Shared posts

16 Apr 22:37

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16 Apr 17:19

a little decorum

by kris


hope everyone is having a blast today! but amid all the partying and celebrating, take a little time to remember what really happening — a bunch of money leaving your account, forever

i’m back from PAX east, thanks for your patience — i wanted to devote time to getting a full three broodhollows up because it was getting the short end of my stick for a while. but i’m back and ready to get some work done, right after i finish my citizenly duty!

and i have even more good news! chainsawsuit podcast episode 50 was live at PAX this weekend, and the audio is amazing. it’s one of our very best shows we’ve ever done, please check it out!!

16 Apr 17:18

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16 Apr 17:18

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16 Apr 13:48

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16 Apr 13:04

Totally Looks Like / Separated At Birth | b52.png

16 Apr 13:04

Goodnight Sweet Prince | 0ea.jpg

16 Apr 13:04

Frozen | d50.gif

16 Apr 01:48

Mad Men | ae1.png

16 Apr 01:48

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15 Apr 17:52

Microsoft XP Bliss Wallpaper | e0a.jpg

15 Apr 14:09

Old Guitar Transformed into Elaborate Dollhouse

by EDW Lynch
Osias Jota

via Nylonthread

Guitar Dollhouse

Lorraine Robinson of Fairy Tale Miniatures transformed an old guitar into an elaborately detailed dollhouse. She explains how she created it in this 2013 blog post.

Guitar Dollhouse

Guitar Dollhouse

photos via Fairy Tale Miniatures

via Recyclart

15 Apr 13:44

Google | ede.png

15 Apr 13:41

Super-Homem: o entregador

Osias Jota

via Tadeu

14 Apr 21:52

Now You Know (Source)

Osias Jota

via Damiani.guilherme

a China é mais atrasada que o Brasil

14 Apr 21:50

Why Isn’t Pluto a Planet?

by Jolene Creighton
Image Credit: Minor Planet Center (MPC)

Image Credit:
Minor Planet Center (MPC)

A planet must meet a minimum size requirement in order to be classified as such. After all, that’s why Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet, right? Well, not exactly.

Pluto’s reclassification as a dwarf planet in 2006 was a source of much controversy. Pluto had been in the science books for years; millions of children grew up knowing it as the tiny ninth planet of our solar system. But, seemingly abruptly, the International Astronomical Union defined (or redefined) what it means to be a planet within our solar system. The verdict set forth on August 24th, 2006 was the end of a lengthy debate beginning in the late 1970s.

Some people were opposed to the new definition and some supported it, while a vast majority of people were impartial. The cause of much of the dismay for the people who supported Pluto’s status as a planet was the misconceived notion that Pluto was reclassified simply because it wasn’t large enough to make the cut. Mercury isn’t all that much larger than Pluto, so what’s the deal? Does the requirement just so happen to land right in the middle of Pluto and Mercury?

In reality, Pluto’s minute size had little to do with its reclassification. While there is a mass aspect to the IAU’s definition of a planet, Pluto fulfills it. According to the IAU, the three criterions that a celestial body must meet in order to be considered a planet are as follows:

1. The body must be in orbit of the sun.
2. The body must have sufficient mass to undertake hydrostatic equilibrium.
3. The body must have ‘cleared the neighborhood’ of its own orbit.

Pluto is, obviously, in orbit of the sun, and hydrostatic equilibrium means that the body assumes a nearly round shape, which Pluto does. Unfortunately for our icy friend, ‘clearing the neighborhood’ means that, in the final stages of planet formation, the body will have to become gravitationally dominant. This means that, besides its own satellites (and any other bodies under its gravitational influence), there are no celestial bodies that lie within the planet’s orbit. A large body that meets the other two criteria for classification as a planet, but has not cleared its neighborhood, is considered a ‘dwarf planet.’

Pluto is a part of a somewhat stable ring of objects located between 30 and 50 AU from the sun. This ring is known as the Kuiper belt. Pluto is the largest Kuiper belt object and shares many features with the comets. Unfortunately, because of its position in this band, Pluto shares its orbit with a number of other KBOs, disqualifying itself from classification as a planet. So while, yes, Pluto is incredibly small, that’s not why it lost its place as our ninth planet. Regardless, it still has a place in our solar system (and our hearts), making its way around the sun every 246 years. In fact, from its discovery in 1930 to its reclassification as a dwarf planet in 2006, Pluto made less than one-third of a revolution around the sun.

Poor Pluto.

14 Apr 21:50

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14 Apr 20:29

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14 Apr 20:29

friend and other zones

by kris


did you know there’s lots of ways to zone people? zones aren’t just for friends anymore.

according to behavioral research doctors, the human mind is “lousy with zones”

14 Apr 20:29

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14 Apr 20:29

April 11, 2014

14 Apr 20:29


14 Apr 17:53

Alternate Universe | f13.jpg

14 Apr 10:47

Frank Cho recria cena icônica dos quadrinhos

by Luis Alberto

Numa declaração no mínimo inusitada, o artista Frank Cho externou recentemente seu ódio ao Superman em seu blog pessoal, “Apes and Babes”. No diário pessoal do desenhista, ele postou uma comission rara em que faz uma releitura da clássica cena de “O Cavaleiro das Trevas” de Frank Miller, em que o Homem Morcego enfrenta o Homem de Aço nas ruas de Gotham.

“Um dia o impossível aconteceu. Eu estava entediado e tinha algum tempo livre e Hawaiian Dave me deu muito dinheiro, dizendo que eu poderia desenhar o que quisesse para ele, desde que no desenho tivesse Batman e Superman… Eu realmente odeio o Superman, então a única conclusão lógica era refazer a cena clássica da obra-prima de Frank Miller, onde o velho Batman sai da aposentadoria e espanca o Superman. E assim eu fiz.”

batman-superman-1 batman-superman-2

Segundo Cho, seu ódio é justificado pois o personagem é “chato e ingênuo demais”. Logo, acabou fazendo o desenho mais pela grande quantia em dinheiro, já que segundo ele, seu ódio pelo personagem é tamanho que “provavelmente será a última arte do Superman que fará”.

Uma posição meio radical do artista não acham? Aliás, essa é a posição de muitas pessoas que não acompanham os quadrinhos, afirmando que o Super é “bidimensional”, “chato”, “bonzinho demais”. E geralmente essas são as mesmas pessoas que afirmam que personagem “bom mesmo” é o Wolverine (que por sinal, é um dos personagens mais recorrentes nos trabalhos do artista). Admiro muito a arte do Frank Cho. Ele desenha como poucos, mas a afirmação acima mostra que ele entende bem menos de quadrinhos do que eu esperava…

Superman foi o primeiro super-herói dos quadrinhos e hoje é considerado um símbolo da cultura americana. O herói foi criado em 1938 pelos judeus Joe Shuster e Jerry Siegel, mas tem uma origem messiânica e cristã: Kal-El, o último filho do moribundo planeta Krypton, foi enviado à Terra por seu pai Jor-El para ser o único sobrevivente de seu povo. Na Terra ele foi criado por um maravilhoso casal de fazendeiros, Jonathan e Martha Kent, recebendo o nome de Clark Kent. Hoje um repórter renomado no Planeta Diário, ele também age como Superman graças aos incríveis poderes que possui sob a radiação do sol amarelo. Inspirador, o Superman é o maior símbolo heroico da DC Comics, dentro e fora do universo fictício.

14 Apr 03:34

This comment on a recent article about why young Americans don't Fight back against an authoritarian government, gave me chills. Very Inspirational comment.

Osias Jota

via Blizzardspaz923

14 Apr 03:32

‘Super Mario Bros.’ Video Game Levels Displayed Across Four Computer Monitors

by Rollin Bishop
Osias Jota

via Russian Sledges
via firehose

Super Mario Bros. on Four Computers

Twitter user @Morikuma_Works, whose profile says they are an engineer at a company in Japan, posted two images of the video game Super Mario Bros. displayed across four computer monitors. Specifically, @Morikuma_Works posted a picture of both the levels World 1-1 and World 1-2. It’s unclear whether these are simply wallpapers or the actual game hacked to run across four monitors.

Super Mario Bros. on Four Computers

images via @Morikuma_Works

via Kotaku

13 Apr 15:14

Mentirinhas #612

by Fábio Coala
Osias Jota

via Albener Pessoa

mentirinhas_603Gente que não cumpre com os compromissos.


O post Mentirinhas #612 apareceu primeiro em Mentirinhas.

12 Apr 19:45

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12 Apr 19:39

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12 Apr 14:09


by admin

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