll no lugar da salsicha, sukiyaki, molho tarê e gergelim


Hot Dog México – chili, guacamole, nachos e pimenta



Em Itaquera, hot dog temático da Copa tem até cobertura de feijoada

10 Jun 15:43

Não vai ter copa

10 Jun 15:42

capnvonv666: chris-evanger: that-big-gay-impala: phoenixmoonstone: carryonmy-assbutt: anycsifan:...

by laurabuu










i love it when TV shows make references to other TV shows






now we just need a show that references Supernatural

You mean like



08 Jun 21:19


30 May 17:55


30 May 16:02

TrueCrypt WTF

by Bruce Schneier

I have no idea what's going on with TrueCrypt. There's a good summary of the story at ArsTechnica, and Slashdot, Hacker News, and Reddit all have long comment threads. See also Brian Krebs and Cory Doctorow.

Speculations include a massive hack of the TrueCrypt developers, some Lavabit-like forced shutdown, and an internal power struggle within TrueCrypt. I suppose we'll have to wait and see what develops.

29 May 19:37

Instructions Unclear

by Maiu


The post Instructions Unclear appeared first on Math Fail.

29 May 18:13

May 28, 2014

29 May 18:13

Turn Gmail Into an RSS Reader With IFTTT

by David Nield on Field Guide, shared by Whitson Gordon to Lifehacker

Turn Gmail Into an RSS Reader With IFTTT

Whether you're still struggling to get over the loss of Google Reader or you want to try out RSS subscriptions for the first time, you can set up Gmail as a makeshift feed reader in just a few minutes. We've outlined the steps you need to follow to turn your inbox into a news ticker below.


29 May 18:09

SnapChat CEO's Emails Didn't Disappear, Come Back To Shame Him

The CEO of the self-destructing messaging platform Snapchat says he's "mortified" his misogynistic fraternity emails were made public.

» E-Mail This

29 May 18:06

Newswire: Scientists have found the most efficient way to hold and eat a hamburger

by Marah Eakin

Japanese researchers have discovered the perfect way to eat a hamburger. Three “experts in fluid mechanics, engineering, and density” went on Japanese TV show Honma Dekka!? in an effort to “try to figure out the best way to hold and eat a large hamburger.” The group did a comically large amount of research for their project, including constructing 3-D models of burgers that examined how, say, the bun interacts with lettuce or cheese.

Ultimately, though, the group concluded that there is one solid, preferred way to eat a burger: thumbs and pinkies on the bottom, middle three fingers on top. The uniformly spread fingers help keep the burger together at all times, thus keeping the contents from mushing out preemptively. [via Foodbeast and Kotaku]

29 May 17:57

montagemode: roachpatrol: oliviawhen: A solid way to accept...




A solid way to accept someone’s feelings.

i’m gonna die still laughing at this

I gleefully showed this to at least four people and nobody got the joke so

29 May 17:47

Newswire: Hulu might resurrect Community, and then again, it might not

by Todd VanDerWerff

Both Deadline and Vulture are reporting that Sony Pictures Television has entered into “conversations” with streaming service Hulu about one more, 13-episode season of Community, presumably to debut sometime in the fall or winter of the next TV season. As Vulture notes, “conversations” are very different from “negotiations,” which would imply a deal is likely to close. But at the very least, somebody is talking to somebody about bringing the show back. The chief advantage to Hulu resurrecting the show right now is that it would still have the actors under contract for less money than it would cost to hire them in a few years (most likely). The chief disadvantage is that a series in its sixth season is likely going to be quite expensive for a streaming service that almost certainly has a lower operational budget than its two main competitors (Netflix and Amazon) and pretty much every ...

29 May 17:31

Apple Reportedly Testing Wireless Charging Coils for iWatch Ahead of Fall Launch

by Richard Padilla
Apple is once again said to be considering wireless charging capabilities for the iWatch, according to a various Chinese media reports citing sources at Apple supplier Luxshare (Google Translate, via GforGames).

Balogh-iwatch Traditional watch-style iWatch concept by Gábor Balogh.
The Shenzen-based company has reportedly sent Apple wireless charging coils for certification, and pending approval, will likely be providing the wireless charging modules for the iWatch. The report also notes that the iWatch will launch in the second half of this year pending production times.

A report last December also stated that Apple would include wireless charging capabilities in the iWatch, allowing the device to charge from up to a meter away. The iWatch's battery life has been previously reported as a problem for Apple, with iWatch prototypes lasting only 1-2 days on a charge and the company hoping to find ways to extend that to 4-5 days. While wireless charging would be one way to reduce the burden of frequent charges, it is still unclear exactly how it would be implemented in the device's body.

Rumors have indicated Apple's iWatch will contain several different biometric sensors allowing it to track health-related metrics like heart rate, sleep quality and more. The sensors will aggregate data that will be stored in a rumored "Healthbook" application, slated for inclusion in iOS 8.

Along with health-related functionality, the iWatch will likely integrate with the iPhone and iPad to provide notifications and quick access to frequently used apps and services.

Apple's iWatch is rumored to ship later this year two different sizes to accommodate different sized wrists. A report last week stated the the device will feature a round face similar to that of Motorola's Moto 360 smart watch, with production beginning in late July.

29 May 17:28

jedavu: In London, Clever And Witty Street Messages That Tease...


In London, Clever And Witty Street Messages That Tease The Public by UK-based artist Mobstr 

29 May 17:28

Conrad Jon Godly’s Abstract Mountains Drip from the Canvas

by Christopher Jobson

Conrad Jon Godlys Abstract Mountains Drip from the Canvas painting mountains landscapes abstract
sol H, 2012, 35×35 cm

Conrad Jon Godlys Abstract Mountains Drip from the Canvas painting mountains landscapes abstract
sol H, detail

Conrad Jon Godlys Abstract Mountains Drip from the Canvas painting mountains landscapes abstract
sol 13, 2013, 35×28 cm

Conrad Jon Godlys Abstract Mountains Drip from the Canvas painting mountains landscapes abstract
sol 16, 2013, 75×60 cm

Conrad Jon Godlys Abstract Mountains Drip from the Canvas painting mountains landscapes abstract
sol 43, 2013, 85×70 cm

Conrad Jon Godlys Abstract Mountains Drip from the Canvas painting mountains landscapes abstract
sol 56, 2013, 47×40 cm

Conrad Jon Godlys Abstract Mountains Drip from the Canvas painting mountains landscapes abstract
sol 15, 2013, 67×50 cm

Conrad Jon Godlys Abstract Mountains Drip from the Canvas painting mountains landscapes abstract
tony wuethrich satellite, zürich

When looking at Swiss painter Conrad Jon Godly’s mountainous paintings, it takes a moment to truly appreciate the incredible skill behind what seems to be such an effortless application of paint. Up close the landscapes appear to be a thick, almost random mix of blue, white and black, the result oils mixed with turpentine to create a thick impasto that Godly often leaves dripping from the canvas. Take a few steps back (or just squint your eyes a bit) and miraculously you might as well be looking at a photograph of the Swiss Alps. It’s a visual trick that the artist has perfected in both small and large-scale paintings over the last few years.

Godly studied as a painter at the Basel School of Art from 1982 until 1986, but then worked as a professional photographer for 18 years. He only returned to painting in 2007 and it would seem his photographic work has had a subtle influence on his abstract painting. The artist most recently had exhibitions at Gallery Luciano Fasciati and Tony Wuethrich Gallery in Switzerland, and you can see many more paintings on his website. (via OEN, A Wash of Black)

29 May 14:37

Os Gemeos Paints a Mural on a Boeing 737 with 1,200 Cans of Spray Paint for Brazil’s World Cup Team

by Christopher Jobson

Os Gemeos Paints a Mural on a Boeing 737 with 1,200 Cans of Spray Paint for Brazils World Cup Team World Cup street art sports murals Brazil airplanes
Junior Lago/UOL

Os Gemeos Paints a Mural on a Boeing 737 with 1,200 Cans of Spray Paint for Brazils World Cup Team World Cup street art sports murals Brazil airplanes
Junior Lago/UOL

Os Gemeos Paints a Mural on a Boeing 737 with 1,200 Cans of Spray Paint for Brazils World Cup Team World Cup street art sports murals Brazil airplanes
Junior Lago/UOL

Os Gemeos Paints a Mural on a Boeing 737 with 1,200 Cans of Spray Paint for Brazils World Cup Team World Cup street art sports murals Brazil airplanes
Junior Lago/UOL

Os Gemeos Paints a Mural on a Boeing 737 with 1,200 Cans of Spray Paint for Brazils World Cup Team World Cup street art sports murals Brazil airplanes

Os Gemeos Paints a Mural on a Boeing 737 with 1,200 Cans of Spray Paint for Brazils World Cup Team World Cup street art sports murals Brazil airplanes
Junior Lago/UOL

Brazilian graffiti artists Os Gemeos recently partnered up with GOL Airlines to paint this gargantuan mural on the fusalage of a Boeing 737 that will be used to carry Brazil’s team during the World Cup. The duo used some 1,200 cans of spray paint to depict a crowd of fans in their signature vibrant yellow which coincidentally is the same color used by the Brazilian team. Completed in only a week, the plane first flew today and will remain in use for at least another two years after use by the team. See many more photos over on Arrested Motion.

28 May 23:17

ewari: gaypee: therapsid: "Friendship is a fucking...




"Friendship is a fucking hassle."

someone told this pony about bronies.


brush me

"what is your cutie mark?"

"The fuck should i know I don’t care"

28 May 22:27

OPML subscriptions

by Yordan Yordanov

Perhaps it's time to check InoReader again...

OPML import and export is an integral part of any RSS reader software. It allows users to switch between readers in a breeze and don't feel locked in at any moment.

What happens when you import an OPML file inside your reader? You get a snapshot of the feeds in this file and that's it. But there's more to OPML than just one-time transferring of feeds. It can actually be used to link subscriptions between different services! That's why today we are launching our new feature called OPML subscriptions.
The idea is not new, credits goes to Dave Winer, who implemented this 12 years ago in a product called Radio Userland and later in subsequent products river2 and river3.
Basically you subscribe to an OPML URL just like you subscribe to regular RSS feeds. You have to assign a specific folder for the new subscriptions and choose the synchronisation type. It can be "Subscribe only", which means that only new feeds will be added and removed feeds will not be touched, and "Full synchronisation", which will automatically unsubscribe any feeds no longer available in the remote OPML.

The OPML file will be periodically checked for updates and changes will be reflected in your account. When there are new (or removed if you choose Full synchronisation) feeds, you will see a hint in your notifications about this:

OPML subscriptions are available for all users. The only difference for Basic accounts is that files will be checked for updates once every 24 hours, while for Plus and Professional users, files will be checked every hour. There is of course an option for manual update.
You can find the new feature by going to Preferences -> OPML subscriptions.

Credits goes to our Power User Marjolein Hoekstra for her extensive testing and great ideas about this feature. She has prepared a write-up of her own, which you can find at RSS Reader InoReader to Support Dynamic OPML Subscriptions

As always this update contains a number of other changes too:

  • New dashboard gadget called New articles. With it, you can list recent articles from a chosen feed, folder, or all of your subscriptions. With the possibility to add many such gadgets, you can put your favorite feeds at the top of your dashboard.
  • Dashboard gadgets can now be collapsed.
  • Dashboard gadgets can now be deleted when dragging them to the top of the screen (a red area with a bin icon will appear). The X button is removed to help unclutter the screen.
  • Notifications also have sound now.

28 May 19:59

Everybody's Story

Everybody's Story

Submitted by: (via Jim Benton)

Tagged: Death , heaven , dinner , life , web comics
28 May 19:58


by Greg Ross

When Einstein was traveling to lecture in Spain,
He questioned a conductor again and again:
“It may be a while,”
He asked with a smile,
“But when does Madrid reach this train?”

28 May 19:20

Sergey Brin: I Shouldn't Have Worked on Google+ As I'm Not Very Social

by Jamie Condliffe

Sergey Brin: I Shouldn't Have Worked on Google+ As I'm Not Very Social

Sergey Brin had admitted that it was "probably a mistake" that he ever worked on Google+ because, in his own words, he's "not a very social person" and "kind of a weirdo."


28 May 18:30

seanbonner: #alwaysreblog Forever reblog



Forever reblog

28 May 18:20

When a Sneeze Comes on, Just Hope Nobody has a Camera

When a Sneeze Comes on, Just Hope Nobody has a Camera

Submitted by: (via Tastefully Offensive)

Tagged: derp , dogs , corgi , sneeze